College and Research Libraries Books Received Bibliotechnaya Texnika. By A. V. Klenov. 5.-e izdanie, nepravlennoe i dopolnennoe. Moskva; Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Kul-turno-Proc- vetitel'noi Literatury. 1955. 398p. Bluegrass Cavalcade. Edited by Thomas D. Clark. Lexington, Kentucky: University of Kentucky Press, 1956. 376p. $5. Chemical Engineering Practice. Under the gen- eral editorship of Herbert W. Cremer. Manag- ing editor, Trefor Davis. New York: Academic Press, 1956- . (To be published in 12 vols. Vol. 1: General, 494p. 1956. Subscription price for vol. 1, $13 .30. Non-subscription price, $17.50.) . Copy of a Letter of the King of Portugal Sent to the King of Castile Concerning the Voyage and Success of India. Translated by Sergio J. Pa- cifici. (A Publication from the James Ford Bell Collection in the University of Minnesota Library.) Minneapolis: University of Minne- sota Press, 1955. 24p. $5. Czech and Slovak Abbreviations, a Selective. List. Ed. by Paul L. Horecky. Washington: Library of Congress, 1956. Paper. $1.25. (ForĀ· sale by the Card DivisiOn.) Dictionary of Poisons. By !bert Mellan and Eleanor Mellan. New York: Philosophical Li- brary, 1956. 150p. $4.75. Documents on American Foreign Relations, 1955. Ed. by Paul E. Zinner. New York: Pub- lished for the Council on Foreign Relations by Harper & Brothers, 1956. 487p. $6. Everyman's United Nations, 1945-1955. 5th edi- tion. New York: United Nations Department of Public Information, 1956. 444p. Paper. $1.50. From Lisbon to Calicut. Translated by Alvin E. Prottengeier. Commentary and notes by John Parker. (A Publication from the James Ford Bell Collection in the University of Minnesota Library.) Minneapolis: University of Minne- sota Press, 1956. 40p. $5. The Great Folio of 1623: Shakespeare's Plays in the Printing House. By John W. Shroeder. Hamden, Conn.: Shoestring Press, 1956. 125p. $4.25. A Guide to Bibliographic Tools for Research in Foreign Affairs. Comp. by Helen F. Conover. Washington: Library of Congress, 1956. 145p. Paper. $1.10. (For sale by the Card Division.) The Guinness Book of Superlatives. New York: Superlatives, Inc., 1956. 224p. $2.95. Handbook of Commercial, Financial and Infor- mation Services. 5th ed. Comp. by Walter Hausdorfer. New York: Special Libraries As- sociation, 1956. 229p. Paper. $5. Index Mathematischer Tafelwerke und Tabellen aus allen Gebieten der Naturwissenschaften. Ed. by Dr. Karl Schuette. Muenchen: Verlag R. Oldenbourg, 1955. 143p. DM 14.50. International Dictionary of Physics and Elec- tronics. Princeton, N.J.: D. Van Nostrand, 1956. 1,004p. $20. Issues Before the Eleventh General Assembly. (International Conciliation, No. 510, Novem- ber, 1956.) New York: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1956. 256p. 25c. Katalog Prvotlaci; Vedeckej Kniznice Mesta Bratislavy. Catalogus Incunabulorum Biblio- thecae Scientificae Civitatis Bratislavensis. Comp. by Dr. Imrich Kotvan. Bratislava: 1956. 55p . Museums and Our Children. By Charles Russell. New York: Central Book Company, 1956. 338p. Our United States; Its History in' Maps. By Ed- gar B. Wesley. Chicago: Denoyer-Geppert Company, 1956. 96p. (Adapted from Our America Wall Maps, edited by Edgar B. Wes- ley, and The American History Wall Maps, edited by Albert Bushnell Hart.) Portrait of a Philadelphia Collector: William Mcintire Elkins (1882-1947). By Ellen Shaf- fer. With a Check-List of the Elkins Ameri- cana, 1943-1869, now in the Free Library of Philadelphia, comp. by Howell J. Heaney. Philadelphia: Free Library of Philadelphia, 1956. 56p. $1.25. . Rattlesnakes: Their Habits, Life Histories, and Influence on Mankind. 2 vols. Berkeley: Pub- lished for the Zoological Society of San Diego by the University of California Press, 1956. $17.50. Russia and America; Dangers and Prospects. By Henry L. Roberts. New York: Published for the Council on Foreign Relations by Harper & Brothers, 1956. 25lp. $3.50. Short Story Index. Supplement, 1950-1954. Comp. by Dorothy E. Cook and Estelle A. Fidell. New York: H. W. Wilson, 1956. 394p. $5. Stephen Crane (1871-1900). An Exhibition of his Writings held in the Columbia University Li- braries September 17-November 30, 1956. Ar- ranged and described by Joan H. Baum. With Appendixes Contributing to the Bibliography of Stephen Crane. New York: Columbia Uni- versity Libraries 1956. 61p. Paper. $1.50. Thomas Paine: A Bibliographical Check List of CoMMON SENSE, with an account of Its Publi- cation. By Richard Gimbel. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1956. 124p. $7 .50. The United Nations in World Affairs, 1954. By Richard P. Stebbins and the Research Staff of the Council on Foreign Relations. New York: Published for the Council on Foreign Rela- tions by Harper and Brothers, 1956. 498p. $6. 80 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES