College and Research Libraries 234 I College & Research Libraries • May 1973 OTHER BOOKS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Academic Who~s Who 1973-1974. Edition published by Charles and Adam Black (London). Distributed by R. R. Bowker Co., New York. 1973. 521p. $21.95. Adelman, Irving, and Dworkin, Rita. The Contemporary Novel. New Jersey: Scare- crow Press, Inc., 1972. 614p. $15.00. (72-4451). (ISBN: 0-8108-0517-0). American Library Association. Financial Assistance for Library Education, 1973- 1974. Chicago: ALA, 1972. 50p. (ISBN 0-8389-6177-0) . Annual Review of Information Science & Technology, Volume 1-7 Cumulative Index, Wash., D.C.: American Society for Information Science, 1972. 171p. ( 66-25096). (ISBN 0-87715-207-1). Axford, Lavonne. An Index to the Poems of Ogden Nash. New Jersey: Scarecrow Press, 1972. 145p. $6.50. (72-7266) (ISBN 0-8108-0547-2). Benton, Mildred, comp. Federal Library Resources. New York: Science Associates/ International, Inc. 1973. 120p. $10.00. ( 72-94002). ( SBN 0-87837-002-1). Bowker Serials Bibliography Supplement 1972. New York: R. R. Bowker Co., 1973. 357p. $12.00. (72-2677). (ISBN 0-8352-0588-66) . Bricker, George W., comp. Bricker's Direc- tory of University-Sponsored Executive Development Programs. 1973 ed. Mass.; Bricker Publications. 304p. $47.50. (73- 110249). Brown, Sanborn C., ed. Changing Careers in Science and Engineering. Mass.: MIT Press, 1972. 349p. $10.00. (72-8840). (ISBN 0-262-02090-4). Busha, Charles. Freedom Versus Suppres- sion and Censorship. Littleton, Col.: Li- braries Unlimited, Inc., 1972. 240p. $10.- 00. (72-91672). (0-87287-057-X). Checklist of Major U.S. Government Se- ries. v. I. Virginia: Department of Agri- culture, 1972. 85p. $25.00. C LA Organization Handbook and M em- bers hip List 1972- 73. Ottawa, Ontario: Canadian Library Association, 1972. 76p. $7.50. (ISBN 0-88802-090-2). Cuadra, Carlos A., ed. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, Vol. 7. Wash., D.C.: American Society for Information Science, 1972. $17.50. 606p. ( 66-25096). (ISBN 0-87715- 206-3). Davis, Bonnie M., comp. A Guide to Infor- mation Sources for Reading. Delaware: NRC,EC,IRA. 158p. Dick, Elie. Current Information Sources in Mathematics. Colorado: Libraries Un- limited, Inc., 1973. 280p. $12.50. (72- 075143). (ISBN 0-87287-047-2). Greer, Roger C. Illustration Index. New Jersey: Scarecrow Press, 1973. 164p. $5.00. (72-10918). (ISBN 0-8108-0568- 5). Hammer, Donald P. , comp. Indiana Semi- nar on Information Networks (ISIN) Proceedings, October 26-28, 1971. In- diana: Purdue University Libraries, 1972. 91p. Hammond, George P., ed. Guide to the Manuscript Collections of the Bancroft Library. Volume II: Mexican and Cen- tral American Manuscripts. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1973. 304p. $20.00. (63-16986). (ISBN 0- 520-01991-1). High Fidelity. Records in Review. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1972. 512p. $9.95. (55-10600). Krichmar, Albert. The Women's Rights Movement in The United States 1848- 1970. New Jersey: Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1972. 445p. $12.50. (72-4702). (ISBN: 0-8108-0528-6). Landry, Hilton and Elaine. A Concordance to the Poems of Hart Crane. New Jersey : Scarecrow Press, 1972. 387p. $12.50. (72-10663). (ISBN 0-8108-0564-2). Ledesert, D. M. and Ledesert, R. P. L., eds. Harrap's New Standard French & English Dictionary, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1972. Vol. 1 & 2. $39.50. (72-2297). (ISBN 684-13006-8) . MacCann, Donnarae, and Woodard, Gloria. The Black American in Books for Chil- dren: Readings in Racism. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1972. 230p. $6.50. (72-4490). (ISBN: 0-8108-0526- X). Martinson, Tom L. Introduction to Library Research in Geography. New Jersey : Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1972. 168p. $5.00. (72-2012). (ISBN: 0-8108-0495-6). .. l ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the Clearinghouse for Library and Information Sciences of the Educational Resources In- formation Center (ERICjCLIS), American Society for Information Science, 1140 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Suite 804, Washington, DC 20036. Documents with an ED number may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or hard copy (HC) from ERIC Document Reproduction Service, LEASCO Information Pro.ducts, Inc., P.O. Drawer 0, Bethesda, MD 20014. Orders must include ED number and specification of format deSired. A $0.50 handling charge will be added to aU orders. Payment must accom- pany orders totaling less than $10.00. Orders from states with sales tax laws must include payment of the appropriate tax or include tax exemption certificates. Documents available from the National Technical Information Seroice, Springfield, VA 22151 have NTIS number and price following the citation. A Report on the Status of Women Em- ployed in the Library of the University of California, Berkeley, with Recom- mendations for Aflirmative Action. By Anne Lipow and others. California Uni- versity, Berkeley. Library Affirmative Ac- tion Program for Women Committee (AAPWC). December 1971. 61p. (ED 066 163, MF-$0.65). This report deals with discrimination against women employed as librarians and library assistants at the University of Cali- fornia, Berkeley Library. The report dem- onstrates that ( 1) library professional, tech- nical, and clerical personnel-both women and men-work in "women's occupations," and, therefore, are underpaid when com- pared to those employed in "men's occupa- tions'' which require similar backgrounds of education and experience; ( 2) within their respective categories of librarian and library assistant, women are concentrated at the lowest levels; and (3) the opportu- nities for women to advance in their library careers are apparently diminishing. Some of the broader factors which contribute to the inferior position of women in the labor force are analyzed, such as stereotyped at- titudes about the "nature" of women, dis- criminatory hiring practices, limited edu- cational opportunities, and lack of adequate child-care facilities. Recommendations to correct these inequities include: immediate increase in salary for all women and men employed in the library to parity with sal- aries of comparable male-typed occupations; corrective reclassification of women whose advancement has been retarded because of their sex; proposals for changes in hiring and recruitment policies, improvement of in-service training and career development, expansion of educational opportunities, pro- vision of child-care facilities, and implemen- tation of an affirmative action program. Attitudes Towards Interlibrary Coopera- tion: Summary of a Study. By Danuta A. Nitecki. Drexel University, Philadel- phia, Pa., Graduate School of Library Sci- ence. 1971. 23p. (ED 066 167, MF- $0.65, HC-$3.29). The participants in the Workshop on Co- operation Between Different Types of Li- braries, which was held in November 1971, in Philadelphia, were surveyed in an effort to determine their attitudes toward interli- brary cooperation. Follow-up studies were conducted after the workshop to discover what, if any, effect the workshop had on the participants' attitudes. Generally, the work- shop participants favored cooperative efforts between different types of libraries, al- though some problems concerning such ef- forts in this region were perceived. By the end of the workshop, a few conditions were identified as being significant obstacles to cooperation, and at the same time, actions were specified to overcome these barriers. At the end of the workshop, 70 percent of I 235 236 I College & Research Libraries • May 1973 the respondents ·agreed that the lack of cre- ative administrative leadership was a sig- nificant barrier to interlibrary cooperation, while only 10 percent agreed six months later in the followup studies. The impact of the worl