College and Research Libraries The Role of the Junior College Library in Connection with Terminal Education I N T R O D U C T I O N By Wave L. Noggle, librarian, Virginia (Minn.) Junior College Library and chairman of the Junior College Libraries Section, A.C.R.L. T h e contribution of the junior college library in helping to w i n the w a r is directly dependent upon that w h i c h the junior college undertakes. Perhaps the greatest w a r t i m e adjustment in most junior colleges has been the addition of certain terminal courses. T h u s , instead of papers on such a subject as " w h a t the junior college library is doing to help w i n the w a r , " the broader subject of terminal courses has been chosen for this symposium. T h i s subject, of course, covers the w o r k done w i t h all terminal courses and, hence, includes an important phase of library w o r k in connection w i t h helping to w i n the w a r . Each of the f o l l o w i n g papers is presented f r o m a distinct point of v i e w — t h a t of a library i n : I. a large public coeducational junior college, 2. a large private junior college for girls, and 3. a small private junior college for men. It is believed that the three view- points as presented give a good picture of the w o r k done in junior college libraries in connection w i t h terminal courses. B y E D W I N N . H U G H E S Terminal Education and the Library at W o o d r o w Wilson Junior College Mr. Hughes is librarian, Woodrow Wilson Junior College, Chicago. WOODROW W I L S O N J U N I O R C O L L E G E is a large public coeducational junior college, one of three operated by the C h i c a g o Board of Education. It is a day school, w i t h no night or extension classes. T h e present enrolment is 1347. T h e college library is perhaps unique, in that it serves C h i c a g o T e a c h e r s ' C o l l e g e also, the latter a four-year, degree-granting 142 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES