College and Research Libraries Subject Headings for N a v a l Libraries Subject Heading List for Naval Research Libraries. 2d ed. Planning Division, Of- fice of Research and Inventions. Edited by Jerrold Orne and Grace Swift. [On cover: Executive Office of the Secretary. Navy Department, Washington] January 1946. v, 499p. (Photoprinted) According to the introduction, the headings in this list are "derived from the analysis of . . . research reports issued by the Navy, W a r Department, and the Office of Scientific Re- search and Development." Additional state- ments in the introduction are as follows: "It is not intended to be a complete list in any one field. . . . It . . . is probably the most complete available list . . . verified by spe- cialists, in the fields of Electronics, Explosives, Ordnance, Tropicalization, Aeronautics, Pho- tography, Metallurgy, Chemical Warfare, and other fields relating to naval science. . . . This is a specialized list. . . . For a general library this list would have to be used in conjunction with a more general list such as the Subject Headings Used in the . . . Cata- logs of the Library of Congress, 4th ed. T h i s edition . . . bears the stamp of authenticity by virtue of the painstaking efforts of many distinguished scientists." From the introduction also it appears that this list is to be the basic authority for the analytical cataloging of "an estimated 200,000 reports." The introduction uses the word "indexing" throughout, but it is clear the process meant is listing the entries on cards which are to be distributed to "each cooperat- ing agency." These agencies, presumably, will arrange the entries as in a dictionary catalog. The editors are to be praised for their venture, however tentative, in a field of tech- nological terminology restricted to new and rapidly changing inventions, processes, and concepts, in which arise problems more diffi- cult and baffling perhaps than any other confronting professional classifiers and cata- logers. The list contains approximately 7500 head- ings and reference entries; none of the head- ings are defined except occasional headings followed by limiting words enclosed in curves. The great majority of the headings are special to an extreme degree, although numerous terms found in the Library of Congress sub- ject heading list, 4th ed., are included. There are 193 subject headings beginning at the first entry under "Rocket" and running through "Rockets, Window," which is the last of the inverted entries beginning with the word "Rockets." This does not include 102 cross references to headings alphabeted elsewhere such as "Ballistics, Rocket," etc. Incidentally, the coordination of the various "Rocket" en- tries is better than any developed heading found elsewhere in the list. For the purpose of this evaluation, a test of the list was made under several subjects to determine the extent of coordination given to the numerous entries which were con- tributed by scientists and others. In this short search many headings were found en- tirely without coordination; many headings which should have been listed, if only to refer from, are entirely wanting. "Ordnance," one of the special fields, is not listed in the alphabet; its absence is conspicuous as it would carry references to its principal branches and to allied entries which are listed, such as "Artillery," "Bombs," "Fuses," "Guns," "Projectiles," etc. Numerous instances are found where synonymous or practically synonymous terms are used as headings without connecting cross references. The following headings and references dealing with the various kinds of radio interference, man-made, atmospheric, or due to functional defects of apparatus, are reproduced here from the list with all ac- companying cross references: A n t i - j a m m i n g . A t m o s p h e r e — D i s t u r b a n c e s . E l e c t r i c i t y , Static. H i g h - f r e q u e n c y noise see Sound, H i g h f r e - quency. H u m — S u p p r e s s i o n . I n t e r f e r e n c e see also J a m m i n g ; Noise. I n t e r f e r e n c e , R a d i o see R a d i o i n t e r f e r e n c e . J a m m i n g see also C o u n t e r m e a s u r e s . J a m m i n g , R a d i o f u z e . J a m m i n g transmitters. Noise see also S o u n d ; Sound-proofing. Noise, R a d i o see R a d i o i n t e r f e r e n c e . R a d a r — I n t e r f e r e n c e . R a d a r — J a m m i n g . R a d i o — A t m o s p h e r i c s . R a d i o — C o u n t e r m e a s u r e s . OCTOBER, 1946 363 R a d i o — I n t e r f e r e n c e see R a d i o i n t e r f e r e n c e . R a d i o — J a m m i n g . R a d i o — N o i s e s . R a d i o — S t a t i c see also A t m o s p h e r e — D i s t u r b - ances. R a d i o i n t e r f e r e n c e . R a d i o r e c e i v e r s — N o i s e s . Static. Static electricity see E l e c t r i c i t y . V a c u u m t u b e s — N o i s e s . T h e above, which is typical, is not itself complete but is complete enough to show how material may be scattered among several practically synonymous headings. It also shows strikingly that coordination of related headings has been very sparingly done. T h e reference from "Static electricity" to "Elec- tricity," which should be to "Electricity, Static," is one of numerous similar refer- ences to a general subject when a specific subject is intended. Other examples include cases where both the heading in use and the one referred from are general terms used in this list to cover a specific application or mean- ing. Cases in point are "Success see Proba- bility," "Chaff W i n d o w , " " W o r m s see also Gears." Another example showing failure to use cross references and the need for revising and defining terms is the following (headings and references are reproduced as listed) : L i g h t s , Pistol. L i g h t s , V e r y s i g n a l see F l a r e s , S i g n a l . Pistols, S i g n a l . Pistols, V e r y s i g n a l see Pistols, S i g n a l . S i g n a l pistols see Pistols, S i g n a l . [ " S i g n a l s , P i s t o l " does not s h o w . ] Signals, Pistol rocket. V e r y pistol see Pistols, S i g n a l . N o listing is found under " M a r i n e en- gines," although the headings "Engines, M a - rine" and "Ships—Engines" are used. Such cases are numerous. In some cases an abbreviation is used for an explosive or chemical; in other cases the full name is used, which results in listings such as: "Hexogen *** R D X , " but " H N D see Hexanitrodiphenylamine," etc. A " f o r - mula index" is given on page 489 "for use in the indexing of organic compounds," which recommends the use of chemical formulas for organic compounds and carries instructions for arranging them. Groups of letters used as headings or references to other headings are frequent, e.g., " A S W see Anti-submarine warfare," etc. These headings are printed without periods and are arranged as true words, without references from their alterna- tive positions. Incidentally, U E P is the pre- ferred heading for "Underwater electrical potential" but no reference from "Under- water electrical potential" is found among the 23 listings beginning with the compound word "Underwater." From the beginnings of language, semantic difficulties have plagued mankind, often con- fusing our most profound philosophers. C a t a - logers and classifiers of printed material have especially felt the need of limiting in some way the coverage of terms used professionally, catalogers doing so for the most part by referring in their subject catalogs to the term chosen for a particular concept or thing from all possible alternatives. In addition, many subject heading lists contain some definitions and "scope" entries. A l l the resources sug- gested by knowledge, skill, and experience are constantly called upon to avoid scattering material under various synonymous or prac- tically synonymous headings and to direct even the expert searcher to closely allied head- ings which he may have confused with the heading he is examining. If, in the compilation of a subject heading list, this is only partially done, the list is reduced proportionally to an alphabetized but indiscriminate mass of suggested terms. Terminology in technical fields, even in the older and long-established branches, is often confused even in the usage of experts. T h e writer of these observations has known more than one ordnance expert to call his masterly treatise on ordnance " A Text-book of G u n - nery" or " A Treatise on A r t i l l e r y ; " more than one has called his essay on ballistics, " A n Essay on Gunnery." "Navigation" has been used by many authorities when " C o m - merce" was meant, by others when "Shipping" would have been better, and still others have confused "Navigation" with "Seamanship." (Parenthetically, the list being reviewed con- tains the reference, "Avigation see N a v i g a - tion," the intent being to refer to " N a v i g a - tion, Aerial.") In the newer technical fields such as "Elec- tronics," etc., not only is the confusion multi- plied many times, but terms employed by the inventors of various devices are quickly re- 364 COLLEGE AND RESEARCLI LIBRARIES placed by different terms used for improved or altered types, alternative terms and nick- names spring up on every side literally by the dozen. Anyone attempting to compile an authoritative list of such terms for use by independent groups of indexers or catalogers must accept the necessity of very nearly com- plete coordination as a minimum requirement. The individual headings listed in the work under discussion are, beyond question, accept- able to the various individual scientists or agencies who contributed them, but as their contributions are in similar or related fields they duplicate and contradict each other in many instances. This list may become a basic authority in the fields covered after duplications under varying terms have been eliminated, closely related concepts connected with references, terminology as used in headings clarified by expansion, limitation, definition, or by refer- ence to a standard technical dictionary (at- tention being paid meanwhile to the commonly accepted meanings of the terms, especially the broader terms). As it stands, the list seems to be merely an alphabetization of headings and references submitted by various contribu- tors, with very little coordination. This is a great disappointment, as something authori- tative is needed in these fields. The Engineer- ing Index, Industrial Arts Index, Voigt's Subject Headings in Physics, and the L.C. Subject Headings for the Aeronautical Index ( 1 9 4 0 ) , all well done, remain our best sources of special headings, although they do not have the coverage in detail of the newer concepts which the list under review attempts. Even so limited, the list will be of value to the careful cataloger who understands its limitations and characteristics, and it may even become, eventually, the forerunner of an authoritative cataloging tool for libraries specializing intensively in the fields covered and a reference work of considerable value to catalogers in more general libraries.—James M. Saunders. T h e V a l u e of Library Surveys Report of a Survey of the University of South Carolina Library for the University of South Carolina, February-May 1946. By Louis R. Wilson and Maurice F. Tauber. Columbia, University of South Carolina, 1946. 134P. (Mimeographed) The criticism has been advanced that the literature of library surveys, relatively new as it is, has already fallen into a r u t ; that each new survey merely repeats the same old patterns; and that if you have read one, you have read all. There is some justification for this attitude since many of the institutions surveyed do have similar organization, simi- lar inadequacies, and therefore similar prob- lems, which in many instances call for similar recommendations regarding correction or im- provement. Another criticism which has been directed toward library surveys is that, in the final analysis, all of them resolve themselves into a plea (variously supported) for in- creased financial support. This criticism, also, is not without substance. It might, however, be a healthful under- taking for us to view critically these criti- cisms for a moment: Actually, the strongest proponents of the survey as a scientific study of a library situation have consistently pro- claimed it to be primarily an effective instru- ment for increasing support. And to quarrel with either the instruments of measurement or the basis of recommended correctives is to refute library economy, not library sur- veys; for the good survey will employ as much as is pertinent of library economy per se, and in its judicious choice and expert application of proper selections from total library science to a particular library situation a survey may be best evaluated. It is the survey re- view or criticism rather than the survey itself which has fallen into a rut. The individuality of a library survey is not readily apparent unless the reader is familiar with or interested in the library which has been surveyed. The reason for this is that the survey, being aimed at nonlibrarians for the most part, is of necessity a teaching and an implementing instrument as well as a measuring device. Much of its teaching must be quite elementary, resulting in a work which holds little interest for the librarian, unless the whole work should suddenly be brought OCTOBER, 1946 365