College and Research Libraries 462 College & Research Libraries ESSENTIAL JOURNALS from International Universities Press JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN PSYCHOANALYTIC ASSOCIATION Edited by Theodore Shapiro Noted for the outstanding quality of its articles on all aspects of psychoanalysis, JAPA continues to present contributions of vital concern to its readers. Published Quarterly. 1988. Individuals: $57.5011nstitutions: $70.00 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GROUP PSYCHOTHERAPY Edited by Robert R. Dies The IJGP, the official publication of the American Group Psy- chotherapy Association, has been a leading source of impor- tant information in the field for 35 years. Devoted to reporting and interpreting the research and practice of group psycho- therapy, it reflects the diversity of work being done and pro- motes appropriate validation. Published Quarterly. 1988. Individuals: $49.00/lnstitutions: $70.00 PSYCHOANALYSIS AND CONTEMPORARY THOUGHT: A Quarterly of Integrative and Interdisciplinary Studies Edited by Leo Goldberger Aimed at broadening the scientific and intellectual horizon of psychoanalysis, this journal includes original clinical, theoret- ical, and experimental contributions integrating psychoanaly- sis with the social, biological, and behavioral sciences as well as the humanities. Published Quarterly. 1988. Individuals: $52.50/lnstitutions: $75.00 JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY: Official Journal of the Boston Society for Gerontologic Psychiatry Edited by David Blau and Ralph J. Kahana Designed for psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, social scientists, and mental health personnel, this journal presents the latest thinking and most recent findings in geriatric. psy- chiatry. Published Semiannually. 1988. Individuals: $38.00/lnstitutions: $58.00 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FAMILY PSYCHIATRY Edited by John G. Howells Advancing the practice of family psychiatry, this journal serves as an international forum for all professionals interested in the family as a unit for evaluation and therapy. Published Quarterly. 1988. Individuals: $50.00/lnstitutions: $75.00 ... and introducing two new journals from Sphinx Press SOVIET JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY Editor-in-Chief: a F. Lomov, Director of the Institute of Psychology Associate Editors: V.S. Shustikov and L.l. Antsyferova This prestigious journal presents the more important Soviet studies in psychology, very carefully screened for high scien- tific standards, innovative approach, and current interest. Pub- lished Bimonthly. 1988. Individuals: $300.00/lnstitutions: $575.00 SOVIET PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOLOGY TODAY Author-Compiler: V.S. Shustikov Editors: RF. Lomov, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and G.V. Morozov, Academician, Academy of Medical Sciences Originating from the USSR , but in the English language, this new journal is the first of its kind. Not only does it contain the most significant articles in psychiatry and psychology appear- ing in the Soviet literature, which would otherwise not be trans- lated into English, but one third of its content are articles by Russian authors written exclusively for this journal, in English. Published Quarterly. 1988. Individuals: $175.00/lnstitutions: $345.00 Order from: INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITIES PRESS/SPHitf( PRESS Dept. SL740, 59 Boston Post Road, Madison, CT 06443-1524 Note: Foreign subscribers please add $10. per volume for IUP journals. September 1987 definitely marks a major improvement over the original version.-James W. Geary, Kent State University, Ohio. Information Technology and Information Use: Towards a Unified View of Infor- mation and Information Technology. Ed. by Peter Ingwersen, Lei£ Kajberg, and Annelise Mark Pejtersen. London: Taylor Graham, 1986. 194p. $37 (ISBN 0-947568-06-9). This volume comprises thirteen papers presented at a seminar entitled ''Informa- tion Technology as a Tool for Information Use'' at the Royal School of Librarianship, Copenhagen, in May 1985. The seminar was international in scope and produced papers on diverse topics, but, as a collec- tion of such, this volume fails to present the unified view of information science theory or practice that is suggested by the subtitle. In fact, there are several conflict- ing viewpoints presented in the various papers. Well-known authors in information sci- ence, such as F. W. Lancaster and Blaise Cronin, have contributed to this collec- tion. The papers are organized under three themes: (1) "Socio-Economic As- pects and Policy-Making"; (2) "Informa- tion Systems Design: Pragmatic Issues"; and (3) ''Education for Information.'' Lan- caster has contributed an excellent intro- duction in which he raises several impor- tant questions concerning the present state of information technology and acces- sibility to information. He expresses his doubt that subject specialists have any better access to the relevant literature in their fields than they had before the ad- vent of computerized information sys- tems. He also predicts a vital role for the information gatekeepers of the future. Both of these viewpoints are contradicted by other authors. Common themes addressed in this vol- ume are the difficulty of measuring quali- tative and quantitative contributions of in- formation and information technology in organizations, the debate concerning gen- eralization versus specialization in library and information science education, and the question of whether there will be greater or lesser future roles for librarians ~ j j E RESOURCE AUTHORITIES. The Sabin Collection: A history of the Western Hemisphere, on microfiche. Unparalleled in breadth and depth, The Sabin Collection from Research Publications is based on Joseph Sabin's Bibliotheca Americana: A Dictionary of Books Relating to America from its Discovery to the Present Time. Materials published in Europe, South and Central America, the United States and Canada include topics and events such as Columbus' discovery of America, Spanish explorations and conquests, the Revolutionary War, the pioneering of Canada, the Western movement, Native American Indians, slavery and abolition, the exploration of Arctica and Antarctica, and much, much more. The col- lection contains a wealth of primary source materials on literature, economics, politics, agriculture and other subjects. The Sabin Collection is an ongoing project of Research Publications, with approximately 15% of the bibliographic titles filmed. The collection is supplemented annually with 600 volumes of additional material. For further in- formation use the form below. Or call 1-800-REACH-RP ( 1-800-732-2477) now. From Connecticut, Alaska and Canada, call collect 203-397-2600. ---------------------------------------------------- 12 Lunar Drive/Drawer AB Woodbridge, CT 06525 Toll-free : 1-800-REACH-RP TWX: 710-465-6345 FAX : 203-397-3893 0 Please send me more information on The Sabin Collection. 0 Please have a sales representative call me. Name Title Institution Address City State Zip Code Phone For further information, or to place your order directly, calll-800-REACH-RP (1-800-732-2477)_ 464 College & Research Libraries and information intermediaries in light of advances in information technology. Busi- ness, industrial, and educational settings · are discussed. The papers presented under the topic "Education for Information" will be of greatest interest to an academic reader- ship. Both optimistic and rather critical viewpoints are expressed concerning the present state of educational programs. Lei£ Kajberg discusses the restructured li- brary and information science curriculum at the Royal School of Librarianship and concludes that the past program was in- adequate for successful preparation of stu- dents for future information professions. He bemoans the liberal arts background of the majority of students: they lack quanti- tative skills, and a high proportion of them are "reading-oriented; introvert and handicapped in some way or other." Cronin also suggests changes in existing educational structures for the education of 11 electronic librarians.'' Irene W ormell de- scribes the current state of library and in- formation science education as 11 chaotic BAIRRM® HAS/TALL! Over 1600 meetings, plus patents, books and more! ·~ 1111' ., ... ~ September 1987 and controversial" and stresses speciali- zation in education for the information professions. Ann Irving discusses the U.K. Microelectronics Education Pro- gramme for primary school education and suggests that information professionals will become obsolete as future citizens be- come their own information managers. She raises the rather absurd question of whether children should continue to be taught to write in light of speech recogni- tion and communications technology. On the theme I 'Information Systems Design,'' Lancaster discusses the evalua- tion of information services and the diffi- culty of measuring cost-effectiveness in their provision. Linda C. Smith describes knowledge-based systems and artificial . intelligence and defines associated termi- nology. Peter B