College and Research Libraries B y E D N A M A E B R O W N New Periodicals of 1958—Part II TH E E X A M I N A T I O N of the contents of the new periodicals launched in 1958 shows that a large number of v a l u a b l e j o u r n a l s have appeared. Serious subjects are treated by scientists, scholars, engi- neers, and other experts. F i n e interna- tional journals continue to appear. N e w disciplines have journals of their own. A G R I C U L T U R E . T h e Department of Ag- riculture of the U n i o n of South A f r i c a is publishing Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrij vir Landbouwetenskap with text in English and A f r i k a a n s . A I R T R A F F I C . The Journal of Air Traf- fic Control aims to present new tech- niques f o r the air traffic controller in this age of supersonic airplanes and civil jet transport. In the first issue G l e n D. T i g n e r of the Washington N a t i o n a l T o w e r explains the duties of an air traffic controller. A R T A N D A R C H I T E C T U R E . Architectural & Engineering News w i l l present infor- mation on new products, materials, and equipment of interest to architects and engineers. Arte Antica e Moderna is a journal of I t a l i a n art and architectural history. Articles are illustrated and doc- umented. B o o k reviews are included. In- dustrial Architecture deals with the plan- ning, construction, and equipment of buildings for industry, that is, power stations, factories, laboratories, offices, and shops. It Is f r o m N e w Y o r k deals with abstract art. T h e r e are illustrations. A U T O M A T I O N . Automatic Data Process- ing f r o m L o n d o n is concerned with of- fice mechanization. Automation Express Miss Brown is Head, Serials Section, Descriptive Cataloging Division, Library of Congress. is a digest of current R u s s i a n literature dealing with automation topics. It is prepared in N e w Y o r k by bilingual en- gineers. W h a t is said to be a new disci- pline, control engineering, is the field of Control also f r o m L o n d o n . Machine Ac- counting and Data Processing and Man- agement and Business Automation are two new A m e r i c a n j o u r n a l s on automa- tion in offices and industry. B I O L O G Y . T h e Journal of Ultrastruc- ture Research under the direction of an international board of editors will pub- lish " p a p e r s dealing with the ultrastruc- tural organization of biologic material as analyzed by means of electron micros- copy, X-ray diffraction techniques, X-ray microscopy, and polarization optical analysis." T h i s j o u r n a l was launched in 1957 but was not received f o r inclusion in earlier lists. Because of its importance it is included here. CLASSICAL STUDIES. Greek and Byzan- tine Studies is being published in San Antonio, T e x a s , with the advice and support of professors and individuals in- terested in classical studies. I n the first article, " T h e Classical T r a d i t i o n , " An- dre Michalopovilos relates how the clas- sics of ancient Greece and R o m e are the roots of our Western civilization. C U R R E N T A F F A I R S . T h e A r a b Students' U n i o n in the U n i t e d K i n g d o m is pub- lishing The Arab Review in which to present the A r a b case and cause to the British. T h e Netherlands Institute f o r International C u l t u r a l R e l a t i o n s is pub- lishing Delta in English as a contribu- tion to intercultural exchange. H e r e there will be shown the role of important artists, scholars, and technicians of the L o w Countries. Deutsch-polnische Hefte MARCH 1959 135 w i l l report on cultural and economic activities in Poland. T h e Institute f o r the Study of the U S S R in M u n i c h is publishing The East Turkic Review to present analyses of the history and cul- ture of the areas of the Soviet U n i o n in- habited by T u r k i c peoples. I n The Med- iterranean and Eurafrica, published in N e w Y o r k , there w i l l be presented the present day issues of that area f o r the purpose of i n f o r m i n g , clarifying, and strengthening o p i n i o n in the U n i t e d States. D R A M A . Modern Drama, published at the University of Kansas, w i l l publish articles on the d r a m a since Ibsen, book reviews, and news f r o m abroad. A l l ar- ticles in the first issue are by university professors and deal w i t h works of O ' N e i l l , Shaw, M a r i v a u x , Pirandello, and other subjects. Spectacles w i l l report on current French theater, including drama, ballet, and cinema. E C O N O M I C S . The Arkansas Economist is published quarterly by the Industrial Research a n d E x t e n s i o n Center and the B u r e a u of Business and E c o n o m i c R e - search of the College of Business A d m i n - istration of the University of Arkansas. Revue du Marche Commun deals w i t h the questions arising in the establishing of the E u r o p e a n C o m m o n Market. E D U C A T I O N . T h e G r a d u a t e D e a n of the University of T e x a s is publishing The Graduate Journal designed, as its subtitle states, to facilitate communication in graduate education and research. E L E C T R O N I C S . E x p e r i e n c e d translators with engineering backgrounds prepare abstracts f r o m sixty or more current R u s s i a n j o u r n a l s f o r Electronics Express. T h i s j o u r n a l is intended to meet the practical needs of engineers, scientists, teachers, and consultants. The Micro- wave Journal is also intended f o r the practical engineer and the industrialist. Research, new inventions, new applica- tions of microwaves, etc., will be report- ed. Contributors to Nukleonik are sci- entists in G e r m a n universities and in- dustrial research institutes. Articles are illustrated a n d accompanied by sum- maries. E N G I N E E R I N G . T h e Journal of Environ- mental Engineering is published by the Society of E n v i r o n m e n t a l Engineers. T h e first issue dealt w i t h such esoteric sub- jects as " V i b r a t i o n T e s t i n g W i t h Electro- magnetic E x c i t e r s , " "Precision Centri- f u g e , " and "Space and H i g h V a c u u m . " Radio-, Frenseh-, Phono-Praxis comes f r o m Wiirzburg and treats of G e r m a n systems and materials. G E N E A L O G Y . Nobres Casas de Portugal not only gives the genealogy of noble families of Portugal but also provides a picture and description of the f a m i l y castles. G O V E R N M E N T . State Government Nexus is published by the Council of State Gov- ernments, replacing the " A m o n g the States" news section formerly published in State Government. Correspondents in each state supply brief items on such matters as new legislation enacted, spe- cial studies authorized to be made, spe- cial meetings of legislatures, etc. H E A L T H . Gerontology and Geriatrics, a section of the abstracting service Ex- cerpta Medica, is published in coopera- tion with the N a t i o n a l H e a r t Institute and the N a t i o n a l Institute of M e n t a l H e a l t h and aided by a grant f r o m the U.S. P u b l i c H e a l t h Service. H e a l t h phys- ics, defined as a study and practice of factors relating to damage f r o m ionizing radiation and the prevention of such damage, is the field of the j o u r n a l Health Physics launched by the H e a l t h Physics Society. Immunology is the title of the official j o u r n a l of the British Society f o r I m m u n o l o g y . T h i s is a scientific j o u r n a l whose contributors come f r o m university faculties. Articles are accompanied by 136 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES- summaries and bibliographies. T h e ulti- mate restoration of the disabled person to his m a x i m u m capacity—physical, emotional, social, and vocational—is the subject of another section of Excerpta Medica entitled Rehabilitation. Vita Humana, an international j o u r n a l , w i l l publish original papers based on re- search done in the fields of h u m a n de- velopment, that is, in psychology, physi- ology, pediatrics, geriatrics, medicine, etc. H I S T O R Y . I n Comparative Studies in Society and History it is aimed to trace the history and progress of civilization by means of comparative studies. T h e first issue treats of such matters as the role of the intellectually-trained man in society, church and state, pre-modern bureaucratic politics, and feudalism. So- viet doctrine is the field of the first issue of Politique, Revue Internationale des Doctrines et des Institutions published in Paris as a successor to Revue d'His- toire Politique et Constitutionnelle. T h e Southern J e w i s h Historical Society is studying the pre-Civil W a r Jewish man of commerce and business in the South- ern States. T h e results w i l l be published in the society's Journal. Tradition is " t h e monthly magazine of America's pictur- esque past." T h e editors and contribu- tors of the first issue are persons of com- petence. T h e style is popular. J O U R N A L I S M . T h e School of J o u r n a l i s m of M o n t a n a State University is issuing Journalism Review intended f o r news- paper broadcasting men in M o n t a n a as well as students of journalism. Contribu- tors are newsmen and journalism educa- tors. LAW. The Criminal Law Quarterly is " a C a n a d i a n j o u r n a l of criminal law f o r judges, magistrates, lawyers and police officers." T h e j o u r n a l presents commen- taries on closed cases along with articles, addresses, and book reviews. T h e Middle East Law Review published in B e i r u t aims " t o interpret, elaborate and com- ment on, the different laws which f a l l within the purview of this review in the light of judicial precedents, both local and f o r e i g n . " Such articles as " F o r e i g n Businesses in S y r i a , " " I n s u r a n c e Activi- ties in I r a q , " and " L i b y a n P e t r o l e u m " appear in v o l u m e one, number one. LIBRARIES, B I B L I O G R A P H Y , BOOK C O L L E C T - ING. Africana Nova is a quarterly bibli- ography of books currently published in and about the U n i o n of South A f r i c a , based on the accessions to the A f r i c a n a Department of the South A f r i c a n P u b l i c L i b r a r y . T h i s list supersedes the list which formerly appeared in the Quar- terly Bulletin of the South African Li- brary. T h e October/December 1957 issue of The Indian National Bibliography was received in 1958. T h e bibliography is being prepared at the N a t i o n a l L i b r a r y of Calcutta by the staff of the Central R e f e r e n c e L i b r a r y . Names of authors and titles of books in the I n d i a n lan- guages are transliterated into R o m a n script. T h e bibliography consists of two parts, general publications and govern- ment publications. Each part is divided into two sections, classified (Dewey) and alphabetical. Technical Contents (later International Technical Titles) is a monthly compilation of tables of con- tents of about one h u n d r e d journals in p u r e and applied mathematics, chemis- try, physics, engineering, and electronics. Librarium is the j o u r n a l of the Schweizer B i b l i o p h i l e n Gesellschaft. T h e introduc- tory article is entitled " 1 s t B i b l i o p h i l i e Zeitgemass?" T h e Delhi L i b r a r y Associ- ation launched the Library Herald with S. R . R a n g a n a t h a n contributing "Docu- ment, Documentation & Standardization" and " R e s p o n s i b i l i t y of L i b r a r y Profes- sion." Literarische Nachrichten aus Bel- gien is an " O b e r b l i c k iiber das flamische S c h r i f t t u m in B e l g i e n . " M u c h biograph- ical material is included. Norwegian Sci- ence and Letters is a quarterly bibliog- raphy of recent works which have ap- MARCH 1959 137 peared in N o r w a y . T h e Pakistan Library Review is published by the K a r a c h i Uni- versity L i b r a r y Science A l u m n i Associa- tion. T h e articles " L i b r a r y Services in P a k i s t a n , " and " L i b r a r y T r a i n i n g in P a k i s t a n " f r o m the first issue should be of especial interest to Western librari- ans. L I T E R A T U R E . T h e first issue of Chelsea Review published by the Chelsea Foun- dation includes contributions f r o m Americans as well as foreigners w h o are young but w h o already have a record of some published work. T h e editors of Contact f r o m San Francisco state they " e x p e c t to publish work by anybody f r o m anywhere as long as it meets our standards and is written a p p r o x i m a t e l y in the English l a n g u a g e . " T h i s periodical is a revival in name of an earlier jour- nal edited by W i l l i a m Carlos W i l l i a m s . Enquiry comes f r o m the University of Nottingham. A n editorial states, " o u r aim is to publish articles of v a r y i n g length and of good quality on a wide range of subjects loosely classed as 'arts.' " The Galley Sail Review is a "little mag- azine" from San Francisco edited by Stanley M c N a i l . Sardio is a "revista bi- mestral de c u l t u r a " f r o m Caracas. In- cluded here is Victorian Studies launched f r o m I n d i a n a University in 1957 but not received f o r earlier listings. A prefa- tory note states that Victorian Studies will publish work addressed to all stu- dents of the Victorian age. Articles, re- views, and bibliographies comprise the contents of this fine j o u r n a l . M A N A G E M E N T A N D I N D U S T R I A L R E L A - T I O N S . T o make available research find- ings to managers and to stimulate re- search through feedback of problems f r o m managers to research units is the aim of California Management Review published by the G r a d u a t e Schools of Business Administration, University of C a l i f o r n i a at Berkeley and L o s Angeles. T h e first issue includes such articles as " R e p o r t i n g to T o p M a n a g e m e n t at F o r d , " " C o r p o r a t e G i v i n g : T h e o r y and Policy," and " E l e c t r o n i c D a t a Processing: Prom- ise and Problems." Industrial Relations Digest is published by C a l l a g h a n in Chi- cago. It is designed to bring to the per- sonnel director, the labor relations di- rector, students, teachers, and others digests of the most informative and in- telligent articles on this phase of eco- nomic life. I n addition to digests there are included also comments on specific cases decided by the courts, arbitrators, or administrative agencies. M U S I C . Jazz aims to be an " a d u l t mag- azine" in which the various aspects of this music and its artists w i l l be dis- cussed. It is edited by R a l p h J . Gleason and published in Berkeley, C a l i f o r n i a . Sonorum Speculum is a " m i r r o r of musi- cal life in H o l l a n d . " It w i l l present de- tails of new works throughout the world and announcements regarding H o l l a n d ' s musical life. P A T E N T S . Lapis, a L o n d o n publication, lists on an international basis patents f o r disposal by license or sale. P H A R M A C O L O G Y . Biochemical Pharma- cology is an international j o u r n a l of ex- perimental pharmacology. It w i l l treat of the action of drugs on cells w i t h spe- cial emphasis on cancer chemotherapy. P H Y S I C S A N D C H E M I S T R Y . Physical Re- view Letters, published semimonthly by the A m e r i c a n Physical Society, contains "short communications dealing with im- portant new discoveries of topics of high current interest and abstracts of articles to be published in f u t u r e issues of The Physical Review." Physics Express con- sists of abstracts f r o m current R u s s i a n j o u r n a l s made by experienced bilingual engineers w o r k i n g in N e w Y o r k . The Physics of Fluids, published by the Amer- ican Institute of Physics, w i l l contain original contributions based on research done in laboratories, universities, and industrial establishments throughout the 138 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES- country. Summaries accompany articles. Talanta is an international j o u r n a l of analytical chemistry. S O C I O L O G Y . East London Papers is con- cerned with the changing social and cul- tural scene in East L o n d o n . It is pub- lished by University House, a settlement house and community center in B e t h n a l Green. " H u g u e n o t Weavers' Houses in Spitalfields" and " T h e C h a n g i n g Face of East L o n d o n " are articles in v o l u m e one, n u m b e r one. Jornal Brasileiro de Sociologia is presented by the University of R e c i f e . It is broad in scope, ranging f r o m " E s p a n a H o y " and "Sobre o Marx- ismo" to " L a Litterature Bresilienne." SPEECH. T h e A m e r i c a n Speech and H e a r i n g Association is publishing the Journal of Speech and Hearing Research. T h e contributors to the first issue are connected with research laboratories, many maintained by the m a j o r univer- sities, f o r the study of speech and the hearing process. Artificial speech and stuttering were some of the topics treat- ed. Language and Speech f r o m E n g l a n d has as its purpose " a n understanding of the f u n d a m e n t a l problems of language and speech." " B r a i n Disorders and L a n - guage Analysis" and "Speech Analysis and Mental Processes" are two articles in volume one, number one. Logos is published by the N a t i o n a l Hospital f o r Speech Disorders in N e w Y o r k and is concerned with the psychological and medical phases of the subject. T H E O L O G Y . Religious and Theological Abstracts is prepared by J . D o n a l d Fos- ter and others in Youngstown, Ohio, to advance the knowledge of religious and theological subjects. T h e abstracts pro- vide a concise statement as to the content of the article, exact source and location, and cross-references to related articles. It is hoped that coverage of journals abstracted can be increased. Periodicals Africana Nova. South African Public Li- brary, Cape Town, no.l, September 1958. Frequency not given. Price not given. The Arab Review. Arab Students' Union in the United Kingdom, 84 Kensington High Street, London W 8. v. 1, no.l, March 1958. Frequency not given. Price not given. Architectural & Engineering News. Hagan Publishing Corporation, 452 Fifth Avenue, New York 18. v.l, no.l, November/Decem- ber 1958. Monthly. $10. The Arkansas Economist. University of Ar- kansas Industrial Research and Extension Center, 1123 McAlmont Street, Little Rock, v.l, no.l, fall 1958. Quarterly. Free. Arte Antica e Moderna. Istituto di Archeo- logia dell'Universita, Via de' Musei 8, Bologna, no.l, January/March 1958. 4 nos. a year. L. 4.000. Automatic Data Processing. Business Publi- cations, Ltd., 180 Fleet Street, London E.C. 4; v.l, no.l, mid-November 1958. Monthly. 45s. Automation Express. International Physical Index, Inc., 1909 Park Avenue, New York 35. v.l, no.l, May 1958. Monthly. $57.50. Biochemical Pharmacology. Pergamon Press, 122 East 55th Street, New York 22. v.l, no.l, July 1958. Frequency not given. $17. California Management Review. Graduate School of Business Administration, Uni- versity of California, Los Angeles 24. v.l, no.l, fall 1958. Quarterly. $6.50. Chelsea Review. Chelsea Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 242, Old Chelsea Station, New York 11. no.l, summer 1958. Quarterly. $2.50. Comparative Studies in Society and History. Mouton and Company, The Hague, v.l, no.l, October 1958. Quarterly. $6. Contact. Angel Island Publications, Inc., 749-751 Bridgeway, Sausalito, California, no.l, 1958. 4 nos. a year. $5. Control. Rowse Muir Publications, Ltd., 3 Percy Street, London W 1. v.l, no.l, July 1958. Monthly. $8. MARCH 1959 139 The Criminal Law Quarterly. Cartwright and Sons, Toronto, v.l, no.l, May 1958. Price not given. Delta. Netherlands Institute for Interna- tional Cultural Relations, 41 J.J. Viotta- straat, Amsterdam. Spring 1958. Quarterly. $3. Deutsch-polnische Hefte. Kontakt-Verlag, Diisseldorf. v.l, no.l, 1958. Monthly. DM 15.60. East London Papers. University House, Lon- don E 2. v.l, no.l, 1958. 2 nos. a year. Price not given. The East Turkic Review. Institut zur Erfor- schung der UdSSR, Mannhardtstrasse 6, Miinchen 22. no.l, 1958. Frequency not given. Price not given. Electronics Express. International Physical Index, Inc., 1909 Park Avenue, New York 35. v.l, no.0, March 1958. Monthly. $57.50. Enquiry. Arts Faculty, University of Notting- ham, Nottingham, England, v.l, no.l, March 1958. Frequency not given. 2s. per issue. The Galley Sail Review. Galley Sail Publica- tions, 523 Clay Street, San Francisco 11. v.l, no.l, winter 1958. 4 nos. a year. $1. Gerontology and Geriatrics. Excerpta Meclica Foundation, 2 East 103 Street, New York 29. v.l, no.l, July 1958. Monthly. Price not given. The Graduate Journal. Graduate Dean, Uni- versity of Texas, Austin 12. v.l, no.l, spring 1958. 2 nos. a year. Price not given. Greek and Byzantine Studies. John J. Bilitz, P.O. Box 184, Elizabeth, New Jersey. July 1958. Frequency not given. Price not given. Health Physics. Pergamon Press, 122 East 55th Street, New York 22. v.l, no.l, June 1958. Frequency not given. $17. Immunology. Blackwell Scientific Publica- tions, 24-25 Broad Street, Oxford, Eng- land. v.l, no.l, January 1958. Quarterly. £ 3 . The Indian National Bibliography. Central Reference Library, Calcutta. October/De- cember 1957. Quarterly. Rs. 15/50 per issue? Industrial Architecture. 46-47 Chancery Lane, London W C 2. v.l, no.l, spring 1958. Quarterly. $4. Industrial Relations Digest. Callaghan and Company, 6141 North Cicero Avenue, Chi- cago. v.l, no.l, July 1958. Frequency not given. Price not given. International Technical Titles. Technical Library Associates, 11261 Venice Boule- vard, Los Angeles 34. v.l, no.l, January 1958. Monthly. $8. It Is. Second Half Publishing Company, 22 East 17th Street, New York, no.l, spring 1958. 3 nos. a year. $5.50. Jazz. Jazz Publications, Inc., 2110 Haste Street, Berkeley 4, California, no.l, Octo- ber 1958. Quarterly. $3. Jornal Brasileiro de Sociologia, Universidade do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. v.l, no.l, 1958. Frequency not given. Price not given. The Journal of Air Traffic Control. Air Traffic Control Association, 2030 North 16th Street, Arlington 1, Virginia, v.l, no.l, July 1958. Quarterly. $5. The Journal of Environmental Engineering. 11916 West Washington Boulevard, Los Angeles 66. v.l, no.l, October 1958. Bi- monthly. $5. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research. Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology, East Hall, State University of Iowa, Iowa City, v.l, no.l, March 1958. Quarterly. $5. Journal of Ultrastructure Research. Aca- demic Press, Inc., I l l Fifth Avenue, New York 3. v.l, no.l, November 1957. 4 nos. a year. $15. Journalism Review. School of Journalism, Montana State University, Missoula, no.l, 1958. Frequency not given. Price not given. Language and Speech. Robert Draper, Ltd., Kerbihan House, 85 Udney Park Road, Teddington, Middlesex, England, v.l, no.l, January/March 1958. Quarterly. $11.50. Lapis. Kenneth Mason, 1 Old Burlington Street, London W 1. no.l, October 1958. Monthly. £ 1 0 10s. Librarium. Schweizerische Bibliophile Ges- ellschaft, Zurich, v.l, no.l, April 1958. 3 nos. a year. Price not given. Library Herald. Delhi Library Association, Marwari Public Library, Delhi 6. v.l, no.l, April 1958. Quarterly. $4.50. Literarische Nachrichten aus Belgien. Inter- nationaal Literair en Toneelagentschap 140 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH L I B R A R I E S - van Belgie, Gordunakaai 5, Gent, no.l, April 1958. Frequency not given. Price not given. Logos. National Hospital for Speech Dis- orders, 61 Irving Place, New York 3. v.l, October 1958. Semiannual. $1.75. Machine Accounting and Data Processing. Gille Associates, Inc., 956 Maccabees Building, Detroit 2. v.l, no.l, November/ December 1958. Bimonthly. $7.50. Management and Business Automation. Of- fice Appliance Company, 600 West Jack- son Boulevard, Chicago 6. Preview edition, October 1958. Monthly. $5. The Mediterranean and Eurafrica. Mediter- ranean and Levant Press of New York, Inc., 108 East 81st Street, New York 28. v.l, no.l, June 1958. Monthly. $10. The Microwave Journal. 160 Warren Street, Boston 19. v.l, no.l, July/August 1958. Monthly. $10. Middle East Law Review. Y. T , Hourani, P.O. Box 4622, Beirut, Lebanon, v.l, 1958. Monthly. $45. Modern Drama. A. C. Edwards, Department of English, University of Kansas, Law- rence. v.l, no.l, May 1958. 4 nos. a year. $2. Nobres Casas de Portugal. Livraria Tavares Martins, Porto, no.l, May 1958. Irregular. Price not given. Norwegian Science and Letters. Oslo Uni- versity Press, Karl Johans Gate 47, Oslo, no.l, May 1958. Quarterly. Free? Nukleonik. Springer Verlag, Berlin, v.l, no.l, April 1958. Frequency not given. DM 6.60 per issue. Pakistan Library Review. Karachi Univer- sity Library Science Alumni Association, Karachi University Library, Karachi, v.l, no.l, March 1958. Quarterly. $1.20. Physical Review Letters. American Institute of Physics, 335 East 45th Street, New York 17. v.l, no.l, July 1, 1958. Semimonthly. $10. Physics Express. International Physical In- dex, Inc., 1909 Park Avenue, New York 35. v.l, no.l, June 1958. Monthly. $57.50. The Physics of Fluids. American Institute of Physics, 335 East 45th Street, New York 17. v.l, no.l, July/August 1958. Bimonthly. $10. Politique. Compagnie d'fiditions Libres Soci- ales et Economiques, 3, rue du Faubourg St.-Honore, Paris 8. no.l, January/March 1958. Quarterly. Fr. 1.500. Radio-, Fernseh-, Phono-Praxis. Vogel-Ver- lag, Wiirzburg. no.l, February 1958. Semi- monthly. DM 9. Rehabilitation. Excerpta Medica Founda- tion, 2 East 103 Street, New York 29. v.l, no.l, July 1958. Monthly. Price not given. Religious and Theological Abstracts. P.O. Box 803, Youngstown 1, Ohio, v.l, no.l, March 1958. Quarterly. $7. Revue du Marche Commun. Editions Tech- niques et Economiques, 3, rue Soufflot, Paris, no.l, March 1958. Monthly. Fr. 3.500. Sardio. Apartados del Este, no. 5346, Caracas, Venezuela, no.l, May/June 1958. Bi- monthly. Bs 10. Sonorum Speculum. C. F. Peters Corporation, 373 Fourth Avenue, New York 16. no.l, summer 1958. 2 nos. a year. Price not given. Southern Jewish Historical Society Journal. American Jewish Archives, Cincinnati, v.l, no.l, November 1958. Frequency not given. $.50 per issue. Spectacles. 198, Boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris, no.l, March 1958. Quarterly. Fr. 3.500. State Government News. Council of State Governments, 1313 East 60th Street, Chi- cago 37. v.l, no.l, July 1958. Monthly. $2. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Landbouweten- skap. Department of Agriculture, Division of Publicity, Private Bag 144, Pretoria, Union of South Africa, v.l, no.l, March 1958. Frequency not given. 7s 6d per issue. Talanta. Pergamon Press, 122 East 55th Street, New York 22. v.l, no. 1/2, July 1958. Frequency not given. $17. Tradition. American Tradition Corporation, 16854 Hamilton Avenue, Detroit 3. v.l, no.l, December 1958. Monthly. $5. Victorian Studies. Indiana University, Bloom- ington. v.l, no.l, September 1957. Quar- terly. $5. Vita Humana. S. Karger, New York, v.l, no.l, 1958. Quarterly. Fr.s. 38.50. MARCH 1959 141