id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16338 Berg, Selinda Adelle; Jacobs, Heidi LM; Cornwall, Dayna Academic Librarians and Research: A Study of Canadian Library Administrator Perspectives 2013-11-01 14 .pdf application/pdf 7504 288 37 Our study also confirms Fox’s 2007 finding that the “requirement for formal scholarship by Canadian research librarians appears to be a growing trend, and, yet, there are no commonly accepted norms for the appropriate balance between scholarship and other professional responsibilities.”27 Articulating formal requirements regard- ing research is clearly one area that needs work across Canada so that expectations for workload, promotion, and tenure are more transparent to all parties. The debate in the literature over fac- ulty status and research expectations for librarians is full of examples of obstacles that librarians face in the pursuit of scholarship. cache/crl-16338.pdf txt/crl-16338.txt