id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
crl-16183	Cyzyk, Mark	Bill Cope, Mary Kalantzis, and Liam Magee. Towards a Semantic Web: Connecting Knowledge in Academic Research. Oxford, U.K.: Chandos Publishing, 2011. 525p. paperback, $110.00. (ISBN: 9781843346012). $110.00.	2011-09-01	3	.pdf	application/pdf	1857	82	51	Books are being written; books are being printed; books must be collected. Witness the healthy 34 percent increase in print book titles published 2002–2009, compiled by Bowker: www.bowker-	cache/crl-16183.pdf	txt/crl-16183.txt