College and Research Libraries Evaluation of a Self-Paced Bibliographic Instruction Course Maria R. and James A. Neal Procedures used to evaluate the instructional effectiveness of the materials and methods imple- mented in a self-paced credit course in library skills are discussed in this paper. The assessment strategies used include: multiple-choice assignments, an end-of-course test, and an attitudinal survey. The assessment was aided by computerized evaluation procedures available from Cali- fornia State University at Long Beach. Results seem to indicate that the instructional treat- ment contributed to (1) successful completion of the assignments after consultation with an instructional librarian, (2) a rise in test scores as measured by the administration of a pre- and posttest instrument, and (3) manifestation of positive student attitudes abut the course. rogram evaluation is a key com- ponent of instructional design. Formative evaluation is the pro- cess of collecting and using data that will enable managers to make deci- sions for improvement of an educational program. 1 Evaluation is often the most ne- glected aspect of an instructional design because extensive planning is required and because evaluation techniques are perceived as complex, time-consuming, and generally difficult to implement. Sometimes evaluation is seen as a cumber- some exercise that culminates not in use- ful data but in voluminous reports few have time to read. There is also an inher- ent risk in evaluation since the results ob- tained may fail to prove conclusively the effectiveness of a program or study. At the University Library, California State University, Long Beach, we were presented with the opportunity of design- ing a new library instruction course. At an early stage in program development, it was decided to include evaluation as a ma- jor component of the instructional plan. Our objectives were to continuously eval- uate the instructional materials used, to assess patterns of students' library skills growth, and to quantify student attitudes about the library and the course. The ulti- mate aim of the process was to revise and update our materials, methods, and re- sources in order to promote program ef- fectiveness. The following are the results of a study reviewing our first-year efforts in implementing this new course. DESCRIPTION OF COURSE In the fall semester of 1981, the Univer- sity Library began implementing the li- brary skills component of University 100, a one unit course, entitled "The Univer- sity in Your Future." University 100 was designed as a graduation requirement for all freshmen and transfer sophomore stu- dents entering the university in the fall of 1981 and in subsequent semesters. The course consists of three components: his- tory and mission of the university, career planning, and library skills. The library component is designed as a self-paced course; the other components follow the traditional classroom lecture methodol- Maria R. Sugraiies is assistant librarian and James A. Neal is user seroices manager, both of California State University-Long Beach. 444 Self-Paced Bibliographic Instruction Course 445 ogy. Enrollment in the course numbered approximately twelve hundred students during the fall 1981 semester and fifteen hundred · students in the spring 1982 se- mester. To fulfill the requirements of the library component, students must read a-library instruction workbook, complete four multiple-choice assignments that are de- signed to assess student competency in the instructional objectives of the course, and pass a thirty-question, multiple- choice test. Students are assigned to one of three five-week periods during the se- mester in which to complete their work. There are final deadlines for turning in all assignments and for testing, but there are no intermediate deadlines during the five- week period. The workbook, which is available at the university bookstore, consists of ten chap- ters that include: (1) a tour of the library and information on locating materials in the library, (2) a review of basic reference sources, such as encyclopedias and the card catalog, (3) periodical and newspaper indexes, and (4) biographical and book re- view sources and an introduction to the development of a search strategy. At the end of each chapter of the work- book, the student is instructed to com- plete a set of multiple-choice questions. The questions are printed on four optically scannable Scantron answer sheets that are custom designed to include the questions on the left side of the page. Each Scantron assignment contains the questions from as many as two or three workbook chapters. There are twenty alternate forms of each of the four assignments. This is to prevent many students from having to access the same reference sources used in the assign- ments and to discourage collaboration. Students complete an assignment and turn it in to be corrected at the Center for Bibliographic Instruction. There, two cler- ical assistants machine score and record the students' assignments within forty- eight hours. Students who miss more than a predetermined number of ques- tions must correct their mistakes to receive credit for the assignment. Reference li- brarians are scheduled in the center forty- one hours per week to provide one-to-one consultation and explain problem areas students missed on their first reading of the workbook. After students have successfully com- pleted the four assignments, they may sign up to take the end-of-course test, which is given at regularly scheduled times every day the center is open. To pass the test, which is available in two forms, students must answer correctly twenty of the thirty questions on the test. Students who fail the test attend a review session given by a librarian and later retake a dif- ferent form of the test. Students who fail again must receive further remediation and are given a search strategy assign- ment that consists of applications of the skills on which they were previously tested. Thus, every student attempting the library component will, given time and remediation, pass the course. EVALUATION STRATEGIES In order to validate the instructional ma- terials used in the program and to begin to evaluate overall program effectiveness, three assessment strategies were devised: 1. Tabulation of the number of students receiving credit on the assignments on first attempt. 2. Assessment and monitoring of stu- dent performance on a criterion- referenced, end-of-course test. 3. Administration of a survey designed to measure students' attitudes to- ward the course. Assessment of Completion Rate of Assignments Each of the four research-skills assign- ments covering two or three chapters of the workbook contain up to twenty multiple-choice questions. Figure 1 con- tains a sample of typical questions used. Students generally receive credit for an as- signment if they miss less than four or five questions. Some questions, however, test basic competencies that must be mastered before more advanced skills can be learned. Such questions, as one requiring students to identify subject tracings on a catalog card, are weighted, and students missing even one weighted "key" ques- tion are not given credit on the assign- 446 College & Research Libraries November 1983 Use Biography Index to find a periodical article about ROGER LABRUSSE published between Septem- ber 1952 and August 1955. What is the name of the periodical in which you can find an article about this person? Select tne first if more than one is listed. a. United States News and World Reports b . French Spy c. United Nations Bulletin d. People To locate infQrmation on the issues in a current State Assembly election in Los Angeles County you would consult a. periodical indexes c. newspaper indexes b. biographical indexes d . book review indexes Look up REALISM in Art Index for November 1975-0ctober 1976. What is the complete citation for the first article listed under this topic? a. Hillingford saga, F. G. Roe, bibl f il Connoisseur 190:50-5 S '75 b. Photo ~ealism: post-modernist illusionism. L. Chase. bibl f il por Art Int 20:14-27 Mr-Ap '76 c. Barkley Hendricks and his figurative drama. D. Mangan. il (pt. col) Am Artist 40:34-9+ ]1 '76 d. WPA & social realism. A. Werner. il (inc. cover) Art & Artists 10:24-310 '75 If you have not found materials in the card catalog by using the search terms you have identified you should a. browse through the reference collection for additional sources b. check the Library of Congress Subject Headings for additional subject headings c. go back to the encyclopedia for ideas d. change your topic FIGURE 1 Sample Research Skills Assignments ment. Some students are initially resent- ful of the grading system; however, they soon understand the rationale of this rather strict grading policy. When que- ried, they agree that this policy and there- sulting consultation with a librarian better prepare them for the rest of the assign- ments and the final test. During the fall1981 semester, 50 percent of the students received "no credit" on the first assignment (library tour, call numbers, locating materials in the li- brary), 43 percent received "no credit" on the second assignment (encyclopedias, card catalog), 51 percent failed the third assignment (periodical and newspaper in- dexes), and 85 percent did not receive credit on the fourth assignment (bio- graphical and book review sources, search strategy). Although the percentages differ a bit, the pattern of success and failure was repeated by the spring 1982 students (see figure 2). In analyzing student performance, with the exception of the fourth assignment, it is important to note that more than 50 per- cent of the students could not meet the cri- terion without the assistance of a librarian/ instructor. The high failure rate could be attributed in part to the rigorous grading system. However, their apparent lack of mastery of the material should be a warn- ing against total reliance on self-paced ma- terials as a primary instructional strategy. A great deal of care should be taken so that, regardless of the possible effective- ness of the instructional materials, self- paced instruction will offer more than ''correspondence course'' methodology. Librarian-student consultations yielded valuable information for revisions of the assignments and the workbook. A log- book was kept where observations and comments could be noted; review ses- sions and discussions among librarians of- ten took place, particularly during the first semester of implementation. Librarian and student feedback as well as assignment results showed that the fourth assignment covering biographical and book review sources and search strat- egy was very troublesome. The problem was isolated to several questions on search strategy. The high failure rate on Self-Paced Bibliographic Instruction Course 447 Assignments Percent of students receiving No Credit FALL 1981 SPRING 1982 1 5'0 44 2 43 34 3 51 45 4 85 79 Assignment 1: Tour of library and location information. Assignment 2: Encyclopedias and card catalog. Assignment 3: Periodical and newspaper indexes. Assignment 4: Biographical and book review sources; search strategy. FIGURE2 Assessment of Student Success/Failure on First Attempt at Assignments this assignment prompted the restruc- turing of the search strategy chapter in the next edition of the workbook and the revi- sion of all the search strategy assignment questions. End-of-Course Test The major measure of student perfor- mance is a thirty-question, multiple- choice-test instrument. It is a criterion- referenced test containing questions de- signed to measure the specific instructional objectives of the course. The test items were created by a team of three librarians who are very active in the li- brary's bibliographic instruction program. Two equivalent forms of the test were de- signed. Many items contain identical base questions that only differ by the inclusion of varying examples: To locate critical evaluations of (book title) writ- ten by (author), you should consult a/an a. encyclopedia b. book review index c. periodical d. biographical index This technique helps to prevent collabora- tion and at the same time helps to main- tain equivalence of test forms. The test items range from items requir- ing the use of basic skills to identify parts of a periodical index citation, to more com- plex items that require both recall and analysis. For example: The French people elected Fran<;ois Mitterrand as their new president in May 1981; this re- sulted in various governmental changes. Where would you expect to find the most infor- mation on this topic? a. encyclopedias b . periodicals c. books d. almanacs Functionally identical items appear in the same position on both test forms. Sets of three to ten items compose subtests of the test. These seven subtests-periodical indexes, function of reference sources, call numbers, card catalog, encyclopedias, evaluating sources, and search strategy- closely parallel the workbook chapters and the competency areas addressed in the course. Scoring of the test results and evalua- tion of the instrument is facilitated by ser- vices provided by the Test Office and the Data Processing Department of the uni- versity. Once a week, our office submits a 448 College & Research Libraries batch of National Computer System (NCS) answer sheets to the Test Office. The answer sheets are scanned and the data are transmitted via tape to the univer- sity computer where a statistical program _processes the information. The result is a complete testing report that includes: 1. Alphabetical listing by students' last names giving their scores. 2. List of wrong answers given by each student. 3. Scores listed by students' social secu- rity numbers. 4. Alphabetical list by student name of subtest scores and number of ques- tions missed in specific subtests of the test: card catalog, search strat- egy, etc. 5. Item analysis of each question, in- cluding difficulty index and point bi- serial coefficient. 6. Histogram of total scores. 7. The mean, standard deviation, stan- dard error of measurement, and the Kuder-Richardson (KR-20) for the test. The detailed information obtained from the testing reports, allowed us to identify troublesome questions, assist students in remediation sessions by checking the items they missed and the subtests they were weak in, maintain accurate records of the students' course completion status, post student scores listed by social secu- rity number, and generally monitor stu- dents' performance. One of the most frequently used reports was the printout describing each stu- dent's performance in the different sub- tests of the test. The subtest report al- lowed the librarian reviewing the test with students who did not initially pass it to di- agnose more effectively the source of the student's difficulty and to prescribe ap- ITEM LOW27% November 1983 propriate remedial instruction. In addi- tion, the student performance data on the different subtests of the test enabled us to focus on possible areas of revision both in the test itself and in the assignments and workbook chapters. For example, the ma- jority of the students did best on the peri- odical index sU:btest, which contains ques- tions similar to ones previously asked in the assignments. Since 50 percent of the students had received "no credit" on the periodical index assignment, we could conclude that the librarian-student con- sultations had a positive effect. On the other hand, the search strategy subtest was the area where students consistently exhibited the most problems. Given that more than 80 percent of the students failed the search strategy assignment, the poor results were less than a surprise. How- ever, librarians spent many consultation hours explaining the search strategy chap- ter, apparently with little success. It is this type of evaluative information that al- lowed us to make decisions for revision of our instructional materials. Although re- visions were needed for the periodical in- dexes materials, a complete restructuring was necessary for the search strategy chapter. Item analysis information consists of student-performance data on each of the test questions. Figure 3 illustrates a por- tion of a sample item analysis report. For each question, the report shows the per- centage of students who answered the question correctly and scored in the bot- tom 27 percent or top 27 percent of the sample, and the discrimination index, which is the difference between the two percentages. The point biserial correla- tion, a statistic that measures the relation- ship of the question to the total score, is also computed. HI27% DISCRIM POINT NUMBER %RIGHT %RIGHT INDEX BISERIAL 6 55 99 44 .42 7 56 94 38 .37 8 15 23 8 .05 FIGURE 3 Excerpt from Sample Item Analysis Report Self-Paced Bibliographic Instruction Course 449 The item analysis reports are useful be- cause troublesome questions can be iso- lated by reviewing the key statistics. One question, which we later discarded, re- quired the identification of a type of cata- log card, a sample of which was illustrated in the test. The question had a .05 point bi- serial and a discrimination index of 8. In reviewing the test with students, the source of the problem became clear. Theil- lustration was a title card that contained a one-word title heading. Students could not match the one-word heading with the title and subtitle of the book as it appeared in the body of the card. Although close attention should be paid to the discrimination index and point bi- serial statistics, their significance may be questioned when analyzing criterion- referenced testing instruments. In review- ing the item analysis reports, we noticed that there were quite a few questions with low discrimination indexes. A question that required students to identify the cor- rect volume number of a journal article in a sample Readers' Guide entry had a discrim- ination index of 4: 96 percent of the bottom 27 percent of the students answered it cor- rectly, and 100 percent of the top 27 per- cent of the students also answered it cor- rectly. In other words, the question did not discriminate between the top and bot- tom students since their responses did no~ vary. What exactly then is the significance of this measurement? Either the question is too easy since nearly all the students an- swered it correctly, or practically every student understood the concept and met the criterion specified. A criterion-referenced test by definition attempts to measure students' mastery of specified objectives. 2 The better the in- structional treatment, the larger the num- ber of students attaining mastery. Accord- ing toW. James Popham, an authority on criterion-referenced tests, "The result of increased mastery, of course, is decreased response variance, " 3 thus, the low dis- crimination index. In our program, we are committed to helping students master at least 60 percent of the instructional competencies speci- fied. As such, the low discrimination in- dexes are valuable statistics, but not nee- essarily for their usually intended purpose. However, this example points out a real concern in criterion-referenced test construction; namely, to what degree should questions be designed to measure mastery as opposed to discriminating be- tween thoughtful and less-thoughtful stu- dents? The test to be used in the 1982-83 academic year will contain many of the same "nondiscriminating" questions since our goal is student mastery of speci- fied competencies, and creating variance is not the chief concern of criterion- referenced testing4 and competency- based instruction. However, a number of instructional objectives require analysis and synthesis. The questions that test stu- dents' mastery of those objectives have been sharpened to demand a higher level application of critical thinking skills. Needless to say, students' performance on these questions will be closely moni- tored and reviewed. The test results have been, on the whole, quite gratifying. The criterion for passing was set at a minimum of twenty out of thirty possible questions. Ninety percent of the students passed on their first attempt in the fall 1981 and spring 1982 semesters. Statistical measures for both test administrations are outlined in figure 4. The administration of the test during the two semesters yielded similar results. The mean or average scores show an inconse- quential but significant difference; the standard deviations, measuring the dis- persion of the scores, are comparable. The values of the standard error of measure- ment (SEOM) are similar. The SEOM indi- cates the range of scores that will include a student's true score with 68 percent cer- tainty. For instance, given a mean of 24 and SEOM of 2, there is a 68 percent chance that a student's true score lies somewhere between 22 and 26. The KR-20 statistic, from which the SEOM is derived, measures the internal reliability of the test. It answers the question of how accu- rately the test measures whatever it is sup- posed to measure, how precise the scores are, and if the scores could be reproduced upon subsequent measurements. 5 A rule vf thumb for measuring the reliability of 450 College & Research Libraries November 1983 Statistical Fall 1981 Spring 1982 Measurements A B A B Form Form Form Form Mean 24.1 23.5 23.5 24.1 Standard Deviation 3.0 2.9 3.3 3.3 KR-20 .56 .57 .63 . 64 Standard Error of 2.0 Measurement 1.9 2.0 2.0 Number of Cases 645 629 732 733 FIGURE 4 Statistical Measurements for End-of-Course Test teacher-prepared, as opposed to commer- cially prepared, tests is a coefficient of .70. Marshall and Hales state that ''generally speaking, teacher made tests are infamous for their lack of reliability. Many class- room tests have coefficients of reliability approaching zero. Probably most fall in the range of reliability above .60."6 Since our KR-20 values range in the upper .50s to low .60s, we are not far from the opti- mum level, but improvement is needed. It must be noted, however, that KR-20 is a measure of internal consistency weighing the interrelationships of questions. As il- lustrated in the previous discussion on discriminating and nondiscriminating questions, the questions for a criterion- referenced test are not designed for dis- crimination, thus the reliability of the measurement will probably not improve dramatically with revision. Validity is the most important quality of any testing instrument. We have to know whether a test measures what we want measured: the precise competenciesJ skills, and behaviors addressed in the course. No one intentionally designs a testing instrument that does not attempt to measure what the students are to learn. However, errors and biases often intrude in the test-writing process and compro- mise the validity of the instrument. One unfortunate illustration of this was the in- clusion of a test question that required ex- amination of an excerpt from Readers' Guide. Although the copy was clear, some students had difficulty reading the small print. To compound the problem, stu- dents also missed the question because when asked to identify the date of a partic- ular periodical they, to our surprise, con- fused the abbreviations for January, June, and July. Validity is difficult to establish. Good strategies for achieving a greater degree of content validity are constructing well- formed test specifications and field- testing questions with students and col- leagues. Another strategy is to devise a matrix that cross-indexes instructional ob- jectives, assignment questions, and test questions that assess student competency on that p~ticular objective. 7 Figure 5 illus- trates a sample of the matrix used to con- struct the test given in the 1982-83 aca- demic year. Since more than 90 percent of the stu- dents passed the test, it could be con- cluded that the test items are appropri- ately selected to test the skills and competencies addressed in the course. However, such a high success rate might also indicate that the instrument was so easy that students could pass it without the benefit of the instructional treatment. In order to address the issue of alterna- tive explanations for the increase in test scores, an evaluation design was created that would: 1. Compare pre- and posttest scores to assess gains in scores after instruc- tion during a particular semester. No. of No. of Assignment Test Chapter Objectives Questions Questions The student will 1 1. Take a self-guided tour of the universi% library and locate mabor resources (e.g., card catalog, serials 9 0 Library Tour record, general book collection, perio 'cals, government ~u lications), major services (e.g., refer- ence, interlibraR; loan, circulation), and major equipment e .g., photocopiers, microfilm readers) in the university li rary. 2 1. Identify the alphabetic filing arrangement used in different reference sources. 1 1 Locatin~ 2. Use a call number to locate a book on the shelves. 7 2 Materia s 3. Identify the proper procedure for checking out books, audiovisual items, and reserve materials. 1 0 3 1. Identify the most effective method of searching for information, given a particular search problem. 2 1 Basic Search 2. Identify the type of reference source that will most effectively meet specific information neeas, given 3 3 Approaches a particular search problem. 4 1. Use a subject enctclopedia to locate an article and a bibliography on a given topic. 1 0 Encyclopedias 2. Read a short artie e in an encyclopedia to select key words to use as potential search terms . 1 1 5 1. Locate the catalog card records of cataloged items in the university library by searching for the author 4 1 Card Catalog or title or subject of the items. C/} 2. Identify the notes and subject tracings on the catalog card records of a particular book or audiovisual 2 2 !!. item. 7' 3. Identify and explain the usefulness of notes and subject tracings found on a catalog card record. 2 2 '"'0 ~ 4. IdentifY the subject headings used in the card catalog for a particular topic by using Lzbrary of Congress 2 1 ~ ~ Subject Headings. p.. 6 1. Locate an article in a periodical index and identify parts of the citation, given a particular subject. 8 7 t= Periodicals and 2. Locate a volume of a specific periodical in the university library. 3 3 §: Periodical s· Indexes CJCI 1-1 ~ 7 1. Identify the page, column, and title of a news.J?aper article using the New York Times Index and the 4 0 "tt Newspaper Newspaper Inaex: Los Angeles Times, given a subJect and date. e: Indexes ~ ........ 8 1. Determine the potential usefulness of a book by applying indicators of relevance found on the text of 2 2 = CIJ -Evaluating a catalog card record. 2 Sources 2. Identify approJ'riate techn~ues to use in evaluating a [articular book or author. 3 1 ll 3. Use ~ecial1Ze biographic indexes to find articles an factual information about particular authors 2 0 s· or in ividuals. = 4. Use book reviewing indexes to find a book review in a periodical, given the author and title of the 2 0 n book . 0 = 9 1. Identify the steps of a basic search strategy. 1-1 5 2 CIJ ~ Devel~inga 2. Select an example of a narrow topic for research. 1 1 Search trategy FIGURE 5 ~ Evaluation Specifications Matrix 1982-83 til ~ 452 College & Research Libraries 2. Compare posttest scores of two sam- ples, one pretested and .. the other posttested only, in order to assess the effect of pretesting on scores. 3. Compare the pre-post gains in scores of selected student groupings, such as class and rank in pretest scores. In the fall1981 semester, all students en- rolled in University 100 were pretested with an instrument equivalent to the end- of-course test administered after instruc- tion. The pretest contained thirty ques- tions and was also administered in two forms. The pretest was not administered in the spring 1982 semester. Using the same passing score of twenty, only 30 per- cent of the students theoretically II passed'' the pretest, whereas, more than 90 percent of the students passed the post- test in both the fall and spring semesters. Figure 6 lists pre- and posttest gain scores achieved by selected student groups within the total sample. As expected, there was a marked increase of scores in the posttest as compared to the pretest. There also seems to be very little differ- ence between posttest scores taken by dif- ferent student groups in the two semes- ters. In order to evaluate statistically the sig- nificance of the increase of the student scores from pretest to posttest, a t-test was run using 11 182 pairs of scores (see figure 7) . The evaluation was performed by cre- ating a computer file containing the paired scores and subsequently using the Statis- tical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software package. 8 After running Student Groupings Upper Quartile Bottom Quartile Freshmen Students other than Freshmen All Students November 1983 the program, the results indicate that the mean increase for the total sample was 6.4856 points; the t-value was 51.70, which given 1,181 degrees of freedom, in- dicates that the difference was significant at the .000 level of confidence. These results indicate that there is less than a 1 percent probability that the increase in scores was due to chance. To determine the extent to which the gain in scores could be attributed to the practice provided by the pretest, a t-test was run comparing the differences in mean scores between pretested students taking the posttest in the fall1981 and stu- dents taking only the posttest in the spring 1982. The results show that there is little difference in the mean scores: 23.8184 for spring 1982 and 23.7461 for fall 1981. The t-value is .59 with 2,596 degrees of freedom, which gives .556 probability that the difference between scores could be due to chance. In other words, the fact that one group of students was pretested did not measurably increase their posttest scores. Another t-test was run comparing the difference of scores of students scoring in the bottom quartile of the pretest (16 cases) and the top quartile (175) cases. The mean increase for students scoring in the bottom quartile of the pretest was 16.5 points : The mean increase of students scoring in the top quartile was 1.8686. Us- · ing a pooled variance estimate, the t-value was 19.54 with 189 degrees of freedom and .000 probability that the increase in scores was due to chance. One interesting Mean Increase in Pre- and Post-test Scores l. 86 16.50 6.59 5.33 6.49 FIGURE 6 Pre- and Posttest Gain Scores of Selected Student Groups Self-Paced Bibliographic Instruction Course 453· FALL 1981 FALL 1981 SPRING 1982 PRE-TEST POST-TEST POST-TEST POST-TEST Mean Score 17.23 23.72 23.72 23.81 SD 4.05 2.90 2.90 3.30 N 1182 1182 1182 1377 Difference of Means 6.49 .09 t 51.70 .59 df 1,181 2596 p .000 .556 significant not significant SD = standard deviation N number of cases t = t-test value df = degrees of freedom p = probability FIGURE 7 Comparison of Pre-Posttest Scores, Fall 1981, and Post-Only Scores, Spring 1982 note, this particular sampling is a good il- lustration of the "regression effect": in "virtually all test-retest situations, the bottom group ... will on the average show some improvement on the second test-and the top group will on the aver- age fall back.' ' 9 This normal rise and fall is not caused by the course, it is merely due to the spread of scores in any given group- ing or population. 10 Lastly, an analysis was made to deter- mine the mean increase of scores achieved by freshmen as opposed to sophomore and upper-division students enrolled in the course. The purpose of this analysis was to examine the possibility that non- course-related experience in the academic milieu could account for the increase in student scores. It is reasonable to assume that freshmen and nonfreshmen differ at minimum by one semester in overall aca- demic experience and that both groups are gaining an additional semester's experi- ence while taking the class. If general aca- demic experience is a contributory factor, nonfreshmen students would be expected to achieve higher pretest scores and con- tinue to demonstrate a higher learning rate (achieving higher gain scores) after the instructional treatment than the fresh- men students in the sample. The results of this analysis (see figure 8) suggest that general academic experience does not outstandingly contribute to gain scores: 1. Freshmen students' mean pretest score is 1.92 points lower than the mean score attained by the non- freshmen students. This may be due to the effect of academic experience such as test-taking and exposure to libraries. 2. Freshmen students' mean gain scores are higher than the more ad- vanced students' scores. The initial "knowledge gap" of 1. 92 points de- 454 College & Research Libraries November 1983 FALL 1981 FALL 81 FALL 81 SPRING 82 PRE-TEST POST-TEST PRE-POST POST-ONLY GAINS Mean 17.05 23.64 6.59 23.47 FRESHMEN STUDENTS SD 4.05 2.87 3.47 N 1070 1070 618 Mean 18.97 24.45 5.48 24.26 NON- FRESHMEN SD 3.54 3.16 3.08 STUDENTS N 112 112 759 DIFFERENCE IN 1. 92 .81 .99 MEAN SCORES Mean 17.23 23.72 6.49 23.81 ALL STUDENTS SD 4.05 2.90 3.30 N 1182 1182 1377 SD = standard deviation, N = number of cases FIGURES Comparison of Mean Scores of Freshmen and Nonfreshmen Students creased measurably to .81 points. There is again only a . 99 point differ- ence in mean scores of spring 1982 students who took the posttest only. 3. There is a negligible difference in test sensitization that occurred in the sample of freshmen as opposed to nonfreshmen students. Pretested nonfreshmen received mean posttest scores that are .19 points higher than nonfreshmen taking the posttest only in the spring 1982 semester. Similarly, pretested freshmen re- ceived scores that are only .17 points higher than nonpretested freshmen. 4. The percentage of freshmen students whose pretest scores were high enough to meet the posttest pass cri- terion was only 26 percent as con- trasted to 50 percent for the pretested nonfreshmen. After instruction, however, both groups had approxi- mately the same pass rate with 94 percent of the freshmen passing the test on their first attempt compared to 97 percent of the nonfreshmen. Under the posttest-only condition, both groups performed at the same ' level with 91 percent of both groups passing. Considering the initial difference in pre- post scores, the regression effect, and the possible one semester experience factor in the nonfreshmen students, the increase in scores is too high to be attributed to non- course-related academic experience alone and could therefore be attributed to the in- structional treatment. It needs to be emphasized that all of these statistical measurements were made possible by the computer programs and expertise available through the Test Office Self-Paced Bibliographic Instruction Course 455 and Data Processing Department of the university. If computerized statistical ser- vices are available they should be utilized. However,_ it is also important to note that the measurements can be done without the aid of a computer, albeit this is hiRhly time-consuming and labor intensive. Although the statistical measurements ostensibly show an increase in scores after instructional treatment, it still cannot be concluded that the treatment was the only contributing cause for the rise ·in scores. There are many non-instructionally re- lated background variables operating on the 1,182 students sampled, such as intel- ligence, study habits, practical experience in the library related to other classes dur- ing the instruction period, attitude toward the course, etc. Any one variable or combi- nation of variables may account in part for gains in scores. It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to conduct a study where change in behavior can be attributed to the instructional variable. 12 1t might have been possible, however, to request the 1,182 students in the sample to provide us with measurement, such as SAT scores, or GP A in high school or in their current se- mester of enrollment. We then could have extracted the effect of that variable and ob- tained a more valuable conclusion. Unfor- tunately, although there was a commit- ment to evaluation in the planning stages of the course, at the start of the program's implementation, priority was given to preparing the workbook and assign- ments, hiring and training staff, establish- ing organizational procedures, not to cre- ating a rigorous evaluation design. It is reasonable to assume, however, that the gain in scores is due to the effect of the in- structional treatment. Student Attitude Survey To obtain a measure of student attitudes toward the course, a brief, ten-question survey was administered to all students who completed the library component of University 100. A Likert scale was not used because such an instrument was used to evaluate the entire course, and be- cause we wanted unequivocal responses from our students. The survey questions and the percent- age of positive and negative responses are presented in figure 9. The results of the survey reveal an overall positive attitude toward the course and are consistent from semester to semester. One unpleasant finding was that a large percentage of stu- dents expressed no further need for li- brary instruction. Since the University Li- brary offers an extensive noncredit program of bibliographic lectures on spe- cial subject areas, which was attended by nearly six thousand students in the 1981-82 academic year, there is a definite need to review these students' observa- tions. As one librarian suggested, perhaps the question implied to students that they might be expressing a desire for further re- quired instruction. The question has been rephrased for the survey to be used next year, and students' responses will be re- viewed with care. CONCLUSIONS The evaluation strategies used in this study have yielded important information that has been used to revise the instruc- tional materials used in the library compo- nent of University 100. Additionally, the data gathered suggest that the program has had a positive effect on students in terms of their knowledge of library skills and in terms of general attitude toward the library: 1. Students successfully completed as- signments assisted by librarians as necessary. 2. The high proportion of students passing the end-of-course test ind~­ cates that most students mastered the material to criterion. Evaluation of pre- and posttest scores shows a marked gain in scores. 3. Students' attitudes toward the course were significantly positive even though University 100 is are- quired course. The evaluation techniques used for this research project are fairly standard and relatively simple to implement. They are not labor intensive due to the availability of computer programs to speed calcula- tions and process data. Most importantly, our efforts at evaluation have yielded not only interesting research data but also 456 College & Research Libraries November 1983 ~ercentage of Student Responses 1. Was the library component difficult? 2. Will the library component be useful in your college career? 3. Would you be interested in further library instruction designed for your major? 4. Was consultation with librarians at the Center for Bibliographic Instruc- tion (CBI) useful? 5. Were services efficient at the Center for Bibliographic Instruction (CBI)? 6. Did you receive adequate help on the. assignments if you needed it? 7. Were the sources needed to complete assignments avail- able to you when you wanted them? 8. Was the self-paced method a good feature of this course? 9. Does the Library Instruction Workbook have clear direc- tions and explanations? 10. Did you receive library instruction in high school? Fall Yes 20 93 14 87 90 89 88 91 81 50 FIGURE9 1981 No 80 7 86 13 10 11 12 9 19 50 Results of Student Attitude Survey Spring 1982 Yes No 18 82 88 12 38 62 82 18 93 7 93 7 89 11 90 10 81 19 47 53 practical information that has been used to revise and refine instructional materials and is our hope to expand the evaluation process and thus promote the improvement of our program. REFERENCES 1. Peter J. Taylor, "User Education and the Role of Evaluation," Unesco Bulletin for Libraries 32, no.4:254 (July-Aug. 1978) . 2. William P. Gorth, Robert P. O'Reilly, and Paul P. Pinsky, Comprehensive Achievement Monitoring: A Criterion-Referenced Evaluation System (Englewood Cliffs, N.J .: Educational Technology Publica- tions, 1975), p .50. 3. W. James Popham, Criterion-Referenced Measurement (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1978), p.106 . 4. Robert L. Thorndike and Elizabeth Hagen, Measurements and Evaluation in Psychology and Education (4th ed.; New York: Wiley, 1977), p.214-15. 5. Ibid ., p.73. Self-Paced Bibliographic Instruction Course 457 6. Jon Clark Marshall and Loyde Wesley Hales, Classroom Test Construction (Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1971), p.208. 7. Popham, Criterion-Referenced Measurement, p.156. 8. Norman Nie and others, SPSS: Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (2d ed.; New York: McGraw Hill, 1975). 9. David Freedman, Robert Pisani, and Robert Purves, Statistics (New York: Norton, 1978), p.159. 10. Ibid. 11. For a full discussion of the manual process, see James Rice, Jr., Teaching Library Use: A Guide for Library Use Instruction (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Pr., 1981), p.118-25. 12. Larry Hardesty, Nicholas P. Lovrich, Jr., and James Mannon, "Library-Use Instruction: Assess- ment of Long Term Effects," College & Research Libraries 43:38-46 (Jan. 1982); Richard Hume Werk- ing, letter to the editor, College & Research Libraries 43:353-54 (July 1982).