College and Research Libraries Letters To the Editor: In Greg Byerly's article "The Faculty Sta- tus of Academic Libraries in Ohio" (CRL September, 1980), we've got the makings of a significant study of faculty status. All that's missing is the viewpoint of the librarians who make up the group. Byerly hits the nail on the head when he admits that asking the directors to determine staff satisfaction with faculty status might not produce the desired information. COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES Why then not query the troops? How about a follow-up questionnaire to obtain a random sampling of Ohio academic librar- ians before the postal rates go up? Byerly got my attention, now how about finishing the job?-Brian Alley, Assistant Director, University Libraries, Miami University, Ox- ford, Ohio. What do Hubcaps, Weather Vanes, Buttons, and Baseball Cards have in common? They are all popular collectible items. The Collector's Index, by Pearl TUrner, provides information on how to collect, identify, maintain, and display these and several hundred other collectible items. Items of long-standing interest as well as more recently popular collectible items, such as beer cans, corkscrews, and insulators, are included. More than 300 in-print books published between 1972-1978 have been indexed. Also, included are some older, classic sources that are of continuing importance to collectors. Reference librarians will find that the Collector's Index provides quick access to many of the sources in this popular subject area. The Index is alphabetically arranged by type of collectible. Grade level for juvenile books and full cross-references are provided. In the Useful Reference Series of Library Books. 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