College and Research Libraries esting and authoritative surveys of libr~ry developments from 1945 to the present in se- lected countries, followed by brief bibliogra- phies for further study. Most of the material is not conveniently available anywhere else, so the volume will be an important addition to library science collections. For reference _use, its obvious limitation is that it is con- fined to a select number of countries. Access to the contents is flawed by a carelessly made index which omits many of the proper names in the text.-]ohn ]. Farley , State University of New York at Albany. ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse of In- formation Resources, School of Education, Syracuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or pa- per copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P. 0. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify format desired, and in- clude payment for document and postage. Further information on ordering docu- ments and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Education. Managing to Survive/Succeed: Potentials Within the Library Organization. 1981 LA- CUNY Institute Bibliography. By Mimi B. Penchansky and others. City University of New York, N.Y., Library Association. 1981. 23p. MF-$0.83. PC-$1.82. Prepared for the 1981 Spring Institute of the Li- brary Association of City University of New York (LA CUNY), this bibliography lists sources on aca- demic library management techniques. Its three sections encompass the following areas: (1) the in- dividual's relationship to the library organization, (2) effective management of time, and (3) human resource development within the library. Listings are alphabetical by author. Academic Library Instruction in Kansas. A Di- rectory. Comp. by Virginia Quiring and others. Kansas State University, Manhat- tan; Library. 1980. 26p. ED 206 308. Recent Publications I 417 MF -$0.83. PC-$3.32. Results of a 1980 survey are tabulated to provide a view of the scope and diversity of materials and activities for library instruction at the thirty-six Kansas academic libraries which responded to the questionnaire. The questionnaire, included as an appendix, addressed staffing, including qualifica- tions and evaluation; funding; methods used in li- brary orientation and instruction as well as instruc- tional goals and objectives; methods of publicizing and evaluating the instruction; print and nonprint materials used; and the respondents' interest in co- operative sharing of resources for library instruc- tion. BCLN Hardware and Computing Facilities Evaluation Study. Final Report. By Stephen H. Smith. British Columbia Union Cata- logue, Richmond. 1981. 139p. ED 206 309; for related documents, see ED 200 203-207. MF-$0.83. PC-$9.32. This study to determine the hardware and com- puting facility costs of establishing and operating a British Columbia Library Network (BCLN) for current members of the B.C. Union Catalogue used empirical data regarding their performance of the DOBIS system and estimates of workload, and compared those data with the costs of obtain- ing current computer-utility services from the Uni- versity of Toronto's UTLAS system. Hardware and computing facilities requirements, including tele- processing network evaluation criteria and soft- ware support evaluation criteria, are explored. Re- quest for proposal (RFP) information is provided. BCUC Data Base Loading and BCLN User and Data Base Requirements Study. BCUC Replication Study, Design Phase I. Main Re- port. By Lynn M. Rosen and G. W. Brian Owen. British Columbia Union Cata- logue, Richmond. 1981. 196p. ED 206 310. MF -$0.83. PC-$12.32. This design phase study concerning the proposed replication of the DOBIS system for the British Co- lumbia Library Network (BCLN) was conducted to determine the preferred strategy for the transfer and loading of the British Columbia Union Cata- logue (BCUC) database currently resident at the University of Toronto's UTLAS system. User and database requirements are investigated in order to recommend a suitable database design for the BCLN DOBIS system. Other implementation tasks such as pilot usage projects are examined. Cost esti- mates and an implementation schedule for all tasks are included. A bibliography lists previous BCUC reports and documents, National Library DOBIS documents, journal articles, and miscellaneous publications. A fifteen-page supplementary report 418 I College & Research Libraries • September 1982 focusing on implementation from the perspective of an individual BCUC library is provided. San Jose State University Library Services: Results of the Spring 1980 Faculty and Stu- dent User Surveys. By JoBell Whitlatch. California State University, San Jose. 1981. 12lp. ED 206 279. MF-$0.83. PC-$7.82. The results of two surveys, designed to provide data for use in the planning of a new library at San Jose State University, include student and faculty perceptions of the adequacy of present library ser- vices in fulfilling research and information needs. Specific areas investigated are hours and security, reference and information services, library instruc- tion, circulation services, periodicals and newspa- pers, the book collection, and media services. Findings also reflect the perceptions and needs of different faculty and student populations-i.e., class or rank, sex, age, ethnic background, years of attending or teaching, school, full- or part-time status, and class attendance or teaching time. The characteristics of frequent and infrequent SJSU li- brary users are also reported, and the survey ques- tionnaires for both groups are appended. A Users Survey of the College of Charleston's Robert Scott Small Library: Conducted Spring 1980. By Rebecca Ann Linton. Col- lege of Charleston, S.C., Robert Scott Small Library. 1980. 18p. ED 206 277. MF-$0.83. PC-$1.82. Self-administered survey questionnaires com- pleted by 57 percent of the college faculty and a random sample comprising 10 percent of the un- dergraduate population provide information on who uses the College of Charleston's library mate- rials and services, why they use them, and in what areas users are satisfied or dissatisfied with the li- brary. Tables identify faculty response rate, posi- tion, and length of service, as well as student re- sponse rate, enrollment status, and major field of study. Responses to the two questionnaires are ana- lyzed and reported, including faculty perceptions of the library as a resource tool for teaching and the adequacy of the collections, student participation in library instruction, and comments on services and operations from both groups. This survey was conducted in order to identify areas in which the li- brary's materials and services can be improved or extended to better meet user needs and play a more active role in the educational process. Results of a Survey of Pullen Library Users. In- stitutional Research Report No. 81-17. By James E. Prather and Michael L. Cle- mons. Georgia State University, Atlanta. Office of Institutional Planning. 1981. 45p. ED 206 318. MF -$0.83. PC- $3.32. This 1980 survey of 3,356 users of Georgia State University Library gathered data on user affilia- tion, library usage, frequency of usage, percep- tions of library adequacy, usage by field of study, and user residential patterns. It was found that over half of the users are undergraduates, 29 per- cent are graduate students, and 14 percent are not affiliated with the university. University users are more likely to use the library heavily for studying. Faculty, staff, and alumni use the library for per- sonal research. The report presents further find- ings, lists ten references, describes the methodol- ogy, reproduces the survey instrument, and summarizes selected verbatim comments. Library Continuing Education in South Cen- tral Pennsylvania: The SPACE Council Needs Assessment. By Charles Townley and James Hollinger. Southcentral Penn- sylvania Area Continuing Education Council, Middletown. 1981. ED 207 607. MF- $0.83; PC- $3.32. A survey of a sample of 141 of the 423 academic and public libraries, information centers, and me- dia centers in its operating area was conducted by the Southeastern Pennsylvania Area Continuing Education (SPACE) Council to identify library continuing education priorities for both profes- sional and nonprofessional staff. Questionnaires were sent to one librarian, one paraprofessional, one trustee, and one volunteer from each institu- tion. An analysis of the responses indicates that li- brarians from all types of libraries considered con- tinuing library education important, but felt that their needs were not being met by current pro- grams. The continuing education courses deemed most useful by this group were those concerned with executive, personnel, and management skills. For the paraprofessional library workers surveyed, the development of people skills (public service abilities) was the priority in continuing education. Questions about scheduling, format, and location of continuing education programs revealed that all of these factors have an effect on attendance rates, with distance and meeting times the principal de- terrents to participation. A list of SPACE Council members and a copy of the survey questionnaire are appended. The Retrospective Singapore National Bibliog- raphy: The Task Ahead. By Chang Soh Choo. Paper presented at the Annual Con- ference of the International Federation of Library Associations, Manila, Philippines, August 18-23, 1980. 21p. ED 207 485. I:.J AUSSI~ FAQm CZ~A TQ cammiSS~AS, 1S1'1-,S18 CONFIDENTIAL U.S. DIPLOMATIC POST RECORDS PUBLISHED FOR THE FIRST TIME-AVAILABLE NOW Containing thousands of pages of authoritative reports and documents on the historic events from the period before, during, and after the Russian Revolution, this new publication stands unchal- lenged as the most vast and valuable research work in its field_ Access to the unpublished records of the U.S. embassy in Petrograd and of U.S. consulates in Archangel, Riga, and Moscow has yielded primary sources which provide a wealth of new insights not only into U.S . policy toward Russia and the Soviet Union, but also-and more significantly- into the social, political, and military transfor- mation of Czarist Russia into the Soviet superpower. This collection contains a wide range of material: special reports, minutes of meetings, full texts of important letters and cables (sent and received), and countless translations of high-level Russian and Soviet documents, including transcripts of various government and party meetings, court proceedings, speeches, memoranda, and official reports. Sources of information include embassy and consular staffs; the State 'Department and other agencies in Washington; journalists, business- men, and agents; and Russian and Soviet citizens who cooperated for a variety of reasons. No other publication has ever offered a similar amount of eyewitness reporting and documenta- tion on this period which proved to be such a watershed for the history of the modern era. Researchers and librarians should keep in mind that the large majority (around 95 percent) of the pages in this collection have never been published until now in any format. The fact that this material is perhaps the last great untapped English-language source for Soviet studies makes this publication even more essential and more exciting. Parts 2 and 3, covering 1919- 1933 and 1934-1941 respectively, will continue the Confidential U.S. Diplomatic Post Records for the Soviet Union and will be published in the fall of 1982. Each of the three parts is a self-contained unit and may be acquired separately. The following list of titles contains just a small fraction of the titles for the period 1914- 1918. • The Emperor's Words of War to the Duma Deputies. (1914) • Negotiating a U.S.-Russian Commercial Treaty: Present Advantages. (1914) • Condition of Jews in Russia. (1914) • Development and Participation of Parliamentary Institutions in Russia. (1915) • Interview with Minister of Foreign Affairs Pokrovsky regarding Russian Foreign Affairs. (1916) • Lenin to Be Deported and Army Discipline Improving. (1917) • Political and Military Situation in the Caucasus. (1917) • Reports regarding the Events that Have Recently Transpired in Petrograd, Resulting in the Overthrow of the Old Regime and the Establishment of the Provisional Government. (1917) • Social Revolution in Vladivostok. (1917) • Conflict between Premier Kerensky and General Kornilov. (1917) • Proclamation of the Ukrainian Republic. (1917) • Stability of the Provisional Government. (1917) • Report of Bolsheviks in Control. (1917) • Repudiation of Foreign Loans. (1917) • Speech of Trotsky regarding the Foreign Policy of the Soviet Government. (1917) • Minutes of the First Meeting of the Soviet Congress. (1918) • Recent Events and Economic Policy in the Ukraine. (1918) • Allied Negotiations with the Bolsheviks. (1918) • Constitutional Structure of the Soviet Government. (1918) • Execution of the Ex-Czar. (1918) • Reasons Pro and Con for Allied Recognition of the Soviet Form of Government. (1918) Confidential U.S. Diplomatic Post Records: Russia and the Soviet Union. Available now- Part 1. Russia: From Czar to Commissars, 1914-1918. 35 mm microfilm (10 reels) with printed guide. Price: $500. ISBN 0-89093-500-9. UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS OF AMERICA, INC. 44 North Market Street • Frederick, MD 21701 • (301) 694-0100 420 I College & Research Libraries • September 1982 MF- $0.83; PC- $1.82. This description of the scope, legal deposit bases, preparation, and printing of the Singapore Na- tional Bibliography, since its inception in 1967, provides insight into the searching tasks and edit- ing processes involved in planning a retrospective bibliography and proposes a chronologically in- verted printing scheme for pre-1967 imprints, to be published at five-year intervals until completed. First printed in 1969 for the 1967 imprints and is- sued annually, since 1977 the bibliography has been printed quarterly with annual cumulations. Retrospective issues of the bibliography for six his- torical periods between 1819 and 1966 are being considered for 1959-64- until the last volume, 1819-68, allowing more time for a search of early imprints. Discussion of the issues of format, scope, and coverage includes choice of classification and cataloging schemes. Thirty-one references, a bibli- ography of eleven titles, and an appendix of avail- able printings of the national bibliography are pro- vided. Alternative Modes for Providing Graduate Ed- ucation for Librarianship in Ohio. Final Re- port. By Robert A. Rogers and Mary T. Kim. Center for Library Studies, Kent State University, Ohio. Sponsored by De- "WE WROTE THE BOOK ON SERVICE" - G~mlt/waliN1 ~Jia/tr;;/(1 &rcler.r ! AMBASSADOR BOOK SERVICE, INC. • "furnishing books and related services to academic & research libraries" 42 CHASNER STREET HEMPSTEAD, NY 11550 (516) 489·4011 partment of Education, Washington, D.C. 1981. 162p. ED 207 540. MF- $0.83; PC-$10.82. Noting that a state as populous as Ohio has only two accredited library schools, this report includes a needs assessment for professional librarians through 1990, a resource assessment of available educational materials in library and information science, and an analysis of four alternative ap- proaches: a new program model, a program trans- fer model, an extension model, and a consortium model. It concludes that the northeast will con- tinue to supply 40 percent of professional employ- ment opportunities through 1990; M.L.S. gradua- tions from Ohio universities will be adequate for Ohio's needs through 1990; school library/media specialists needs can continue to be met;• a new graduate library school is not warranted through the 1980s; extension support of the northeast and central (Columbus) areas by Kent State is not feasi- ble without assistance from Ohio State University; and extension programs in the Dayton area require support from Wayne State University. The report is supported by thirty-three tables of data, and ap- pendixes provide course information, information functions, personnel position definitions, periodi- cal reading lists, and guidelines to library services for extension students. There are seventy-two ref- erences. The International Flow of Information: A Trans-Pacific Perspective. The Center for the Book. Viewpoint series, no.7. Ed. by John Y. Cole. Library of Congress, Wash- ington, D.C. 1981. 44p. ED 207 537. MF- $0.83; PC- $3.32. Improvement of the two-way flow of informa- tion between the eastern Pacific region and the United States was the unifying theme of a seminar conducted by the Center for the Book in the Li- brary of Congress and attended by representatives of twelve east Asian and Pacific countries at which this collection of five papers was presented. The papers address concerns of language; literacy; translation; the state of international and indige- nous publishing; the problems involved in export- ing, importing, and distributing books and other printed materials; copyright; the influence of the news media; and the part played by international organizations such as UNESCO in promoting the international flow of information. Biographical sketches and the brief last-day remarks of the li- brarians, journalists, and government officials in attendance follow the presentations. Changing Patterns in Internal Communica- tion in Large Academic Libraries. Occa- sional ~aper Number 6. By Joanne R. Eus- ter. Association of Research Libraries, Washington, D.C. Office of Management Studies. 1981. 26p. Ed 207 602. MF- $0.83; PC- $3.32. Based on data from a 1979 survey of ARL mem- ber libraries, this study by the Office of Manage- ment Studies analyzes the responses of selected li- braries that provided internal studies or planning documents on the subject of internal communica- tion and notes the extent of resulting changes in procedures. The studies yielded information on staff communication concerns, especially with re- spect to personnel development, job effectiveness, and the systematization of communication meth- ods and procedures. Changes in organizational communication patterns resulting from recom- mendations implemented in the libraries that con- ducted internal studies centered on these same ar- eas. Though most of the libraries took some action in each area, management and organizational fac- tors affected the success of implementation. Easily implemented recommendations dealt with person- nel and job effectiveness issues, while the difficult- to-implement recommendations were those re- lated to the standardization or centralization of communication functions. Study of the decisions surrounding the adoption of AACR2 revealed that clear management expectations provide a basis for communication between individual service units and establish a central responsibility for the com- munication of plans and decisions. Suggestions for improving organizational communications in aca- demic libraries are appended. The Job Market in Ohio, 1976-1980: An Analysis of Position Advertisements for Pub- lic, Academic, Special and Other Library Vacancies in Ohio. Alternative Modes for Providing Graduate Education for Librar- ianship in Ohio. Phase One: Needs Assess- ment Related Paper no.l. By Mary T. Kim. Kent State University, Ohio. School of Library Science. Sponsored by Depart- ment of Education, Washington, D.C. 1981. 44p. ED 207 606. MF-$0.83. PC- $3.32. As part of the needs-assessment phase of the Graduate Education for Librarianship in Ohio Project, a content analysis of classified advertise- ments for professional vacancies in Ohio libraries was conducted to determine past employment trends and develop a profile of library job require- ments. Employment announcements in Library Journal, American Libraries, College and Re- search Libraries News, and Ohio Library Oppor- tunities were examined, and for each Ohio position advertised the following information was re- corded: (1) the name of the employing institution, Recent Publications I 421 (2) the type of institution, (3) the educational re- quirements, (4) the type and number of years of ex- perience required, (5) the language requirements, (6) the service area, (7) the level of the available position, and (8) the minimum salary offered. Tal- lies of the data by Ohio region and by library type were made. The findings of the analysis include a conservative estimate of 100 to 110 professional openings annually in Ohio libraries, and a clear in- dication that the majority of Ohio library positions require prior experiencr in addition to an M.L.S. The data are summarized in eighteen tables. Report on Questions Raised and Request Made at the 1980 National Conference of Librari- ans Serving Blind and Physically Handi- capped Readers. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. National Library Ser- vice for the Blind and Physically Handi- capped. 1981. 28p. ED 207 574. MF- $0.83; PC-$3.32. Using a question-and-answer format, this report provides answers to a wide variety of questions and requests about National Library Service policies and procedures, planning and development, read- ing materials, equipment, and publication services of concern to librarians serving these user groups. Questions directed to guest speakers and panelists about using volunteers and a proposed nonauto- mated circulation system are answered in the first two appendixes. The third contains a resolution adopted by conference participants extending ap- preciation to Blanca J. Lastrapes of the Louisiana State Library for her contributions to handicapped persons, and the fourth presents two announce- ments by participants. OMS Annual Report 1980. Association of Re- search Libraries, Washington, D.C. Of- fice of Management Studies. 1980. 45p. ED 207 565. MF- $0.83; PC- $3.32. In consonance with its goal of improving re- search library performance through assisted self- study, information gathering and dissemination, staff training and development programs, and consultation services, the Office of Management Studies reports highlights of its activities in the Ac- ademic Library Program, the Academic Library Public Service Study, the Academic Library Con- sultant Training Program- the Preservation Pro- gram, and the Circulation Study Project. The de- tails of its activities in the areas of the academic library program, information exchange, organiza- tional training and staff development, and a prior- ity listing of 1981 goals are presented in separate sections of the report. Appendixes include a bibli- ography of OMS publications in 1980, a financial report, a directory of OMS advisory committees, and a personnel listing of the OMS staff. 422 I College & Research Libraries • September 1982 Maryland Plan for Libraries, 1981-1986. Maryland State Dept. of Education, Balti- more. Division of Library Development and Services. 1981. 58p. ED 207 563. MF-$0.83; PC-$4.82. Designed by the library community and ap- proved by the Maryland Advisory Council on Li- braries, the Maryland Library Association, and the State Board of Education, this master plan estab- lishes directions and targets for meeting the library needs of Maryland citizens for the next five years. The result of a series of formal and informal meet- ings of the Advisory Planning Committee made up of academic, public, school, and special librarians and laypersons, it sets forth four major goals: pub- lic access to and encouragement to use libraries and media centers; services to faculty, students, and staff; interlibrary cooperation; and services to spe- cial populations. Subordinate objectives for ac- complishment by governmental, educational, and library agencies from the state through the local level are provided. The plan calls for implementa- tion during the period 1981-86 through the mutual efforts of the concerned agencies; stipulates finan- cial support requirements to the state executive and legislative branches; and requests guidelines and staff, technical, and program assistance from the State Department of Education. A thirty-five- item bibliography and a directory of the planning committee members are included. The "Roar of Chatter" in the Library at San Joaquin Delta College. Research Project. By Richard B. Evans. 1979. 17p. ED 207 556. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. Quiet signs and verbal cautioning by library staff do not decrease library noise levels as revealed by two tests using sound measuring equipment at San Joaquin Delta College. The levels, in fact, in- creased, confirming previous opinions that signs and staff intervention have little effect on patron behavior. Test methods, data, and five references are included. Classification in Australia. By John McKin- lay. Paper presented at the Annual Con- ference of the International Federation of Library Associations (Manila, Philippines, August 18-23, 1980). 9p. ED 207 484. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. Despite some inroads by the Library of Congress classification and short-lived experimentation with Universal decimal classification and Bliss classifi- cation, Dewey decimal classification, with its abil- ity in recent editions to be hospitable to local needs, remains the most widely used classification system in Australia. Although supplemented at some libraries with specialized classifications for maps, medical, and legal materials, the DDC thus provides an overall picture of uniformity and stan- dardization throughout the national library sys- tem. Goals for the Eighties. Proceedings from the 1981 Spring Meeting of the Nebraska Li- brary Association, College and University Section (Wayne, Nebraska, April 23, 1981). Nebraska Library Association, Lin- coln. 79p. ED 207 548. MF-$0.83; PC- $6.32. Intended to stimulate growth and activity in the academic section of the state library association, the eight papers in this collection address concerns of professional recognition and development, li- brary services, collection maintenance, library in- struction, and library automation, offering advice based on a variety of experiences and providing guidelines for practical action. Included are "How Participants Can Ensure the Success of a Meeting" by Karen L. Sampson; "Staff Development Pro- grams: A Practical Approach to Implementation in Your Library" by Brian Striman; "The Penulti- mate Users' Guide: A Competency-Based 'Packet' System as Applied to Integration of Guides-to-the- Literature into the Curriculum" by Brooks Smith; "Videotape as an Aid to Bibliographic Instruction" by Janet Key and Thomas A. Tollman; "Collective Bargaining in Midwest Libraries" by Bob Carmack and John Olsgaard; "A Collection Analysis and De- selection Program at the University of Nebraska at Omaha University Library" by John Reidelbach; "Applications of MicJ;ocomputers in Academic Li- braries and Media Centers" (abstract only) by Ronald D. Johnson and DeForest Nesmith; and "Determining Preferences for Library Services" by Jack L. Middendorf. A directory of contributors is included. Information for Community Action: A Dem- onstration of University/Public Library Co- operation in Meeting Community Groups' Information Needs. Final Report. By Julie Burr and others. Seattle University, Wash- ington Institute of Public Service. Spon- sored by Office of Libraries and Learning Resources (DHEW/OE), Washington, D.C. 1980. 83p. ED 207 545. MF -$0.83; PC-$6.32. Designed to facilitate neighborhood resource centers for community projects, this two-year co- operative demonstration project between the Seat- tle Public Library and Seattle University's commu- nity resource program developed four methods for libraries to serve community groups on an effective and continuing basis: regular attendance by librar- ians at community group meetings; contributions Coming Atlrudion! 22Years of Organic Chemistry (196Q-1981) Current Abstracts of Chemistry and Index Chemicus® on convenient microfilm or microfiche Special Pre-Publication Offer CAC&IC • from 1960 through 1981 will be available in microform in 1983. For the first time, you 'll have convenient access to the new organic compounds reported in over two decades of the chemical journal literature . And if you act before November 1, 1982, you 'll receive a 20% price reduction on CAC&IC 1960-1981 : industrial subscription after publication $10 ,000 ... NOW $8 ,000 for educational institutions after publication $5 ,000 . . . NOW $4 ,000 You 'll Have Access to Over 3 Million Unique Organic Compounds CAC&IC indexes new organic compounds as they appeared in the literature over the past 22 years . The highly visual , graphic format of CAC&IC facilitates rapid scanning-each abstract is designed to give you the maximum amount of information with the minimum investment of your time . All abstracts provide complete bibliographic information for the journal article in which the com- pound was first reported , plus : • specific applications for which the compound was tested • techniques used in analyzing the compound • author's abstract from the original article • easy-to-scan structural diagrams for each compound : Eight indexes , including subject , author, and corporate , make specific searching quick and efficient . Annual updates will be available each year beginning with 1982. To place your order. write to : cO ~D0"1nstitute for c:::0 Scientific Information• Chemical Information Division , Marketing Department 3501 Market Street Philadelphia , PA 19104 Telephone : toll-free: 800-523-1850 , extension 1432 Residents of Pennsylvania , call collect : 215-386-0100 , extension 1432 Telephone orders must include P. 0 . number. 424 I College & Research Libraries • September 1982 by community leaders to their neighborhood li- braries; formal presentations by librarians to com- munity groups; and installation of computer ter- minals in neighborhood libraries. Also included in these programs was the involvement of all levels of librarians in planning, special orientation, train- ing, outreach, and evaluation. Project activities were evaluated by comprehensive and special pur- pose questionnaires for specific models and activi- ties, interviews, and the deliberations of an ad-hoc library and staff committee. Results indicated the combination of librarian training and outreach in- creased the visibility of special collections; com- puter terminals increased public awareness of li- brary accessibility; and, finally, that outreach improves the ability of the library staff to improve professional skills and enhances the overall visibil- ity of library services. Appendixes include ques- tionnaires, supporting administrative documents, and sample public relations materials. ]oint Regional Depository for United States Public Documents: A Case Study in Ne- braska. By Mary G. Hafiz. Nebraska Uni- versity, Lincoln. University Libraries. 1979. 22p. ED 207 543. MF- $0.83; PC- $1.82. This case study documents the cooperative ef- forts of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln li- braries and the Nebraska Publications Clearing- house to form a joint regional depository for United States documents and explores their solutions to problems of facilities, personnel, and finances. It includes the unique agreement eventually ap- proved by the Superintendent of Documents al- lowing the university to retain the full pre-1974 collection and the clearinghouse to maintain the full or master post-1974 collection. The agreement further allows each library to receive a full set of new publications that they may better serve their differing audiences, and to participate in interli- brary loan with smaller depositories with more limited collections. The letter proposing the agree- ment, the text of the agreement, and the letter of approval are included. A bibliography lists thir- teen references. Proceedings of the Conference: Universities in World Network of Information and Com- munication (3d, Dubrovnik, May 20-23, 1980). Edited by Branko Soucek. Interna- tional Referral Centre for Information Handling Equipment, Zagreb (Yugo- slavia). 122p. ED 207 538. MF-$0.83. PC-$7.82. The study, exploration, and debate of relations Audiovisual Storage Systems If there is a way to store AV media Highsmith has it .... Choose from AV book albums, film reels and ·cans, space saving cabinets, economical shelf-files, fast access shelf trays, versatile hang-up bags and much more! All in the newest Highsmith Library/AV catalog. Write today for your free copy. Bilhsnaith P.O. Box 800 CR9, Ft. Atkinson, WI 53538 between universities, world information systems, and communication networks seeking to establish a sustainable system to handle recent develop- ments in information and communication, utiliz- ing universities as focal points, was continue? at this third annual conference attended by thuty- one information professionals from eight nations. Commemorative remarks by Tefko Saracevic, Gjuro Dezelic, Neva Silovic, and Robert M. Hayes honored the memory of Dr. Bozo Tezk, the confer- ence founder. A panel discussion exploring the topic of education in the fields of information and communication is summarized in remarks of the major contributors and the closing comments of Robert M. Hayes. A selection of papers presented on a variety of general and specific subjects is in- cluded: "Information and Productivity" by Robert M. Hayes; "A 'LINC' between University Library, Information and Computing Services Using Voice Input/Output" by John Hawgood; "Information Measurement Systems" by Sergei Prohorov; "Issues in Distributed Data Base Design" by Abdullah Uz Tansel; and "International Standardisation of Modular University Programmes" by Gustav Thuro. The conference closed with a joint state- ment noting progress and accomplishments and suggesting directions for future studies and confer- ences. Lists of resource persons and p'articipants are appended. An Overview of Library Networking in Vir- ginia. Ed. by William J. Hubbard. Vir- ginia State Library, Richmond.1981. 97p. ED 207 566. MF -$.83; PC-$6.32. Intended to provide background information for a special advisory commission created by the state legislature to study the desirability of a state library networking system, this series of twelve papers pre- pared by the staff librarians of the Virginia State Library summarizes the workings of various net- work programs, techniques for implementing them, and what has been done in other states as well as Virginia. The topics are: "What Is a Li- brary Network and What Can It Do?"; "Network Architecture"; "The Role of Utilities in Library Networking"; "Network Economic Consider- ations"; "Union Catalogs"; "Interlibrary Loan Center"; "Staff Development"; "Cooperative Buy- ing"; "Delivery Systems"; "Centralized Process- ing"; "Reference and Referral Centers"; and "Sug- gested Virginia Plan for Networking." NVBF Anglo-Scandinavian Seminar on Li- brary User Education. Proceedings. (Cote- borg, Sweden, November 2-4, 1976.) Ed. by Nancy Fjallbrant. Chalmers University of Technology, Cote borg, Library; Scan- dinavian Research Librarians' Association (Sweden). British Council, London; Nor- Recent Publications I 425 die Culture Fund, Copenhagen, Den- mark. 1976. 152p. ED 207 564. MF- $0.83; PC not available from EDRS. The nineteen papers and three panel discussions on the goals, methods, and evaluation of user edu- cation that are presented in this collection draw upon the experiences of librarians of the Scandina- vian countries and Great Britain. The principles and practice of user education and its aims and goals in each of the participating nations are pre- sented in seven of the papers, aspects of instruc- tional materials and teaching methods are explored by nine others, and the evaluation of user educa- tion, including problems, methods, and practice, are considered by the final three. Interspaced among the three groups of papers are panel discus- sions on the general themes presented by the pa- pers, and the seminar concludes with a final discus- sion and recommendations. Included are a list of participants and a list of publications in Swedish by the Chalmers University of Technology. Information Systems for Human Services. Project SHARE. Human Services Bibliog- raphy series. Department of Health and Human Services, Rockville, Md. Project SHARE, Department of Health and Hu- man Services; Washington, D.C. 1981. 40p. ED 207 562. MF-$0.83; PC- $3.32. The forty-eight abstracts in the Project SHARE bibliography deal with the use of computerized in- formation systems in day-care, education, public assistance, mental health, and local government settings. Effects of standardization on human ser- vices, and issues of confidentiality are two of the important questions raised by these documents. Projects and pilot programs of varying success are presented, along with analyses of the benefits reaped and the problems encountered. In addition to computerized data systems, other forms of infor- mation dissemination-"talkback radio," referral directories, and interactive cable television-are discussed. The bibliography, which provides a rep- resentative but not exhaustive sampling of the topic, is divided into three sections: the abstracts with full citations arranged alphabetically by au- thor, a listing of personal or corporate authors, and an index of titles. Evaluating Library Services. New Mexico State Library Occasional Paper no.8. By Jane Gillentine and others. New Mexico State Library, Santa Fe. 1981. 45p. ED 207 560. MF -$0.83; PC-$3.32. Developed to assist librarians in the measure- ment and evaluation of the library's ability to pro- vide services, this guide suggests a number of evalu- 426 I College & Research Libraries • September 1982 ation techniques that may be used once the reasons for a study have been clearly determined and lo- cally peculiar conditions have been taken into ac- count. The first section explains methods for assess- ing library use, offers procedures for measuring activities that occur in the library including room and equipment use, and outlines techniques for de- termining in-library circulation and for maintain- ing library-program records. The following section explains several methods for evaluating the li- brary's collection, and the final section introduces the basic concept of sampling as an evaluation tool for library usage and collection study. Two charts summarizing assessment of library-use methods and collection-evaluation methods are included , along with a table of random numbers and lists of suggested readings for each section. INFO RELEASE. National Information Net- work for Recreation, Leisure and Sport. By Vidya S. Sharma. Northern Territory Dept. of Community Development, Darwin. (Australia). 1981. 117p. ED 207 535. MF -$0.83; PC-$7 .82. A study by the Northern Territories Department of Community Development systematically and specifically identified information needs and cate- gories of clients through a set of intellectual con- cepts in the fields of sport, recreation, and leisure . A survey of Australia's serials holdings was con- ducted to assess the country's existing information resources to meet these needs, and twenty-one Aus- tralian and foreign databases were evaluated to de- termine the relevancy of materials on eight selected topics of importance to Australia. One or more aca- demics were associated with each topic to prepare bibliographies for comparison with the search results of these surveys and evaluations. The results led to a proposal for a national information service called INFO RELEASE (Information Network for Recreation, Leisure and Sport) to take advantage of recent developments in information technology. The guidelines for the development of a proposed database, a thesaurus for effective retrieval, and the functions , costs, and administrative structure for INFO RELEASE are discussed in detail. Ap- pendixes include information on the leisure-studies information bank, questions about an Archive Mu- seum of Games, and an explanation of Bradford- Zip{ distribution. Twenty-two references and a glossary of terms are provided. Main Trends and Problems of Development of Librarianship in a Multinational State. By N. S. Kartashov. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the International Federation of Library Associations (Ma- nila, Philippines, August 18-23, 1980). 21p. ED 207 483. MF -$0.83; PC- $1.82. This paper reviews the promotion of literacy and the development of library services in the multina- tional, multilingual republics of the Union of So- viet Socialist Republics since the October Revolu- tion; these topics are reviewed as a model for state or regionally centralized services that promote lo- cal arrangements while serving a single national purpose in multiethnic and multilingual develop- ing nations. Consistent application of the principle of service to the needs of readers is credited with success in raising the literacy rate and the develop- ment of libraries within these republics. Objectives subordinated to this guiding principle include: the development of guidelines of library service in the political and cultural education of the masses; identification of the content and forms of service with due account of the regional specifics of there- publics; establishment of an integrated network of public research and special libraries; training and education of library personnel; balanced collection development; development of a regional bibliogra- phy; and promotion of library administration. ERIC Abstractor/Indexer Workbook. Revised edition. 1981. By Barbara Booth, Sydney J. Meredith, and Betty Rose Rios. Educa- tional Resources Information Center (ED), Washington, D.C.; National Inst. of Education (ED), Washington, D.C. 422p. ED 207 614. MF -$0.83. PC- $25.82. Eight documents of representative types and three journal articles are included in this self- instructional training workbook for abstractor/in- dexers. Introductory materials provide an over- view of informative and indicative abstracting styles and the principles of indexing utilized by the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC). Detailed step-by-step instructions are given on examining documents, abstracting, and indexing. The first two documents, a state-of-the- art review and an opinion paper, provide practice in the informative abstracting style. A program de- velopment guide, a curriculum guide with instruc- tional materials, and a collection of essays repre- sent indicative exercises. A research report deals with the mixed-abstract mode (i.e., informative/ indicative). A second research report and a docu- ment of composite focus provide experience with author abstracts. Journal article exercises empha- size the synthesis of extensive information. Each ex- ercise includes an analysis of requirements, practi- cal strategies, and alternative approaches to handling the document. Suggestions to supervisors for using the "workbook," sample work sheets, a list of"do's" and "don'ts ," and a list of verbs are also Be a patron~ saint with a little help from Dialog. Be knowing and wise ... Dialog is the world's biggest information retrieval system. So you can give your patrons instant access to the worldwide resources of more than 130 data- bases covering virtually any topic, including business, technology, psychology, edu- cation, medicine, chemistry, humanities and current affairs. ... and economical. Dialog offers the easiest and most flexible price options. / There's no required financial commitment. No minimum charge . It's equally affordable for small and large users. And a number of discount options are available. Bring the benefits of Dialog to your library. You may find your patrons looking up to you in a new way. For more information, contact Dialog Information Services, Dept. 38, 3460 Hillview Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304. Call toll-free (800) 227-1927. In California, call (800) 982-5838. ~Lockheed Dialog 428 I College & Research Libraries • September 1982 provided. The workbook is intended for use along with the "ERIC Processing Manual," the "Thesau- rus of ERIC Descriptors," and the "Identifier Au- thority List." Bibliographic Instruction to the Student of Foreign Language and Literature: A Feasi- bility Study . By Dulce DiDio McLean. 1978. 24p . ED 207 558. MF -$0.83; PC- $1.82. This instructional feasibility study discusses top- ics and concerns as they relate to the development of a library-user progam for the student of foreign language and literature, provides insights on the is- sues of foreign-language academic instruction , and addresses the local concerns of the University of Toledo. The needs of students as perceived by the faculty teaching Spanish and German in the de- partment of foreign languages are emphasized, and a plan of action for the extension of biblio- graphic instruction to the student and the depart- ment of foreign language is proposed. There are twenty-two references. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO ACADEMIC LIBRARIANS AACR2 Goes Public. Occasional Papers no.l. Tuc- son, Ariz.: Art Libraries Society of North Ameri- can, 1982. 64p. $5. ISSN 0730-7160. (Available c/o Pamela Parry, ARLIS/NA, 3775 Bear Creek Circle, Tucson , AZ 85715. Outside North Amer- ica add $2 postage.) Agricultural Journal Titles and Abbreviations. Comp. by the National Agricultural Library, USDA. Phoenix: Oryx, 1982. 154p. $30. LC 82- 2138. ISBN 0-89774-028-9. Alternative Materials in Libraries. Ed by James P. Danky and Elliot Shore. Metuchen, N.J.: Scare- crow, 1982. 255p. $16. LC 81-21353. ISBN 0- 8108-1508-7. American Studies: A Guide to Information Sources. Ed. by David W. Marcell. V.10 in the American Studies Information Guide series, part of the Gale Information Guide Library. Detroit: Gale, 1982. 207p. $38. LC 73-17559. ISBN 0- 8103-1263-8. American Women Writers from Colonial Times to the Present: A Critical Reference Guide. V .4, S to Z. With index. Ed. by Lina Mainiero. New York: Ungar, 1982. 560p. $55. LC 78-20945. ISBN 0-8044-3151-5 (V.1). An Annotated Index to CPL Bibliographies 1-69, January 1979 to December 1981. Comp. by James Hecimovich. Chicago: Council of Plan- ning Librarians, 1981. 16p. $5. ISBN 0-86602- 070-5. Anthologies by and about Women: An Analytical Index. Comp. by Susan Cardinale. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1982. 822p. $49.95. LC 81- 13423. ISBN 0-313-22180-4. Aschner, Katherine. The Word Processing Hand- book: A Step-by-Step Guide to Automating Your Office. WhitePlains, N.Y.: Knowledge Industry Publications, 1982. 193p. ISBN 0-86729-017 -X; -018-8 paper. Bibliographer's Manual: A Guide to the General Libraries Collection Development Program. Austin: Univ. of Texas at Austin General Li- braries, 1982. 42p. $5 (nonexempt Texas pur- chasers add 5 percent sales tax). Available through Publications, The General Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin, P.O. Box}>, Austin, TX, 78712. Remittance should be made to the University of Texas at Austin General Li- braries. Bioethics: A Guide to Information Sources. Ed. by Doris Mueller Goldstein. V.8 in the Health Af- fairs Information Guide series, Gale Informa- tion Guide Library. Detroit: Gale, 1982. $38. LC 81-13288. ISBN 0-8103-1502-5. Briquet de Lemos, Antonio A. A Portrait of Librar- ianship in Developing Societies. Occasional Pa- pers no.148, June 1981. Champaign, Ill.: Publi- cations Office, University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science, 1981. 46p. $3 prepaid. ISSN 0276-1769. Brownstone, David M. and Carruth, Gorton. Where to Find Business Information: A World- wide Guide for Everyone Who Needs the An- swers to Business Questions. 2d ed. New York: Wiley, 1982. 632p. $45. ISBN 0-471-08736-X. Clark, Alice S. Managing Curriculum Materials in the Academic Library. Metuchen, N.J. and London: Scarecrow, 1982. 221p. $14 cloth. LC 81-16574. ISBN 0-8108-1482-X. Collection Development and Acquisitions, 1970-80; An Annotated, Critical Bibliograph!J. Comp. by Irene P. Godden, Karen W. Fachan, and Patricia A. Smith. Metuchen, N.J.: Scare- crow, 1982. 146p. $11. LC 81-18530. ISBN 0- 8108-1499-4. Compaine, Benjamin M. The Business of Con- sumer Magazines. White Plains, N.Y : : Knowl- edge Industry Publications, 1982. 197p. $32.95. LC 82-160. ISBN 0-86729-020-X. Connell, Stephen and Galbraith, Ian A. Electronic Mail: A Revolution in Business Communica- tions. White Plains, N.Y.: Knowledge Industry Publications, 1982. Part of the Office Productiv- ity series. 139p. $32.95 hardcover; $22.95 soft- cover. LC 82-44. ISBN 0-86729-015-3; -016-1 paper. Consultants and Consulting Organizations Direc- tory: A Reference Guide to Concerns and Indi- viduals Engaged in Consultation for Business and Industry. 5th ed. Ed. by Paul Wasserman and Janice McLean. Detroit: Gale, 1982. 1,385p. LC 81-13413. ISBN 0-8103-0355-5. Corry, Emmett. Grants for Libraries: A Guide to Public and Private Funding Programs and Pro- · posal Writing Techniques. Littleton, Colo .: Li- braries Unlimited, 1982. 240p. $22.50 U.S., $27 . elsewhere. LC 81-20886. ISBN 0-87287-262-9. Cronin, Blaise. A National Graphics Resource Centre for Libraries in the United Kingdom. Aslib Occasional Publication no.26; British Li- brary Research and Development Report no.5646 . London: Aslib, 1981. 42p. UK £11 (£9.50members); elsewhere£13 (£11 members). ISBN 0-85142-149-0 . Cushing, William. Initials and Pseudonyms: A Dictionary of Literary Disguises. 2 vols. New York: Crowell, 1885 and 1888. Republished by Gale, Detroit, 1982. V.l, 603p.; V.2, 314p. $71 set . LC 78-164201. ISBN 0-8103-3962-5. Davis, Charles T. and Fabre, Michel. Richard Wright: A Primary Bibliography. Boston: G . K. Hall, 1982. 232p. $34 .50. LC 81-13398. ISBN 0- 8161-8410-0. Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Other Word- Related Books. 3d ed. Ed. by Annie M. Brewer. A classed guide to dictionaries , encyclopedias, and similar works. LC 81-20247. V.l: English Books. 519p. $90. ISBN 0-8103-1191-7; V.2 : Multiple Languages (with English as one lan- guage). 462p. $135. ISBN -1192-5; V.3: Non- English Books, 695p. $135 . ISBN -1193-3. Downs, Robert B. British and Irish Library Re- sources, 2d ed. London: Mansell Publishing, 1982. 448p. $62. ISBN 0-7201-1604-X. (Distrib- uted in the U.S. and Canada by H. W . Wilson Company, 950 University Ave. , Bronx, NY 10452, elsewhere by Mansell Publishing, 6 All Saints St., London Nl 9RL, England.) Downs , Robert B. Landmarks in Science: Hippo- crates to Carson, 74 sketches of the masterworks of science. Littleton , Colo.: Libraries Unlim- ited, 1982. 305p. $23.50 U.S., $28 elsewhere. LC 82-154. ISBN 0-87287-295-5 . Druesedow , John E., Jr . Library Research Guide to Music ; Illustrated Search Strategy and Sources. Ann Arbor, Mich . : Pierian Pr. , 1982. 96p. $14 .95 cloth , $7.50 paper. LC 81-86634. ISBN 0-87650-138-2 cloth; -139-0 paper. Duke, Judith S. Religious Publishing and Com- munications. White Plains , N.Y.: Knowledge Industry Publications, 1981. 275p. $29.95. LC 80-17694. ISBN 0-914236-61-X. DuMont, Rosemary Ruhig and DuMont, Paul F. Assessing the Effectiveness of Library Science . Occasional Papers no . l52 , December 1981. Champaign, Ill.: Publications Office, Univer- sity of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science. 24p . ISSN 0276-1769. Recent Publications I 429 Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. V.33. Ed. by Allen Kent and Jay E. Daily. New York: Marcel Dekker , 1982. 544p. $55. LC 68- 31232. ISBN 0-8247-2033-4. English Poetry, 1900-1950: A Guide to Informa- tion Sources . Ed. by Emily Ann Anderson . V.33 in the American Literature, English Literature, and World Literatures in English Information Guide Series. Detroit: Gale, 1982. 315p. $38. LC 74-32505. ISBN 0-8103-1360-X. Family Medicin e . A New Approach to Health Care. Ed. by Betty Cogswell and Marvin B. Sussman. V .4 , nos.! and 2, Marriage and Fam- ily Review series. New York : Haworth Pr . , 1982. 197p. $28. LC 81-6980. ISBN 0-917724-25-9. Feinburg, Renee. Women, Education and Em- ployment: A Bibliography of Periodical Cita- tions, Pamphlets, Newspapers and Government Documents, 1970-1980. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe ' String/Library Professional Publications , 1982. 92p. $25. ISBN 0-208-01967-7. Fenner, Peter and Armstrong, Martha C. Re- search: A Practical Guide to Finding Informa- tion. Los Altos , Calif.: William Kaufmann, 1982. 174p. $7.95, paper. LC 81-4589. ISBN 0- 86576-010-1. Foster, Donald L. Managing the Catalog Depart- ment. 2d ed. Metuchen , N.J . : Scarecrow, 1982. 244p . $15. LC 81-16694. ISBN 0-8108-1486-2. COM CATALOGS • CONVERSION • OCLC PROCESSING • EDIT LISTS • AUTHORITY CONTROL GRCCC@JOO GENERAL RESEARCH CORPORATION LIBRARY SYSTEMS P .O. Box • 5383 Hollister Avenue Santa Barbara , California 931110770 (805) 964-7724 • Vera Fessler 430 I College & Research Libraries • September 1982 Green , Douglas A. An Index to Collected Essays on Educational Media and Technology. Metuchen, N.J. and London: Scarecrow, 1982. 197p. $12.50. LC 81-18249. ISBN 0-8108-1490-0. Guide to Sources for Agricultural and Biological Research. Ed. by J. Richard Blanchard and Lois Farrell. Berkeley, Calif. : Univ. of California Pr ., 1982. 735p. $47.50. LC 76-7753. ISBN 0- 520-03226-8. Handbook of American Popular Culture. V .3 . Ed. by M. Thomas Inge. Westport , Conn.: Green- wood, 1981. $35. LC 77-95357. ISBN 0-313- 22025-5. Harris, Richard H . Modern Drama in America and England, 1950-1970. V.34 in the American Lit- erature, English Literature, and World Litera- tures in English Information Guide series. De- troit: Gale, 1982. 606p . $40. LC 74-11524. ISBN 0-8103-1218-2. Heilbron , J. L. and Wheaton, Bruce R. Literature on the History of Physics in the 20th Century . Berkeley Papers in History of Science, V .5. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California, 1981. 485p. $20. LC 80-51580. ISBN 0-918102-05-7. ISSN 0145-0379. Holmes , John L. Conductors on Record. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1982. 734p. $49.95. LC 80- 28578. ISBN 0-313-22990-2. Howard , John T. , Jr. A Bibliography of Theatre Technology: Acoustics and Sound , Lighting, Properti es, and Scen ery. Westport, Conn . : Greenwood , 1982 . 345p. $35 . LC 81-7204. ISBN 0-313-22839-6. Huddleston, Eugene L. Thomas jefferson: A Ref- erence Guide . Boston: G. K. Hall , 1982 . 374p. $30. LC 81-6532. ISBN 0-8161-8141-1. Index to International Public Opinion, 1980-81. (no.3) Prepared by Survey Research Consul- tants , International , Inc. Ed. by Elizabeth Hann Hastings and Philip K. Hastings. West- port, Conn.: Greenwood, 1982. 584p. $75. LC 80-643917. ISBN 0-313-23116-8. Information Managem ent and Organisational Change. Proceedings of an Aslib conference held at the London Tara Hotel April6-8, 1981. Ed. by Heather Taylor, London: Aslib , 1981. 114p. UK £12 (£10 members); elsewhere £15 (£12.50 members) ISBN 0-85142-148-2. Inter-library Comparisons: Pilot Comparison with Public Libraries. By the Centre for Interfirm Comparison. The British Library Research & Development Reports no.5638 . West Yorkshire, Great Britain: British Library Board , 1981. lOOp. ISBN 0-905984-74-9 . ISSN 0309-2385. (Distributed by Publications , The British Li- brary Lending Division , Boston Spa , Wetherby, West Yorkshire, LS23 7BQ.) john Dew ey's Personal and Professional Library: A Checklist. Comp. by Jo Ann Boydston. Biblio- graphical Contributions , no .10. Carbondale: Southern Illinois Univ. Pr., 1982. 119p. $8. LC 81-18393. ISBN 0-8093-1068-6 . Johnson, Donald Clay. Index to Southeast Asian Journals , 1975-1979: A Guide to Articles, Book Reviews, and Composite Works. Boston: G . K. Hall , 1982. 265p. LC 81-23957. ISBN 0-8161- 8564-6. Katz , Bill and Clifford , Anne. Reference and On- line Services Handbook. New York: Neal- Schuman , 1982. 581p . $29.95 . LC 81-11290. ISBN 0-918212-49-9. Kumar, Girja and Kumar, Krishan . Theory of Cataloguing. 3d rev. ed . New Delhi , India: Vi- kas Publishing House, 1981. 356p. $20 . ISBN 0- 7069-1187-3. (Distributed in the U.S. and Can- ada by Advent Books, New York). Kumar, Krishan. Theory of Classification . 2d rev. ed. New Delhi , India: Vikas Publishing House, 1981. 538p. $27.50. ISBN 0-7069-1308-6. (Dis- tributed in the U.S. and Canada by Advent Books, New York.) Leerburger, Benedict. Marketing the Library. White Plains, N.Y.: Knowledge Industry Publi- cations, 1982. 124p . $24.50 softcover. LC 81- 18132. ISBN 0-914236-89-X. The Left Index, no .1, Spring 1982. Ed . by Joan Nordquist . A new quarterly index to periodical literature that advocates social and political change. Santa Cruz, Calif.: Reference and Re- search Services , 1982. Subscription $50 yr., $15 per issue. Available from The Left Index, 511 Lincoln Street, Santa Cruz , CA 95060. Libraries & Culture. Proceedings of Library His- tory Seminar VI, March 19-22; 1980, Austin, Texas. Reprinted from Journal of Library His- tory, V.16, nos. 1-2 Ed . by Donald G. Davis, Jr . Austin: Univ. ofTexasPr. , 1981. 478p. $25. LC 81-13015. ISBN 0-292-74632-6 . Lilley, Dorothy B. and Badough , Rose Marie. Li- brary and Information Science: A Guide to In- formation Sources. V. 5 in the Books, Publishing, and Library Information Guide series. Detroit: Gale, 1982. 151p . $38 . LC 82-962. ISBN 0-8103- 1501-7. Lynch , Karen T . and Slatkin, Helen W. Processing Manual for the Institute Archives and Special Collections, MIT Libraries. Cambridge, Mass.: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1981. 61p. (Available for $5 from Institute Archives and Special Collections , Room 14N-118, Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 . Checks should be made payable to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.) MacDonald , Margaret Read. Th e Storyteller's Sourcebook: A Subject, Title , and Motif Index to Folklore Collections for Children. Detroit: Gale, 1982, in association with Neal-Schuman Publishers. 818p. LC 82-954. ISBN 0-8103- 0471-6. Magazines for Libraries. 4th ed . Ed. by Bill Katz and Linda Sternberg Katz. New York: Bowker, 1982. 976p. $75 plus shipping & handling. LC 81-1769. ISBN 0-8352-1495-8. Matarazzo, James M. Closing the Corporate Li- brary: Case Studies on the Decision-Making Pro- cess. New York: Special Libraries Association, 1981. 160p. $11 association members: $15.50 nonmembers. LC 81-14452. ISBN 0-87111-289- 2. McClure, Charles R. and Samuels, Alan R. Strate- gies for Library Administration: Concepts and Approaches. Littleton: Colo.: Libraries Unlim- ited, 1982. 451p. $28.50 U.S., $34 elsewhere. LC 81-12408. ISBN 0-87287-265-3. Medical Librarianship. Handbooks on Library Practice, no.3. Ed. by Michael Carmel. Lon- don: The Library Association, 1981. 359p. $36, cloth. ISBN 0-85365-502-2. Miskin, C. Library and Information Services for the Legal Profession. The British Library Re- search & Development Report no.5633. Wetherby, West Yorkshire, Great Britain: The British Library Board, 1981. 60p. ISBN 0- 905984-73-0. ISSN 0308-2385. Monthly Murders: A Checklist and Chronological Listing of Fiction in the Digest-Size Mystery Magazines in the United States and England. Comp. by Michael L. Cook. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1982. 1,147p. $49.95. LC 81-6986. ISBN 0-313-23126-5. Murphy, Marcy. On-Line Services in Some Aca- demic, Public and Special Libraries: A State-of- the-Art Report. Occasional Papers no.151, No- vember 1981. Champaign, Ill.: Publications Office, University of Illiniois Graduate School of Library and Information Science. 24p. ISSN 0276-1769. Nelson, BonnieR. A Guide to Published Library Catalogs. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1982. 358p. $17.50. LC 81-16558. ISBN 0-8108-1477- 3. New Periodical Titles Abbreviations, 1981. V.3 of the Periodical Title Abbreviations, 3d ed. First of two supplements. Comp. and ed. by Leland G. Alkire, Jr. Detroit: Gale, 1982. 357p. $35. LC 81-2677. ISBN 0-8103-0339-6. ISSN 0730- 546X. 1980-81 ARL Statistics. Ed. by Carol Mendel. Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Li- braries, 1982. 73p. $10. LC 77-647280 ISSN 0147-2135. 1981 ARL Annual Salary Survey. Ed. by Carol Mendel. Washington, D.C.: Association of Re- search Libraries, 1982. 34p. $10. LC 76-640547. ISSN 0361-5669. Osborn, Jeanne. Dewey Decimal Classification, 19th ed.: A Study Manual. Littleton, Colo.: Li- braries Unlimited, 1982. 366p. $27.50 U.S., $33 elsewhere. LC 82-21. ISBN 0-87287-293-9. Oulton, A. J., and others. The Teaching of Com- Recent Publications I 431 puter Appreciation and Library Automation. British Library Research & Development Report no.5647. West Yorkshire, Great Britain: The British Library Board, 1981. 122p. ISBN 0- 905984-75-7. ISSN 0308-2385. (Distributed by Publications, The British Library Lending Divi- sion, Boston Spa, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS23 7BQ.) Peebles, Patrick. Sri Lanka: A Handbook of Histor- ical Statistics. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1982. 357p. LC 81-20210. ISBN 0-8161-8160-8. Phillips, Lawrence B. Dictionary of Biographical Reference. 3d ed. London: S. Low, Marston, & Co., Ltd., 1889. Republished by Gale, Det.roit, 1982. 1,038p. $90. ISBN 0-8103-3996-X. Picture Librarianship. Ed. by Helen Harrison. Phoenix: Oryx, 1982. 542p. $37.50 cloth; $27.50 paper. LC 81-11292. ISBN 0-89774-011-4 cloth; -013-0 paper. A Practical Guide to Word Processing and Office Management Systems. Merrimack, N.H.: Digi- tal Equipment Corporation, 1982. 117p. $5. Available from Corporate Public Relations, Dig- ital Equipment Corporation, Merrimack, NH 03054. Reference & Subscription Books Reviews 1980-81. ; A compilation of evaluations appearing in Refer- ence and Subscription Books Reviews, Septem- ber 1, 1980-July 15, 1981, within V.77 of Heritage on Microfilnt Rare and out-of-print titles and documents on 35mm silver halide microfilm. • French Books before 1601 • Scandinavian Culture • 18th Century English Literature • Victorian Fiction • Literature of Folklore • Hispanic Culture Send for catalog and title information today. ~~~~~ ~CO\AP?NY 70 Coolidge Hill Road Watertown, MA 02172 (617) 926-5557 432 I College & Research Libraries • September 1982 Booklist. Ed. by Helen K. Wright, camp. by Beth A. Nickels. Chicago: American Library Assn ., 1981. 152p. $20. LC 73-159565. ISBN 0- 8389-3269-X. Reference Books for the Historian of Science: A Handlist. Camp. by S. A. Jayawardene. Lon- don: Science Museum Library Occasional Publi- cations, no.2, 1982. 229p. £2.50.; £3 by mail. ISBN 0-901805-14-9. Reference Manual for Machine-Readable Biblio- graphic Descriptions. 2d rev. ed. Camp. and ed. by H. Dierickx and A. Hopkinson. Paris: Un- esco, 1981. 34lp. (Available from Division of the General Information Programme, Section for the Promotion of Methods, Norms and Stan- dards , Unesco, 7, Place de Fontenoy, 75700, Paris, France.) Roe, Ernest. Academics, Librarians , Resource Management and Resource Use: A Preliminary Study. The British Library Research & Develop- ment Reports no.5649. West Yorkshire, Great Britain: The British Library Board, 1981. 94p. ISBN 0-905984-77-3. ISSN 0308-2385. Rowley, Jennifer E. Abstracting and Indexing. London: Clive Bingley, 1982. (Distributed in the United States by Shoe String Press, Hamden, Conn .) 155p. $15. ISBN 0-85157-336-3. Schlesinger, Benjamin. Sexual Abuse of Children: A Resource Guide and Annotated Bibliography. Toronto, Buffalo, and London: University of Toronto Press, 1982. 200p. $10. ISBN 0-8020- 6481-7. Scholars' Access to Information: Public Responsi- bility/Private Initiative. Minutes of the 99th Meeting of the Association of Research Li- braries, Washington, D.C. October 29-30, 1981. Washington, D.C . : Association of Re- search Libraries , 1982 . 95p. $7.50 members, $12.50 nonmembers . LC 59-30046 . ·ISSN 0044- 9652. Second International Conference on Library User Education, Keble College, Oxford, 7-10 July, 1981. Proceedings . Ed. by Peter Fox. Lough bor- ough University of Technology, Loughborough, Leicestershire, England: INFUSE Publications, 1982. ISBN 0-904641-17-1. Sim, Fan Kok. Women in Southeast Asia: A Bibli- ography. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1982. 415p. LC 81-6642. ISBN 0-8161-8407-0. Social Services Organizations and Agencies Direc- tory. 1st ed. Camp. and ed. by Anthony T. Kru- zas. Detroit: Gale, 1982. 540p . $60. ISBN 0- 8103-0329-9 . Sources of Asian/Pacific Economic Information. V .1-2. Ed. by Euan Blauvelt -and Jennifer Durlacher. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1982. V.l, 270p.; V.2, 305p. $150 set. LC 81- 4125. ISBN 0-313-23058-7. Sternberg, Sam. National Directory of Corporate Charity: California Edition. San Francisco: Re- gional Young Adult Project, 1981. 500p. $30. ISBN 0-960-61980-1. Thesaurus of Eric Descriptors. 9th ed. 1982. Camp. by Educational Resources Information Center. Phoenix: Oryx, 1982. 569p. $25 hard- cover . LC 80-52477. ISBN 0-89774-019-X. U.S. Book Publishing Yearbook and Directory 1981-82. White Plains, N.Y.: Knowledge Indus- try Publications, 1982. 312p . $60 . LC 79-64219. ISBN 0-914236-99-7. ISSN 0193-6417. United States of America. Camp. by Sheila R. Herstein and Naomi C. Robbins. V.l6 in the World Bibliographical series. Santa Barbara, Calif.: American Bibliographical Center-Clio Press , 1982. 307p. $45. ISBN 0-903450-29-1. Who's Who in Art. 20th ed. Biographies of leading men and women in the world of art in Britain to- day: artists, designers, craftsmen, critics, writ- ers, teachers, and curators, with an appendix of signatures. Havant, Hants, England: The Art Trade Press, 1982. (Distributed in the United States by Gale, Detroit.) 545p. $72. ISBN 0- 900083-09-3. The World Measurement Guide. 4th ed. Camp. by The Economist Newspaper. (guide to conver- sions between measuring systems, updates 1975 edition.) London: The Economist Newspaper, 1980. 240p. $55. ISBN 0-85058-045-5. (Distrib- uted in the U.S. by Gale, Detroit.)