College and Research Libraries Studies in Progress Mr. Frarey is assistant librarian, Duke University Library. Miss Reed is librarian, Graduate Library School, University of Chi- cago. T HE FOLLOWING studies have been re-ported by librarians and library school directors. Although they have been reported to be in progress, some may have been com- pleted since the report was made. While no claim is made that all studies of interest to college and university librarians have been included, an effort has been made to list those which appear to be of wide appeal. Because of space limitations, bibliographic compila- tions, indexes to periodicals, checklists and im- print inventories have been omitted. ·Unless another degree or designation is specified the items are all masters' theses. General Administrative Problems Becker, Joseph. Preliminary Consideration in the Planning of a Documentation Center. (Catholic) Carhart, Forrest F., Jr. Study of Methods of Circulation Control in College and Re- search Libraries. ACRL Research Plan- ning Committee Study. Draper, Greta. A Study of the Catholic Uni- versity of America Library Handbindery. (Catholic) Harvey, John F. Statistical Methods for Librarians. Special Study. (Parsons Col- lege) Hodgson, James G. Cost of Interlibrary library Loans. Special Study. (Illinois) Personnel Harvey, John F. Mobility Among Library Administrators; an Analysis of Who's Who in Library Service. 1943 ed. Special Study. (Parsons College) Park, Wilmer R. A Comparison of the Li- brary Work and Academic Background of Student Assistants in Selected Departments of the University of Texas Library. (Texas) By CAR~YLE J. FRAREY and SARAH R. REED Selection and Acquisition of Printed Materials Elliott, Doris. University Presses in Uni- versity Library Exchange Programs: Prac- tices · in Thirty-Eight Institutions 'Whose Presses Are Members of the Association of American University Presses. (Kentucky) P'roblems of N onprint Materials Sears, Lawrence. Audio Materials in Col- lege and University Libraries; a Compara- tive Survey of Current Administrative Principles of Record Libraries in Six Major Colleges and Universities. (Catho- lic) Cataloging and Classification Cady, Lucille. Author Headings for the Official Publications of the State of Massa- chusetts. (Catholic) Dornberger, Betty. Author Headings for the Official Publications of the State of Texas (Part II). (Texas) Frarey, Carlyle]. History of Subject Analy- sis since 1850. D.L.S. (Columbia) Markham, H. Rowland. An Inquiry into the Environments of Ideas. Ph.D. (Chicago) Parks, Virginia B. Personal Contact between Cataloger and Reader in the Academic Li- brary. (Chicago) Smiley, Grace. Author Headings for the Official Publications of the District of Co- l urn bia. (Catholic) Vaught, Kathryn J. Author Headings for the Official Publications of the State of Texas (Part I). (Texas) Reference and Bibliography Bray, Robert. Current Periodical Biblio- graphical Services in Science and Tech- nol~gy Published in the United States. (Catholic) Brodman, Estelle. History of Medical Bib- liography. Ph.D. (Columbia) Damaso, Consuela. Outline of Philippine Printing from its Beginnings to the Pres- 362 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES ent with a Checklist of Philippine Im- prints. Ph.D. (Michigan) Kepler, John. Study of References in Politi- cal Science Journals. (Chicago) Linder, LeRoy H. History of the Develop- ment of Current National Bibliography. Ph.D. (Chicago) Payne, Kirby. An Analysis of the Docu- mentation of Geography Research to Deter- mine the Serial Publications Most Fre- quently Used. (Catholic) Schauber, Alice. An Analysis of the Docu- mentation of Physics Research to Deter- mine the Serial Publications Most Fre- quently Used. (Catholic) Towery, James G. Current Sources and Problems of Indexing Religious Periodical Literature in the United States. (George Peabody) Villalon Galdames, Alberto. Latin American Legal Bibliography. Ph.D. (Michigan) Use of the Library Brand, Charlotte. The Austin Public Li- brary and the University of Texas Student. (Texas) Evers, Madeline. An Investigation of Stu- dent Library Usage among the Recent Graduate Students of. the Catholic Univer- sity of America. (Catholic) Harvey, John F. Investigation of Use Re- ceived by Books Charged out from Aca- demic Libraries. Special Study. (Parsons College) Marquis, Mary C. A Study of the Teaching of Library Facilities to College Students. (George Peabody) Alston, Annie M. Materials Used in Re- search by Scholars in the Field of United States History. (Chicago) Brown, Catherine. The Reserve Book Col- lection in College and University Libraries. (Carnegie) Ho, Dorothy. A Survey of Farmington Plan Acquisition of French Books by Catholic University Library during 1948-49. (Cath- olic) Kennedy, Fenton. A Study of College and University Archives and Historical Collec- tions and Their Relationship. with College OCTOBER_, 1952 and University Library Administration. (Catholic) McGehee, Bonnie M . The Textbook and Curriculu.m Library. (Texas) Rawley, George R. The Public Services of College Libraries in Texas. (Texas) Stewart, Alberta. The Map Collection .in the College and University Library. (Car- negie) R eading Problems Gangwer, Catherine. Differences in the Quantity and Variety of Volunt ary Read- ing of Students at Georgia State College for Women as Related to Differences in Background. (Emory) Historical Studies Barbour, Madge. A History of tile Goucher College Library, 1885-1949. (Catholic) Bidlack, Russell E. The History of the U ni- versity of Michigan General Library, 1837- 1850. Ph.D. (Michigan) Irby, Margaret S. History of the University of New Mexico Press. (Texas) Kephart, John E. The Development of His Majesty's Stationery Office and the U. S. Government Printing Office; a Compara- tive Study. Ph.D. (Michigan) Owings, Vivian. A History of the Library of Morgan College, Baltimore, Md. (Catholic) V ann, Sarah K. Booksellers in the Literary Culture of the Atlantic Coastal Area dur- ing the 18th Century. Ph.D. (Chicago) Wagner, Lloyd. The History of the Lafay- ette College Library, 1832-1941. (Catha _. lie) Surveys Cain, Stith M. A Survey of the Libraries of Methodist Four-Year Colleges. Special Study. (Central College, Fayette, Mo.) Stokes, Katharine M. Adequacy of the Li- brary of Western Michigan College of Education, Kalamazoo, for a Fifth Year of Study in Education. Ph.D. (Michigan) Buildings Parham, Paul. A Study of Junior College Library Buildings. (Texas) 363