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crl-25588	Schlesselman-Tarango, Gina; Becerra, Monideepa	The Critical Information Literacy Leadership Institute as Alternative to the One-Shot: Q & A with a Faculty Partner	2022-09-02	4	.pdf	application/pdf	2027	62	24	As a result, faculty not only learned key CIL concepts and implementation and evaluation strate- gies, but they also gained first-hand direct training from campus leadership on strategies to become CIL advocates themselves.4 846 College & Research Libraries September 2022 Why do you think it is important that faculty be the ones driving and delivering CIL content in their courses? 844 The Critical Information Literacy Leadership Institute as Alternative to the One-Shot: Q & A with a Faculty Partner Gina Schlesselman-Tarango and Monideepa Becerra* In spring 2021, the Pfau Library and Teaching Resource Center (TRC) at California State Uni- versity, San Bernardino developed a virtual Critical Information Literacy Leadership Institute, which was meant to introduce the foundations and pedagogical applications of critical infor- mation literacy (CIL) so departmental faculty could teach it and advocate for its integration across campus.	cache/crl-25588.pdf	txt/crl-25588.txt