College and Research Libraries 404 College & Research Libraries verse profession" (p.82). A second educa- tor, William Cameron, stresses the need for graduates who anticipate and plan for technological change, rather than simply react and adapt to it. Restructuring the curriculum, he suggests, will result in schools producing the kind of graduates who will keep librarianship vital and cur- rent. Library educator Bernard Franckowiak opened the fourth theme session appro- priately with a look at the future educa- tional needs of librarians. His lengthy list of computer-based core courses and mini- mal competencies is impressive, but unre- alistic. Graduates with those skills will not likely accept even a generous librarian sal- ary when much more is available in busi- ness and industry. In his commentary Thomas Galvin points out the drab reali- ties of present school budgets. Those reali- ties suggest that schools cannot be all things to all people and that differentia- tion is probably necessary. Edwin Gleaves adds his personal experience with micro- computers to buttress Franckowiak's computer emphasis for learning about new technologies and for teaching with new technologies. Another closely related theme session dealt with the faculty and students of li- brary schools. In his paper Michael Buck- land argues that library faculty are forced to meet a double standard atypical of other faculty: wide practical experience as well as scholarly rigor and conceptual vision. They are not free to concentrate on tradi- tional academic research that is the basis for status and promotion in the academic community, nor can they afford to con- centrate exclusively on the practical and applied aspect of the subject. At the same time faculty face these pressures, the number of graduate students is dropping precipitously. Apparently, too, fewer li- braries are requiring theM. L. S. degree for professional positions, a fact that runs contrary to general impressions. In the concluding theme session Dean Robert Stueart of Simmons College dis- cussed strategies for adapting to change. One obvious way is to recruit potentially better professionals who, as a result of their education, are "flexible, adaptable, July 1986 capable of critical judgement and edu- cated to face and discern the patterns of future change" (p.130). While that is un- doubtedly true, the same could be said of any school training students for profes- sional and managerial positions. And therein lies the problem-we are compet- ing for the best and the brightest with schools that offer their graduates higher status, better incomes, greater psychic sat- isfaction, and more security. It is uniikely that the next few years will dramatically alter that picture. Three concluding presentations sum- marize the conference from the perspec- tive of an information scientist (Neal Kaske), a research library director Oames Govan), and an educator (Charles Davis). Although differences in point of view are apparent, the summaries emphasize agreement rather than differences. Most of the challenges and problems discussed at the conference are not new; nor are the suggested responses and solu- tions. The latter, to be sure, were fresher when discussed in 1983, but by the time they appeared in print those ideas had al- ready received considerable public atten- tion. What is significant is that the confer- ence proceedings represent a general consensus among the leadership of the major library schools and research li- braries in North America about the pros- . pects for both in the near future. Since these are the very individuals and institu- tions that can shape that future, their com- ments deserve attention.-Nicholas C. Burckel, Washington University Libraries, St. Louis, Missouri. Reynolds, Dennis. Library Automation: Is- sues and Applications. New York: Bowker, 1985. 615p. $37.50. LC 84-6272. ISBN 0-8352-1489-3. The author describes the current state of library automation by tracing historically the progress of library fundions such as acquisitions, cataloging, circulation, seri- als check-in, public catalog, interlibrary loan, and the retrieval search services. The beginnings of automation started with the IBM unit-record equipment found in early circulation systems and advanced to to- - day's sophisticated integrated online cata- Introducing a unique collection of never-before-published historical records. UNPUBLISHED US. SENATE Despite their value, transcripts of many U.S. congressional hearings have never been printed and made available to the public. Until now. CIS has uncovered thousands of long-buried Senate hearings transcripts, and has prepared a major microfiche collection of these materials. A detailed, easy-to-use index makes the collection fully accessible. Spanning the mid-1800s through 1964. CIS Unpublished U.S. Senate Committee Hear- ings bridges important gaps in U.S. history. Voices from the past Listen in as the story of America's past is told by: • Joseph McCarthy • Nelson Rockefeller • Margaret Chase Smith • John F. Kennedy • Douglas MacArthur • John Foster Dulles • Jimmy Hoffa • Edward R. Murrow • Howard Hughes . . . and thousands more. Fresh historical insights With this exciting .new documents collection, you'll get: • a new and unique "sense of the times" for more than 100 years of history • new additions to the legislative histories of dozens of key laws • a behind-the-scenes look at important con- gressional investigations GS • revealing glimpses of some of the nation's most intriguing public officials. Write or call for free information . For more information on this important new collection call CIS toll-free to request a free brochure: 800-638-8380 Or fill in and mail the coupon below . 0 Please rush me more information on the CIS Index to Unpublished U.S. Senate Com- mittee Hearings and companion microfiche collection. Name Dept. Organization Address Gty / State / Zip MAIL TO: lila Congressional Information Service, Inc. 4520 East-West Hwy., Suite 800-C Bethesda, MD 20814-3389 Tel. 301-654-1550 406 College & Research Libraries log where the same bibliographic record can be used by several departments, thus eliminating the duplication of files. The development of library automation is put in the context of the total library environ- ment. The author describes the influence of early in-house automation projects, the role of the bibliographic utilities, and, fi- nally, the impact of today's commercial marketplace. The impact of the bibliographic utilities-OCLC, RLIN, WLN, and UTLAS-is enormous, for it has virtually put a terminal in every library. The em- phasis is on shared cataloging and interli- brary loan. Currently these large central- ized systems have a problem in financing and thus must be very careful in selecting future areas for research and develop- ment. The trend is moving away from these large centralized systems to local or possibly statewide online networks. In the 1980s the greatest impact is coming from · the commercial sector, microcomputers, and optical disks. Since the ultimate goal of all library functions is to improve the quality of ser- vice, the author devotes two chapters to the public catalog. Through the years the catalog has changed its format. Originally it was in book form and then changed to the card catalog. In the late 1940s the book catalog reappeared due to advancement in technology and the decreasing costs of producing this kind of catalog. It was usu- ally intended for multilibrary situations such as branch libraries, where the users could have access to the entire library holdings instead of branch holdings only. Next, the COM (Computer Output Micro- form) catalog in either fiche or film format appeared. By the late 1960s there was the emergence of the online catalog. Two es- sential features made the online catalog unique: (1) circulation information be- came available to the public, and (2) the patron could now actively interact with the catalog, thus requiring one to articu- late the search strategy and to learn the mode of dialogue. The author demon- strates the advantages of multiple access points that an online catalog provides. He shows advantages of various searching techniques provided, .such as keywords, July 1986 truncation, Boolean logic, and others as well as providing exaJV.ples of the dia- logue used by specific commercial ven- dors. Several chapters are devoted to choos- ing, purchasing, and implementing an au- tomated system. Regardless of when the library decid~s to automate, the author contends that many of the same questions are asked. Recurring questions include when and what to automate, cost consid- erations, and who should be involved in the decision-making process-ranging from library staff to persons in the com- puter center, telecommunications, and purchasing. The chapter on selecting an integrated online system provides advice commonly found in the literature today. Three chapters are devoted to the infor- mation retrieval services such as BRS, DIALOG, and SDC. Topics covered in- clude origin and development, impact on print subscriptions, document delivery, vendors' pricing of their services, the is- sue of free versus fee service to the public, and the management of the service. Man- agement topics include selecting the ven- dor, space, staffing, time, training, pro- motion, and evaluation of the service. The author provides a good summary of the events that led up to the current state of the art. Those looking for future trends will not find them in this book. Neverthe- less, the book presents a fair, in-depth pic- ture of the development of library automa- tion. It is descriptive, informative, well researched, and well written. Although much of the information and advice can be found elsewhere, the author provides in one volume a frame of reference to library automation.-Karen Stabler, Howard- Tilton Memorial Library, New Orleans, Louisiana. Cochrane, Pauline Atherton. Redesign of Catalogs and Indexes for Improved Online Subject Access: Selected Papers of Pauline A. Cochrane. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx, 1985. 484p. $45. LC 85-7284. ISBN 0-89774- 158-7 When the history of information re- trieval and library automation is written, the 1960s may be called the Golden Age, the decade of rapid development in library automation. The 1970s, however, could