College and Research Libraries Books Received American Business Dictionary. By Harold Laz- arus. New York: Philosophical Library. 522p. $10. (Midcentury Reference Library, Dago- bert D. Runes, General Editor.) Anni Mirabiles, 1921-1925; Reason in the Mad- ness of Letters. By R. P. Blackmur. Washing- ton: Reference. Department. Library of Con- gress, 1956. 55p. 25c. (Four lectures presented under the auspices of the Gertrude Clarke Whittall Poetry and Literature Fund.) The Appraisal of Modern Public Records. By T. R. Schellenberg. Washington: Superintend- ent of Documents, 1956. 46p. 20c. (Bulletins of the National Archives, No. 8.) Aslib Yearbook, 1956-1957. London: Aslib, 1956. l72p. 12s. 6d.; lOs. to members of Aslib. Civil Service or Bureaucracy? By E. N. Gladden. New York: John de Graff, 1956. 224p. (A study of the British Civil Service.) Fiction Fights the Civil War. By Robert A. Lively. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1957. 230p. $5.00. Film Reference Guide for Medicine and the Allied Sciences. By the Interdepartmental Committee on Medical Training Aids (ICMT A). Washington: Library of Congress, 1956. 5lp. 45c. (For sale by the Card Division.) Fund og forskning i Det kongelige biblioteks samlinger, III, 1956. K!/.Sbenhavn: Det kongelige bibliotek, 1956. 174p. Guide to Reference Books 7th ed.; Second Sup- plement, 1953-1955. By Constance M. Winchell. Chicago: American Library Association, 1956. l34p. Paper. The Home Library of the Garnetts of "Elm- wood." By Harry Clemons. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1957. 59p. Cloth: $2.00; Paper: $1.00. Index to Full Length Plays, 1895 to 1925. By Ruth Gibbons Thomson. Boston: F. W. Faxon, 1956. 172p. $5.00. (Useful Reference Series No. 85.) Kentucky Tradition. By Lawrence S. Thompson. Hamden, Conn.: The Shoestring Press, 1956. 225p. $4.25. The Leibniz-Clarke Correspondence. Edited with introduction and notes by H. G. Alexander. New York: Philosophical Library, Inc., 1956. 200p. $4.75. The Library of Congress; a Selected List of Ref- erences. Washington: Library of Congress. Ref- erence Dept. General Reference and Bibliog- raphy Division, 1956. 20p. 35c. (For sale by the Card Division.) Master's Theses in Education, 1955-1956, No. 5. Edited by T. A. Lamke and H. M. Silvey. Cedar Falls, Iowa: Research Publications, 1956. 179p. A New Look at Reading; a Guide to the Lan- guage Arts. By Willard Abraham. Boston: Porter Sargent, 1956. 236p. Cloth: $3.50; Paper: $2.75. Poetic, Scientific and Oth er Forms of Discourse: a New Approach to Greek and Latin Litera- ture. By Joshua Whatmough. Berkeley: Uni- versity of California Press, 1956. 285p. $5. (Sather Classical Lectures, v. 29.) Records and Research in Engineering and In- dustrial Science. By J. Edwin Holmstrom. 3d ed., rewritten and enl. London: Chapman & Hall, 1956. 491p. 60s. The Research Services of the Harvard College Library. By David C. Weber. Cambridge: Har- vard University Library. 1956. 40p. (Guide to the Harvard Libraries, No. 3.) Studies in Bibliography; Papers of the Biblio- graphical Society of the University of Virginia. Edited by Fredson Bowers. Vol. 9, 1957. Char- lottesville, Va.: The Society, 1957. 273p. $6.00. Study Abroad; International Handbook: Fellow- ships, Scholarships, Educational Exchange. VIII: 1956-1957. Paris, UNESCO, 1956. 719p. Paper: $2.00. Union List of Little Magazines. Comp. by Indiana University Library. Chicago, Midwest Inter- Library Center, 1956. 98 1. Paper: $2.00. (Hold- ings at Indiana, Northwestern, Ohio State, Iowa, Chicago and Illinois.) Union List of Theses of the University of New Zealand, 1910-1954. Comp. by D. L. Jenkins. Wellington: New Zealand Library Association, 1956. Unpaged. Paper: £1; Unbound: l7s. 6d. The United Nations and Dependent Peoples. By Emil J. Sady. Washington: Brookings Institu- tion, 1956. 205p. Paper: $1.50. The University of South Africa and Its Depart- ment of Library Science. By H. J. de Vlees- chauer. Pretoria, 1956. 81 I. (Mousaion Nr 12.) When Did It Happen? A Noted Researcher's Almanac of Yesterdays. By Stanford M. Mirkin. New York: Ives Washburn, 1957. 434p. $5.75. 160 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Nominees for ACRL Offices 1957-58 PRESIDENT Thornton, Eileen , Librarian, Oberlin College, Oberiin, Ohio. VICE-PRESIDENT AND PRESIDENT-ELECT (one to be elected) { Logsdon, Richard H., Director of Libraries, Columbia University, New York. Branscomb, Lewis C., Director of Libraries, Ohio State University, Columbus. DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE (one to be elected) ! Findly, Elizabeth, Head Reference and Documents Librarian, University of Ore- gon, Eugene. Rogers, Rutherford D., Chief, Reference Department, New York Public Library, New York. - REPRESENT A l"IVES ON ALA COUNCIL (eight to be elected) { Pierce, Helen F., Librarian, Modesto Junior College, Modesto, California. Stone, Elizabeth 0., Assistant Director of Libraries, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. { Brubaker, H. A ., Librarian, Lawrence College, Appleton, Wisconsin. Wright, Walter W., Assistant Librarian, Service Division, University of Pennsylva- nia, Philadelphia. { Hintz, Carl, Librarian, University of Oregon, Eugene. Ot_temiller, John H., Associate Librarian, Yale University, New Haven, Connect- Icut. { Erickson, Walfred, Librarian, Eastern Michigan College, Ypsilanti. Harvey, John F., Librarian, Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg. { Fayer, Mrs. Margaret L., Librarian, Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont. Winchell, Constance M., Reference Librarian, Columbia University, New York. { Bennett, Fleming, Librarian, University of Arizona, Tucson. Stallings, H. Dean, Librarian, North Dakota Agricultural College, Fargo. { Towne, Jackson E., Librarian, Michigan State University, East Lansing. West, Stanley L., Director of Libraries, University of Florida, Gainesville. { Crosland, Mrs. J. Henley, Director of Libraries, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta. Hertel, Robert R., Librarian, State Teachers College, Cortland, New York. MARCH, 1957 161