College and Research Libraries By C O N S T A N C E M . W I N C H E L L Selected Reference Books of 1955-1956 I N T R O D U C T I O N LI K E T H E P R E C E D I N G A R T I C L E S in this semiannual series1 this survey is based o n notes written by members of the staff of the C o l u m b i a University Li- braries. Notes written by assistants are signed with initials.2 As the purpose of the list is to present a selection of recent scholarly and foreign works of interest to reference workers in university libraries, it does not pretend to be either well-balanced or comprehen- sive. C o d e numbers (such as A l l and 1A26) have been used to refer to titles in the Guide3 and its first Supplement. B I B L I O G R A P H Y Bibliographical Services Throughout the World; A n n u a l Reports l s t / 2 d - . 1951/53- . [Paris] U N E S C O , 1955- . (Reports l s t / 2 d issued as U N E S C O Bibliographical H a n d b o o k s . 4. $2.75.) Compiled by: Reports 1/2, L. N. Malcl£s; Report 3, R. L. Collison. Based on information supplied by leading library authorities throughout the world, these reports, the first two of which have been issued in a basic volume, have been compiled in accordance with the recommendations of the International Advisory Committee on Bibliography and are intended "to present an account of bibliographical activities in vari- ous countries." Although information is un- even, the following material is usually in- cluded for individual countries: national 1 COLLEGE A N D F E S E A R C H L I B R A R I E S , J a n u a r y a n d J u l y issues, starting January, 1952. 2 Reference: Eleanor Buist, Eileen Grady, Kenneth Lohf, Suzanne Szasz, Eugene Sheehy, John Neal Wad- dell; Engineering: Russell Shank; Fine Arts: Mary Chamberlin; Medical: Erich Meyerhoff. 3 Constance M. Winchell, Guide to Reference Books (7th ed.; Chicago: A L A , 1951); Supplement (Chicago: A L A , 1954). Miss Winchell is reference librarian, Columbia University. bibliographical commissions, library coopera- tion, national bibliographies, periodical in- dexes, current bibliographies of special sub- jects and types of materials, training in bib- liography, bibliographical desiderata, and principal bibliographical publications. In addition, the second report has a considerable section devoted to the bibliographical activi- ties of international organizations; and the third report, a special study of the current national records of maps. The third report is issued in mimeographed form as an interim annual report. It is planned to issue such in- terim reports annually with five-year cumu- lations.—K.L. Bibliographical Society of America. Bib- liography of American Literature, comp. by Jacob Blanck. N e w Haven, Yale University Press, 1955- . v . l - . $15 per vol. Contents: v.l, Henry Adams-Donn Byrne. A selective bibliography of American au- thors, which, when completed, will include the works published in book form of approx- imately 300 writers from the beginning of the Federal period up to and including per- sons who died before the end of 1930. Au- thors whose writings do not have literary in- terest or are not of the character of belles lettres are excluded. Material for each author is arranged chron- ologically and includes: (1) first editions of books and pamphlets, and any other book containing the first appearance of any work; (2) reprints containing textual or other changes; (3) a selected list of biographical, bibliographical and critical works. Periodical and newspaper publications, later editions, translations and volumes containing isolated correspondence are not included. Location is indicated only for those copies examined. —K.L. E N C Y C L O P E D I A S Enciklopedija Jugoslavije. [Miroslav Krleza, editor-in-chief] Zagreb, Leksi- 334 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES kografski Zavod, 1955- . v . l - . il. A p p r o x . $14 per vol. Contents: v.l, A—Boskovec. The first volume of a new encyclopedia in Serbo-Croatian. Its focus is national, dealing with the history and culture of the peoples of present-day Yugoslavia, with a consider- able amount of biography. Most articles are signed and contain bibliographical notes on the literature of the subject in the native languages. The encyclopedia is printed in Latin characters, but books in Cyrillic are listed in Cyrillic characters in the bibliogra- phies.—E.B. P E R I O D I C A L S British Union-Catalogue of Periodicals. Ed. by James D. Stewart with Muriel E. H a m m o n d and Erwin Saenger. New York, A c a d e m i c Press; L o n d o n Butterworth, 1955- . v.l- . $32.20 per vol.; to subscribers $26.60. Contents: v.l, A - C . 691 p. This is a union list of "periodicals of the world from the seventeenth century to the present day (in whatever language and on whatever subject) represented permanently in British libraries." All types of periodicals are included except the following: newspa- pers first published after 1799, periodicals not printed from type, annual reports of a purely administrative nature, and local di- rectories, guides and handbooks. There is to be information on over 140,000 titles con- tained in 440 libraries, and, although all lo- cations for an individual title are not nec- essarily listed, emphasis in most cases has been given to a library's special, rather than general, periodical material. T o be com- pleted in four volumes.—K.L. L I B R A R I E S American Library Annual for 1955/ 1956- . Ed. by Wyllis Eaton W r i g h t . . . and the editorial staff of the R . R . Bowker company. New York, R . R . Bowker, 1955- . (165p. $5.) The first of a new series, which bears little resemblance to the volumes which appeared 1911-12 to 1917-18. Part One is a directory of library associations, their officers, commit- tee members, joint committees, and an "ac- tivities index" (organizations listed by inter- est or activity). Part Two is a collection of library statistics (circulation, expenditures, grants, etc.), book trade statistics, and a col- lection of miscellaneous items including a list of professional periodicals, a brief "hall of fame," literary awards and their winners, and a classified buying guide for library sup- plies.—E.G. R E L I G I O N Deen, Edith. All of the Women of the Bible. N e w York, Harper, 1955. 410p. $4.95. A highly readable collection of biographi- cal sketches of all women, whether named or unnamed, mentioned in the Bible. The most prominent figures are covered in longer es- says in Section I, while Section II is an alpha- betical listing of all named women, with cross references to Section I wherever appli- cable. Section III is composed of chronologi- cal listings of nameless women grouped un- der the following headings: daughters, wives, mothers, widows, and other unnamed women. Complete Biblical references are given in all cases.—K.L. Diehl, Katharine Smith. Religions, My- thologies, Folklores: An Annotated Bibliography. New Brunswick, N.J., Scarecrow Press, 1956. 315p. $6.50. A bibliography intended to serve as an "in- troduction to the literature of faith and prac- tice in all cultures," including literary and historical guides, various scriptures and com- mentaries, records of institutional accom- plishment, and some biographies. Almost all works cited were published later than 1900, and with few exceptions are written in Eng- lish. Although the preface states that "com- plete coverage in theological and sacred stud- ies is not pretended," the emphasis is ob- viously on religion, and folklore and mythol- ogy are largely neglected. The material is divided into three main sections, each cover- ing a religious group or period, and a fourth section consists of a list of related journals. An author and title index is included, and brief annotations are provided in most cases. —E.G. Karrenberg, Friedrich. Evangelisches So- ziallexikon; im Auftrag des Deutschen JULY, 1956 335 Evangelischen Kirchentages. Stuttgart, Kreuz-Verlag [1954] 1175p. D M 3 8 . Although intended for the Protestant lay- man as a compact work of reference on cur- rent social questions, the compilers, a group of 160 German Protestant social scientists, attempt to trace the historical development of each question, presenting Catholic and secular, as well as Protestant viewpoints. Topics covered include, in addition to so- ciology and social work, the social aspects of biology, economics, law, medicine, etc. The articles, although compact, are fairly exhaust- ive with up-to-date bibliographies.—S.S. The Mennonite Encyclopedia; a Com- prehensive Reference Work on the Anabaptist-Mennonite Movement. Scottdale, Pa., M e n n o n i t e Publishing House, 1955- . v . l - . il. $10 per vol. Contents: v.l, A - C . 749p. T o be in four volumes, this new encyclo- pedia is designed to treat "historical and con- temporary topics relating to the Anabaptist- Mennonite movement from the beginning in the early sixteenth century to the present time."—Preface. It covers the theology, eth- ics, history and biography of the movement with special emphasis on existing and extinct congregations, organizations and institutions in all countries, including Russia, Prussia and Poland where organized Mennonitism is now apparently extinct. Articles vary in length from a few lines to several columns, are signed and include bibliographies. Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Re- ligious Knowledge. Lefferts A . Loets- cher, editor-in-chief. Grand Rapids, Mich., Baker B o o k House, 1955. 2v. $13.50. The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia (Guide K8) has been a standard authoritative work for several generations and is now being brought up to date by these two supplemen- tary volumes which cover the twentieth cen- tury. Newly written by a large number of scholars, these volumes include: (1) many biographical sketches of persons both living and dead, (2) articles on old subjects in which there have been new developments, (3) articles on new subjects. There are bib- liographies at the ends of many articles, and while citations are largely to works in Eng- lish, some titles in other languages are also included. Articles are signed. These volumes will be needed by all libraries which own the original set but can be used independently by others who are interested in twentieth- century religious history and development. Vollmar, Edward R . The Catholic Church in America; an Historical Bib- liography. N e w Brunswick, N.J., Scare- crow Press, 1956. 354p. $7.50. Covering the period 1850-1950, the work lists nearly 4,500 books and periodical articles on the history of the Catholic church in the United States. Arrangement is by main entry in a single alphabetical listing, with a subject index. While the bibliography is admittedly selective, "the tendency was to include, rather than exclude, items of limited value." Users of the work are referred to the Index to Catholic Pamphlets for pamphlet mate- rials, and a separate bibliography is planned for dissertations and masters' essays. For ma- terials published since 1950, a bibliography of writings on church history appears an- nually in the May issue of the Historical Bul- letin.—E.S. F O L K L O R E Erich, Oswald A d o l f . Worterbuch der deutschen Volkskunde, begriindet v o n Oswald A . Erich u n d R i c h a r d Beitl. 2.Aufl. neu bearb. v o n R i c h a r d Beitl. Stuttgart, A . Kroner [cl955] 919p. il., maps. (Kroners Taschenausgabe, Bd. 127) D M 17.50. The 1936 edition, to which a number of Berlin folklore specialists contributed, was scorned by at least one Nazi critic for being too learned and for including too many for- eign terms (Zeitschriftfur deutsche Philologie, v.62, 1937). A co-author of the first edition has revised and expanded it, presenting a reference tool useful to anyone working in folklore or related fields. The work continues to be in dictionary form with numerous cross references. Articles are unsigned but specific acknowledgments are made in the introduc- tion. The longer articles contain extensive bibliographies. Latin characters in place of Fraktur used in the first edition improve 336 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES legibility but the space-saving typography is still dense and difficult.—E.B. Snell, Bruno. Lexikon des friihgriechisch- en Epos, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Thesaurus Linguae Graecae und mit Unterstiitzung der UNESCO und der Joachim-Jungius-Gesellschaft, Ham- burg. Gottingen, Vandenhoeck 8c Ru- precht, 1955- . Lfg. 1- . D M 24. This dictionary is the first part of the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae to be published. Although similar in its general intention to the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (Guide M340), the Greek Thesaurus will be pub- lished in a different form. A series of diction- aries, each covering a different literary pe- riod, will form the complete set. This first dictionary, presumably to be completed in 25 fascicles, will list every word which occurs in the text of each of the early Greek authors up to the time but not including the works of Antimachos.—S.S. Thompson, Stith. Motif-Index of Folk- Literature. Bloomington, Ind., Indiana University Press [1955- ] v.l- . $81 the set. The first volume of the new edition of the standard work in the field (Guide K269), this seems more of an expansion than a re- vision; i.e., the classified arrangement and the topical headings follow closely the plan of the original of 20 years ago, with the addi- tion of references from a large number of new sources. Except by the specialist, fullest use of the material can be made only through the index volume, yet to appear. Spot-check- ing of sample categories and examination of the basic bibliography substantiate the state- ment that inclusion of new materials "about doubles the size and scope of the original." —J.N.W. S O C I A L SCIENCES Asian Recorder. New Delhi, P. S. San- daran, 1955- . Weekly, v.l- . Janu- ary 1955. Yearly subscription £6.10s. Patterned after Keesing's and Facts on File, this loose-leaf service is subtitled "a weekly digest of outstanding Asian events with in- dex." Arrangement is alphabetical by name of Asian countries with added sections for "Asia outside Asia," and sport. Under the country headings topics appear in boldface and are designated A, B, C, etc., for index reference. Where numerous topics are treated, a "summary" of topic headings fol- lows the country entry. Quotations from Asian newspapers are frequently included but only the name of the paper, not page or date, is cited. Indices are issued quarterly, the fourth index being cumulative. A three-year cumulative index is also promised.—E.S. Gulick, Charles Adams. History and Theories of Working-Class Move- ments; a Select Bibliography, comp. by Charles A. Gulick, Roy A. Ockert and Raymond J. Wallace. Berkeley, Calif., Published jointly by the Bureau of Business and Economic Research and Institute of Industrial Relations, Uni- versity of California, 1955. 364p. $4.50. The contents of 180 journals and maga- zines from 1800 to date have been indexed to furnish the several thousand items of this bibliography. Arrangement is first by coun- try, then classified by topic and subtopic, with focus on the relationship of the topic "to the organized activities of working people." Only articles in English are included, and although there is some coverage for the U.S., most at- tention is paid to British and other foreign movements. There are no indexes.—J.N.W. Hauser, Philip Morris and Leonard, Wil- liam Ramsdell. Government Statistics for Business Use. 2d ed. New York, Wiley, 1956. 440p. diagrs. (Wiley Pub- lications in Statistics) $8.50. For 1st ed., see Guide L448. This edition has been revised to present a description of the federal statistical system and the changes that have occurred since 1946 including descriptions of the data of the recent censuses. Thirteen of the fourteen chapters in the first edition have been re- vised, one has been dropped, "Accounting Statistics," and two have been added, "In- ternational Statistics" and "Some Uses of Sampling and Sampling Aids." Schweizerische Gesellschaft fur Statistik und Volkswirtschaft. Handbuch der schweizerischen Volkswirtschaft. Aus- JULY, 1956 337 gabe 1955. Bern, Benteli [1955] 2v. 120.20. A revised edition of the 1939 reference work (Guide L337) on the economy of Swit- zerland. As before, the work contains long signed articles by specialists connected with Swiss business and government organizations and universities. Emphasis is placed on the period following the outbreak of World War II. Arrangement is alphabetical with a sub- ject index; articles contain bibliographies, tables and diagrams.—E.B. Yearbook of Anthropology, [v.l- ] 1955-. New York, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, 1955- . Privately distributed. The Foundation, closely associated with various aspects of anthropology, is inaugu- rating in this volume what should prove a useful series to the librarian as well as to the student. Following a guest editorial (by Ju- lian Huxley), the body of the volume con- sists of some 35 contributed papers, grouped within four major topics of a subject nature, and a regional report of activities. In general, the papers present surveys or opinions reflect- ing anthropological studies of the years 1952-54; all are signed and documented with extensive bibliographies. The "regional roundup" treats Europe and Southwest Asia and is essentially a country-by-country report of recent and current progress and research. Presumably another area will be covered in the next volume. Particularly interesting to the reference librarian is the final section, which includes a retrospective bibliography of dissertations in anthropology (foreign as well as American), and several lists of awards, endowed lectures, associations, etc. in the field.—J.N. W. D I C T I O N A R I E S Greiser, Josef. Lexikon der Abkiirzun- gen. 2.Aufl. Osnabriick, A. Fromm, 1955. 271p. D M 9.80. This list of approximately 3,000 abbrevia- tions comprises mostly German corporate names, although some generalities are in- cluded, as well as a selection of other national and international organizations. Librarians might prefer less space devoted to definitions and descriptions and more to additional ab- breviations; German periodical titles, for example, are omitted. Nearly one-fourth of the material appears inconveniently in a sup- plementary alphabet.—J.N.W. Schwartz, Robert J. The Complete Dic- tionary of Abbreviations. New York, Crowell, 1955. 21 lp. $3.95. Approximately 25,000 abbreviations repre- senting general terms as well as many from specialized fields. Coverage includes adademic degrees, business firms, associations, geo- graphic areas, scientific terms. In the interest of completion, the editor has included a number of items of dubious value.—K.L. SCIENCE Royal Society of London. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Socie- ty, 1955- . London, Royal Society, 1955- . v . l - . Annual. A new series in continuation of Obituary Notices of Felloius of the Royal Society, v. 1-9, 1932-54 (see Guide N66). Follows the same general pattern as the earlier series. Poggendorff, Johann Christian. Poggen- dorff biographisch-literarisches Hand- worterbuch der exakten Naturwissen- schaften, unter Mitwirkung der Aka- demien der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, Gottingen, Heidelberg, Munchen und Wien, hrsg. von der Sachsischen Aka- demie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig. Red. von Rudolph Zaunick und Hans Salie. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1955- v.7a- (In progress). For earlier volumes and annotation see Guide N65. Bd. Vila, Teil 1: A-E, l.Lfg A-Behrbohm. This is a new series which includes sup- plementary material for names mentioned in earlier volumes and new names. According to the announcement, Bd. Vila will include bio-bibliographies of scientists, technologists, and doctors from Germany Austria and Switzerland from 1932-1953. Bd. Vllb will cover other countries. A P P L I E D SCIENCE Special Libraries Association. Science- 338 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Technology Division. Engineering Sec- tion. Committee on Engineering Ab- stract Services. Bibliography of Engi- neering Abstract Services, edited by M. M. Landuyt. (SLA Bibliography, no. 1). New York, 1955. 37p. $1.50. A special committee of the Science-Tech- nology Division of SLA has done a notable job of listing 231 abstracting services in en- gineering. For each service, the bibliography tries to give current title, frequency of pub- lication, publisher, address, price, beginning date, where to subscribe, whether the service is only a part of a regular journal, field of coverage, type of service, number of publica- tions abstracted, number of abstracts per year, kind of abstracts, language of abstracts, and index published.—R.S. M E D I C I N E U.S. Armed Forces Medical Library. Armed Forces Medical Library Cata- log; a Cumulative List of Works Rep- resented by Armed Forces Medical Li- brary Cards, 1950-1954. Ann Arbor, Edwards, 1955. Authors: v. 1-3; Sub- jects: v.4-6. $64 the set. This five-year cumulation of book ma- terials acquired by the Armed Forces Medi- cal Library is, like the Index Catalogue, a unique contribution to medical bibliography. The work is divided into two parts: first, an author catalog, giving author's name, dates, complete title of the work, place of publica- tion, name of publisher, date of publication, number of pages, notes, tracings and A.F.M.L. classification. The descriptive cataloging of old and rare works is more extensive than that of current titles and is uniformly excel- lent. In Part II, the subject catalog, full bib- liographic entries (author, title, etc.) are re- peated for each cataloged item, under the appropriate subject. The first and second catalogs of printed cards (April-December, 1948, and 1949) were published as supplements to the Cata- log of .. . Library of Congress Printed Cards in 1949 and 1950. These works must still be consulted separately.—E.M. Medical Library Association. Handbook of Medical Library Practice, with a Bibliography of the Reference Works and Histories in Medicine and the Al- lied Sciences. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Ja- net Doe and Mary Louise Marshall, eds. Chicago, American Library Asso- ciation, 1956. 601 p. $10. For 1st ed. and annotation, see Guide P283. This edition follows the same plan as the first with the separate chapters written by specialists, but the work has been rearranged, enlarged and revised. It now covers: medical libraries, the Medical Library Association, the medical librarian, administration, ac- quisition and preservation, classification, cataloging, non-book materials, photodupli- cation, public relations, reference and biblio- graphic services, rare books and the history of medicine. A Bibliography of the Reference Works and Histories in Medicine and the Allied Sciences, pp. 345-537, lists 1,965 items by subject subdivided by form, and will be of importance in the general library as well as in the special medical library. F I N E A R T S American Architects Directory. [1st ed., 1956] Ed. by George S. Koyl. New York, R. R . Bowker, 1955. 723p. $20. Published under the sponsorship of the American Institute of Architects, this new directory lists approximately 10,800 archi- tects who are either members of the AIA or otherwise "active in the profession." In addi- tion to the usual "who's who" information, each entry includes additional material on "Principal Works" (buildings or projects in which the architect has been a principal fig- ure) and "Types of Work" (fields of architec- tural specialization). The directory also con- tains information on the organization of the AIA, a geographical index of architects, and miscellaneous lists of professional standards, AIA publications, architectural schools, and journals in the field.—K.L. Encyclopedia of Painting; Painters and Paintings of the World from Prehis- toric Times to the Present Day. Ber- nard S. Myers, ed. New York, Crown, 1955. 51 lp. il. $10.95. Although compiled by competent scholars JULY, 1956 339 this book makes no pretense at being a de- finitive scholarly work and has no bibliogra- phy. However, it contains much useful infor- mation, some of which is not readily avail- able elsewhere. As is true for any one-volume work attempting to cover all aspects of paint- ing from the beginnings to the present day, there is some unevenness. In one alphabet there are about 3,000 entries for individual painters, definitions, movements, techniques, catch-titles of famous paintings and impor- tant museums, as well as numerous cross ref- erences. Oriental art is treated under broad headings with cross references from individu- al artists and more specific subjects. Although the 1,000 illustrations throughout the text, especially the colored ones, leave much to be desired technically, the choice is not con- fined to the obvious examples.—M.C. Svenskt konstnarslexikon; tiotusen sven- ska konstnarers liv och verk. [Redak- tion: Gosta Lilja, Bror Olsson, S. Ar- tur Svensson] Malmo, Allhems forlag [1952- ] v.l- . Approx. $30 per vol. Contents: v. 1-2, A-Hagstrom. When completed (in five volumes and supplement) the work will contain biogra- phies of 10,000 Swedish artists, living and dead, from all periods of Swedish history and embracing all branches of painting, sculp- ture and the graphic arts (including wood- carving, lithography, engraving, folk art, church decoration, stage and costume design, and the decorative arts). All sketches are signed and present the usual biographical in- formation, with bibliographies for the more important figures. There are portraits of a good percentage of the biographees and the work is profusely illustrated with photographs and reproductions (both in black and white and in color) of a high standard of excel- lence.—E.S. B I O G R A P H Y Kunitz, Stanley J. Twentieth Century Authors. First supplement, ed. by Stan- ley J. Kunitz and Vineta Colby. New York, H. W . Wilson, 1955. 1123p. $8. A supplement to the basic volume (Guide R57) containing some 700 new biographies of authors of all nations and types—literary, scholarly, philosophical—who have come in- to prominence since 1942. Biographies and bibliographies from the basic volume are brought up to date, and cross references are made to the main sketch of an author in the original volume. Selection of biographies was dependent on reputation and popularity, and, in the case of foreign writers, on the availability of their work in English transla- tion. Much of the material has been written by authors themselves, with additional editorial comment of a critical and descriptive nature. Each entry has bibliographies by and about the author; the former includes entries through the first half of 1955, while the latter is highly selective and in most cases not cur- rent.—K.L. Matthews, William. British Autobiogra- phies; an Annotated Bibliography of British Autobiographies Published or Written Before 1951. Berkeley, Univer- sity of California Press, 1955. 376p. $5. A comprehensive list of autobiographies of men and women of the British Isles, com- piled from a variety of bibliographies, library catalogs, second-hand booksellers' catalogs, reviews, and rarer items located on the shelves of libraries in the U.S. and England. Entries are arranged by author, or by title if anonymous, with brief notes characterizing the contents, and with some evaluations. A subject index is provided, with adequate cross references, and larger subjects are subdivided into historical periods. No autobiographical fiction is included, and only those works are listed which are primarily concerned with the significant facts of the lives of the authors themselves. A collection of colonial diaries, omitted from Matthews' earlier British Dia- ries, has been added here.—E.G. H I S T O R Y Crandall, Marjorie Lyle. Confederate Imprints; a Check List Based Princi- pally on the Collection of the Boston Athenaeum. [Boston] Boston Athe- naeum, 1955. 2v. $15. A completely new and expanded work to supersede the earlier Confederate Imprints (1917), this carefully detailed bibliography lists some 5,000 items, plus a large periodical and newspaper collection. In addition to the rich collection of the Athenaeum, other hold- 340 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES ings are included, notably the listings from the National Union Catalog, and locations are indicated. Volume I is a listing of docu- ments, first national and then those of the individual states; Volume II lists non-official materials, arranged by broad subject or lit- erary form. The index is of "authors (in- cluding corporate authors), anonymous titles, and the subject sub-divisions."—J.N.W. Current Research on the Middle East. [v.l- ] 1955- . Washington, D.C., T h e M i d d l e East Institute, 1956- . Annual. This work lists research which "has been recently completed or is now being undertak- en" on the Middle East, i.e., the Arab coun- tries, Israel, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, North Africa, the Sudan, Ethiopia, and Eritrea. Al- though emphasis is on the social sciences, research in the humanities and in the natu- ral sciences is also recorded. Items are num- bered and arranged alphabetically by title under main areas of study. Information about each item is detailed and includes: research- er's profession and place of employment, date of initiation of research and estimated date of completion, language in which results are to be presented, estimated length of pub- lished work, sponsor, publisher, and often a brief statement about the scope of research. There is an index to researchers and to sub- jects but none to institutions.—S.S. Indice historico espanol. Barcelona, Edi- torial T e i d e , 1953- . Quarterly, v . l - . March 1953- . Yearly subscription 150 ptas.; single issue 60 ptas. An extensive bibliography and index de- signed to include current books and articles, wherever published, which deal with the his- tory of Spain. A brief section on the history of Spanish America is also included. Titles are annotated and evaluated by experts, and references to critical reviews are often given. Published quarterly with annual author and subject indexes. Each volume is also issued in bound form with a different title.: Biblio- grafia historica de Espana e Hispanoamerica. —S.S. O'Reilly, Patrick. Bibliographie meth- odique, analytique et critique de la Nouvelle-Caledonie. Paris, Musee de l ' H o m m e , 1955. 361p. (Publications de la Societe des Oceanistes, no. 4) 4500 fr. A comprehensive annotated bibliography of New Caledonia with some 4,000 entries. Chapters are devoted to the geology, botany, zoology, geography, ethnology, history, econ- omy and literature of the area. Texts in the native languages are grouped with the eth- nology section. Periodicals published in New Caledonia are listed chronologically in order of date of first publication, together with lo- cations and extensive annotations. An addi- tional chapter is devoted to maps and charts. Bibliographic entries are gratifyingly com- plete and the work gives every evidence of thorough and scholarly preparation.—E.B. Streeter, T h o m a s W . Bibliography of Texas, 1795-1845. Cambridge, Har- vard University Press, 1955- . Pt.l, v.1-2. Contents: Pt.l. Texas imprints, 1817-1845. 2v. $20. Compiled with diligence and scholarly care, Part I of this work includes more than 600 items printed in what is now the state of Texas, before its admission to the Union. Basic arrangement is chronological, and in addition to careful and detailed biblio- graphic description, with indication of loca- tion of copies, there are in most cases lengthy explanatory and historical notes. Supple- mentary materials include a history of print- ing in Texas, a bibliography of Texas news- papers, lists of printers, presses, editors, etc., as well as the usual indexes. Part II is to cover materials on Texas printed in what is now Mexico during the stated period, and Part III the same for other parts of the U.S., and Europe.—J.N.W. C O R R E C T I O N In his article, "Research Libraries in South Africa," in the March, 1956, C&RL, J. W. Perry states on page 137 that Mendles- sohn's South African Bibliography has been reprinted. The author informs us that this was an incorrect statement. JULY, 1956 341