College and Research Libraries for use in cases where th e headword might call for elucidation. . The relational features for the three sys- tems are equivalent but not equal. -Phyllis A. Richmond, Case W estern Reserr,e Uni- r,ersity , Cler,eland , Ohio. ABSTRACTS The follou;ing abstract s are bas ed on those pre pared by th e ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources , School of Educa- tion , Syracu se Unir,e rsity . Docume nts tcith an ED numbe r he re may be orde red in e ith e r mic rofich e ( MF ) or pape r copy (HC ) from th e ERIC Document Re production Se n:ice, P.O. Box 190 , Ar- lington , VA 22210. Orde rs should include ED number , specify format desired , and in- clude payment for do c ume nt and postage . Furth e r information on orde ring docu- ments and on c urrent postage charge may b e obtain e d from a rec e nt iss u e of Re- sources in Education. An Ecaluation of the · Use of Self Instruc- tional Materials in the Library. Occa- sional Publication no.3. By N . D. C . Harris and S. Kirkhope. Bath , England: Educational Se rvice s Unit , Bath Univ . 1977 . 138p. ED 158 710. MF-$0.83 ; HC-$7 .35 . An escalation in the use of nonbook materials in the library at the University of Bath created the need for an evaluation of their uses, learning e fficiency, and cost-effectiveness. Data were col- lected during 1976-77 using observations , short and long qu e stionnaires, free responses , group interviews with students , and cost analysis. All in- formation collected from the questionnaires , interviews, and free response s was transferred to cards indicating the name of the originator of ma- terials , the number sequence of the student, type of response , and the material. Cost analysis was conducted by calculation of the cost of providing the materials for which a cost for each us e could be determined. Findings are reported on (1) the use of study packs , videocartridges , slide/tape , and microfiche by both lecturers and students in various academic departments; (2) student reac- tions to study packs and videocartridges , based on feedback from students e ither in writing or during interviews concerning how the materials Recent Publications I 295 were used , the loan period, the basis of provi- sion , where they were used , and access to them in the library; (3) feedback to lecturers and the library ; and (4) cost analysis. Conclusions and recommendations are divided into the areas of proposed research, research strategies , the sys- tem that was investigated, and suggestions for further work. The study is supported by numer- ous tables and graphs and a copy of the question- naire evaluation form is included. The Serial Perplex. By Maree Macon Blackwell and Pearl Chopra. 1978 . 34p. ED 158 713 . MF-$0.83; HC-$2.06. The problems associated with the acquisition of periodicals from various sources and different sys- tems used by two University of Alabama libraries for the acquisition , controlling, and recording of serials are described in this report . Sources iden- tified and discussed include local sources and suppliers , direct subscriptions placed with pub- lishers, special departments designed to handle subscriptions on behalf of libraries, and exchange agreements. To ensure prompt and efficient ser- vice , it is suggested that librarians should acquire periodicals from the most advantageous combina- tion of the several sources available. The two sys- te ms described for acquisition , controlling, and A Basic Music Library Essential Scores and Books Pauline Bayne, ed itor Music Library Association, compiler A series of selective lists of essential scores and books about music that will be of great value to the small and me- dium-sized library interested in enrich- ing its music collection. It is intended to complement and to closely relate to a basic record collection . Complete order- ing information is given for each item . The collection areas covered include study scores for orchestral music; cham- ber music for strings an.d winds ; perform- ing editions for string and wind chamber music ; solo song; piano-vocal scores for opera and oratorio, reference books ; biographies; books on American music; periodicals ; year-books; and instru- mental methods and studies. 182 pages Paper LC 78-11997 ISBN 0-8389-0281-2 (1978) $5.00 Order Department American Library Association 50 E. Huron St ., Chicago , IL 60611 296 I College & Research Libraries • May 1979 recording of serials are a computer system used by the Lister Hill Library of Health Services and a visible and blind card system used by the Merve H. Stern Memorial Library . Description of the computer system includes criteria used by the Lister Hill Library for evaluating new peri- odicals, important features of the computer sys- tem, procedures for updating the files for biblio- graphic records and serial expenditures, and computer-generated reports and products. Dis- cussion of the two card systems used at the Merve H . Stern Library focuses on cataloging, maintenance , and updating procedures for peri- odical holdings; examples of cards and forms used at the library are included . A selected list of ref- erences is appended . Professional Development and Continuing Education in Librarianship. Proceedings of a One-Day Conference. Ed . by Mary D. Walters . Los Angeles: John F. Ken- nedy Memorial Library , California State Univ. 1977. 26p . ED 158 714. MF- $0.83; HC-$2 .06 . Three papers presented during a one-day con- ference on professional development and continu- ing education in librarianship approached the subject from different viewpoints: the practicing librarian, director of an academic library , and dean of a library school. The conference was ar- ranged for professional academic librarians who have sought answers to the question of how to satisfy conflicting applications of FSA 73-25, Per- sonnel Plan for Librarians . Betty Blackman, who expressed the viewpoint of a practicing librarian, asserted that the responsibility for providing op- portunities for professional development rests with the library administration and the local , state, and national associations; however, the primary responsibility for participating in these opportunities must rest with the individual pro- fessional librarian . Roy Kidman, director of librar- ies at USC, spoke about the problems of library directors who must attempt to deal with indi- vidual needs in a large library setting. The final paper was presented by Robert Hayes , dean of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at UCLA. He spoke of the financial con- straints of library schools and the problems faced when they attempt to offer courses that would be useful in satisfying the needs of librarians em- ployed full-time and what happens when enroll- ment is insufficient to keep the courses in the program offerings. State Systems of Higher Education and Libraries: A Report for the Council on Library Resources. By Isaac T. Littleton . You Need Only One. When selecting an acquisitiou agent or changing from your current agent, what are your needs and who should you be looking for? Does your library need ... ? 0 I. Economical programs specially designed to aid library budgets. 0 2. Complete U.S. and European sales/service staffs and fulfillment centers. 0 3. Periodicals, continuations, and monographs, domestic and foreign . 0 4. Frequent bibliographic and service publications. 0 S. Coordinated programs for conversion from "direct ordering" or other agents. 0 6. Worldwide resources. llthese are your needs, then Stechert Macmillan, Inc. is your one source- one service acquisitions agency! With over 100 years of acquisitions experience, Stechert's tradition of excellence (started way back in 1872 by Stechert-Hafner) offers you a total. comprehensive service, whether your library is large or small; academic, public or special; domestic or foreign . Coupling these six Stecher! Macmillan services with our annual "Holdings Renewal List" and quarterly claims report for periodicals; "Standing Order" program for continuations; Publisher Relations Program; and BOPFA (Blanket Order Program for French Acquisitions) and PONT A (Popular New Titles From Abroad) plans- it's easy to see why, when you select Stecher! Macmillan, "You Need Only One!" Why not write our Sales Promotion Manager today for information about the complete line of Stechert Macmillan services! stechert ~ Macmlllan.lnc. W Servmg Libraries Since J 872 866Third Avenue / NewYork, N.Y. 10022 USA Raleigh: North Carolina State Univ. 1977. 106p. ED 158 715. MF-$0.83; HC- $6.01. A study was undertaken to investigate the role of state boards and systems of higher education in the statewide coordination and funding of public senior academic libraries . Data and information were gathered during the fall of 1976 and the summer of 1977 from on-site interviews with staff members of boards and systems of higher educa- tion in ten states outside North Carolina, and questionnaires were mailed to state agencies of higher education in all fifty states. Wide vari- ations among states in the funding and planning for libraries necessitated that the information and data obtained be presented in descriptive and ex- pository form. Results are presented in four chapters, one for each of the major areas investigated-planning for library development; the role of advisory committees of librarians; interlibrary cooperation ; and funding . Major findings indicate that (1) although little uniformity exists among states in the methods of funding academic libraries, there is a trend toward the use of formulas in statewide funding patterns; (2) a wide variety of budget formulas are presently being used and it is not likely that an "ideal" formula will be universally adopted; (3) there is a growing trend in overall planning and coordina- tion of library resources within states; and (4) practically every state now has either an official advisory committee or volunteer committees. A selective bibliography and a copy of the ques- tionnaire are appended. An Approach to Assessment of Quality of a University Library Collection. Rev. ed. By Stanley A. Shabowich. 1977. 30p. ED 158 737. MF-$0.83 ; HC-$2.06. A qualitative analysis of the entire library col- lection, difficult to undertake because most research literature deals only with selected bib- liographic areas and no single evaluation scheme can be applied to all of the different kinds of ma- terials held, is described in this report of a study undertaken at Purdue University Calumet Cam- pus Library in 1975. Researchers determined quality of this undergraduate collection by com- paring a random sample of their entire mono- graph collection with Books for College Libraries (BCL ). A numerical count of titles in the bibli- ography by discipline was followed by a check of the appropriate sample in the library collection and a check of the author/title card catalog. The titles in the library collection were then added up and percentages derived. Tables illustrate the techniques and results . This study indicates that most disciplines do not measure up favorably to the selected standard of reference, the one .excep- Recent Publications I 297 tion being the history of the United States with 68 percent of the titles. The results of a second study conducted in 1976 with a new edition of Books for College Libraries are appended . Classification System for a Multi-Concept Slide Collection. By Judith Dyki. 1978. 40p. ED 158 754 . MF -$0 . 83 ; HC- $2.06. A classification system for a 40,000-slide collec- tion of Wayne State University c~mpus archi- tecture, activities, people, and events and the surrounding Detroit area is described. Classifica- tion categories are defined, and a primary code is assigned for architecture , people, events, themes, and special presentations . A secondary code indi- cating division (i.e . , Wayne State University , De- troit, out-of-state) and a tertiary code for all archi- tecture slides of the campus to indicate their spe- cific location may also be assigned. A system of file cards supplements the information presented on the slides themselves. Implementation of this new classification system, which was experimental on sixty slides initially so that any deficiencies could be discerned, indicated that there may be some problems with backlog, circulation proce- dures, and slide storage. The appendixes include the classification schedules , file card subject head- ings, and abbreviations used in the classification codes. Toward Cooperative Collection Develop- ment in the Illinois Library and Informa- tion Network . Springfield: Illinois State Library. 1977. 48p. ED 160 053. MF- $0.83 ; HC-$2.06. Findings and recommendations are reported by three subcommittees charged with determining the unmet needs of the Illinois Library and In- formation Network (ILLINET) and establishing a set of priorities that must be completed before the needs can be met . The report also addresses the responsibiHties of cooperating libraries at all levels within the network, the role of the Re- search and Reference Centers , and the obliga- tions of the state in supporting full library service to all users. Reports of each subcommittee are given in separate sections-resource identifica- tion, access , and responsibilities at all levels, fol- lowed by the enumeration and discussion of spe- cific recommendations. Major recommendations include: (1) all participating libraries in ILLINET should adopt and foster "user oriented acquisi- tions" as their collection development philosophy; (2) the state library should sponsor a statewide in-depth survey to determine unmet needs, ex- amine subject strengths, and from these exam- inations specify system subject collection respon- sibilities ; (3) ILLINET should study the feasibility 298 I College & Research Libraries • May 1979 of establishing a strategically located storage cen- ter (or centers) for little-used or last-copy mate- rials; and (4) ILLINET should move toward con- version to machin~-readabl~ form of the biblio- graphic holdings records of cooperating libraries . Appendixes include cost estimates for a directory of libraries and information centers in the Chicago metropolitan area; description of the nominal group technique used to determine need priorities; and a report of the Illinois State Li- brary Task Force on Non-Print Materials. DePaul University Library Collection De- velopment Program. By Kathryn DeGraff and others. Chicago: DePaul Univ. 1977. 48p. ED 160 056. MF -$0.83; HC-Not available from EDRS . The primary goal of the collection development program is to establish a well-balanced collection that will meet the needs of academic programs and satisfy the instructional needs of the academic community. In meeting the changing educational needs of students, faculty , and re- searchers, bibliographers must consider th e evolving curriculum and the academic growth of the university . Bibliographers consult with the faculty in subject areas to analyze, evaluate, and select materials. They are also responsible for col- lection maintenance and budget management . Criteria used by the bibliographers in evaluating materials include: relevance to the collection, significance and depth of treatment of the subject matter, reputation of the author, current scholarly interest, format of the material , lan- guage , and availability of the material through loan from other sources. Five collection levels (minimal, basic, study, research , comprehensive) are used as guidelines to the number and spec- ificity of r esources that will be purchased for each subject area . The levels assigned in the De- Paul collection are tabulated. Retention of Dewey Decimal Classification at DePaul University Library. By Doris R. Brown. Chicago: DePaul Univ . 1977. 17p . ED 160 057. MF-$0.83; HC- $1.67. While many libraries joined the trend to con- vert to the Library of Congress classification scheme in the 1960s and early 1970s , DePaul University Library never made a definitive deci- sion about retaining Dewey or converting to LC. The realization that benefits from standardized classification can be realized using the Dewey system and cost considerations for reclassification are important factors in the proposal that DePaul retain the Dewey Decimal Classification scheme. The library would receive greater and more far- reaching benefits by expending time and money on a total on-line automated system that would tie together the functional departments of the li- brary: acquisitions and serials, cataloging, refer- ence, and media and circulation. The system would consist of a basic local file that would use a broader system such as MARC tapes or the OCLC data base for on-line formation of the bib- liographic record. A totally automated system would follow an item from point of searching through ordering and receipt, on to cataloging, and then to circulation, providing necessary sub- · ject access along the way. More comprehensive subject access and increased access points would lead to better service for faculty and students. Rankings of Ohio Public and Academic Li- brary Statistics. Columbus: Ohio State Library. 1977. 162p. ED 160 090. MF- $0.83 ; HC-Not available from EDRS. Statistics of public and academic libraries for 1976 from the 1977 Ohio directory of libraries are presented in tabular form. Summary tables are presented of all characteristics alphabetically by county for public libraries and by institution for academic libraries. Counties are ranked by per- centlige of intangibles tax that is distributed to li- braries. Public libraries are ranked by circulation , volumes added, total volumes, total operating ex- penses , and staff number . Academic libraries are ranked by enrollment, total volumes, total ex- penditures for books and library materials, total operating expenses, and total expenditures for salaries. Collection Organization in a Mathematical Research Library. By Nancy Gubman. 1978. 7p . ED 160 121. MF -$0.83 ; HC-$1.67. The Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences Library at New York University, with a collection of 30,000 books , 13,000 bound periodicals, 450 current periodical subscriptions , and miscellane- ous reports , documents , and reprints, shelves books alphabetically by author and journals al- phabetically by title . Conference proceedings and lecture notes are integrated with the book collec- tion , using the editor as the main entry and shelving each series together by title. As a fur- ther aid for patrons with incomplete information about proceedings , the library has added a catalog entry for the geographical location of each conference ; this system is helpful , since most users know the conference location . Reference books are shelved separately by category, re- search reports are filed alphabetically by issuing agency, and reprints from periodicals of marginal interest not received through subscription are bound and indexed by author. These arrange- ments seem to serve the specialized patrons best . OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS American Novelists since World War II . Ed. by Jeffrey Helterman and Richard Layman. Dic- tionary of Literary Biography, v. 2. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 557p . $35. LC 77-82804. ISBN 0-8103-0914-9. Contains eighty bio-bibliographical and critical articles on writers who either began writing novels after 1945 or have done their most im- portant work since then . Eighteen of the arti- cles are definitive essays on selected major authors . Arata, Esther Spring; with the assistance of Erickson , Marlene J.; Dewitz , Sandra; and Alexander, Mary Linse . More Black American Playwrights: A Bibliography. Metuchen, N .J. : Scarecrow, 1978. 321p. $13 .50. LC 78-15231. ISBN 0-8108-1158-8. Companion to Black American Playwrights , 1800 to the Present, published in 1976. Infor- mation in the 1976 ed. is not duplicated here . Archive Arrangement Routledge Associates. Index to the Diary of Beatrice Webb 1873-1943 . Cambridge, England: Chadwyck-Healey ; Teaneck , N.J .: Somerset House, 1978. 1v. un- paged . $48. LC 78-40150. ISBN 0-914146-60-2 Somerset House ; 0-85964-052-3 Chadwyck- Healey. Th e Diary of Beatrice Webb 1873-1943 on microfiche is available with printed index for $595. Bachmann , Donna G., and Piland, Sherry. Women Artists: An Historical , Contemporary and Feminist Bibliography . Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow , 1978 . 323p. $14. LC 78-19182 . ISBN 0-8108-1149-9. Baer, Eleanora A. Titles in Series: A Handbook for Librarians and Students. 3d ed. Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow, 1978. 4v. $95 . LC 78-14452. ISBN 0-8108-1043-3 . Bensinger, Charles. The Video Guide. 2d ed . Santa Barbara, Calif.: Video-Info Publications, 1979. 254p . $14.95. LC 78-66194. ISBN 0-931294-03-7. (Distributed by : Esselte Video, Inc., 600 Madison Ave . , New York , NY 10022.) Books in Series in the United States . Original, Reprinted, In-Print, and Out-of-Print Books, Published or Distributed in the U.S. in Popu- lar, Scholarly, and Professional Series. 2d ed. New York: Bowker, 1979. 3,273p. $57.50. LC 76-41665. ISBN 0-8352-1081-2. Buchinski, Edwin J. Initial Considerations for a Nationwide Data Base. Network Planning Paper, no .3. Washington , D.C.: Library of Congress, 1978. 56p. Free on request. LC 78- Recent Publications I 299 300 I College & Research Libraries • May 1979 12977. ISBN 0-8444-0271-0. (Request from: Customer Services Section, Cataloging Dis- tribution Service, Library of Congress, Navy Yard Annex, Bldg. 159 , Washington , DC 20541.) Butler, Brett. A Nationwide Location Data Base and Service. Network Planning Paper, no.l. Washington, D .C .: Library of Congress, 1978. 66p. Free on request. LC 78-606061. ISBN 0-8444-0268-0. Cabell, David W. E., ed. Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Business, Adminis- tration and Economics. Beaumont, Tex.: Cabell Publishing Co. , 1978. 307p. $16.45. (Available from: Cabell Publishing Co., Box 10372 Lamar University Sta., Beaumont, TX 77710.) Catoe, Lynn E . UFOs and Related Subjects : An Annotated Bibliography. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 392p. $24. LC 78-26124. ISBN 0-8103-2021-5. Reprint of work originally published in 1969. Includes as an appendix Unidentified Flying Objects: A Selected Bibliography, by Kay Rod- gers . Champagne , Audrey B., and Klopfer, Leopold E . Cumulative Index to Science Education . Vol- umes 1 through 60, 1917-1976 . New York: Wiley, 1978. 199p. $12 .95. LC 20-5630. ISBN 0-471-04837-2. Claire , Thomas C. Occult Bibliography: An An- notated List of Books Published in English, 1971 through 1975 . Metuchen, N. J .: Scare- crow, 1978. 454p. $20. LC 78-17156 . ISBN 0-8108-1152-9. Clough , Eric, and Quarmby , Jacqueline. A Public Library Service for Ethnic Minorities in Great Britain. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Pr., 1978. 369p. $29.95. LC 78-13622. ISBN 0-313-21201-5. Surveys the social , cultural, and religious back- grounds of the principal ethnic minorities in Great Britain. Provides a statistical analysis of public library use by these minorities in six London boroughs. The Cumulated Indexes to the Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States. Millwood, N.Y. : KTO Pr., 1977- . $250 for set of 5 vols. as listed below . Individual volumes: Harry S. Truman, 1945- 1953. $55. ISBN 0-527-20754-3 ; Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1953-1961. $55. ISBN 0-527- 20753-5 ; John F. Kennedy , 1961-1963. $25 . ISBN 0-527-20752-7; Lyndon B . Johnson, 1963-1969. $70. ISBN 0-527-20751-9; Richard M. Nixon, 1969-1974. $45. ISBN 0-527- 20750-0. Dataflow Systems. A Glossary for Library Net- working. Network Planning Paper, no.2. Wash- ington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1978. 34p. Free on request. LC 78-17002. ISBN 0-8444- 0270-2. De Platt, Lyman. Genealogical Historical Guide to Latin America. Gale Genealogy and Local History Series, v.4. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 273p. $22. LC 78-75146. ISBN 0-8103-1389-8. The Directory of Overseas Summer jobs. 1979 ed. Edited by Charles J. James. Oxford, Eng- land: Vacation-Work, 1979. 160p. $6.95. LC 70-143373. ISBN 0-901205-54-0. (Available from: Gaylord Bros ., Inc ., P.O. Box 4901, Syracuse, NY 13221.) Educational Film Locator of the Consortium of University Film Centers and R . R . Bowker Company. New York: Bowker, 1978. 2 , 178p. $45. LC 78-67185. ISBN 0-8352-0956-3. Selective compilation of 37,000 film titles housed by the fifty member institutions of the Consortjum of University Film Centers . Frankie, Suzanne, comp . ARL Statistics 1977-78: A Compilation of Statistics from the One Hundred and Five Members of the Association of Research Libraries. Washington, D.C.: As- sociation of Research Libraries, 1978. 49p . $5. Gale Research Company. Acronyms, Initialisms, & Abbreviations Dictionary : A Guide to Al- phabetic Designations , Contractions, Ac- ronyms , Initialisms , Abbreviations, and Similar Condensed Appellations. 6th ed. Ed. by Ellen T. Crowley. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 1,103p. $45 . LC 78-18362. ISBN 0-8103-0503-8 . The publication New Acronyms, Initialisms, and Abbreviations is issued as v.2, an annual supplement, to Acronyms , Initialisms, & Ab- breviations Dictionary. Gale Research Company . Reverse Acronyms , Ini- tialisms, & Abbreviations Dictionary. 6th ed. Ed. by Ellen T . Crowley. Acronyms, Ini- tialisms, & Abbreviations Dictionary, v.3. De- troit: Gale, 1978. l,lOOp. $48 . LC 78-9869. ISBN 0-8103-0516-X. Gonzalez Olle, Fernando. Manual Bibliogn1fico de Estudios Espaiwles . Pamplona, $-pain: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A., 1976. 1,375p. $35. ISBN 84-313-0464-2. (Distributed by Bowker.) Written in Spanish, this work reviews 700 Spanish and foreign works on Spanish litera- ture, customs, and culture. Government Reference Books 76/77: A Biennial Guide to U.S. Government Publications. Com- piled by Alan Edward Schorr. Littleton , Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, Inc., 1978. 355p. $18.50 U.S. & Canada; $22 elsewhere . LC 76-146307. ISBN 0-87287-168-1. Guide to American Directories: A Guide to the Major Directories of the United States Cover- ing All Trade, Professional and Industrial Categories . lOth ed. Ed . by Bernard Klein. Research editor, Judy Sullivan. Coral Springs, Fla. : B. Klein Publications, 1978 . 567p. $45. LC 54-4206. (Available from B. Klein Publica- tions, P.O. Box 8503, Coral Springs, FL 33065.) Hart, James D. A Companion to California. New York: Oxford Univ. Pr., 1978. 504p. $22 .50. LC 76-57286. ISBN 0-19-502256-4. Serves as a reference for general knowledge about the state of California. Herdman, Margaret M. Classification: An Intro- ductory Manual. 3d ed. Revised by Jeanne Osborn . Chicago: American Library Assn., 1978. 44p. $3.50. LC 78-11079. ISBN 0-8389- 0277-4 . Higher Education Learning Programmes Informa- tion Service Catalogue: 1978. Audio-visual Ma- terials Intended for Degree-level Use Produced in Institutions of Higher Education in the UK. 5th ed. Edited by Jane Pitcher. London : British Universities Film Council Ltd ., 1978. 142p. £6.50; £5.50 British Universities Film Council members. ISBN 0-901299-19-7. (Avail- able from British Universities Film Council Ltd., 81 Dean St. , London, WIV 6AA Eng- land.) Highfill, Philip H .; Burnim, Kalman A.; and Langhans, Edward A. A Biographical Dictio- nary of Actors, Actresses , Musicians , Dancers, Managers & Other Stage Personnel in London, 1660-1800. Vols. 5 & 6. Carbondale: Southern Illinois Univ. Pr ., 1978 . 2v. $25/vol. LC 71- 157068. ISBN 0-8093-0832-0 v.5; 0-8093-0833-9 v.6 . Howell, John Bruce. Kenya : Subject Guide to Official Publications . Washington, D.C.: Li- brary of Congress, 1978. 423p . $10 U.S. ; $12.50 elsewhere. LC 78-1915. ISBN 0-8444- 0262-1. (Available from: Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office , Washington, DC 20402 .) An Index to Articles on Photography, 1977. Edited by William Johnson. Rochester, N.Y .: Visual Studies Workshop , 1978. 134p . $24. ISBN 0-89822-004-1. (Available from: The Book Bus Project, Visual Studies Workshop, 31 Prince St., Rochester, NY 14607.) Published annually . Indext;s eighty periodicals dealing with creative photography. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. International Office for UBC . Anonymous Classics : A List of Uniform Head- ings for European Literatures. Ed . by Rose- mary C. Hewett. London: IFLA International Office for UBC , 1978. 119p . $16 . ISBN 0-903043-15-7 . Based on International List of Uniform Head- ings for Anonymous Classics, compiled by Roger Pierrot in 1964. International Handbook of Universities and Other Institutions of Higher Education. 7th ed. Ed. by H . M . R. Keyes and D . J. Aitken . As- sistant ed., Ann C. M. Taylor. Berlin; New Recent Publications I 301 York: De Gruyter, 1978 . 1,182p. DM 124. ISBN 3-11-007543-1. Johnson, Herbert A . Imported Eighteenth- Century Law Treatises in American Libraries, 1700-1799. Knoxville, Tenn .: Univ. of Tennes- see Pr., 1978. 95p . $16 .50. LC 78-7368. ISBN Oc.87049-220-9. King, Clyde S., comp. Psychic and Religious Phenomena Limited: A Bibliographical Index . Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Pr., 1918. 245p. $22.50. LC 78-13535. ISBN 0-313-20616-3 . Provides citations to sources in the following categories: visions and other manifestations connected with death ; astral projections, natu- ral and spontaneous mystical experiences; mys- tical experiences induced by chemical, mechan- ical , or physical means; psychic music ; and psychic voices. Ligare, Kathleen M. Illinois Women's Directory . Chicago: Midwest Women's Center/Swallow Pr., 1978. 167p . $5.20. LC 78-71059. ISBN 0-8040-0802-7 . (Available from: Midwest Wo- men ' s Center, 53 W. Jackson, Rm. 623, Chicago, IL 60604 .) "A comp'rehensive guide to women's organiza- tions and programs throughout Illinois and north-western Indiana." Maurer, David J. U.S. Politics and Elections: A Guide to Information Sources. American Gov- ernment and History Information Guide Series, v.2. Detroit: Gale, 1978 . 213p. $22. LC 78- 13669. ISBN 0-8103-1367-7 . Michaelson, M., ed . The Metric System and Met- ric Conversion: A Checklist of References. Mankato, Minn.: Minnesota Scholarly Pr., Inc., 1978 . 118p . $7 . 95. LC 79-83892. ISBN 0-93347-402-4. (Available from : Minnesota Scholarly Press, Inc., P.O. Box 224, Mankato, MN 56001.) The Middle East and North Africa 1978-79. 25th ed. London: Europa, 1978. 951p . $60. LC 48- 3250. ISBN 0-905118-23-5. (Distributed by Gale Research Co.) Miller, Olga K. Genealogical Research for Czech and Slovak Americans. Gale Genealogy and Local History Series, v.2. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 187p. $22. LC 78-13086. ISBN 0-8103-1404-5. Missouri Union List of Serial Publications Repre- . senting Holdings of Libraries in Missouri and Adjacent States. 2d ed. St. Louis, Mo. : St. Louis Public Library, 1978. $120 hardcover; $80 microfiche (24x). (Available from : Business Office, St . Louis Public Library, 1301 Olive St., St. Louis, MO 63103 .) Mueller, John . Dance Film Directory: An Anno- tated and Evaluative Guide to Films on Ballet and Modern Dance . Princeton, N.J .: Princeton Book Co., 1979. 97p. $9.95. LC 78-70263 . ISBN 0-916622-08-8 . Portions of this book originally appeared in 302 I College & Research Libraries • May 1979 Films on Ballet and Modem Dance: Notes and a Directory, by John Mueller. Music Library Association. Subcommittee on Basic Music Collection. A Basic Music Library: Essential Scores and Books. Ed . by Pauline Shaw Bayne. Chicago : American Library Assn., 1978. 173p. $5. LC 78-11997. ISBN 0-8389- 0281-2. Myerson, Joel. Margaret Fuller: A Descriptive Bibliography. Pittsburgh Series in Bibliogra- phy. Pittsburgh, Pa. : Univ . of Pittsburgh Pr., 1978. 163p. $20 . LC 78-4203. ISBN 0-8229- 3381-0. Provides analytical descriptions of Fuller's book-length publications and contributions to magazines, newspapers, and collections. NCLIS/NBS Task Force on Computer Network Protocol. A Computer Network Protocol for Library and Information Science Applications . Washington, D.C.: National Commission on Libraries and Information Science , 1977. 90p . Single copy available without charge from NCLIS ; $2.75 Superintendent of Documents. LC 78-9898 . (Available from: National Commis- sion on Libraries and Information Science, 1717 K St., NW, Suite 601, Washington, DC 20036.) "Describes a proposed computer-to-computer protocol for electronic communication of digital information over a nationwide library biblio- graphic network." Network Technical Architecture Group. Message Delivery System for the National Library and Information Service Network: General Re- quirements. Network Planning Paper, no.4. Washington , D. C.: Library of Congress, 1978. 35p. Free on request. LC 78-12760. ISBN 0-8444-0300-8. Newsome , Walter L. New Guide to Popular Gov- ernment Publications: For Librariee and Home Refere nce. Littleton, Colo .: Libraries U nlim- ited , Inc., 1978 . 370p. $18 U . S. & Canada; $22 elsewhere . LC 78-12412. ISBN 0-87287-174-6. Revision of A Guide to Popular Government Publications, published in 1972. Peterson, Susan Mary. Radicalism and R evo - lutionary Populism : The Political and Social Conditions during the Reign of Tsar Alexander II , 1855-1881: A S electiv e Bibliography of Books, Articles and Disse rtations in Engligh from 1960-1975 . Providence, R.I.: 1976. 55p. $6. LC 77-352348. (Available from: Susan Peterson, Asnuntuck Community College , P. 0. Box 68, Enfield, CT 06082. ) Rogers, Dilwyn J. , comp. A Bibliography of Afri- can Ecology: A Geographically and Topically Classified List of Books and Articles . African Bibliographic Center. Special Bibliographic Se- ries , New Series , no.6. Westport , Conn .: Greenwood Pr., 1979. 499p. $35. LC 78-19935. ISBN 0-313-20552-3. Rose , James, and Eichholz, Alice. Black Genesis. Gale Genealogy and Local History Series, v .1. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 326p. $22. LC 77-74819. ISBN 0-8103-1400-2. Provides a guide to resources available for black genealogical research. Rouse, John E. , Jr. Urban Housing: Public and Private ; A Guide to Information Sources. Urban Studies Information Guide Series, v.5. Detroit: Gale, 1~}78. 319p. $22. ISBN 0-8103- 1398-7 . Rulers and Governments of the World. New York: Bowker, 1977-78. 3v. $125/set. LC 77- 72342. ISBN 0-085935-051-7 . Individual volumes: Volume 1: Earliest Times to 1491. $45. ISBN 0-85935-021-5; Volume 2 : 1492 to 1929. $45. ISBN 0-85935-009-6; Vol- ume 3: 1930 to 1975. $45. ISBN 0-85935-056-8. Runner's Index: A Guide to Periodical Informa- tion for Runners. Ed. by Joseph C. Mancuso. Albany , N.Y.: Joseph Mancuso , 1978- v.1 no.1- . $20/year U.S. ; $26/year elsewhere. (Available from : Runner's Index, Box 5183, Al- bany, NY 12205.) Published semiannually in January and July. Seidel, Alison P., comp. Literary Criticism and Authors' Biographies : An Annotated Index . Metuchen , N.J.: Scarecrow , 1978. 209p. $9. LC 78-11857. ISBN 0-8108-1172-3. Analyzes 200 works for information about the lives and works of famous and obscure British and American authors. Simon , Reeva S. The Modern Middle East: A Guide to Research Tools in the Social Sciences . Westview Special Studies on the Middle East. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Pr ., 1978. 283p. $17.50 cloth; $7.50 paper. LC 77-27319. ISBN 0-89158-059-X cloth ; 0-89158-158-8 paper. Singleton , Paul, and Sainsbury , Diana. Dictio- nary of Microbiology . New York: Wiley, 1978 . 481p. $45. LC 78-4532. ISBN 0-471-99658-0. Stark, John 0 . Almanac of British and American Literature. Almanac Series. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, Inc. , 1979. 218p. $15 U.S. & Canada; $18 elsewhere. LC 78-24249. ISBN 0-87287-188-6. Summer Employment Directory of the United States. 1979. Edited by Barbara O'Brien. Cin- cinnati, Ohio: Writer's Digest Books, 1978. 225p . $7. 95. LC 54-33991. ISBN 0-911654-63- 1. (Available from: Gaylord Bros., Inc., P.O. Box 4901, Syracuse, NY 13221.) Television, the Book, and the Classroom. A Sem- inar Cosponsored by the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress and the U.S . Office of Education and Held at the Library of Con- gress on April 26-27, 1978. Ed. by John Y. Cole. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1978. 128p. $4. 95. LC 78-23543. ISBN 0-8444-0303-2. (Available from: Information Office, Library of Congress, Washington, DC 20540.) Tudor, Dean, and Tudor, Nancy. Black Music. American Popular Music on Elpee. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, Inc., 1979. 262p. $18.50 U.S. & Canada; $22 elsewhere . LC 78- 15563. ISBN 0-87287-147-9. Provides a survey of and buying guide to black music available on long-playing discs and tapes. Tudor, Dean, and Tudor, Nancy. jazz. American Popular Music on Elpee. Littleton, Colo.: Li- braries Unlimited, Inc., 1979. 302p. $18.50 U.S. & Canada; $22 elsewhere. LC 78-11737 . ISBN 0-87287-148-7. Provides evaluations of 1, 300 old and new sound recordings. Unit;ersity Research Libraries : Report of the ConsultatiGe Group on Unit;ersity Research Li- braries. Ottawa: Canada Council, 1978. 44p . $2.50 Canada; $3 elsewhere. ISBN 0-88837- 010-5. (Available from: The Canada Council, P.O. Box 1047, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, KIP 5V8 .) Van Balen, John, comp. Geography and Earth Sciences Publications: An Author, Title and Subject Guide to Books Redewed, and an Index to the ReGiews. Ann Arbor, Mich. : Pier- ian Pr., 1978- . LC 78-52361. $17 .50/vol. 2 vols . have been issued. The first covers 1968- 1972 (ISBN 0-87650-090-4). The second covers 1973-1975 (ISBN 0-87650-091-2 ). The two vol- umes may be purchased as a set at $32.50. The Videolog: Programs for Business and Indus- try 1979. Formerly Comprising the Video Blue Book. New York: Esselte Video, Inc. , 1979. 218p. $35. LC 78-74186. ISBN 0-917226-07-0. Includes annotated entries on 3,300 video pro- grams in economic, technical , and social areas pertinent to business. The Videolog: Programs for General ~nterest and Entertainment 1979. New York: Esselte Video, Inc. , 1979. 197p. $20. LC 78-74187. ISBN 0-917226-08-9. ' Contains annotated entries on 4,500 videotapes and videocassettes from 100 producers and dis- tributors. A variety of subjects such as educa- tion, health, and sports are included . Weiner, Richard. Military Publications. New York: Richard Weiner, 1979. lOOp. $15 price includes a revision supplement. LC 78-64584. ISBN 0-913046-09-4. Recent Publications I 303 ..) Provides information about government and ci- vilian newspapers and magazines for military personnel and their families. Who Was Who in Literature, 1906-1934 . Based on Entries That First Appeared in Literary Yearbook (1906-1913), Literary Yearbook and Author's Who's Who (1914-1917), Literary Yearbook (1920-1922), and Who's Who in Lit- erature (1924...cl934). Gale Composite Biograph- ical Dictionary Series, no. 5. Detroit: Gale , 1979. 2v. $64. LC 78-25583. ISBN 0-8103- 0402-3. Who Was Who in the Theatre, 1912- 1976: A Bio- graphical Dictionary of Actors , Actresses, Di- rectors , Playwrights , and Producers of the English-Speaking Theatre. Compiled from Who 's Who in the Theatre, v.1-15, 1912-1972. Gale Composite Biographical Dictionary Series, no.3. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 4v. $140. LC 78- 9634. ISBN 0-8103-0406-6. Witherell, Julian W., comp . The United States and Africa: Guide to U.S . Official Documents and GoGernment-Sponsored Publications on Africa, 1785-1975. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress , 1978. 949p. $14.75. LC 78-1051. ISBN 0-8444-0261-3. (Available from: Superin- tendent ·of Documents, Government Printing Office , Washington, DC 20402.) World List of UniGersities/Liste mondiale des uni- Gersites . 13th ed. Ed . by H. M. R. Keyes and D . J . Aitken. Assistant ed., Ann C. M. Taylor. Berlin ; New York: De Gruyter , 1978 . 653p. OM 58. ISBN 3-11-007542-3. Wright, Stephen. Brief Encyclopedia of Homosexuality. New York: Stephen Wright Pr., 1978. 144p. $5 .95. LC 78-62675 . ISBN 0-9601904-0-6. (Available from: Stephen Wright Press , Box 1341, F.D.R. Post Office Sta., New York, NY 10022. ) York, Maurice C., ed. Proceedings of the First Congress of College Literary Societies Held in the Dialectic Society Hall , Uniwrsity of North Carolina, April1, 1978 . Chapel Hill, N.C.: As- sociation of American Collegiate Literary Societies, 1979. 2lp . $2 . (Available from: Dialectic and · Philanthropic Literary Societies, New West·Hall , Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27514.) Youth-SerGing Organi;::;ations Directory. Detroit: Gale, 1978. 476p. $15. LC 78-2467. ISBN 0-8103-0237-3. Entries have been compiled from the 12th ed. of Encyclopedia of Associations. FRAN ~LIN D. KOUSEVELT AND FOREIGN AFFAIRS Second Series 1937-1939 • Roosevelt's incoming and outgoing correspondence, private and official; letters, memos, telegrams, speeches, all reproduced in facsimile with marginal notes, queries and buck slips. • Foreword by Prof. Robert Dallek, UCLA • Introduction by Dr. William R Emerson, Director, Franklin Roosevelt Library • Edited by Dr. Donald B. Schewe, Archivist, Franklin Roosevelt Library • Consulting Editor, Dr. Bernard Bellush, Prof. Emeritus, City College of New York 13 volumes +index, 6000+ pages • acid-free paper • library bindings Publication will commence in May 1979 at the rate of two volumes every other month. $275. until June 1 $375. after publication Limited Edition Write today for more information. Clearwater Publishing Company, Inc. Dept. A 1995 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10023 212 873·21 00