College and Research Libraries 504 College & Research Libraries the entry on bookbinding itself. Since fa- mous binders are included, other entries are biographic. Time references are often vague, such as originally, fonnerly, and to- day .. Tabular information is in decimals; quantification data in the definitions are often in fractions. Lexical data are absent. Despite such shortcomings from any one specialist perspective, this volume de- serves proper credit for pulling together November 1983 and synthesizing myriad data from di- verse sources, offering convenience for general reference, and a pleasing presen- tation in legible 9 point Times Roman on quality paper, in a durable, practical bind- ing. Every binder, bibliographer, conser- vator, and reference librarian will have oc- casion to use this tool; it is an important contribution.-Lawrence f. McCrank, Indi- ana State University. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST American Library Directory. Comp . and Ed. by Jaques Cattel Press. New York: Bowker, 1983. 2v. 2,064p. $97.50 cloth. LC 23-3581. ISBN 0-8352-1694-2. British Library History: Bibliography 1977-1980. Ed. by Denis F. Keeling. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx, 1983. 242p. $30 paper. ISBN 0-85365- 805-6. Butcher, David. Official Publications in Britain. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String, 1983. 161p . $18.50 cloth. ISBN 0-85157-351-7. Censorship Litigation and the Schools. Office for Intellectual Freedom. Chicago: American Li- brary Assn., 1983. 161p. $17.50 paper. LC 82- 24458. ISBN 0-8389-3279-7. Contemporary Subject Headings for Urban Docu- ments. Comp. by Greenwood Press for the Urban Documents Program. Westport, Conn . : Greenwood, 1983. 106p. $25. LC 82- 25504. ISBN 0-313-23869-3. Costa, Betty, and Costa, Marie. A Micro Hand- book for Small Libraries and Media Centers . Lit- tleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1983. 216p . $19.50 U.S./$23.50 elsewhere. LC 83- 11294. ISBN 0-87287-354-4. Dequin, Henry C. Librarians Serving Disabled Children and Young People. Littleton, Colo.: Li- braries Unlimited, 1983. 303p. $22.50 U.S./$27.00 elsewhere. LC 83-5381. ISBN 0- 87287-364-1. Directory of College Facilities and Services for the Handicapped. Ed. by Charles S. McGeough, Barbara Jungjohan, and James L. Thomas. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx, 1983. 373p. $80 cloth. LC 82-73736. ISBN 0-89774-004-1. 1983 Directory of Information Management Soft- ware: For Libraries, Information Centers, Record Centers. Comp. and ed. by Pamela Cibbarelli and others. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1983. 133p. $45 paper. ISBN 0-913203- 00-9. Ethnic Collections in Libraries. Ed. by E. J. Josey and Marva L. DeLoach. New York: Neal- Schuman, 1983. 361p. $29.95 cloth. LC 82- 14361. ISBN 0-918212-63-4. Herman, Edward. Locating United States Govern- ment Information: A Guide to Sources. Buffalo, N.Y.: WilliamS. Hein, 1983. 250p. $27.50. LC 82-83991. ISBN 0-89941-182-7. Indexing Specialized Formats and Subjects. Ed. by Hilda Feinberg. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1983. 288p. $37.50. LC 82-23155. ISBN 0- 8108-1608-3. Intellectual Freedom Manual. 2d edition. Office for Intellectual Freedom. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1983. 210p. $15 paper. LC 83- 9958. ISBN 0-8389-3283-5. Investment Trust Yearbook 1983. Ed. by Mara M. Vilcinskas. Westport, Conn. : Quorum, 1983. 362p. $40. ISBN 0-89930-068-5. Japan Trade Directory 1983-84. Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). Detroit: Gale, 1983. 1,300p. $180 cloth. ISBN 4-8224-0184-7. Karetzky, Stephen. Reading Research and Librari- anship: A History and Analysis. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1982. 385p. $37.50cloth. LC 80-1715. ISBN 0-313-22226-6. Library of Congress Rule Interpretations for AACR2: A Cumulation from Cataloging Service Bulletin Numbers 11-20. Comp. by Lois Lind- berg, Alan Boyd, and Elaine Druesedow. Oberlin, Ohio: Oberlin College Library, 1983. 260p. $20/additional copies $17 each. Order from: Alan Boyd, Oberlin College Library, Oberlin, OH 44074. Library Lit. 13-The Best of 1982. Ed. by Bill Katz. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1983. 368p. $17.50 cloth. LC 78-154842. ISBN 0-8108- 1624-5. McWilliams, Peter A . The Personal Computer Book; The Personal Computer in Business Book; and The Word Processing Book, Los Angeles, Calif.: Ballantine Prelude Press, 1983. ap- prox. 300p. each. $9.95 each in U.S./$12.95 in Canada. ISBN 0-345-31106-X; 31294-5; 31105- 1. LIBRARY ECH is takin I • Reviews & Comments "library Hi Tech's inaugural issue (Summer 1983) shows excellent promise." "Congratulations on your Summer, first issue ... ./ learned a lot from the feature articles, largely be- cause most of them were written in language I can understand. They were nearly all helpful to me and encouraged me to mark their bibliographies for further reading .... Artic/es like these -sensible, practical pieces based on actual experience - ... most of us need just this at this stage of facing the computer." -Information Retrieval & library Automation, 7/83 "Under the expert guidance of Nancy Melin, here are 120 illustrated pages which deliver what the editor claims .... What makes the articles particular- ly useful is the inclusion of bibliographies, often annotated ... .lt's hard to think of another journal with such wide coverage, such good writing, and such common sense advice for the less than ex- -lee Ash, library Consultant pert who is invovled with the new technologies. Highly recommended." "library Hi Tech's first issue was great. I read it straight through and was exhausted by all I need to keep aware of. Keep it up. The profession needs it." -Sharon Bonk, Acting Head, Technical Services State University of New York at Albany -Bill Katz, Editor of Magazines for libraries Table of Contents - Fall Issue FEATURES LaserData, Inc. : An Interview with Robert Nelson Acquisitions Fund Accounting on a Word Processor Dot Matrix Impact Printers: An Overview and Guide Deciphering Electronic Mail LIAS- Library Automation with an Integrated Design EBSCON ET at Cuyahoga County Public Library SOLI NET's LAMBDA: Success at Tennessee Tech Michigan Information Transfer Source: Fee-Based Information Service Automation Programs for Archival and Manuscript Repositories Automated Circulation Systems: A Literature Survey DEPARTMENTS --Printout --Conferences -- Books Reviewed/Books Received --Software Review Index --Database Review Index LIBRARY HI TECH is the only journal to provide: • Comprehensive coverage of the new technologies, • Practical articles in understandable language by library practitioners and subject area specialists, • Control of the related literature appearing in periodicals, books, reports, studies, and conference proceed- ings. LHT evaluates, describes, and reports on the selection, installation, maintenance, and integration of systems and hardware. Each issue contains essays, literature surveys, directories, and reviews. LIBRARY HI TECH is published quarterly. Subscriptions: Institutions: $39.50lyr. Individuals: $19.50lyr.* *Individual subscriptions must be paid by personal check. Postage is extra. Samples available on request. pierian press p.o. box 1808 ann arbor, mi 48106 506 College & Research Libraries Mathews, Anne J. Communicate! A Librarian's Guide to Interpersonal Relations . Chicago: American Library Assn., 1983. BOp. LC 83- 2557. ISBN 0-8389-0379-7. Monographs in Sci- Tech Libraries. Ed. by Ellis Mount. New York: Haworth, 1983. 105p. $20 cloth. LC 82-23435. ISBN 0-86656-218-4. Music Directory Canada '83. Comp. by CM Books. Toronto, ON: CM Books, 1983. 252p . $19.95 plus $1.00 postage. Periodical Literature on United States Cities: A Bib- liography and Subject Guide. Comp. by Barbara Smith Shearer and Benjamin F. Shearer. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1983. 574p. $49.95 cloth. LC 82-24211. ISBN 0-313-23511- 2. Picture Sources 4. Ed. by Ernest H. Robl. New York: Special Libraries Association, 1983. 200p. $35. LC 83-625. ISBN 0-87111-274-4. The Present State of Scholarship in Fourteenth- Century Literature. Ed. by Thomas D. Cooke. Columbia, Missouri : University of Missouri, 1983. 320p. $23.80 cloth. LC 82-2682. ISBN 0- 8262-0379-5 . Recommended Reference Books for Small and Medium-Sized Libraries and Media Centers 1983. Ed . by Bohdan S. Wynar. Littleton, Colo.: Li- braries Unlimited, 1983 . 296p. $23.50 November 1983 U . S ./$28.00 elsewhere . ISSN 0277-5948. ISBN 0-87287-382-X . Sources for American Studies. (Contributions in American Studies, Number 64, ISSN 0084- 9227) . Ed. by Jefferson B. Kellogg and Robert H. Walker. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1983. 766p. $45 cloth. LC 82-11701 . ISBN 0- 313-22555-9. SPEC Kits #95, 96, 97. "Library Materials Cost Studies"; "Online Catalogs in ARL Li- braries"; and "Building Renovation in ARL Libraries." SPEC Kits are available mainly by subscription from : SPEC Center, Office of Management Studies, ARL, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20036. Individual kits are available for $15 prepaid. (ARL library members receive kits for $7.50). Strauss, Lawrence. Electronic Marketing. White Plains, N.Y.: Knowledge Industry Publica- tions, 1983. 141p. $35.95. LC 83-185 . ISBN 0- 86729-023-4. Telecommunications Systems and Seroices Direc- tory. 1st edition. Ed. by John Schmittroth, Jr ., and Martin Connors. Detroit: Gale, 1983. 225p. Three-issue .subscription, $150 paper. LC 83-11628. ISBN 0-8103-1696-X. Our physical size and financial stre n gth- necessary to make and honor commitments- indicate the successful working re Ia tionsh ips we have with thou sa nds of I i brctries world wi d e. But the plain truth is , simply, that it is our se nsitivity to your unique requirements , and our flexibility in providing an ex haustive and relentless effort for total customer service that is our real strength . We want to work with you -to help you provide exceptional patron service , which is your strength. We can help . Write today- P. 0. Box 1943, Birmingham, AL 35201 (205) 991-6600 Telex 78-2661 EBSCO SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES The Serials Professionals