College and Research Libraries Resources of North Carolina Libraries. North Carolina. Governor's Commission on Library Resources. Ed. by Robert B. Downs. Raleigh, 1965. iii, 236. (65- 64746). Terry Sanford, the progressive, "educa- tion" governor of North Carolina from 1960 through 1964, app~ted a Governor's Com- mission on Library. ·•Resources in February 1964. This Commission engaged Robert B. Downs and a team of able North Carolina librarians to survey all types of libraries in the state to make recommendations which would enable library planners and govern- ment officials to meet the state's growing and changing library needs. Resources of North Carolina Libraries is the result of this study. The report is important in several re- spects. It is the first survey ever published of library resources of North Carolina. It is a comprehensive compendium of statistics and facts about North Carolina libraries, organized in a useful and understandable volume. Dr. Downs has brought together a mass of information that can be used for evaluating and planning the improve- ment of all types of libraries in the state. One of the most useful aspects of the studi may prove to be the comparisons of the present status of North Carolina li- braries to national and regional standards. For example, statistics on the important li- brary criteria are charted for all the state's college and university libraries and com- pared to ACRL standards. Comparisons to Book Reviews I 43 standards are given also for public and school libraries. The report considers rather extensively the regional library concept for the de- velopment of public library resources. How- ever, no detailed plan of regional library organization is recommended such as those in the Pennsylvania and Illinois surveys. This omission may be due to insufficient study time, as well as to disagreement be- tween the surveyors and the Commission as to basic methods of public library financing; the surveyors emphasized state aid, and the Commission stressed local support. The report recommends further study to deter- mine the most satisfactory plan for state li- brary systems. The fifty-five major recom- mendations in the report emphasize the need for increased financial support of all types of libraries. Unfortunately, the report appeared too late in Governor Sanford's administration for it to carry much impact on the 1965 General Assembly. With the change in state administrations, the Commission ceased to exist. It is expected that some of the indi- viduals on the Commission, library-minded citizens, and librarians will implement many of the recommendations in the report. Cer- tainly, the facts contained in the report will be useful for a long time to come in plan- ning for improved library services and as arguments for increased library budgets.- Isaac T. Littleton, North Carolina State Uni- versity at Raleigh. • • Reminder QuESTIONNAIRES for the Survey of College and University Libraries, 1964- 65, which were mailed to participating libraries early in December 1965, should be completed and returned immediately in order to insure early publication of the survey. • •