id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-16339 Bryan, Jacalyn E.; Karshmer, Elana Assessment in the One-Shot Session: Using Pre- and Post-tests to Measure Innovative Instructional Strategies among First-Year Students 2013-11-01 13 .pdf application/pdf 6936 237 47 First, we wanted to compare the overall level of library skills before and after receiving library instruction. After reviewing best practices in library instruction and considering the issues that prompted the redesign of the SLU 100 library session—namely session uniformity, inclusion of active learning experiences, and effective use of available librarian teaching faculty— we developed a model that incorporated the ACRL In- formation Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, the McREL instruc- tional strategies for effective teaching, and Gilchrist’s “assessment as learning” framework. cache/crl-16339.pdf txt/crl-16339.txt