College and Research Libraries 154 College & Research Libraries (averaging less than two pages apiece). Nigeria occupies almost as much space as all other countries and the general section combined. The following have many name index listings: S . B. Aje, A. Akinhotu, R. Benge, J. Harris, S. Kotei, D. Obi, and F. Ogunsheye. This bibliography is a relatively large and useful piece of work, at least for Nige- ria and multination papers. In the intro- duction, its frank appraisal of general li- brary science bibliography usefulness is helpful. Further, a bibliography for which a third edition is required has obviously been more useful than most. However, the search for items was not comprehensive but was limited to titles March 1984 which Davies saw in British libraries. She admits that this eliminated many other- wise useful listings. So the work has a Brit- ish slant and is weak in items which might have been found in France, the United States, and other European countries, and in the African countries themselves. Even within the United Kingdom, she seems not to have searched thoroughly the Brit- ish Library, School of Oriental and African Studies Library, Library Association Li- brary, or any other library school library. Nor did she search extensively for theses, government reports, or other unpub- lished materiaL-John F. Harvey, Interna- tional Library and Information Science Consul- tant, Lyndonville, Vermont. ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse of Infor- mation Resources, School of Education, Syra- cuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify for- mat desired, and include payment for docu- ment and postage. Further information on ordering documents and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Educa- tion. Art Libraries Section. Special Libraries Division. Papers. International Federa- tion of Library Associations (IFLA), The Hague, Netherlands. 1982. 162p. ED 229 035. Papers on art libraries, librarianship, and doc- umentation presented at the 1982 International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) con- ference include: (1) "The Tyranny of Distance : Art Libraries in Canada,'' a description by Mary F. Williamson of Canada's regional art libraries that serve qoth art students and the general public; (2) ''A Checklist of Some Art Bibliogra- phies Not Included in Arntzen and Rainwater' s 'Guide to the Historical Perspective and Sum- mary of Recent Developments' "; (3) "Cana- dian Art Publications: A Historical Perspective and Summary of Recent Developments" by Loren Singer; (4) "Popular Religious Images: A Many Faceted Subject Which Could Benefit from an Automated Approach" by Michel Al- baric (France); (5) "AGAP' ART : A Cooperative Automated Catalogue of Art and Archaeology Journals Held in the Art Libraries of Paris and the Paris Area" by Denise Gazier (France); (6) "Visual Resources : The State of the Art," a de- scription by Nancy De Laurier (United States) of methods of slide conservation and the train- ing and activities of slide curators; (7) "The In- divisibility of Art Librarianship" by Wolfgang M. Freitag (United States), which advocates co- ordination between book and visual resources librarians; and (8) "Documentation of Design History: Past, Present and Future" by Anthony J. Coulson (United Kingdom), which discusses reference sources for design history, particu- larly industrial design. School Libraries and Intellectual Freedom. Ohio Educational Library/Media Asso- ciation, Columbus. 1982. 33p. ED 225 545. MF-$0.83; PC-not available from EDRS. Compiled by the Intellectual Freedom De- partment of the Ohio Educational Library Me- dia Association (OELMA), this booklet contains varied materials related to issues of intellectual freedom, including an eight-point statement of the purpose of the department, the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights, and guidelines for writing a materials selection pol- icy . Policies, guidelines, and procedures state- ments for two city school districts, a rural school district, and a parochial school are also YOU AND YOUR STAFF now can stay continuously in touch with current Federal technical information through Government Reports Announcements and Index (GRA&I). Each journal contains about 2,500 bibliographic citations, biweekly, of recently completed research compiled and published by the National Technical Informa- tion Service (NTIS). A subscription to GRA&I means an automatic tech- nological update every two weeks. And every GRA&I journal includes these five indexes to provide easy access to and selection of just the reports you need: • Keyword • Personal Author • Corporate Author • Contract/Grant Numbers • Accession/Report Numbers In the course of a year's subscription you can turn to some 70,000 technical reports of research carried on in the labs of Federal agencies, universities, and industry. And GRA&I can be a helpful guide to the NTIS Bibliographic Data Base online. Discover the single-source guide to a wealth of new technology including: Aeronautics • Agriculture • Astronomy & Astrophysics • Atmospheric Sciences • Behavioral & Social Sciences • Biological & Medical Sciences • Chemistry • Earth Sciences & Oceanography • Electronics & Electrical Engineering • Energy Conver- sion • Non-Propulsive • Materials • Math- ematical Sciences • Mechanical, Indus- trial, Civil & Marine Engineering • Methods & Equipment • Military Sciences • Missile Technology • Navigation, Communications, Detection & Countermeasures • Ordnance • Physics • Propulsion & Fuels • Space Technology. r--------------------------------------------- ORDER CARD D YES! I want to receive Government Reports An- nouncements and Index. Please start my subscription immediately. I understand the subscription rate to be $325 annually. PB- 8 3-9 JO lQ 0 AAS D Here is my check for$ __________ _ D Charge to my NTIS Deposit Account No. Charge to: D American Express D VISA D MasterCard Account No. Exp. Date ____ _ Signature _______________ _ (Required to validate order) Name Occupation Organization Address City, State, ZIP U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA. 22161 156 College & Research Libraries provided, as well as a model policy and rules for selection of instructional materials prepared by a committee of the Iowa Department of Public Instruction, and three sample request forms for review or reconsideration of media resources. A list of state and national organizations to con- tact for assistance, and an eighteen-item bibli- ography of materials to aid in the writing of a library-media materials seleCtion policy com- plete the booklet. Intellectual and Bibliographical Access to the Original Library Collection, 1794-1827. By Cleo Treadway and Lee .McDavid. Tusculum College, Green- ville, Tennessee. Sponsored by the Na- tional Endowment for the Humanities (NFAH), Washington, D.C. 1982. 19p. ED 225 575. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. This progress report delineates activities completed during the first year of a federally funded project to catalog and preserve the Charles Coffin Collection, located in the Tuscu- lum College Library at Greenville, Tennessee. The Coffin Collection is described as the nearly intact original library of Greenville College, which was a frontier college established in 1794 and Tusculum' s antecessor . The number of vol- umes in the collection is noted as approximately Heritage on Microfilnt Rare and out-of-print titles and documents on 35mm silver halide microfilm. • French Books before 1601 • Scandinavian Culture • 18th Century English Literature • Victorian Fiction • Literature of Folklore • Hispanic Culture Send for catalog and title information today. ~~rt:~[M ~COv\PA\JY 70 Coolidge Hill Road Watertown, MA 02172 (617) 926-5557 March 1984 two thousand . Project activities from June 1, 1981, to June 30, 1982, are described in the areas of descriptive cataloging, indexing, identifica- tion of rare items, book conservation and pres- ervation, and participation in the Eighteenth- Century Short- Title Catalogue/North America. The impact of membership in OCLC on the project and plans to publish a short-title catalog of the Coffin Collection are reported. Three appen- dixes comprise the resume of the assistant proj- ect director; a letter outlining the cataloging agreement between OCLC and Tusculum Col- lege Library; and a press release announcing funding of the project and the proposed collec- tion catalog, along with a list of press-release re- cipients. Censorship: Changing Reality. By L. B. Woods and Cynthia Robinson. 1982. 16p. ED 226 740. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. Based on data compiled from issues of the American Library Association's Newsletter on Intellectual Freedom, this paper analyzes more than five hundred censorship cases occurring in U.S. educational institutions and public li- braries from 1976 through 1980, and makes a comparison with a previous study of U.S. cen- sorship covering 1966 to 1975. Information is presented on censorship attempts by year and level of educational institution affe,;:ted; mim- ber of items censored by year; formats of cen- sored material; sources of censorship attempts; reasons for censorship attempts; and titles of censored books, dictionaries, and films. A cen- sorship index by state and geographical region is also presented. Eight tables qnd three refer- ences are provided. An Interdisciplinary Philosophy of Li- brarianship. By Curtis H. Wright. 1982. 14p. ED 227 864. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82 plus postage. The excessive pragmatism of American librar- ians has thus far prevented them from formu - lating a defensible philosophy of librarianship because their knowledge problems cannot be resolved by action theory. Analysis of the meta- physics, epistemology, and ethics of librarian- ship shows that its realities consist of the invisi- ble structure of thought, that ideative realities of this sort are immune to empirical study be- cause they cannot be observed, and that human action in relation to such realities is, and must always remain, strictly instrumental. The American system of librarianship is, therefore, short-circuited at its source, which explains why the physical methods of scientific action theory are thoroughly inappropriate for study- ing the formal realities of librarianship. 158 College & Research Libraries March 1984 OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST ALA Yearbook of Library and Infonnation Services. Ed. by Robert Wedgeworth. Chicago: Ameri- can Library Assn., Summer 1984. ISSN 0740- 042X. For further information contact Paul A. Kobasa, (312) 944-6780, ext. 409. Aluri, Rao, and Judith Schiek Robinson. A Guide to U.S. Government Scientific and Techni- cal Resources. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Un- limited, 1983. 259p. $23.50 U.S./$28 else- where (cloth). LC 83-14991. ISBN 0-87287-377-3. Aspects of Library Development Planning. Ed. by J. Stephen Parker. Bronx, N.Y.: Mansell, 1983. 289p. $32 cloth. ISBN 0-7201-1661-9. The Book of Apple Software. Introduced by The Book Company. Los Angeles: Book Co., 1984. $19.95. Books Out Of Print, 1980-1983. Comp. by R. R. Bowker. New York: Bowker, 1983. 2,047p. $75. ISBN 0-8352-1604-7. Communications and Society: A .Bibliography on Communications Technologies and their Social Impact. Comp. by Benjamin F. Shearer and · Marilyn Huxford. Westport, Conn.: Quo- rum, 1983. 242p. $35 cloth. LC 83-12659. ISBN 0-313-23713-1. Computer-Readable Databases: A Directory and Data Sourcebook. Ed. by Martha E. Williams. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1984. 2,000 databases described. For further infor- mation contact Paul A. Kobasa, (312) 944- 6780, ext. 409. Educating the Public Library User. Comp. and ed. by John Lubans, Jr. Chicago: American Li- brary Assn., 1983. 145p. $15 paper. Emestus, Horst, and Engelbert Plassman. Li- braries in the Federal Republic of Gennany. 2d ed. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1983. 288p. $25 paper. ISBN 3-447-02341-4. Leaders in American Academic Librarianship, 1925-1975. Ed. by Wayne A. Wiegand. Chi- cago: American Library Assn., 1983. 419p. $50 cloth. LC 83-21448. ISBN 0-910230-1~X . . Oboler, Eli M. To Free the Mind: Libraries, Tech- nology, and Intellectual Freedom. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1983. 137p. $15 U.S./$18 elsewhere. ISBN 0-87287-325-0. Persuasive Public Relations for Libraries. Ed. by Kathleen Kelly Rummel and Esther Perica. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1983. 199p. $20 paper. LC 83-15473. ISBN 0-8389- 3284-3. Print Index: A Guide to Reproductions; Art Refer- ence Collection No.4. Comp. byPamelaJeffcott ParryandKatheChipman. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood, 1983. 310p. $35 cloth. LC 83- 12824. ISSN 0193-6867. ISBN 0-313-22063-8. A Reader on Choosing An Automated Library Sys- · tern. Ed. by Joseph R. Matthews. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1983. 390p. $35 pa- per. LC 83-11821. ISBN 0-8389-0383-5. Research Guide to the Arid Lands of the World. Ed. by Stephen T. Hopkins. and Douglas E. Jones . Phoenix, Ariz . : . Oryx, 1984. 391p. $75.50 cloth. LC 83-42500. ISBN 0-89774-066- 1. Rosenberg, Kenyon C., with the assistance of Paul T. Feinstein. Dictionary of Library and Ed- ucational Technology . 2d ed. Revised and ex- panded. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlim- ited, 1983. 197p. $24.50 U.S./$29.50 elsewhere. ISBN 0-87287-396-X . Recent Publications 159 Scientific and Technical Books and Serials in Print, 1984. New York: Bowker, 1983. 3,698p. $110 for 3v. set. ISBN 0-8352-1649-7. SPEC Kit #99. "Branch Libraries in ARL Institu- tions." 101p. $15 prepaid. ARL library mem- bers receive kits for $7 .50. SPEC kits are avail- able mainly by subscription from SPEC Center, Office of Management Studies, ARL, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W., Washing- ton, DC 20036. That All May Read: Library Service for Blind and Physically Handicapped People. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress. National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handi- capped, 1983. 518p. LC 81-607111. ISBN 0- 8444-0375-X. Williamson, Hugh. Methods of Book Design. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univ . Pr., 1984. 392p. $40 cloth/$12.95 paper. ISBN 0-300-02663-3 cloth, 0-300-03035-5 paper. Your Search Strategy Begins Here- withACRL's Bibliographic Instruction Library Evaluating Bibliographic Petals Around a Rose: Instruction: A Handbook Abstract Reasoning and 1983, 122p. ISBN o-8389-6608-x. Bibliographic Instruction Chapters on research design , data gathering instruments, statistical analysis, a glossary, and a bibliography . ACRL members , $13; non-members , $17. Bibliographic Instruction Handbook 1979, 68p . ACRL members, $7; non-members , $10. Back to the Books: BI and the Theory of Information Sources 1983, 76p . ISBN 0-8389-6587-3. Papers presented at the 1982 ALA annual conference. ACRL members, $12; non-members , $15 . By Cerise Oberman. 1981, 23p. ACRL members, $4; non-members , $5. Organizing and Managing a Library Instruction Program: Checklists 1979, 32p . ACRL members , $3; non-members , $4. Library Instruction Clearinghouses: A Directory 1983 ed. Updated annually. ACRL members, $4; non-members , $5·. Send for our complete list of publications. Association of College & Research Libraries 50 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 (312) 944-6780.