College and Research Libraries By C O N S T A N C E M . W I N C H E L L Reference Books of 1951-1952 Miss Winchell is reference librarian, Columbia University. Introduction A S I N P R E V I O U S articles in this series1 i i this survey is based on notes written by members of the Reference Staff of the Columbia University Libraries. Because of the expressed preference of some reference librarians for an annotated bibliography in- stead of a survey article, the form has been changed in this issue. T h e main purpose, however, remains the same, to list a selection of scholarly and foreign works which seem to have special importance for university libraries. Therefore, it is not a compre- hensive and well-balanced list, and with the exception of two titles, the sciences and technologies have again been omitted. Code numbers (such as N 2 5 ) have been used to refer to titles in the Guide to Reference Books,2 seventh edition. Bibliography Tremaine, Marie. A Bibliography of Cana- dian Imprints, i j 51-1800. Toronto, Uni- versity of T o r o n t o Press, 1952. 705p. A full record of what is known of the first fifty years of the provincial press. Books, magazines, pamphlets, newspapers, broadsides, and handbills are listed, in- cluding those actually issued and those known to have been projected. Full biblio- graphical information is given for each item and copies are located in Canadian, Ameri- can and foreign libraries. Good descriptive 1 College and Research Libraries, 13:30-36, 234-41, J a n . , J u l y , 1052. 2 Winchell, C. M. Guide to Reference Books, 7th ed. Chicago, A L A , 1 9 5 1 . notes make this a guide to the society and thought of the period. T h e r e is a section on printing offices and a good general index to the volume. Wing, Donald Godard. Short-Title Cata- logue of Books Printed in England, Scot- land, Ireland, W ales, and British America and of English Books Printed in Other Countries, 1641-IJOO. New York, Printed for the Index Society by Columbia University Press, 1951. v. 3, 5 2 i p . For v. 1-2 see Guide, A302. T h e last volume of this important set. Index Bibliographicus: Directory of Current Periodical Abstracts and Bibliographies; repertoire des revues courantes de biblio- graphies analytiques et signaletiques. Compiled by Theodore Besterman. T h e Hague, U N E S C O , 1952- . v. 1. Science and Technology. 52p. 1st ed., Geneva, 1925; 2nd ed., Berlin, 1931. (A16) T h i s third edition continues the earlier work but presents in completely revised form bibliographies and abstract journals arranged by the Universal Decimal Classi- fication. T h e first volume covers Science and Technology, the second is to cover the social sciences, education, and humanistic studies. Indication is given of language of abstracts, comprehensive or select coverage, annual number of entries, address of pub- lisher, etc. T h e r e are subject indexes in English and French and a title index. Periodicals and Newspapers U . S. Library of Congress. Serial Titles Newly Received, 1951- . Washington, 72 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Library of Congress, Card Division, 1952- . Annual vol. $16.50; Monthly issues and annual vol. $25.00. Published monthly, cumulating annually, this is the annual cumulation of the monthly issues published during 1951. Form of entry in this volume differs from standard A L A cataloging rules, but in the 1952 issues entry follows A L A rules. Includes titles of serials not previously recorded in the Library of Congress serial record, but ex- cludes newspapers, comic books, telephone books, and trade catalogs. U . S. Library of Congress. Reference De- partment. Serial Publications of the Soviet Union, 1939-1951. A Prelimi- nary Checklist. Washington, 1951. 3 i 6 p . $1.50. Special supplement to Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Titles are transliterated and there is a subject index in English. U. S. Library of Congress. Slavic Division. Preliminary Checklist of Russian, Ukran- ian, and Belorussian Newspapers Pub- lished since January I, 1917, within the Present Boundaries of the USSR and Preserved in United States Libraries. ( A working paper) compiled by Paul L. Horecky. Washington, 1952. 97p. Based mainly on the collections in the Library of Congress, with some added loca- tions for newspapers in other libraries in the United States, although coverage is not com- plete. It is hoped that more extensive holdings can be included in a final edition. Arranged alphabetically by place of pub- lication giving for each title, issuing body, frequency, and date of establishment, and changes in location, title, frequency or is- suing body. Libraries American School Library Directory; a Geo- graphical List of School Libraries with Statistical Data. N.Y., R. R. Bowker Co., 1952- . Loose-Leaf $15.00. P t . 1, Southern States. i68p. T o be issued in four parts. T h e first, covering the twelve southern states, lists 6969 school libraries including public high schools, junior high schools and elementary schools and private and parochial schools. Arranged by state and then alphabetically by city. For each school attempts to give name, mailing address, with data on grades, enrollment, number of volumes in the li- brary and the annual library book budget, including both state and local funds. Gen- eral information about the school library system of each state is given at the begin- ning of each state list. Names and ad- dresses are given for state, county, and city library supervisors but not for school librar- ians. Government Documents Moor, Carol Carter and Chamberlin, Waldo. How to Use United Nations Documents. New York, New York Uni- versity Press, 1952. 26p. $1.50. ( N e w York University Libraries. Occasional Paper, No. 1.) A manual prepared primarily for use with a complete collection of United Nations documents, including all unrestricted mim- eographed, processed, and printed material. In four parts: P t . I, a discussion of the methods and problems of research; P t . I I , a commentary on and lists of the five basic tools and guides; Pt. I l l , a list of tools and guides by the organs of the United Nations; P t . IV, a selected subject guide based on the seventeen subject categories used in the United Nations Sales Number series. Should be useful in any library collecting United Nations documents. Zinn, Charles J . How Our Laws Are Made. [St. Paul, M i n n . ] W e s t Pub. JANUARY, 1953 73 Co. and Edward Thompson Co., 1952. 4 ° P - Reprinted from U.S. Code Congressional and Administrative Service. An excellent brief description of the federal legislative process, including a dis- cussion of bills and resolutions, their intro- duction to the House and reference to Com- mittee, hearings, reported bills, calendars, consideration by the House, Senate action, presidential action, publication as slip laws, statutes at large, U.S. Code, etc. Should be useful to librarians and to students who must trace legislation through the Congress. Religion Garnot, Jean Sainte Fare. Religions egyptiennes antiques; bibliographie ana- lytique (1939-1943). Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1952. 277p. A republication of a series of articles on Egyptian religions which appeared in the Revue de I'histoire des religions from 1944- 1950, now arranged by subject in one vol- ume, thus presenting a survey of Egyptian religions accompanied by critical references. T h e lack of an index will detract from its value as a reference work. Dictionaries Ostermann, Georg F. Manual of Foreign Languages for the Use of Librarians, Bibliographers, Research Workers, Edi- tors, Translators, and Printers. 4th ed., rev. and enl. New York, Central Book Co., 1 9 5 2 . 4 1 4 P . 3rd ed. 1936, pub. by T h e Government Printing Office. "All portions of the third edition not requiring change have been reproduced in this new edition by the photographic proc- ess. Corrections and minor additions have been 'stripped in,' and all new material, set in type for the first time, is presented in a format approximating as closely as possible that used in the third and prior edition." Pref. Some languages have undergone extensive revision, and Estonian has been added. Pattermann, Wilhelm. Deutsch-englisches Worter- und Phrasenbuch, mit Beriick- sichtigung des amerikanischen Englisch. Wien, Alexa-Verlag, 1949-1952. 2v. Lists up-to-date English and American equivalents of German words and expres- sions, under key-word, placing emphasis on the shade of meaning implied by use in a particular context. Does not list all possible translations of individual words nor give etymologies. Spalding, Keith. An Historical Dictionary of German Figurative Usage. Oxford, Blackwell, 1952- . Fasc. 1, A-Anfiihlen. Records figurative expressions, proverbs, quotations, and other established phrases appearing in German literature since ap- proximately 1 7 5 0 ; annotations illustrating use and change of meaning are often drawn from sources which precede this date. Eng- lish translations for each entry are equiva- lent, not literal. A complete list of sources is planned for the conclusion of the work. Science Sarton, George. H o r u s : A Guide to the History of Science; A First Guide for the Study of the History of Science with Introductory Essays on Science and Tra- dition. W a l t h a m , Mass., Chronica B o t a n i c a C o . , 1 9 5 2 . 3 i 6 p . $ 7 . 5 0 . T h e first section is composed of three lectures on the history of science and the second section is a bibliographical summary prepared as a guide to students of the history of science. P a r t 2 is divided into four main sections each subdivided: History, Science, 74 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES History of Science, Organization of the Study and Teaching of the History of Science. World List of Scientific Periodicals Pub- lished in the Years 1900-1950. 3rd ed. N e w York, Academic Press, 1952. 1 0 5 8 P . $ 3 7 - 0 0 . 1st ed., 1925-27; 2nd ed., 1934 ( N 2 5 ) . Like the earlier editions, this third edition is a finding list of titles in the sciences, indicating holdings in British libraries. N e w features are the inclusion of data on titles not held by any library in the United Kingdom, and an English index to subject- words of International Congresses. Society and subject indexes have again been omitted for financial reasons. Art and Architecture American Art Directory, ed. by Dorothy B. Gilbert. New York, Bowker, 1952. (American Federation of A r t s ) . 373p. $ I 7 - 5 0 . Formerly appeared as the American Art Annual ( Q 2 6 ) , which included Who's Who in American Art ( Q 5 9 ) (now pub- lished separately). T o appear triennially. Lists museums, art organizations, univer- sities and colleges having art departments, art schools and classes, in the United States, Canada and Latin America. Also lists art magazines, newspapers carrying art notes, museum publications, traveling exhibitions available, etc. T h e index includes subject references to museum collections. Saylor, Henry Hodgman. Dictionary of Architecture. N e w York, Wiley, 1952. 221 p. il. $4.50. Gives concise definitions of terms used in the practice and historical reading of architecture. Pronunciation is indicated by phonetic spelling. Music Clough, Francis F. and Cuming, G. J . The World's Encyclopaedia of Recorded Music. London, Sidgwick and Jackson ; New York, London Gramophone Corp., 1952. 89OP. $17.50. Based on Darrell's 1936 Gramophone Shop Encyclopedia of Recorded Music ( Q 315). A comprehensive listing of all elec- trically-recorded music of worth-while in- terest to J u n e 1951, and of pre-electrical recordings of unique value. Information is detailed and the arrangement convenient. W i l l be indispensable in any collection in- terested in recorded music. Listings of recordings from April 1950- M a y / J u n e 1951 are given in the First Sup- plement, p. 725-860. Darrell, Robert Donaldson. Schir?ner's Guide to Books on Music and Musicians; a Practical Bibliography. New York, Schirmer, 1951. 402p. $6.00. An annotated guide to currently available books on music and musicians, omitting collections of music itself. Arranged alpha- betically in dictionary form with many cross-references. T h e main alphabet lists books in English only, but there are ap- pendices giving selected lists of books in French, German, Spanish, Italian and Lat- in. Does not usually include out-of-print books except in annotations. Full biblio- graphical information is given under sub- ject with cross-reference from author. Theater Granville, W i l f r e d . The Theater Diction- ary: British and American Terms in the Drama, Opera, and Ballet. New York, Philosophical Library, [1952] 227p. $5.00. This dictionary of technical, colloquial, and slang speech of the twentieth century JANUARY, 1953 75 stage lists in one alphabet, general, British, and American terms, but is done mainly from the British point of view. American synonyms are frequently given under British terms with no main entries or cross-refer- ences: thus, "bouncer" is not in its alpha- betical place but under "chucker out," and "Annie Oakley" as a free ticket is under "brief." Although this arrangement will detract from the book's general usefulness in American libraries, information not easily available elsewhere will be found here about some unusual words and phrases. Literature Adams, Franklin Pierce. F P A Book of Quotations: A New Collection of Fa- mous Sayings, Reflecting the Wisdom and Wit of Times Past and Present and In- cluding the Virtuous, Humorous, and Philosophic Commentary on Life by Men and Women of Every Age together with Riches from the Profound Wells of the Bible, Proverbs, and Anonymity. New York, Funk and Wagnalls, 1952. 914P. $ 5 - 9 5 . A new general collection including more than 15,000 quotations grouped under top- ics, and under topic arranged alphabetically by author. T h e r e is an index of topics with cross-references and an index of authors, but no word-index. T h e selection is broad with quotations from well-known sources as well as from less-known writers, with a fair number from modern writers and speakers. In some cases references to sources are given in full and in others, reference is to author and title or author only. Dates of birth and death are given for authors. Hamilton, Robert M . Canadian Quota- tions and Phrases, Literary and Histori- cal, with an Introduction by Bruce Hutchison. Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, 1952. 272p. A collection of quotations and phrases from Canadian authors and from non- Canadians on subjects distinctly Canadian. Arranged by topic with author index. Ref- erence is usually, but not always, to exact source. Halliday, Frank Ernest. A Shakespeare Companion, 1550-1950. N e w York, Funk and Wagnalls, 1952. 742p. il. $8.50. Bibliography, p. 720-742. Varied aspects of Shakespeareana are treated in this alphabetically-arranged hand- book, including primarily Shakespeare's life, his friends and contemporaries; his works; the Elizabethan-Jacobean theater, drama- tists and theatrical companies; and the his- tory of Shakespeare's work on the stage, his printers and publishers, players, editors, scholars and critics, etc. A selected bibliog- raphy and a group of illustrations intended to form a pictorial summary follow. Dictionnaire des lettres francaises, publie sous la direction de Monseigneur Georges Grente. Paris, Artheme Fayard, 1951- Le seizieme siecle. 7i8p. T h i s is the first complete volume to appear of this scholarly dictionary of French literature, although two fascicles, one for the Middle Ages and one for the seventeenth century, were published before the war. No longer to be issued in fascicles, future volumes will cover from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century, and the set will be complete in six volumes. Alphabetically arranged, the dictionary includes articles varying from a few lines to several pages, on persons, academies, uni- versities and literary subjects. Articles are signed and include extensive bibliographies of the works of authors, and of materials to consult about persons or subjects. Topete, Jose Manuel. A Working Bibliog- 76 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES raphy of Latin American Literature, published by W a l t e r B. Fraser, Chairman of the Inter-American Center of Florida, in cooperation with the Inter-American Bibliographical and Library Association and the School of Inter-American Stud- ies, University of Florida. St. Augustin, Florida, 1952. i62p. (Inter-American Bibliographical and Library Association. Ser. 1, v. 12). A useful guide arranged by country list- ing: histories of literature, anthologies, bib- liographies, criticisms, translations, etc. Au- thor index. Biography Who Was Who, 1941-1950; a Companion to Who's Who Containing the Biogra- phies of Those Who Died During the Decade 1941-1950. London, A. and C. Black, 1952. i277p. T h e fourth volume in this series. For earlier issues see Guide Si30. Who's Who in the South and Southwest; a Biographical Dictionary of Notezvorthy Men and Women of the Southern and Southwestern States. Chicago, A. N . Marquis, 1952. 85ip. One of the series of Marquis's sectional Who's Whos. T h i s covers Alabama, Arkan- sas, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Caro- lina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. Who's Who in Switzerland, Including the Principality of Lichtenstein, 1950/51. Edited by H . and E. Girsberger. Zurich, Central European Times, 1952. 7 5 2 P - $12.50. (Distributed by Stechert-Haf- n e r ) . A new Swiss biographical dictionary pub- lished in English, which includes about 3300 sketches of Swiss nationals at home and abroad, and foreigners residing in Swit- zerland. Added features are an extensive classified list of organizations, associations, and institutions with separate word indexes in three languages, English, French, and G e r m a n ; a list of European abbreviations; and an index of Swiss terms. Osterreicher der Gegenwart; Lexikon schopferischer und schaffender Zeitgenos- sen. Wien, Osterreichische Staatsdruck- erei, 1951. 419P. Bio-bibliographical data is given on about 2650 outstanding living Austrians, the term Austrian being understood to include per- sons born in Austria and those born in the old monarchy and now living and working in Austria; foreigners are included only if they have become Austrian citizens or are active within the country. M a n y schol- ars in academic fields, who can be found in Kiirschners Deutscher Gelehrten-Kalen- der, have been omitted but may be included in later editions. T h e r e is a listing of persons who died while the work was in process, an index by profession or field, and a list by key-number of periodicals referred to in the bibliogra- phies. Coppe, Paul and Pirsoul, Leon. Diction- naire bio-bibliographique des litterateurs d' expression wallonne, 1622 a 1950. Gembloux, Duculot, [1951] 4I5P- T h i s bio-bibliographical dictionary in- cludes 1325 sketches and lists some 25,000 titles of works in the Walloon dialect. T h e sketch of each author indicates the place and date of birth and death, pseudo- nym, if any, profession, a concise, critical note on the value of his contribution and the titles of his works. Bibliographical infor- mation is brief, usually consisting of title and date (in some cases the dates are omitted). JANUARY, 1953 77 History Billington, Ray Allen. Guides to Ameri- can History Manuscript Collections in Libraries of the United States. New York, Peter Smith, 1952. p.467-496. (Repr. from Mississippi Valley Historical Review, v.38, N0.3, Dec. 1952). A listing of guides to manuscript collec- tions in federal depositories, university and public libraries, historical societies, and pri- vate libraries which are open to the public. In two parts: ( 1 ) Federal Depositories, in- cluding the National Archives and the Li- brary of Congress; ( 2 ) States arranged ( a ) union guides which list collections in a wide number of depositories and (b) guides to single depositories. Published to aid historians until the union catalog of manuscript collections projected by the American historical Association is completed. Koray, Enver. Tiirkiye tarih yayinlari bibliyografyasi, 1729-1950. Ankara, Milli Egitim Basimevi, 1952. 548p. A bibliography of Turkish historical writings listing more than 4000 items and divided into two main sections, 1729-1928 and 1928-1950, according to the alphabet used. Each of the two parts lists, first, general works, collections, encyclopaedias, etc., followed by books on the history of individual countries, and then works in related fields such as archaeology, biography, and ethnology. Information given for each item is very brief, and there are no annota- tions. T h e index includes titles as well as authors. Saba, Mohsen. Bibliographie franqaise de I'lran. Bibliographie methodique et raisonnee des onvrages franqais parus de- puis 1560 jusqu'a nos jours. 2. ed. rev. et augm. T e h r a n , 1951. 297p. 1. ed. 1936. Covers books and periodical articles in all fields. Svenska Arkeologiska Samfundet. Swedish Archaeological Bibliography, 1939-1948. ed. by Sverker Janson and Olof Vessberg. Uppsala, Almqvist & Wiksells boktryck- eri, 1951. 36op. 25 Sw. Cr. A survey in English of Swedish archaeo- logical literature for a ten-year period. It is the intention of the Society to continue the bibliography, possibly for five-year periods. Weber, Shirley Howard, comp. Voyages and Travels in the Near East Made During the XIX Century; Being a Part of a Larger Catalogue of Works on Geography, Cartography, Voyages, and Travels, in the Gennadius Library in Athens. Princeton, T h e American School of Classical Studies at Athens. 1952. 252p. T h e Gennadius Library in Athens is a rich and unique collection of over 55,000 books, pictures and maps relating to Greece, the Balkans, and the Near East from me- dieval to modern times. T h i s first part of the catalog of the Library to be published contains 1206 annotated titles, representing only a portion of the material on geography and travel in the Library. T h e titles are entered by date of publication; a general index and a name index of travelers and authors are given at the end of the volume. Wjacstawk, Jakub. Serbska bibliografija, 2. rozmnozeny a wuporjedzany naklad; Sorbische (Wendische) Bibliographie, 2. erw. und verb. Aufl. Jacob Jatzwauk. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1952. 500p. (Berichte iiber die Verhandlungen der Sachsischen Akademie der Wissenschaf- ten zu Leipzig. Phil.-Hist. Kl. Bd. 98, H f t . 3) 1st ed. 1929. A much enlarged edition of a classified bibliography listing all books and articles in periodicals and newspapers published in the Lusatian (Wendish) language, and all books and articles concerning Lusatia. 78 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES