College and Research Libraries ner, suitable for nontechnical business executives. The book provides considera- ble quantities of data about suppliers and costs. Planning, staffing, and marketing approaches are also presented. All this is aimed at helping to make decisions as to whether viewdata and online publishing should be in the future of a publisher. The general introduction points out: Print publishers are captivated by the almost daily reports of the launch of a new viewdata experiment, the creation of a new online data base, a new development in microprocessing that is driving costs down even further . At the same time publishers are naturally concerned about the almost daily increases in the costs of postage, handling, fulfillment, print and paper. Recent Publications 189 Quite rightly, they are looking at the promises of technology and computer vendors; with rea- son they are questioning these promises. This report answers many of the questions print publishers are asking about the new media of viewdata and online services . Perhaps more importantly, it tells print publishers what ques- tions to ask themselves, and how to find the an- swers. This promise is fulfilled quite well as long as the alert is kept in mind that: Readers should be aware that electronic pub- lishing is a rapidly moving field, with changes in prices, services, etc. occurring almost daily. Statistical information in this report is based on data accumulated in spring 1981. -Allen Kent, University of Pittsburgh. ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse of Infor- mation Resources, School of Education, Syra- cuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P. 0. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify for- mat desired, and include payment for docu- ment and postage. Further information on ordering documents and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Educa- tion. Center for Research Libraries Study, Con- cordia University. Final Report. By J. Tallon. 1979. 16p. ED 217 847. MF- $0.83; PC-$1.82. This discussion of the implementation of ser- vices related to the Center for Research Li- braries (CRL) if Concordia University Libraries were to join CRL includes policies and proce- dures designed to assist Concordia in making effective use of CRL's services without sacrific- ing regular services or incurring large expenses in addition to the membership fee . Included in the report are a history of the CRL proposal; a 1978 report by Derek Robertson recommending that the library join CRL; recommended poli- cies and procedures; recommendations for publicity to make patrons aware of CRL and particular collections that might pertain to their field of research; and recommendations for monitoring and evaluating interlibrary loan benefits (cost savings), user benefits, collec- tions benefits, and the costs involved in mem- bership. Appendixes include a description of CRL's art and architecture collection and a flowchart of interlibrary loan procedures at Concordia. Comparative Study on the Handling of Se- rials by ISDS Centres and National Bib- liographic Agencies. By Francoise Bouf-. fez and Annette Grousseaud. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paris (France). 1980. 171p. ED 217 831. MF-$0.83; PC-not available from EDRS. A survey was conducted in July 1977 of thirty- eight centers of International Serials Data Sys- tem (ISDS) and of national bibliographic agen- cies or comparable bodies in the same countries to study the various aspects of the identification and description of standardized bibliographic data by the ISDS and the International Stan- dard Bibliographic Description for Serials (ISBD). Nine requests for information were also submitted to countries considering ISDS mem- bership. Analysis of the survey and materials returned with the questionnaires are reported in five chapters: (1) bibliographic information sources available for establishing an ISDS na- tional center and serial control methods, in- cluding both primary and secondary sources and an appraisal of bibliographic control by country; (2) establishment of ISDS centers, re- 190 College & Research Libraries viewing structure, background, and location selection; (3) functioning of the centers in terms of personnel and internal organization; (4) a comparative study of the handling of serials by ISDS centers and national bibliographic agen- cies (NBA); and (5) objectives of the national centers and roles of the NBA and the ISDS net- work. Provided are a glossary of acronyms and abbreviations, twelve tables, and nine annexes (diagrams and charts). Report on Investigations into Delays in the Interlibrary Loans Process. By James Tallon. 1980. lOp. ED 217 849. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. Data on interlibrary loan transactions occur- ring during July and August 1979 were ana- lyzed to determine comparative turnaround and delivery times for five Quebec and eleven Ontario universities. The numbers of working days of positive responses for loans and photo- copies and the numbers of positive and nega- tive responses for combined loans and photo- copies were calculated by subtracting the date that a request was made from the date when the request item or negative response was re- ItS Time To Try ANew ROUTE. Introducing ROUTE.The Newest Module In Faxons LIN X System. Now there's a computerized system for creating, updating and printing journal routing slips. The ROUTE system . March 1983 ceived. It was found that there is a considerable difference in turnaround times between Que- bec and Ontario universities and for photo- copies and loans; negative responses consti- tuted 25.7 percent of the replies to requests made to Ontario universities and 27 percent of the requests to Ontario universities. Discussion of the findings includes suggestions for the im- provement of interlibrary loan services, and four tables of data are appended. Report on the Utilization of the CAN/OLE Online Document Ordering System (CAN/DOC) in Interlibrary Loan Oper- ations. By James Tallon. 1980. 12p. ED 217 851. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. The study reported was conducted at Concor- dia University after using the CAN/DOC order- ing system to procure documents in the sci- ences directly from the Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CISTI) to assess the efficiency of interlibrary loan (ILL) procedures using this system . This study fo- cuses on the relative turnaround times and costs of CAN/DOC and possible alternatives. Present ILL procedures are described, a de- With ROUTE. all the time-consuming details of managing routing lists are taken care of for you . ROUTE keeps track of who gets what publications; it lists readers by name, location, address and other iden- tifiers you specify; it can prioritize routing order by title or other parameters; and it produces all your routing slips for you. r------------., ROUTE also gives you valuable I D Show Me The ROUTE. I management and statistical reports. I I'm looking for a way to manage periodical 1 a simplified procedure for changing I distribution more efficiently. send me all I reader records. and much more. the facts on your ROUTE system right away. For the full story on easy-to-use, easy-to- 1 NAM E I learn ROUTE. part of Faxon's LINX serials 1 ADDR ESS 1 management system. just return the coupon I I or call 617-329-3350; outside of Boston. call I CITY I 800-225-6055 I STATE ZIP I L;~!:·::.~·=~~---J &:.on =~~.A~rl.~M~S=c~~nce~o~fSe-m-~~Ma-M-~e-me-nL--------~~~--~~~~~- PUT THE ENTIRE LC NATIONAL UNION CATALOCi ON MICROFICHE IN )()UR DESK DRAWER AND UPDATE IT WITH THE NEW NUC. Imagine the LC National Union Catalog from 1898 to 1982 in convenient, easy to use microfiche. Now, ALS offers exclusively, this multi- purpose reference source; indispensable in cataloging, acquisitions, bibliographic ver- ification, interlibrary loan, reference and research. CONVENIENT- The NUC microfiche edi- tion, consisting of 693 volumes, can be conveniently located at your fingertips and literally stored at a single microfiche reader station. DURABLE- The NUC on microfiche will outlast the printed editions. SAVES SPACE - The col- lection is contained in 54 linear inches, saving 94% shelf space. LOW PRICE - The ALS NUC microfiche edition saves 7 5% over the printed edition. OTHER LC CATALOGS ON MICROFICHE - Also available, the COMPLETE Subject Catalog from 1950-82 and Audiovisual and Music Catalogs, 1953- 82. Individual annuals and quinquenniums may be purchased. NEW NUC ON MICROFICHE. In 1983 ALS will publish four new NUC in index/register format. The new LC catalogs allow you to select the NUC most suitable for your specific needs. FOUR SEPARATE INDEXES. Now you can access the NUC by Name, Title, Subject and Series. SINGLE LOOK-UP. In most cases a single look-up will com- plete a search in a matter of seconds with the fully cumulated indexes. TIMELY DELIVERY. The NUC will be rushed air mail for earliest use in your library, increasing its use. LOW PRICES-BEST VALUE. The new ALS COM- produced NUC is offered at the lowest price available. No other work - print, fiche, or on-line - is a better value. For information, use the coupon, or call (617)470-0610. ~am-:- - - - - - Tit:- - - - - l I Organtzation I Address I C1ty/Town State Zip Code I Please rush me complete information on LC micropublications: 0 National Union Catalog 0 Audiovisual Catalog 1 0 Subject Catalog 0 Music Catalog 1 0 1983 Current National Union Catalogs CRf L ___________ ...J Advanced library Systems Inc. 93 Main Street Andover, MA 01810, U.S.A. (617) 470-0610 Serving Libraries Throughout the World. 192 College & Research Libraries COM CATALOGS • CONVERSION • OCLC PROCESSING • EDIT LISTS • AUTHORITY CONTROL GRCCC@liYil GENERAL RESEARCH CORPORATION LIBRARY SYSTEMS P .O. Box • 5383 Hollister Avenue Santa Barbara, California 931110770 (805) 964-7724 • Vera Fessler . ~ MAGAZ111;f" 00 «Our» --v;- 1933-1983 t? 'o t1?0 RRIS, 11...1...\~0 DISCOVER McGregor Where Customers Are Names-Not Numbers "Personalized" Subscription Service-Since 1933 • All domestic and • Single billing foreign titles • Automatic renewal • Tille Research • Personal customer • Prepaid account subscriptions representatives Let an experienced McGregor "Home Office" representative simplify your complex problems of periodical procurement. Prompt and courteous service has been a tradition with McGregor since 1933. Our customers like it- We think you would, too! Write for catalog or Phone 815/734-4183 March 1983 tailed breakdown of the average delays and cancellations is given, and costs are analyzed. The costs of four alternative models for the or- dering of requests available at CISTI are out- lined. It is recommended that requests of scien- tific documents available at CISTI be ordered via Telex, with CAN/DOC used only in special circumstances, because of the SO percent saving in cost per document ordered; that preference be given to ordering from CISTI over Quebec or Ontario university libraries because of the faster service provided by CISTI; that the use of CAN/OLE for document verification be contin- ued; and that efforts be made to encourage CISTI ILL and government officials responsible for its operation to improve the interlibrary loan service. Data are presented in five appended ta- bles. Report on the Use of REFCATSS for Inter- library Loan Processing. By James Tal- lon. 1980. 9p. ED 217 850. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. The database contents, search features, and costs of two services offered by UTLAS (Uni- versity of Toronto Library Automation Sys- tems) are compared to determine which of the two should be used for interlibrary loan (ILL) processing at Concordia University. A review of studies of CATSS (Catalogue Support Sys- tem) is provided, as well as a description of the search facilities common to CA TSS and REF- CATTS (Public Service Support System), and a comparison of the costs of interlibrary loan searching on the two systems . It is recom- mended that, by virtue of the greater suitability ofREFCATSS and ILL use and the dubious cost advantage of CATSS given the anticipated level of use, that REFCATSS be used for ILL search- ing. Also discussed are arrangements for access to terminals on the three campuses to avoid the high cost of registering an additional terminal for ILL use, and the costs of setting up and · training for REFCATSS. Estimates of one-time and ongoing costs are provided, and proce- dures for implementing the use of the system are outlined. Seven references are listed. ERIC Processing Manual. Rules and Guidelines for the Acquisition, Selec- tion, and Technical Processing of Docu- ments and Journal Articles by the Vari- ous Components of the ERIC Network. By Ted Brandhorst, ed., and others. Ed- ucational Resources Information Center (ED/NIE), Washington, D.C.; ERIC Processing and Reference Facility, Be- thesda, Md.; ORI, Inc., Bethesda, Md. Information Systems Division. 1980. 788p. ED 219 082. MF-$1.51; PC- $48.32. This loose-leaf manual provides the detailed rules, guidelines, and examples to be used by the components of the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) network in acquir- ing and selecting documents and in processing them (i.e., cataloging, indexing, abstracting) for input to the ERIC computer system and sub- sequent announcement in Resources in Education and Current Index to Journals in Education. It also covers the procedures to be followed in main- taining the indexing vocabularies (the Thesau- rus of ERIC Descriptors and the Identifier Author- ity List). The major seCtions of the manual are entitled "Acquisitions," "Selection," "Han- dling and Shipping," "Cataloging," "Ab- stracting/ Annotating,'' ''Indexing,'' ''Vocabu- lary Development and Maintenance" (Part 1, descriptors; Part 2, Identifiers), "Database Changes" (post-publication) . There are two ap- pendixes: ''ERIC Clearinghouse Scope of Inter- est Guide"; glossary of terms . This manual will be of interest to all organizations that use the ERIC database. A detailed index facilitates its use. Library Research Manual: The Health Sci- ences. By Emily Montez Bryson and Ro- land Dale, eds. Chicago State Univ., Ill. 1981. 52p. ED 217 853. MF-$0.83; PC- not available from EDRS. This independent study workbook is in- tended to acquaint students of the nursing and allied health professions with the use of Douglas Library of the Chicago State University and to introduce a search strategy for gathering information for research papers. Consisting of nine instructional chapters, the workbook pro- vides information on the card catalog, the Li- brary of Congress classification system, how to find books, encyclopedias, biographical sources, periodical indexes, and the serials holdings list, news indexes, government docu- ments, and quick-answer sources. A conclud- ing chapter discusses term-paper research strategy, and nine multiple-choice answer as- signments are attached . Use of Scientific and Technical Informa- tion in Brazil. By Victor Rosenberg and Murilo B. Cunha. Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor. School of Library Science. 1981. 234p. ED 219 072. MF-$0.83; PC-$15.32. This study was conducted to assess the avail- Recent Publications 193 ability and use of scientific and technical infor- mation in Brazil, identify characteristics of in- formation which are unique to developing nations, and help determine what technologies and policies would be most useful in improving resources available in the country. It concen- trated on professionals who have direct or indi- rect access to automated bibliographic systems to examine the impact of computer technology. Information was gathered through structured personal interviews on specific concepts related either to broad issues needed to formulate ef- fective policies or to factors affecting policy, e.g., language, knowledge of libraries and in- formation services, evaluation of information services, economics, sharing policy, optimism, cosmopolitanism, influence, dependence, and confidence in library services. The report in- cludes a literature review, a discussion of the in- terview methodology, a presentation of results, and a general discussion of the findings. An ap- pendix contains the study interview format and coding in English and Portuguese, including fifty-eight questions for the individual inter- viewed and twenty-one questions for the inter- viewer on the subject of availability of informa- tion for scientific work in Brazil. A bibliography lists more than 250 references. Collection Assessment Manual. By Blaine H. Hall. Brigham Young Univ., Provo, Utah. Library. 1981. 171p. ED 217 852. MF-$0.83; PC-not available from EDRS. This manual is designed to help bibliogra- phers, librarians, and other materials selectors plan and conduct systematic collection evalua- tions suing both collection-centered and client- centered techniques . Topics covered in five chapters are: (1) planning the assessment; (2) collection-centered techniques, comprising the compilation of statistics, checking lists, cata- logs, and bibliographies, direct observation, and the application of standards; (3) client- centered techniques, including availability and accessibility, user surveys, and periodical use study; (4) specialized assessments, consisting of weeding decisions and approval programs; and (5) reporting assessment results, which in- cludes three examples. Advantages and disad- vantages are discussed for each technique as well as step-by-step procedures for its applica- tion. Interspersed in the manual are various forms and surveys, e.g., those specific to En- glish, chemistry, and Latin American collec- tions . Appendixes include a list of agencies ac- crediting academic programs at Brigham Young University, American Library Association stan- dards for university libraries, statistical aids, 194 College & Research Libraries and selected sources on collection assessments. Six references are provided . Signs and Guides: Wayfinding Alterna- tives for the EMS Library. By Johanna H. Johnson. 1981. 152p. ED 217 840. MF-$0.83; PC-$10.82. Concerned with increasing the accessibility of the collection of the Engineering/Math Sciences (EMS) Library at the University of California at Los Angeles through the use of self-guidance systems, this practical study focused on the problem context, general library guides, and li- brary signage in reviewing the literature, and conducted a survey of library users to identify orientation problems . Discussion of general li- brary guides covers the advantages and disad- vantages of such guides, costs, design and for- go for it! use your library American Library Association March 1983 mat, organization, contents, and distribution. Signage is discussed in terms of existing prob- lems in locating materials, the overall plan of a sign system, signage hierarchy, communica- tion, and typography and layout, and recom- mendations are included for a modifiable sys- tem . The development of the survey questionnaire and its administration are de- scribed in detail, and recommendations based on responses to the questionnaire are provided. Additional materials on the survey are pro- vided in the first appendix, including copies of the pretest and the questionnaire, as well as raw data. The second appendix contains a li- brary guide evaluation sheet, the old EMS guide, and a first, rough draft for a new EMS guide. Definitions, a thirty-seven-item bibliog- raphy, and sixty references are included . Iowa Statewide Disaster Recovery Plan. By Barry L. Porter, ed. Iowa State Li- brary Commission, Des Moines. 1981. 21p. ED 217 834. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. The purpose in developing a statewide disas- ter recovery plan for libraries is to encourage li- brarians at the local level to develop their own plans to be used in time of disaster and to pro- vide information about resources that can be used in an emergency. This manual provides self-assessment forms for identifying staff members and sources of off-site services, equip~ent, and supplies to be contacted in the event of a disaster; an upkeep checklist; a form to establish priorities for salvage of materials; a questionnaire to assess types of fire and insur- ance coverage needed by libraries, including the library building, internal features, library operations, physical and financial protective measures, and loss experience; a listing of indi- vidual members of a disaster recovery team and their areas of expertise; and sources of equip- ment such as refrigerator trucks and freeze- drying services . A brief bibliography lists refer- ences on disaster prevention, fire protection, and procedures for saving water-damaged ma- terials. Guidelines on Studies of Information Us- ers (Pilot Version). By Geoffrey Ford and Colin Harris, eds. Sheffield Univ. (England). Centre for Research on User Studies. 1981. 68p. ED 217 832. MF- $0.83; PC-not available from EDRS. Preliminary guidelines are presented to pro- vide a methodology for conducting user studies in the information field, particularly in develop- ing countries . Topics covered include: user needs in planning a national information sys- tem; the identification of user groups; the de- sign and organization of user studies, including background research survey objectives, re- sources, survey organization, selection of data collection methods, and sampling and re- sponse rate; data collection methods including documentary sources, diaries, questioning, Recent Publications 195 and observation; evaluation of data on informa- tion needs; and the nature a~d content of sur- vey reports . Ten figures, thirty-five references, and an eleven-item bibliography are provided. Appended are eleven sample questionnaires, designed for such audiences as the staff of edu- cational institutions, library users, and small and large firms or establishments . OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST Bibliography of Loyalist Source Material in the United States, Canada, and Great Britain . Ed . by Gregory Palmer. Westport, Conn .: Meckler Books, 1982. 1,064p. $115. LC80-19682. ISBN 0-930466-26-8 . Cooperative Services: A Guide to Policies and Proce- dures in Library Systems . Ed. by Helen A. Knievel. New York: Neal-Schuman, 1982. 275p. $24.95. LC 81-22406. ISBN 0-918212- 56-1 . Educational Software Directory: A Subject Guide to Microcomputer Software. Comp . by Marilyn J. Chartrand and Constance D. Williams for Corporate Monitor. Littleton, Colo . : Li- braries Unlimited, 1982. 292p. $22.50 U.S./ $27 elsewhere, paper. LC 82-20400. ISBN 0- 87287-352-8. Encyclopedia of Information Systems and Services . 5th ed. Ed. by John Schmittroth, Jr. Detroit: Gale, 1982. 1,248p. $260. LC 82-18359. European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed in Europe Relating to the Ameri- cas, 1493-1776 and Vol.II: 1601-1650. Ed. by John Alden and Dennis C . Landis . New York : Readex Microprint, 1982. 954p. LC 80- 51141. ISBN 0-918414-09-1. Fishburn, Katherine. Women in Popular Culture: A Reference Guide . Westport, Conn. : Green- wood, 1982. 267p. $29.95. LC 81-13421. ISSN 0193-6859. ISBN 0-313-22152-9. Government Reference Books 80/81: A Biennial Guide to U.S. Government Publications. Comp. by Walter L. Newsome . Littleton, Colo.: Li- braries Unlimited, 1982. 431p . $37.50 U.S./ $45 elsewhere. LC 76-146307. ISBN 0-87287- 291-2. Hunter, Eric J. The "ABC" of BASIC: An Intro- duction to Programming for Librarians. Ham- den, Conn .: Shoe, 1982. 120p. $18.50. ISBN 0-85157-355-X. Indexes, Abstracts, and Digests : A Classified Bibli- ography Reproduced from Library of Congress Cards, Arranged According to the Library of Con- gress Classification System. 1st ed. Ed . by An- nie M . Brewer. Detroit: Gale, 1982. 801p. $150. LC 82-9309. ISBN 0-8103-1686-2. Inventory of Data Sources in Science and Technol- ogy: A Preliminary Survey. Comp. by CO- DATA, Committee on Data for Science and Technology of the International Council of Scientific Unions. Paris : Unesco, 1982. 229p. ISBN 92-3-102048-X. Library Education across the Boundaries of Cultures: A Festschrift. Ed . by Anis Khurshid . Karachi, Pakistan: Department of Library Science, University of Karachi, 1981. 190p. $12 U.S. Z688 020.7. Manual on the Use of the Dewey Decimal Classifica- tion: Edition 19. Ed. by John P . Comaromi and others. Albany, N .Y.: Forest Press, 1982. 551p. LC 82-1516. ISBN 0-910608-32-6. McFeely, Mary Drake. Women's Work in Britain and America from the Nineties to World War I: An Annotated Bibliography. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1982. 140p. $24.95. LC 82-9281. ISBN 0-8161- 8504-2. Microeditions de la Biblotheque: Catalogue 1982 . By Richard Thouin . Montreal: Bibliotheque Na- tionale du Quebec, 1982. 190p. ISSN 0707- 848X. Public Works History in the United States: A Guide to the Literature. Ed. by Suellen M. Hoy and Michael C. Robinson . Nashville, Tenn.: American Association for State and Local History, 1982. 512p. $49 cloth/$39 to mem- bers of the American Public Works Associa- tion and the Public Works Historical Society/ $36.75 to members of AASLH. LC 81-19114. ISBN 0-910050-63-5. Women's Periodicals and Newspapers from the 18th Century to 1981 . Ed. by James P. Danky. Bos- ton : G . K. Hall, 1982. 376p. $38. LC 82-11903. ISBN 0-8161-8107-1. r Available for the first time CABINET MEETINGS OF U.S. PRESIDENTS Eisenhower The fact that comprehensive minutes and supporting documents of the Cabinet meetings of American Presidents have been pub- lished and are at last available is long -awaited news for everyone who is interested in U.S. history and government. Included in this collection are the transcripts of actual Cabinet meetings, records of Cabinet actions , memoranda for the President from Cabinet officials, and Cabinet reports . Every major topic of national con- cern during the Eisenhower years is discussed at length : domestic politics, foreign affairs, economic problems, the beginning of the civil rights movement, and many more . This collection lets us examine for the first time the highest level of formal deliberations within the executive branch. Our publication contains over 10,000 pages of documents which have recently been opened to the public at the Eisenhower Library . No other publication of any kind contains this material or, indeed, any of the material in the Presidential Documents Series, of which this title is a part . Now that this material is available. no study of the modern Presidency can be made without reference to it. Minutes and Documents of the Cabinet Meetings of President Eisenhower (1953-1961). 35mm microfilm (10 reels) with printed guide . Price: $640. Available now. Johnson This collection contains nearly 20 ,000 pages of minutes of Cabinet meetings; official Cabinet reports; memoranda to the President; information passed to the Cabinet by the President; and special briefings by the Departments of State and Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA, and others . It is a documentary record of the Johnson years which is unequaled in breadth and depth. We see all of the leaders of the Johnson era: Lyndon Johnson, Hubert Humphrey, and Cabinet-level appointees such as Robert McNamara, Dean Rusk, Robert Kennedy, Ramsey Clark, Adlai Stevenson, Clark Clifford, and Walt Rostow, as well as per- sonal advisers· such as Bill Moyers, Abe Fortas, and Averell Harri- man. Most importantly, this collection is the authoritative record of the key events of the Johnson Presidency: from the Civil Rights Act , the Voting Rights Act, and Medicare, to events which were suddenly out of control-race riots, political violence, and a major war. Edited and microfilmed at the Johnson Library by UPA's s.taff as part of the ongoing Presidential Documents Series, this valua - ble material is available from no other source. Minutes and Documents of the Cabinet Meetings of President Johnson (1963-1969) . 35mm microfilm (17 reels) with printed guide . Price: $1,040. Available now. UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS OF AMERICA 44 North Market Street • Frederick , MD 21701 • (301) 694-0100