College and Research Libraries 380 I College & Research Libraries • July 1976 cessive and irrelevant" (p.94). Anglo-American librarianship needs more ideas brought in from the outside, and in spite of the problems connected with this work, it is a worthy attempt-the kind of publication which ought to be encouraged. -Robert Broadus, Department of Library Science, Northern Illinois University, De- Kalb. Lowell, Mildred Hawksworth. Library Management Cases. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1975. 260p. $8.50. (LC 75- 23077) (ISBN 0-8108-0845-5) This volume is composed of seventy-six fictionalized problem cases exemplifying various aspects of library management. It is uncertain, however, whether this book is to be considered a revised edition of the a~thor' s Management of Libraries and In- formation Centers (4 vols., 1968-71) or only as a revised edition of one of the four volumes. The author died while the volume was in preparation, and this point remains unclear. Some of the cases are new. Most, how- ever, are revisions in one form or another of cases which appeared earlier in one of the volumes of Management of Libraries and Information Centers. Each case is an episode in the life of a librarian. The cases cover all types of libraries. There are cases to be role-played. There are my favorites, the in-basket cases. The general structure follows the au- thor's conception of the first three phases of management: organizing, planning, and controlling. The fourth phase, leading and motivating, was to have been a part of a projected volume, Library Personnel Cases. Slight introductory material, of a few paragraphs, precede the cases in each chap- ter. These introductions summarize the managerial precepts that the cases in the chapters exemplify. Following each case, except for those of role playing, one or more questions or suggestions are append- ed. The questions occasionally do not refer to the more important points of the cases; and readers may have a tendency to focus on answers to the appended matter rather than on what they perceive to be the rami- fications of the cases themselves. Since the book is to be used in management courses in library schools or in seminars, workshops, institutes, and continuing education pro- grams, these suggestions or questions may inhibit the imagination of the reader as well as inhibit the initiative of the instruc- tor or program leader. There are indexes by title and by subject, but each entry refers to a case number in- stead of a page number. The time required to locate a reference is thus needlessly lengthened. This edition is certainly better than the author's Management of Libraries and In- formation Centers, because the author has eliminated some of the objectionable as- pects of those four volumes, for example, the lecture outlines, suggested readings, or bibliographies in volume 2. Yet this is a volume which I judge should never have been published, because there are potential- ly few persons who should, or would care to, read it. Its sole justification might be in its becoming a library school textbook. Even that possibility is diminished greatly because management courses in library schools have changed so dramatically in the past few years.-G. A. Rudolph, Dean of Libraries, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Allworth, Edward. Soviet Asia: Bibliogra- phies. New York: Published in Coopera- tion with the Program on Soviet Nation- ality Problems, Columbia Univ., by Prae- ger, 1975. 686p. $35.00. (LC 73-9061) (ISBN 0-275-28740-8) American Humanities Index for 1975. Troy, N.Y.: Whitston, 1976. Vol. 1- . $89.50, amiual cumulation; $125.00, quarterly index. (ISBN 0-87875-089-4) American Theological Library Association. Summary of Proceedings of the Twenty- ninth Annual Conference. Philadelphia: American Theological Library Assn., 1976. 204p. $4.00. Ass_ociation of College and Research Li- braries. Community and Junior College Libraries Section. Bibliography Commit- l tee. Vocational-Technical Periodicals for Community College Libraries. (Choice Bibliographical Essays Series, no.4) Mid- dletown, Conn.: Choice, I976. 44p. $6.95. (LC 73-38838) (ISBN 0-9I4492- 03-9) Authors in the News: A Compilation of News Stories and Feature Articles from American Newspapers and Magazines Covering Writers and Other Members of the Communications Media. Detroit: Gale, I976. Vol. I- . $24.00. (LC 75- I354I) (ISBN 0-8I03-0043-5) Baudelaire to Beckett: A Century of French Art and Literature; A Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts, and Related Materi- al Drawn from the Collections of the Hu- manities Research Center. Sel. and descr. by Carlton Lake. Austin: Humanities Re- search Center, Univ. of Texas, I976. 204p. $20.00. Bibliographic Guide to Law: 1975. Boston: G. K. Hall, I976. Unpaged. $65.00. (ISBN 0-8I6I-68I6-4) Bibliography of the Publications of the Li- brarians of the State University of New York, 1975. Comp. by the Public Infor- mation and Communication Committee. N.p.: State University of New York Li- brarians Assn., I975. 46p. (Available free from Terry Hubbard, University Li- brary, SUNY at Stony Brook, NY II794) Bindo:ff, S. T., and Boulton, James T., eds. Research in Progress in English and His- tory in Britain, Ireland, Canada, Austra- lia, and New Zealand. London: St. James Pr.; New York: St. Martin's Pr., I975. 284p. (LC 75-29642) (ISBN 0- 900997 -28-I) The Blue Book: Leaders of the English- speaking World, 1976. London: St. James Pr.; New York: St. Martin's Pr., I976. I,834p. $45.00. (LC 73-I39I8) (ISBN 900997-30-0) Brichford, Maynard J., and others. Manu- scripts Guide to Collections at the Uni- 1 versity of Illinois at Urbana-champaign. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Pr., I976. 384p. $9.95. (LC 75-38797) (ISBN 0-252- 00599-6) Brose, David S., ed. The Mid-Continental Journal of Archaeology. Kent, Ohio: Kent State Univ. Pr., I976- . Vol. I, no. 1- . $7.50, biannually. Recent Publications I 381 Brown, A. G. Introduction to Subject In- dexing; A Programmed Text. (Subject Analysis and Practical Classification, Vol. I) London: Clive Bingley; Hamden, Conn.: Linnet Books, 1976. 202p. $8.50. (75-33276) (ISBN 0-208-0I524-8, v.I) Cashman, Marc, ed. Bibliography of Amer- ican Ethnology. Rye, New York: Todd Publications, I976. 320p. $I7.50. (LC 75-44M5) Catalogo dei Libri in Commercia 1975. New York: Bowker, 1976. I,60Ip. $62.50. (ISBN 0-8352.-0876-I) Cinema Sourcebook. New York: Cinema Sourcebook, I976- . Vol. I- . $35.00, monthly. (Imprinted binder free with subscription) Cossette, Andre. Humanisme et biblio- theques: Essai sur la philosophie de la bibliotheconomie. (Collection 'Documen- tationen en diagonale,' no.4) Montreal: ASTED, I976. 59p. $6.00. Cross, Wilbur. The Weekend Education Source Book. New York: Harper, I976. 296p. $6.95, pa. (LC 75-30360) (ISBN 0-06-I21576-3, pa.) Dalby, A. K. Me.dical Abstracts and In- dexes, 1975. Cambridge: University Li- brary, I975. 83p. (ISBN 0-902205-I7-X) Decalo, Samuel. Historical Dictionary of Dahomey (People's Republic of Benin) ( Mrican Historical Dictionaries, no. 7) Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, I976. 23Ip. $9.00. (LC 75-42I68) (ISBN 0-8I08- I833-I) Declassified Documents Quarterly Catalog. Washington, D.C.: Carrollton Pr., 1975- . Vol. I- . Directory of Corporate Affiliations, 1976. Skokie, Ill.: National Register Publishing, I976. Unpaged. $40.00, yearly. (LC 62- 22770) (ISBN 0-87~17 -002-0) ( 5 up- dating supplements) Dyment, Alan R., ed. The Literature of the Film: A Bibliographical Guide to the Film as Art and Entertainment, 1936- 1970. London: White Lion Publishers; dist. by Gale, I975. 398p. $35.00. (ISBN 72850-0558) Elections '76. Washington, D.C.: Congres- sional Quarterly, 1976. I36p. $5.25. (LC 76-2495) (ISBN 0-87I87-089-4) Fawcett, Margot J., ed. The 1976 Corpus Almanac of Canada. Toronto: Corpus 382 I College & Research Libraries • July 1976 Publishers Services Ltd., 1976. Unpaged. $29.50. (ISBN 0-919217-02-8) Filby, P. William, comp. American and British Genealogy and Heraldry. 2d ed. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1975. 467p. $25.00. (LC 75-29383) (ISBN 0- 8389-0203-0) Food and Population: The World in Crisis. (The Great Contemporary Issues series) New York: Arno, 1976. 388p. $35.00. (LC 75-23476) (ISBN 0-405-06663-5) Freeman, William. A Concise Dictionary of English Idioms. 3d ed. Boston: The Writer, 1976. 215p. $4.95. (LC 75- 29029.) (ISBN 0-87116-094-3) Gifford, Denis. The British Comic Cata- logue, 1874-1974. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1976. 210p. $30.00. (LC 75-35486) (ISBN 0-8371-8649-8) Goode, Stephen H. Index to Common- wealth Little Magazines, 1974-1975. Troy, New York: Whitston, 1975. 491p. $20.00. (LC 66-28796) (ISBN 0-87875- 085-1) Goodrich, L. Carrington, ed. Dictionary of Ming Biography, 1368-1644. New York: Columbia Univ., 1976. 2 vol. ·$85.00, set. (LC 75-26938) (ISBN 0-231-03801-1, v.1; ISBN 0-231-03833-X, v.2) Gropp, Arthur E. A Bibliography of Latin American Bibliographies Published in Periodicals. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1976. 2v. $37.50. (LC 75-32552) (ISBN 0-8108-0838-2) Haller, Margaret. The Book Collector's Fact Book. New York: Arco, 1976. 271p. $8.95. (LC 74-27436) (ISBN 0-668- 03756-3) Henley, Nancy, and Thome, Barrie, comps. She Said/He Said: An Annotated Bib- liography of Sex Differences in Lan- guages, Speech, and Nonverbal Commu- nication. Pittsburgh: Know, Inc., 1975. 311p. $2.25. (ISBN 0-912786-36-1) Historic Documents of 1975. (Historic Doc- uments Series, Vol.4) Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, 1976. 982p. $32.50. (With Cumulative Index, 1972- 1975.) (LC 72-97888) (ISBN 0-87187- 090-8) Hoover, Dwight W., ed. Cities. New York: Bowker, 1976. 23lp. $14.95. (LC 76- 2601) (ISBN 0-8352-0770-0) Ireland, Norma 0., comp. Index to Inspira- tion, A Thesaurus of Subjects for Speak- ers and Writers. Westwood, Mass.: F. W. Faxon, 1976. 506p. $18.00. (LC 75- 35464) (ISBN 0-87305-103-3) Jenkins, Betty L., and Phillis, Susan, comps. Black Separatism: A Bibliography. West- port, Conn.: Greenwood, 1976. 163p. $11.00 (LC 75-23866) (ISBN 0-8371- 8378-2) Klein, Barry T., ed. Guide to American Sci- entific and Technical Directories. (2d ed.) Rye, New York: Todd Publications, 1975. 280p. $25.00. (LC 72-91671) Land Use Planning Abstracts: A Select Guide to Land and Water Resources In- formation. New York: Environmental In- formation Center, 1974- . Vol. 1- . $50.00, updated annually. (LC 74- 28044) Metz, Karen S. Information Sources in Power Engineering: A Guide to Energy Resources and Technology. Westport, · Conn.: Greenwood, 1976. 114p. $11.00. (LC 75-32096) (ISBN 0-8371-8538-6) Music in Film and Television; An Interna- tional Selective Catalogue, 1964-197 4. Comp. and ed. by the International Mu- sic Center, Vienna. Paris: Unesco Pr., 1975. 197p. (ISBN 92-3-201273-1) NLA Newsletter: The National Librarian. Vol. 1- . 1976- . $10.00 per year. (Order from: National Librarians Asso- ciation, 1705 Glenoaks Dr., Greensboro, NC 27407.) Nardone, Thomas R., ed. Choral Music in Print. 1976 Supplement. Philadelphia: Musicdata, 1976. 419p. $32.00. (LC 73- 87918) (ISBN 0-88478-007-4) 1976 Energy Fact Book. Arlington, Va.: Tetra Tech, 1975. irreg. paging. $8.95. (LC 75-45508) (ISBN 0-966646-01-7) Pacific Northwest Conference on Higher Education, 36th. Liberal Studies and Ca- reer Education. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference. Ed. by Anthony P. Via. Corvallis, Ore.: Published for the Conference by Oregon State Univ. Pr., 1975. 63p. (LC 75-38539) (ISBN 0- 87071-27 4-8) Pearson, Edmund L. The Librarian: Selec- tions from the Column of That Name. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1976. 659p. $22.50. (LC 75-35725) (ISBN 0-8108- 0851-X) j ~ :J. + + Ponchie, Jean-Pierre, ed. French Periodical Index: 1973-1974. Westwood, Mass.: F. W. Faxon, 1976 .. 618p. $28.00. (LC 72-28987) (ISBN 0-87305-106-8) Poston, Richard W. Action Now! A Citi- zen's Guide to Better Communities. Car- bondale: Southern Illinois Univ. Pr., 1976. 257p. (LC 76-949) (ISBN 0- 8093-0760-X) Presidency, 1975. Washington, D.C.: Con- gressional Quarterly, 1976. 128p. $5.25. ( LC 7 4-4270) (ISBN 0-87187-087-8) Presley, John W. The Robert Graves Man- uscripts and Letters at Southern Illinois University: An Inventory. Troy, New York: Whitston, 1975. 261p. $18.00. (LC 75-8383) (ISBN 0-87875-075-4) Repertoire des livres disponibles 1975. New York: Bowker, 1976. 6v. $150.00, Author/Title v.; $116.00, Subject v.; $220.00, Author/Title/Subject v. (ISBN 2-229-00005-5, Author/Title v.; ISBN 2- 229-00007-1, Subject v.; ISBN 2-229- 00004-7, Author/Title/Subject set) Rogers, Douglas G. Sherwood Anderson: A Selective, Annotated Bibliography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1976. 163p. $6.00. (LC 75-45225) (ISBN 0-8108- 0900-1) Sepehri, Abazar, comp. Iranian Corporate Headings with References. New York: Division of Library and Information Sci- ence, St. John's Univ., 1976. 72p. Smith, Myron J. Cloak-and-Dagger Bibli- ography: An Annotated Guide to Spy Fiction, 1937-1975. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1976. 236p. $9.50. (LC 75- 44319) (ISBN 0-8108-0897-8) Tchobanoglous, George, ed. Wastewater Management: A Guide to Information Sources. (Man and the Environment In- formation Guide Series, Vol. 2) Detroit: Gale, 1976. 202p. $18.00. (LC 74- 11570) (ISBN 0-8103-1338-3) Thesaurus of Agricultural Terms, as Used in the Bibliography of Agriculture from Data Provided by the National Agricul- tural Library, U.S. Department of Agri- culture. Scottsdale, Ariz.: Oryx Pr., 1976. 83p. $9.50. (LC 76-1438) (ISBN 0- 912700-39-4) . Thesaurus of Descriptors Used for Infor- mation Processing in the ILO Library. Geneva: International Labour Office, Recent Publications I 383 1976. 198p. 45 Sw. frs. (ISBN 92-2- 001264-2) Ting, Nai-tung, and Ting, Lee-hsia Hsu. Chinese Folk Narratives: A Bibliograph- ical Guide. San Francisco: Chinese Ma- terials Center, 1975. 68p. Vinson, James, ed. Contemporary Novelists. 2d ed. London: St. James Pr.; New York: St. Martin's Pr., 1976. 163p. $35.00. (LC 75-189694) (ISBN 0-900997-28-1) Who's Who in American Art, 1976. Ed. by Jaques Cattell Press. New York: Bowker, 1976. 756p. $37.00. (LC 36-27014) (ISBN 0-8352-0850-8) Wilson, William K., and Wilson, Betty L., comps. Directory of Research Grants, 1975. Scottsdale, Ariz.: Oryx Pr., 1975. 390p. $32.50. (LC 75-17995) (ISBN Q: .. 912700-19-X) Wynar, Bohdan S. Introduction to Catalog- ing and Classification. 5th ed. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1976. 448p. $17.00, cloth; $11.00, pa. (LC 75- 44324) (ISBN 0-87287-160-6, cloth; ISBN 0-87287-161-4, pa.) YOU WILL HAVE- "CONFIDENCE" In Our Complete Periodicals Service- All American and Foreign Titles Premptne11 is • Tr••litiemd ,.,. ef McGr•t•r Service • • • as wen at: • EXPERIENCE • TRAINED PERSONNEL • FINANCIAL STABILITY • AMPLE FACILITIES • RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT A1t •Hr•cfiy• •rw~twre i• . .,.;, .. ,. ,., ,,.. .,;,,. SUISCliJE TO OUR McGlEGOl d PEliODICA 43r BULLETIN YEAR MOUNT MOiliiS, ILLINOIS 61014 384 I College & Research Libraries • July 1976 ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, Stanford Center for Research and Development in Teach- ing, School of Education, Stanford Univer- sity. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either micrafiche (MF) or pa- per copy (HC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190, Arling- ton, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify format desire.d, and include payment for document and postage. Postage charges are $.18 for up to 60 microfiche or for the first 60 pages of paper copy; $.08 for each additional 60 fiche or each addi- tional 60 pages of paper copy. Further information on ordering docu- ments may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Education (formerly Re- search in Education) . Approval Plans and Departmental Fair Share. By Kathleen McCullough. Univ. Libraries, Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind. 1975. 34p. (ED 111 340, MF-$0.76, HC-$1.95) Some university academic departments contend that they do not receive a fair share of approval-plan books. The study at- tempts to measure the proportion of books for each departmental subject in general publishing and to compare those ratios to their proportion in approval plan receipts. It also sought to determine whether and to what extent, book receipts that are low in some areas are also proportionately higher in cost. Results indicate that approval-plan selection closely follows proportions in gen- eral publishing and that some departments with small shares of books may require disproportionately larger shares of the book budget. Library Resources; A Guide to Selected Li- brary Information at the University · of Tennessee, Knoxville. 2d ed. By Malcolm Blowers. Univ. Libraries, Tennessee Univ., Knoxville. 1975. 45p. (ED 111 343, MF-$0.76, HC-$1.95) A guide to educational research and ref- erence materials is presented for use at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, library. The materials covered include guides, over- views, dictionaries and encyclopedias, bibli- ographies, periodical indexes and abstracts, book reviews, unpublished research, tests and measurement tools, research reviews, dissertations and theses, statistics, direc- tories, government publications, and bio- graphical works. Automated Systems at the National Li- brary: Past, Present and Future. Mar- guerite Wiper, ed. National Library of Canada, Ottawa. 1975. 20p. (ED 111 365, MF-$0.76, HC-$1.58) In order to optimize the use of available bibliographic data in machine-readable form by Canadian libraries, the National Library of Canada is developing new auto- mated systems. Implementation priorities are related to the development of national and international standards, systems, and networks. One major project is the design of a system, using MARC formats, for cata- loging and compiling Canadiana, the na- tional bibliography. Development of Ca- nadian MARC tapes is another major proj- ect. A third project will be the establish- ment and coordination of an automated Canadian union catalog system. Guidelines for Learning Resources in Li- braries of the California State University and Colleges System. Draft. By Evelyn H. Daniel and others. Council of Library Directors, Learning Resources Commit- tee, Calif. State Univ. and Colleges, Chico. 1975. 24p. (ED 111 387, MF- $0.76, HC-$1.58) Proposed guidelines for the selection and utilization of nonprint material to support the curriculum of the California State Uni- versity System are outlined. These guide- lines are organized into major functions and components of library organization and services. Six standards outlined are: func- tions, collections, staff, facilities, coopera- tive activities, and operations. Learning Resources Survey of Non-Print Materials and Equipment for the Li- braries of the California State University and Colleges. By Evelyn H. Daniel. Council of Library Directors, Learning ~ I 4 I + ....... Resources Committee, Calif. State Univ. and Colleges, Chico. 1975. 87p. (ED 111 388, MF-$0.76, HC-$4.43) In order to investigate current campus utilization of media, a learning resources survey questionnaire was sent to all Cali- fornia State University and Colleges (CSUC) library directors. Results indicated that nonprint holdings in the CSUC li- braries are marginal and mostly uncata- loged, that equipment was meager, and that there are stronger ties between the audiovisual department and the library than between the audiovisual department and instructional television or computer centers. Book Storage in Academic Libraries. By George Piternick. Council on Library Resources, Washington, D.C. 1974. 20p. (ED 112 835, MF-$0.76, HC-$1.58) A study was made to determine the pres- ent state of book storage in large North American academic libraries. A letter was sent to every academic library in the Asso- ciation of Research Libraries to inquire if it engages in book storage. From the thirty-five which answered affirmatively, fifteen were selected for visitation. Results indicated that book storage is viewed with distaste because it inhibits free access to materials and becau-se the costs of weeding, changing library records, and mairitaining a storage facility mask its economic ad- vantages. Two alternatives may be avail- able: the conversion of library materials to a less bulky form or the reduction of indi- vidual collections through increased inter- library cooperation. Although review of the policies and practices of the libraries re- vealed no firm guidelines for book storage, general suggestions were made for the size, location, and design of a storage facility; record keeping; weeding policies; and re- trieval for patrons. Current and Retrospective Sources of Ma- chine Readable Monograph Cataloging Records: A Study of Their Potential Cost and Utility in Automated System Devel- opment at the University of Minnesota. Rev. ed. By Audrey N. Grosch. Univ. Li- braries, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapo- Recent Publications I 385 lis. 1975. 58p. (ED 112 859, MF- $0.76, HC-$3.32) A discussion of alternatives and costs for building monographic bibliographic files for an on-line management system using mini- computers at the U Diversity of Minnesota Libraries considers secondary and primary sources of MARC II records, including Blackwell North America, Information Dy- namics Corporation BIBNET, and Ohio College Library Center as potential sources of both retrospective and current MARC · II records. Methods of partial retrospective conversion and the costs of using other bibliographic files in machine-readable form are also examined. In-house conver- sion costs for an on-line minicomputer sys- tem are presented as derived from the sys- tem installed in the University's Bio-Medi- cal Library. The findings presented indicate that (1) building and storing at least a partial MARC II file on-line, with the re- mainder on removable disc packs, would cost ·less than telecommunication from oth- er sources and (2) in-house retrospective conversion directly from catalog cards using the on-line minicomputer system would be less costly than using outside soutces. Model Personnel Policy for Ohio Academic Libraries and Public Libraries; Person- nel Guidelines for Governmental Li- braries, School Library Media Cente~s, Special Libraries. Ohio Library Founda- tion, Columbus. 1975. 43p. (ED 112 866, MF----=$0.76, HC-$1.95) A guide which any library may use to achieve its own statement of personnel policy presents policy models which suggest rules and regulations to b~ used to super- vise the staffs of public and academic li- braries. These policies cover: (1) appoint- ments; (2) classification of positions; (3) faculty and staff development; ( 4) per- formance evaluations; (5) promotions, transfer, demotion, tenure; (6) separation from service; (7) employee , relations; (8) working conditions; and ( 9) welfare and economic conditions. An Evaluation of Computer Assisted In- struction in the Merrill Library at Utah State University. By J. Nicholls East- mond, Jr., Merrill Library and Learning 386 I College & Research Libraries • july 1976 Resources Program, Utah State Univ., Logan. 1975. 65p. (ED 112 880, MF- $0.76, HC-$3.32) A study was conducted for the purpose of clarifying decision alternatives concern- ing computer-assisted instruction (CAl) in the Merrill Library at Utah State Universi- ty. A series of four questionnaires was used to poll students, library staff, faculty users, and prospective users. With the exception of a portion of the library staff, feelings ex- pressed about the CAl system were general- ly positive. Negative feelings encountered were due to mechanical difficulties. It is concluded that the CAl system appears to have considerable support from users and is in a position-through anticipated ex- pansion of terminal usage-to demonstrate a level of operation that is more cost-effec- tive than has previously been the case. Audio-Visual Space Reorganization Study. By Martha Baker. Univ. Libraries, Pur- due Univ., Lafayette, Ind. 1975. 63p. (ED 112 927, MF-$0.76, HC-$3.32) Space layout and work-How patterns in the Audiovisual Center at Purdue U niver- sity were studied with respect to effective space utilization and the need for planning space requirements in relationship to the activities being performed. Space and work areas were reorganized to facilitate the flow of work and materials between areas, and equipment and material storage was reor- ganized to expedite retrieval and restock- ing. Circulation of Materials for Purdue Univer- sity Libraries. By Miriam A. Drake. Univ. Libraries, Purdue Univ., Lafayette, Ind. 1975. 31p. (ED 112 929, MF- $0.76, HC-$1.95) A study of the Purdue University Li- braries was conducted to help allocate costs by user group and academic depart- ment. A circulation survey was taken to de- termine user identification. The sampling included reserve material used in the li- brary, materials borrowed overnight or longer, and use of photocopy service. Re- sults of the study were compiled in six statistical tables which indicate the number of loans by location, level of user, and school and department. Document Availability and Use Patterns at the University of California, Berkeley, Library: A Comparison with California State University, Sacramento. By Charles Martell. lnst. of Library Research, Univ. of California, Berkeley. 1975. 43p. (ED 112 931, MF-$0.76, HC-$1.95) A study was conducted of three key availability characteristics of material at the University of California (UC), Berkeley, library system: (1) status of materials, (2) time required to obtain them, and (3) their location. These characteristics were examined in light of interlibrary loan cri- teria set forth in a major report on library cooperation by the Audits Division of the California Department of Finance. Circula- tion data gathered from the libraries of UC, Berkeley, and California State Univer- sity, Sacramento, formed the basis for the examination. Using a classification algo- rithm developed by the Audits Division, it was ascertained that 82 percent of the books in the sample were high-use, while only 13 percent of the sampled books would have been available or eligible for interlibrary loan. It was determined that the highly dedicated delivery system rec- ommended in the auditor's report could not be justified without a substantial re- vision of the resource sharing criteria. Selective Dissemination of Microfiche Doc- uments in a University Setting: Phase I. Final Report. By Joseph C. Meredith. Learning Resources Center, Governor's State Univ., Park Forest South, Ill. 1975. 83p. (ED 112 954, MF-$0.76, HC- $4.43) A selective dissemination service (SRIM) of the National Technical Information Ser- vice (NTIS) features semi-monthly dis- semination of microfiche copies of docu- ments newly added to the NTIS collection, on the basis of interest profiles. The service was used to test a university subsystem wherein a number of individual profiles were combined and submitted to NTIS as a composite. Microfiche documents received were duplicated in sufficient copies to meet local distribution requirements, including one copy for library purposes. The study indicates the effect of local agency in stim- ulating and mediating the use of an SDI ,.. . J system, and the relative economy of local copying and redistribution of microfiche over direct ordering at current NTIS prices. SRIM is evaluated from the viewpoint of middleman and of users engaged in science, technology, and higher education. Report on the "Proposed Library Reorga- nization." by Charles Lowry and others. J. Murrey Atkins Library, North Carolina Univ., Charlotte. 1975. 25p. (ED 114 062, MF-$0.76, HC-$1.58) A proposed reorganization plan for the J. Murrey Atkins Library of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte would orga- nize the library in the collegial mold with two departments, Public Services and Tech- nical Services. Within each department, li- brarians would form a faculty with empha- sis on participatory management. Decisions involving the activities of particular library units would be made with the participation of the support staff working in that area. To implement this scheme, a three- to twelve-month period of analysis and experi- Recent Publications I 387 mentation would be conducted with staff members other than department heads act- ing as coordinators for reorganization. Through training sessions, staff members would develop needed skills in manage- ment techniques, communication, and deci- sion making. Detailed recommendations for implementing the scheme are included. Acronyms and lnitialisms of Library Net- works. Second Version. ERIC Clearing- house on Information Resources, Stan- ford Univ., Stanford, Calif. 1975. 16p. (ED 114 113, MF-$0.76, HC-$1.58) This second compilation of library net- work acronyms and initialisms cites sixty- one networks throughout the United States. Each annotated entry includes the net- work's acronym or initials, name, and ad- dress. A source of further information is cited in many entries, and an ED number is given for references available through the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC). NEW Up-To-Date · Books From Noyes Data NOYES DATA has developed two new techniques of vital Importance to those who wish to keep abreast of rapid changes in technology and business conditions: ·1) our advanced publishing systems permit us . to produce durably-bound books within a few months of manuscript acceptance; 2) our modern processing plant ships all orders on the day after they are received. HARDCOV~R BOOKS-SUMMER 1976 POLYOLEFIN PRODUCTION PROCESSES-LATEST DEVELOPMENTS by M. Sittig: Deals with the polymerization and copolymerization of ethylenically unsaturated hydrocarbons. The new catalyst systems, described here in detail, yield ·polyethylene and polypropylene having excellent stereoregularity. 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