College and Research Libraries 82 t ·College & Research Libraries • January 1976 sembled here in one volume. It is not an es- sential reference work-Louis A.· ·Kenney; Director of Library Services, San Diego State University. Sherrod, John, ed. Information Systems and Networks. Eleventh Annual Symposium, March 27-29, 1974. Produced by lnfor- . matics, Inc., Westport, Conn.: Green- . wood, 1975. 200p. $11.00. (LC 74- ·11941) (ISBN 0-8371-7717-0) If you like Irish stew this book is for you. Hidden behind a vague title is a symposium on on-line intera.ctive data base services. The Data: Base · Industry, or rriore accurately. the Data Base Complex, embraces activities ranging from creating data bases to provid- ing data base ·services to end-users. It faces is~ues of design, economics, organization, and us~r requirements, and hardware-soft- ware-telecommunication arrangements. The actors in the data base drama are: organizations that create and often publish data bases; · organizations that produce machine-readable versions of data bases; organizations that provide software access to data baseS; organizations that supply te;lecommunication connections; organiza- ti<;>ns that offer services directly to us~rs or to intermediaries such as librarians, re- s~arch organizations, and their funders; the· acJ,ministrators .and staffs of these organiza- · tions; and the end-users themselves. Most of the actors . are represented iri the sym- posium. : · . · . . The is~ues facing these actors include the OP,timal ·design of data bases, of hardware, of: software, and of service interfaces. They inc1ude issues of financing development and operation, of subsidizing and recovering costs, and . of marketing and pricing ser- vices. Issues relating to ·users include the characteristics of various 'user groups, their work requirements, and the system and service functions that best meet these re- quirements. Most .of these issues are covered in vary- ing depth in the symposium. Some of the m·ore substantive presentations are Roy Kid- man's statement of the harsh constraints on aqademic libraries in offering on-line ser- vices; Thomas Martin's review of alterna- tives in designing interactive retrieval soft- ware; ·Donald King and :Raymond ·Brown's eronomic model for deeiSions · on · using interactive services; Bennet· Lientz' s quanti- fication of factors in deciding to :secure computer services through a network; Ken- neth Siler's ;description of criteria for evalu- ating data base management systems; and Paul Zurkowski's discussion of the role of the marketplace in access to in- formation. In addition, there. are lucid dis-:- cussio.ns of .. data bases and services in areas such as toxicology, medi~ine, .aerospace, bi- ology> .and chemistry. Historical and sum- . mary papers offer background information for the nontechnical reader . . · The virtue of this symposium is -that the main actors and issues in the Data Base Complex are represented. ·Its .defect is a lack of..a unifying plot that highlights the parties at issue and the. -alterna.tives each face. · The papers appear 01,1e · after the oth- er; .· covering an astonishingly wide range, more like. a drama festival ' than .an evening with Ibsen. The symposium ·advances our ability to reach an integrated understand- ing of what commercial, · academic, . profes- sional, and governmental groups must do to make interactive services better and sup- portable. Librarians, systems personnel, ad- ministrators, and business people will each find several valuable papers in this sym- posium. The . organizers deserve credit for making the proceedings available rapidly. -Douglas Ferguson, · Stanford University Libr{lnes, Stanford, California. · OTHER. PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Alloman, Katherine A. A . Reference Guide to Postsecondary Education · Data Sour- ces; A Dire(Jtory to Data Sources Corre- sponding to Items in the NCHEMS StateWide Measilres Inventory. Boulder, Colo.:. National Center for Higher Edu- cation Management Systems at Western Interstate Commission for Higher Educa- tion, 1975. 1v. unpaged. $12.00. American Library Association. Office for Library , Service to the Disadvantaged. Multi-Ethic Media; Selected Bibliogra-