College and Research Libraries them will make filing easier, a minor point, and make the cards, and consequently library materials, easier to locate. And that is the major point to both of these new codes of filing rules.-Neal L. Edgar, Kent State Uni- versity, Kent, ,Ohio. Archivists and Machine-Readable Records. Proceedings of the Conference on Archival Management of Machine-Readable Rec- ords, February 7-10, 1979, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Ed. by Carolyn L. Geda; Erik W. Austin; and Francis X. Blouin. Chicago: Society of American Archivists,-)..980. 248p. ISBN 0-931828-19-8. Somewhat belatedly, the archival profes- sion has come to accept the fact that machine-readable records represent unparal- leled opportunities, both in practical terms related to the control of archival records and as data for scholarly research. Trained in con- ventional disciplines employing traditional research methodology, archivists often have been unable to exploit the advantages of au- tomated records or to mitigate effectively the problems they present. Professional aware- ness and comprehension of the subject have been so slight that a recent issue of the American Archivist was devoted in its en- tirety to "Archivists, Archives, and Com- puters: A Starting Point." In an effort to pro- vide clear definition of the issues and direc- tion for the future, the Conference on Archi- val Management of Machine-Readable Rec- ords was held in early 1979, under the aus- pices of the University of Michigan. The present volume, published by the Society of American Archivists, is composed primarily of papers read at that conference. Divided into thematic chapters, Archivists Recent Publications I 391 and Machine-Readable Records contain pa- pers concerned with research opportunities of and archival programs for automated records, management and dissemination of machine- readable data for social research, recent de- velopments in computer tecpnology, and the ramifications of automated records upon the rights of confidentiality and privacy. Sum- mary papers also are included, one dealing with implications of automated records for conventional archival procedures and the other with the needs and opportunities for training archivists to be conversant with machine-readable records. Although some of the papers apply to archives in general, for example, those treating privacy legislation, software prospects, and computer-based stor- age technology, the majority concentrate upon social-science data or various aspects of machine-readable records at the state and na- tional levels. Even so, most of the papers are based on principles sufficiently broad to jus- tify a careful reading by the profession at large. As with any endeavor of this sort, the qual- ity of the papers varies, but in the main they are well thought out, intelligible to those without expertise in the field of automated records, and mercifully free of computer jar- gon. In addition, each chapter is prefaced by a useful introduction that serves as a summary of the relevant papers. While Archivists and Machine-Readable Records does not answer all the questions it raises and leaves others largely unexplored, for example, the physical preservation of automated records, this is a good primer and deserves a wide audience.-Sam Streit, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. YOU CAN SAVE $6,000 THIS YEAR By converting your subscription to the British House of Com- mons Parliamentary Papers for 1980/81 from the full size edition (which is costing you over $7 ,000) to our microfiche edition which costs $1,175. Save time. The microfiche edition is sent monthly by airmail direct from the UK and arrives earlier than the printed edition. Save space. The microfiche edition saves expensive shelf space. Many large libraries have released substantial funds for other purchases by converting to the microfiche edition. So can you- to make the maximum saving this year please send us your order or request for more information as soon as possible. CATALOGUE OF BRITISH OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS NOT PUBLISHED BY HMSO NOW AVAILABLE 1980 ANNUAL VOLUME 1981 FIRST BI-MONTHLY ISSUE 1980: $190 1981: 6 issues and annual cumulation $260 This important new reference book catalogs and indexes for the first time the thousands of official publications published by over 280 Government departments, nationalised industries, research institutes and 'quangos' that are not published by HMSO, and are not listed in the British National Bibliography or any other bibliography. You will now have access to publications of institutions such as the Foreign Office, the Home Office, and the Bank of England, of which at present you are not even aware. The publications themselves are available from us on inexpensive diazo or silver microfiche; individually, by publishing body, or in subject sets. Send orders and requests for information to: Somerset House, 417 Maitland Avenue, Teaneck, Nj 07666 Telephone: 201 833-1795