College and Research Libraries 560 I College & Research Libraries • November 1980 ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources, School of Educa- tion, Syracuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P .0. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify format desired, and in- clude payment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Re- sources in Education. Library Services for Nontraditional Stu- dents. Final Report. By Pamela Reeves. Ypsilanti, Mich.: Eastern Michigan Univ., 1979. 72p. ED 184 550. MF-$0.83; PC-$4.82. A research/evaluation project was conducted to assess library needs, use, and services for nontra- ditional students and to construct an experimental library skills course. A survey of every tenth stu- dent assessed needs for library services and facili- ties in relation to seventeen personal factors, us- ing the chi-square test to establish relationships. A new credit-bearing library skills course was de- veloped with emphasis on individualized instruc- tion, and special efforts were made to recruit stu- dents who were starting or resuming college after several years out of school. Thirty-seven students completed the library skills course; more than half of this group had had some interruptions in education. Data from a pretest and posttest and from other courses taken concurrently by this group were analyzed by t-test, multiple regres- sion, and one-way analysis of covariance. Analyses showed that the students who took the course im- proved their library skills substantially, that inter- rupted students did not differ significantly from others in success with the course, and that taking the course did not significantly affect success in other courses taken concurrently. The library needs survey, a breakdown of responses, correla- tions between personal factors, the pretest, the posttest, and the course evaluation are appended. Technical Report on Processing Centers. By Carl A. Anderson. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio College Library Center, 1980. 58p. ED 184 592. MF-$0.83; PC-$4.82. The main instrument of data collection in this survey of library technical processing centers was a _questionnaire sent to sixteen network coordina- tors. Following a review of current literature, re- sults of the questionnaire are discussed with re- gard to five areas: (1) each network's means of identification (definition) of processing centers, (2) types of clients served, (3) means by which librar- ies became clients, (4) charges levied, and (5) needs of processing centers for continuing access to cataloging data .. Each network's definition of a processing center is presented; statistical tables present data from the other four areas of concern in the questionnaire. Information from "Totcat Network Billings" supports a discussion on sys- tem use data. Tables are used to show system activity of institution, proportions of first-time uses, distribution of titles produced, and other in- formation. In the next section, a table lists thirty- two commercial processing centers and indicates which of four standard services are available through each (book catalog services, book proces- sing kits, cataloging services, or printed catalog cards). Appendixes containing the processing cen- ter questionnaire and cover memorandum, an essay on the state-of-the-art of processing centers in Wisconsin, and network billing data complete the report. A Comparative Evaluation of Alternative Systems for the Provision of Effective Access to Periodical Literature. A Report to the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science. Washington, D.C.: National Commission on Libraries and Information Science, 1979. 122p. ED 184 576. MF-$0.83; PC-$7.82. This evaluative study hypothesizes and addres- ses three system approaches to a National Periodicals Center (NPC) that could be pursued at this time: (1) System A, a nonintervention approach that assumes events will be allowed to develop without introduction of federal legislation designed to subsidize or create a National Periodicals System (NPS) or an NPC; (2) System B, the creation of a centralized single-collection NPC as a main component of an NPS, subsidized with federal funds; and (3) System C, the creation of a subsidized utility that offers requesting li- braries access tools for identifying the location of periodical articles and performs switching of re- quests for article copies to multiple market- oriented, fee-charging supplier sources. This sys- tem would be coupled with the creation and op- eration of a dedicated NPC market-type collec- tion for items not covered by market-oriented document suppliers. The study's overall view is that cost economies by themselves do not provide a rationale for adopting either system B or C, and that there are other criteria of greater importance that warrant further study. Chapters of the report discuss background, systems and issues , and criteria elements , and analyze financial costs and benefits as well as qualitative issues. Tables and figures provide relevant data. Training Modules for Use of Scientific and Technical Information Services. By Elaine Caruso. Washington, D.C.: National Science Foundation, 1977. 14lp. ED 184 505. MF-$0.83; PC-$9.32. Intended for users of on-line bibliographic re- trieval systems , this set of learning modules in- corporates instructional aids in three modes: tex- tual, computer-assisted learning, and emulations of actual systems (DIALOG and ORBIT) that ac- cess a data base of segments of more than sixty commonly used source files. The textual materials can be used with local or remote access to the target systems, the emulators can be accessed re- motely or brought up on any computer system supporting ANSI FORTRAN, and the computer- assisted learning and practice (CALP) sequences can be accessed remotely or implemented on a system that maintains a capable lesson designer- type language. The modules are followed by sec- tions on data base structure and organization , analyses and evaluations of the modules and the collected use data, and the dissemination of the training program . Appendixes contain selected pages from two retrieval training manuals, an illustration of use of CALP modules by trainees , excerpts from runs of DIALOG and ORBIT emu- lators, data collection forms, summaries of. system use, abstracts of FORTRAN programs , a descrip- tion of a proposed cooperative project, and a list of published articles and papers on scientific and technical information services. A Conservation Policy Statement for Re- search Libraries. Occasional Paper no. 139. By Carolyn Clark Morrow. Urbana, Ill.: Graduate School of Library Science, Univ. of Illinois, 1979. 25p. ED 184 533. MF-$0.83; PC not available from EDRS. Desig11ed to provide logical guidelines and to outline optimum conditions for the conservation of a research library collection , this "mock" policy statement can be modified to a particular library's situation. It includes principles of conservation and elements of a comprehensive conservation program , such as collection maintenance and organization of a conservation department. A selection of sixty-four readings provides the basis for further study of conservation administration in a research library. Recent Publications I 561 Exclusively From Research Publications, Inc. ~ • Financial Times (London or Frankfurt) • Der Spiegel • Far Eastern Economic Review • India Today • Jewish Chronicle The Times Literary Supplement Index (1 902-1 939 Cumulative) Ip Research Publications, Inc. 12 Lunar Drive Woodbridge, CT 06525 (203) 397-2600 562 I College & Research Libraries • November 1980 Information for Community Action: A De- monstration of University/Public Library · Cooperation in Meeting Community Groups' Informational Needs. Final Re- port. By Julie Burr and Don Willis . Seat- tle: Seattle Univ., 1979. 103p. ED 184 549. MF~$0.83; PC-$7.82. A project was undertaken jointly by the Seattle Public Library and Seattle University's Commu- nity Resource Center to establish a method of making pertinent information available to com- munity group members . Activities of the Com- munity Resource Center were to: (1) coordinate a computerized directory of community groups, (2) publish a newsletter, (3) edit five case studies of community activities , (4) answer information and referral requests, (5) form a community informa- tion advisory committee, and (6) design and im- plement the project evaluation. The Seattle Pub- lic Library pursued these activities: preparation for the establishment of a community resource system , establishment of neighborhood resource centers, training sessions for library staff, and project promotion. Activities of both project par- ticipant groups were evaulated through question- naires given to branch library staffs, project staff, and key persons involved with the project. Use of neighborhood resource centers was evaluated through preproject and follow-up questionnaires sent to leaders of community groups . Effective- ness of the program and plans for its second year complete the report, with information-gathering tools and samples of community publications appended. Assimilation of Government Publications in Study and Research. Final Report, July 1, 1978, through June 30, 1979. By Bev- erly P. Lynch. Chicago: Univ. of Illinois at Chicago Circle, 1979. 24p. ED 184 571. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. This report describes a four-day institute funded by the U. S. Office of Education to in- crease the utilization of government publications by extending the knowledge of academic refer- ence librarians about them. Librarians from twen- ty-five universities attended the institute. Discus- sion of the use of government publications was divided into three broad subject disciplines: humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Avail- able publications and materials were enumerated, and speakers provided examples of the use of government information sources in their research. An evaluation of the institute follows , with a dis- cussion of the responses to the questionnaire given to the participants . The majority of re- sponses were positive, and it is recommended that additional regional institutes be held to in- form reference librarians of available publications, as well as a national institute. Appended to the report are the agenda for the institute, a list of the twenty-seven reference librarians who partici- pated, and the questionnaire that was distributed. First Annual Progress Report on the Course-Related Library Instruction Pro- gram. Muncie, Ind.: Department of Li- brary Science, Ball State Univ., 1979. 37p. ED 184 581. MF-$0.83; PC- $3.32. . This annual report describes the first-year progress of a project funded by grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities and Council for Library Resources for the integration of the teaching of library use into courses in the humanities. The program has experienced a shift away from early efforts to offer specialized in- . struction in a variety of courses and course sec- tions in the humanities toward development, over several years, of instruction on two levels. The first involves integration of instruction into an English composition course, proceeding to a second level that will involve instructional com- ponents keyed to selected courses in the major and minor sequences of various academic depart- ments in the humanities, emphasizing the bib- liography and literature of the particular humani- ties discipline. Two essential factors will deter- mine future prospects for bibliographic instruc- tion at Ball State University: one is the willing- ness and ability of the department of library sci- ence to produce and use various media methods for instruction ; the other is the department's suc- cess in organizing its range of instruction and orientation activities, especially the CLRI prog- ram and the present general instruction service, into a cohesive and unified program . Five-Year Report and Evaluation of the Li- brary-Faculty Partnership Project: 1973- 1978. By Dennis E. Robison and Ernest C. Bolt, Jr. Richmond, Va.: Univ. of Richmond. 254p. ED 181 865 .. MF- $0.83; PC-$16.82. This collection of materials describes a project at the University of Richmond that addressed the areas of faculty development and bibliographic in- struction in order to promote relationships be- tween library services and academic programs, as well as to increase and improve students' use of libraries . Over a period of four years, fifteen faculty members selected to serve as "library partners" were given released time from teaching to design or revise existing courses and to de- velop library-centered teaching approaches. The report includes the proposal for this project, a year-by-year review of project activities, and assessments of project impact on faculty and li- braries. Appendixes contain faculty participation reports, criteria for selection of faculty, a list of faculty participants, sources checked for collection development, criteria for weeding, a bibliography of faculty publications and papers, a description and evaluation of a self-instructional unit for teaching library skills to freshmen in English clas- ses, a sample faculty interview questionnaire, a summary of the Earlham College workshop on bibliographic instruction, and a proposal for the continuation of the library-faculty partnership. Maps: Storage and Care Self-Evaluation Form. By John W. Ellison. Buffalo, N.Y.: School of Information and Library Stu- dies, State Univ. of New York at Buffalo, 1979. 18p. ED 181 882. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. This self-evaluation form for map storage and care was designed to assist librarians who work with active nonbook collections. Developed from an extensive literature search on the storage and care of nonbook materials, the . form has been field-tested for value and usability in twenty in- stitutions representing a variety of types of library situations and revised on the basis of field test re- sults and recommendations made by several non- book authorities . Forms developed for other media formats are listed, as well as sources for rental of related slide-tape productions. A rationale for having a storage and care program is discussed and recommendtions are made. An ex- tensive bibliography on the care of maps and a bibliography on miscellaneous nonbook media are included. Microforms: Storage and Care Self- Evaluation Form. By John W. Ellison. Buffalo, N.Y.: School of Information and Library Studies, State Univ. of New York at Buffalo, 1979. 19p. ED 181 883. MF- $0.83; PC-$1.28. This self-evaluation form for microform storage and care was designed to assist librarians who work with active nonbook collections. Developed from an extensive literature search on the storage and care of nonbook materials, ·the form has been field-tested for value and usability in twenty in- stitutions representing a variety of types ,of library situations and revised on the basis of field test re- sults and recommendations made by several non- book authorities. Forms developed for other media formats are listed, as well as sources for rental of related slide-tape productions. A rationale for having a storage and care program is discussed and recommendations are made. An ex- Recent Publications . I 563 tensive bibliography on the care of microforms and a bibliography on miscellaneous nonbook media are included. Original Paintings/Prints and Non-Original Prints: Storage and Care Self-Evaluation Form. By John W. Ellison. Buffalo, N.Y.: School of Information and Library Stu- dies, State Univ. of New York at Buffalo, 1979. 18p. ED 181 884. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. This self-evaluation form for original paintings/ prints and nonoriginal prints storage and care was designed to assist librarians who work with active nonbook collections. Developed from an exten- sive literature search on the storage and care of nonbook materials, the form has been field-tested for value and usability in twenty institutions rep- resenting a variety of types of library situations and revised on the basis of field test results and recommendations made by several nonbook au- thorities. Forms developed for other media for- mats are listed, as well as sources for rental of re- lated slide-tape productions. A rationale for hav- ing a storage and care program is discussed and recommendations are made. An extensive bib- liography on the care of original paintings/prints and a bibliography on miscellaneous nonbook media are included. Magnetic Tape (Audio, Video or Computer): Storage and Care Self-Evaluation Form. By John W. Ellison. Buffalo, N.Y.: School of Information and Library Studies, State Univ. of New York at Buffalo, 1979. 18p. ED 181 885. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. This self-evaluation form for magnetic tape storage and care was designed to assist librarians who work with active nonbook collections. De- veloped from an extensive literature search on the storage and care of nonbook materials, this form has been field-tested for value and usability in twenty institutions representing a variety of types of library situations and revised on the basis of field test results and recommendations made by several nonbook authorities. Forms developed for other media formats are listed, as well as sources for rental of related slide-tape produc- tions. A rationale for having a storage and care program is discussed and recommendations are made. An extensive bibliography on the care of magentic tapes and a bibliography on miscel- -laneous nonbook media are included. Information and Educational Technology. Discussion Papers for the White House Conference on Library and Information Services (Washington, D.C., November 564 I College & Research Libraries • November 1980 15-19, 1979). Washington, D.C. : Asso.cia- tion for Educational Communications and Technology, 1979 . 27p. ED 181 895. MF-$0.83; PC-$3.32. The seven short papers in this collection were developed to support discussions during the 1979 White House Conference on Library and In- formation Services. The first paper, by Donald P. Ely , discusses information and education in a multimedia world. Other papers discuss technolo- gy and information transfer in education (Blanche Woolls); teaching and learning in library informa- tion systems (Gerald R. Brong); telecommunica- tions developments and the White House Confer- ence (Frank W . Norwood) ; technology in educa- tion (Frank B. Withrow); information resources available in education Oenny K. Johnson); and symbol processing in information , communica- tion , and education (Dale W . Brown). A Bibliographic Guitk to OCLC. By Pal V. Rao. 1979. 17p. ED 181 906. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. This selected and annotated list of publications includes those pieces published between 1969 and 1979 that treat various aspects of OCLC . They were chosen on the basis of their historical value, their current relevance, and the amount of new information they contain. Titles are arranged alphabetically by author. Card Catalogs: Alternative Futures. A Selected Bibliography on Closing Card Catalogs and Alternative Catalog Formats with Separate Sections on AACR2 and PRECIS. Compiled by George L. Abbott. 1979. 27p. ED 181 908. MF- $0.83; PC not av.ailable from EDRS. This listing of 227 citations includes references to existing books , computer output microfilm , and on-line catalogs , the cost of conversion, the success of existing systems, Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2), and the Preserved Context Indexing System (PRECIS ). It is in- tended to aid libraries in making major decisions on what form their catalogs will take in the fu- ture . References for non-U.S. journals, some not in English, have been mentioned to give a broad- er perspective of the issue at hand; however, it is pointed out that there are many differences in costs , equipment , and user expectations for a catalog outside the United States. Improving Library Education for Selected Minorities. By Norman C. Higgins. Tempe, Ariz.: Department of Educational IF YOU'VE GOT A PROBLEM WE'R.E JUST A (FR·EE) PHONE CALL AWAY! Shelley and Linda are just two of Midwest Library Service's Personal Customer Ser- vice Representatives who are specially trained to solve any book ordering problem your library may encounter. Linda and Shelley are thoroughly knowledgeable in all facets of the library jobber business, and if you are ever in need of their services, you SHELLEYHELLMANN IILIND~-A~M-AR1111111K1111111ET~-.. can reach them by using our TOLL-FREE WATS Line, 1-800-325-8833 (Missouri customers please call COLLECT: 0-314-739-3100) for help in solving any problem. Your Customer Service Repre- sentative will follow the problem through to a satisfactory conclusion-without delay. Remember, Linda and Shelle~ are "working" for you and your library. It's all part of Midwest Library Services tradition of excellence. "20 Years Of Service To College and University Libraries" MIDWEST LffiRARY SERVICE 11443 St. Charles Rock Road BRIDGETON. Mo. 63044 Technology and Library Science, Arizona State Univ. , 1979 . 55p . ED 181 911. MF-$0.83; PC-$4.82 Intended to identify educational practices that have been effective in preparing Spanish- surnamed and American Indian students for li- brary careers and to describe recommendations for improving library education programs for these minorities , this study examined eight such programs through their final program narrative reports, interviews with participating faculty and students, and documents associated with program development and academic affairs . The set of eighteen recommendations resulting from this study are organized under five topics : student re- cruitment, student selections , curriculum design, support services, and placement/follow-up activi- ties. Study procedures are detailed, and appen- dixes include a list of library education programs for the above-mentioned students, a list of pre- liminary recommendations , and the use of the special review panel members. Vacation College: An Opportunity for Librarians. By Richard J. Wood. 1979. 55p. ED 181 913. MF-$0 .83 ; PC- $4.82. This library skills program , which is offered by Slippery Rock State College (Pennsylvania) as part of its Vacation College program , was de- veloped for adults who have been out of school many years . The vacation college concept of lei- sure and lifelong learning emphasizes the learn- ing of recreational activities , along with more practical and intellectual courses such as the li- brary skills program , in a relaxed, informal man- ner: the course is low cost and of one week's duration. The major concern of the library skills program , which is 'designed to raise the level of consciousness of the participants toward the li- brary and its services, is to make the course en- joyable as well as instructional for persons on vacation and out of school. Five one-and-a-half- hour sessions use a mix of tours, demonstrations, slides, films , discussions , and lectures to achieve understanding by the participants of the re- sources , services, roles, objectives, and problems of the library. Evaluation of the program shows it to be enjoyable and rewarding for the participants and the instructors. Appendixes provide a brief questionnaire , a participants' handbook, and a bibliography. An Annotated Bibliography of Slide Library Literature. Bibliographic Studies no.3 . By 'Stanley W. Hess. Syracuse, N.Y. : School of Information Studies, Syracuse Univ., 1978. 50 p. ED 181 926. MF-$0.83; PC Recent Publications I 565 not available from EDRS. Intended as a guide to the current literature of nonbook librarianship dealing with the care and administration of slide collections, this listing sur- veys post-1960 imprints that emphasize organiza- tion, control, indexing, cataloging, general plan- ning, acquisition, and the unique requirements of specialized area collections such as fine arts. Fourteen sections cover the following: bibliog- raphies , general works, audiovisual materials, slides, acquisition and selection of slides, care and preservation of films and slides, cataloging and classification of audiovisual materials, catalog- ing and classification of slides, using slides for in- struction, planning physical facilities, journal and · periodical publications, indexes and reviews, pro- fessional organizations in the arts and humanities, and pre-1960 imprints. Basic Reference and Periodical Resources to Support Women's Studies: A Recom- mended List. By Esther Stineman. Madi- son , Wis.: Wisconsin University Center System, 1978. 21p. ED 181 927. MF- $0.83; PC-$1.82. This annotated bibliography for undergraduate libraries lists sixty-seven reference sources on women's issues and thirteen periodicals for a core collection to support women's studies. The works listed were chosen as a representative sampling for ready reference or as the initial step for in- depth research on women and women's issues. New Techniques in the Teaching of Online Searching. An Institute for Library Edu- cators (Seattle, Washington , March 20- 24, 1978)-Exhibits and Summaries of Presentations. Edited by Edmond Mig- non. Seattle: School of Librarianship , Univ. of Washington, 1978. 115p. ED 181 935. MF-$0.83; PC-$7.82. Using data bases of the DIALOG system, new teaching techniques and materials are presented to an audience of library educators . Included are search demonstrations, teaching approaches, sam- ple exercises and instructional projects , multi- data base searching methods, utilization of search aids and off-line resources , the conduct of pre- search interviews, information search tactics, and educational program planning. The question "What level of training do we/should we pro- vide?" served as a major topic of discussion. Dis- tributed to participants at the final session were two position papers: "Proposed Standards for Education in Online Searching in the Professional Library Curriculum" and "On the Relationship between Library Schools, Search Service Ven- dors, and Database Producers." 566 I College & Research Libraries • November 1980 OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS Acid Raid: A Bibliography. Library Bibliography Series, no.8. Orlando, Fla.: Univ. of Central Florida Library, 1980. 12p. $2. (Available from: Gifts and Exchange Dept., Univ. of Central Florida Libraries, P.O. Box 25000, Orlando, FL 32816.) An American Federation of Teachers Bibliogra- phy. Comp. by Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State Univ. Detroit: Wayne State Univ. Pr., 1980. 222p. $12.95; $7.95 pa- per. LC 80-13142. ISBN 0-8143-1659-X. "A guide to sources for the history of the . American Federation of Teachers, covering the development and activities of the AFT from the founding of the earliest locals through June, 1979." Baatz, Charles Albert. The Philosophy ofEduca- tion: A Guide to Information Sources. Educa- tion Information Guide Series, v.6. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 344p. $28. LC 80-14346. ISBN 0- 8103-1452-5. Balachandran, M., ed. Regional Statistics: A Guide to Information Sources. Economics In- . . . and again, the most complete catalog of Library and AV Equipment, Furniture & Supplies ever published. Write today for your free copy. Highsmith P.O. 25 CR9 Fort Atkinson, WI 53538 formation Guide Series, v.13. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 257p. $28. LC 80-14260. ISBN 0-8103- 1463-0. . Bishop, Olga B. Bibliography of Ontario History 1867-1976. 2v. Ontario Historical Studies Series. Toronto, Buffalo , London: Univ. of Toronfo Pr., 1980. 1, 700p. $75. ISBN 0-8020- 2359-2. The Blodgett Collection of Spanish Civil War Pamphlets: Author and Title Listing and Listing . by Place of Publtcation. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard College Library, 1980. 16p. $10. Lists 680 pamphlets on the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) that have been reproduced in micro- fiche format for publication by the Harvard College Library. Inquiries regarding purchase of this list and of the microfiche collection should be addressed to Margarita Anderson Imbert, Widener Library 197, Harvard Uni- versity, Cambridge, MA 02138. Burton, Robert E., ed. Travel in Oceania, Aus- tralia, and New Zealand: A Guide to Informa- tion Sources. Geography and Travel Informa- tion Guide Series, v.2. Detroit: Gale, 1980·. 123p. $28. LC 80-15333. ISBN 0-8103-1421-5. Carrier, Warren, ed. Guide to World Literature. Urbana, Ill.: National Council of Teachers of English, 1980. 237p. $8.50; NCTE members $7.50. LC 80-15093. ISBN 0-8141-1949-2. Ciardi, John. A Browser's Dictionary and Na- tive's Guide to the Unknown American Lan- guage. New York: Harper, 1980. 429p. $16.95. LC 79-1658. ISBN 0-06-000766-9. Codlin, Ellen M., ed. Aslib Directory of In- formation Sources: Social Sciences, Medicine and the Humanities. Aslib Directory of Sources of Information in the UK, v.2. London: Aslib, 1980. 87lp. UK £40 (£34 to Aslib members); $115.44 ($101 for Aslib members). ISBN 0- 85142-130-X. Danky, James P., ed. Periodical Publishing in Wisconsin: Proceedings of the Conference on Periodical Publishing in Wisconsin, May 11-12, 1978. Madison: Univ. of Wisconsin Library School, 1980. 233p. $6.50 (paymen t must accompany order). LC 80-428. ISBN 0-936442- 08-5. (Available from: Publications Committee, Univ. of Wisconsin Library School, 600 N. Park St., Madison, WI 53706.) Davis, Emmett A., and Davis, Catherine M . Mainstreaming Library Service for Disabled People. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1980. 208p. $11. LC 80-12280. ISBN 0-8108-1305-X. De Gennaro, Richard. Research Libraries Enter the Information Age. Seventh of the R. R. Bowker Memorial Lectures, New Series. New York: Bowker, 1980. 32p. $2.50. LC 79-54735. (Self-addressed mailing label required with each order.) De George, RichardT. The Philosopher's Guide: To Sources, Research Tools, Professional Life, and Related Fields. Lawrence, Kans.: Regents Pr. of Kansas, 1980. 261p. $20. LC 79-91437. ISBN 0-7006-0200-3. Directory of Health Science Libraries in the United States, 1979. Health Science Informa- tion Series. v.III. Cleveland, Ohio: Cleveland Health Sciences Library of Case Western Re- serve Univ., 1980. 355p. $25. LC 80-65893. Dutra, Francis A. A Guide to the History of Bra- zil, 1500-1822: The Literature in English. San- ta Barbara, Calif.: ABC-Clio, 1980. 625p. LC 80-10933. ISBN 0-87436-263-6. Elling, Ray H., ed. Cross-National Study of Health Systems-Countries , World Regions, and Special Problems: A Guide to Information Sources. Health Affairs Information Guide Series, v.3. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 687p. $28. LC 79-26099. ISBN 0-8103-1453-3. Elton, William R. Shakespeare's World. Renais- sance Intellectual Contexts: A Selective, Anno- tated Guide, 1966-1971. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, v.83. New York : Garland, 1980. 464p. $40. LC 76-52681. ISBN 0-8240-9890-0. Energy Research Programs 1980. 1st. ed. Ed. by Jacques Cattell Press. New York: Bowker, 1980. 444p. $75. ISBN 0-8352-1242-4. ISSN 0195-699X. Recent Publications I 567 The Europa Year Book 1980: A World Survey. 2v. 21st ed. London: Europa Publications Ltd., 1980. 3,617p. $150/set. LC 59-2943. ISBN 0- 905118-46-4. (Distributed in U.S. by Gale Re- search Co.) Filby, William P . Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: A Guide to Published Arrival Rec- ords of 300,000 Passengers Who Came to the United States and Canada in the Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Nineteenth Centuries. 3v ., plus paperbound preliminary volume. Detroit: Gale, 1980. $180/set. LC 80-15404. ISBN 0- 8103-1099-6. The Foundation Grants Index 1979: A Cumula- tive Listing of Foundation Grants. Compiled by The Foundation Center. New York: The Foundation Center, 1980. 540p. $27. LC 72- 76018. ISBN 0-87954-028-1. Hays, Robert G. State Science in Illinois: The Scientific Surveys, 1850-1978. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois Univ. Pr., 1980. 257p. $15 . LC 79-25927. ISBN 0-8093-0943-2. Heald, Dorothy, regional ed. Reading for Young People: The Southeast. Chicago: American Li- brary Assn., 1980. 174p. $8.50 paper. LC 80- 16137. ISBN 0-8389-0300-2. Herner, Saul. A Brief Guide to Sources of Scien- tific and Technical Information. 2d ed. Arling- ton, Va.: Information Resources Pr . , 1980. Announcing our OPEN ORDER 20% DISCOUNT SAVING PlAN to enable you to fill in the G-A-P-S in your files of BACK ISSUE PERIODICALS ~:~gt~~~~G~es • TECHNICAL • SCIENTIFIC • MEDICAL • LIBERAL ARTS • We have an extensive stock & new material is always coming in. We need space. Send in your WANT LISTS marked 'OPEN ORDER'-Get a 20% DISCOUNT. WE BOTH SAVE- GUARANTEE- • TIME - You will receive faster service as orders can be processed faster than inquiries. • PAPER WORK - Sending quotations to you for your response with FORMAL PURCHASE ORDERS add to the burden of paper work. •COST -You earn 20% DISCOUNT, in addition to the above savings. ~ .... IJI!IIIII!II ... !IIfll. PRICES -Every item will be competitively priced. If you are not entirely pleased, use the return privi- lege, without obligation. QUALITY- You must be 100% satisfied. RETURN PRIVILEGE - If any material we sup- ply on your OPEN ORDERS does not meet your requirements yol.l may return it to us within 30 days invoice date. 817 SOUTH LA BREA • LOS ANGELES, CA 90036 Technical & Scientific • American & Foreign • Learned Society Publications 568 I College & Research Libraries • November1980 160p. $15. LC 80-81087. ISBN 0-87815-031-5. Hutchinson, William K., ed . American Economic History: A Guide to Information Sources . Eco- nomics Information Guide Series, v. 16. De- troit : Gale, 1980. $28. LC 73-17577. ISBN 0- 8103-1287-5. The International Who's Who 1980--81 . 44th ed. London: Europa, 1980. 1,410p. $90. LC 35- 10257 . ISBN 0-905118-48-0. (Distributed in U.S. by Gale Research, Detroit.) Johnson , Catherine E. TV Guide 25 Year Index: April 3, 1953-December 31 , 1977: By Author and Subject. Radnor, Pa.: Triangle Publica- tions, 1979. 520p. $77.50. LC 79-67725. ISBN 0-9603684. (Distributed by: TV Guide, Radnor, PA 19088.) 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American Gov- ernment and History Information Guide Series, v.4. Detroit: Gale , 1980. 390p. $28. LC 74- 15403. ISBN 0-8103-1203-4. McGrath, Daniel F., ed. Bookman's Price Index: A Guide to the Values of Rare and Other Out- of-Print Books. V.20 . Detroit: Gale , 1980. 856p. $78. LC 64-8723. ISBN 0-8103-0620-4. Markowitz, Arnold L., ed. Historic Preservation: A Guide to Information Sources. Art· and Architecture Information Guide Series, v.13. Detroit: Gale, 1980. 279p. $28. LC 80-14313. ISBN 0-8103-1460-6. METRO Directory of Members 1980-81. New York: New York Metropolitan Reference and Research Library Agency, 1980. 115p. $25 (add $5 if an invoice is required). ISSN 0362-8744. (Available from: METRO, 33 W. 42d St., New York, NY 10036.) Mikhail, E. H. Brendan Behan: An Annotated Bibliography of Criticism. New York: Barnes&. Noble, Harper, 1980 . 117p. $23.50. LC 79- 12337. ISBN 0-06-494826-9. Pennypacker, Arabelle, regional ed. Reading for Young People: The Middle Atlantic. 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