College and Research Libraries 542 College & Research Libraries November 1987 the heading "browsing." However, lapses in general are minor and could be corrected in a second printing of what is clearly going to be a standard work.- Robert Michaelson, Seeley G. Mudd Library for Science & Engineering, Northwestern Uni- versity, Evanston, Illinois. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Acid Rain: 1986, A Handbook for States and Prov- inces. Comp. by Acid Rain Foundation . St. Paul, Minn.: Acid Rain, 1987. 600p. $55 (ISBN 0-935577-07-6). in Answering Reference Questions: Two Studies. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1987. 313p . $29.50 (ISBN 0-8108-1940-6). Berg, Steven L., Dana Finnegan, and Emily McNally. NALGAP Annotated Bibliography: Air Pollutant's Effects On Forest Ecosystems . Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Lesbian/Gay Men. Fort Wayne, Ind.: National Assn. of Lesbian & Gay Alcoholism Professionals. 260p . paper, $25 (ISBN 0-9618753-1-3). Comp. by Acid Rain Foundation. St. Paul, Minn.: Acid Rain, 1987. 440p . $55 (ISBN 0- 935577-01-7) . Auld, Lawrence W .S. Electronic Spreadsheets for Libraries . Phoenix: Oryx, 1987. 240p. $37.50 (ISBN 0-89774-245-1) LC 85-43324. Bibliography of Latin American Bibliographies, 1980-1984: Social Sciences and Humanities. Ed . by Lionel V. Lorona. Metuchen, N.J.: Scare- crow, 1987. 239p. $25 (ISBN 0-8108-1841-4). Balachandran, Sarojini. Decision Making: An In- formation Sourcebook. Oryx Sourcebook Series in Business & Management. Phoenix: Oryx, 1987. 208p . $43.50 (ISBN 0-89774-270-2) LC 87-7975. Borst, Raymond R. Henry David Thoreau: A Ref- erence Guide. Boston: Hall, 1987. 144p. $35 (ISBN 0-8161-8822-X) LC 87-7420. Benhan, Frances, and Ronald R. Powell. Success Bowker Annual of Library & Book Trade Informa- General Directory of United Nations Databases and Infonnation Systems A repertoire of over 600 information databases in 36 UN affiliated organiza- tions. It enables one to see what infor- mation and services are available in the United Nations family as a whole and l).ow to obtain detailed information from particular organizations. GV.E.84.0.5 (ISBN: 92-9048-295-8) $35.00 Business/Economics Transnational Corporations and International Trade: Selected Issues E.85. II.A.4(1SBN : 92-1-104232-1)Sll.OO Transnational Corporations in South Africa Transnational corporations' business Volume II: The Verbatim Records of policies in South Africa as they relate to the Hearings the issue of apartheid were examined at E.86.II.A.6789 (ISBN: 92-1-104180-5) the United Nations during public hear- Sold only in the 4 volume set (see below) . ings. A panel of political intluentials Volume Ill: Statements and Submis- heard from more than 50 informed sions persons, examined documentation, and E.86.II.A.6789 (ISBN: 92-1-104181-3) made their recommendations. Sold only in the 4 volume set (see below) . Those recommendations, the verbatim transcripts of the hearings and other Volume IV: Laws and Policies vital documentation is available in four E.86.U.A.6789 (ISBN: 92-1-104182-1) volumes. $65.00 Volume 1: The Report and Recommen- Volumes J through IV, set of 4 specially dations of the Pane/of Eminent Persons priced E.86.II.A.6789 (ISBN: 92-1-1 04179-1) E.86.11.A.6789 $65.00 United Nations Publications To order publications, by title and sales number, contact your wholesaler. Or order direct. For more information write for our complete 1988 catalog at the address on the right. Publisher's ISBN prefix: (92-1) Room DC2-853 New York, New York 10017 Palais des Nations 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland $200.00 E RESOURCE AUTHORITIES. ~or·ma1tion on other and checked: Early American Medical Imprints 1668-1820 Journals in Microform Research Collections in Microform Television News Transcripts and Indexes International Newspapers on Microfilm Newspaper Indexes U.S. and International 12 Lunar Drive/Drawer AB Woodbridge, CT 06525 Toll-free: 1-800-REACH-RP TWX: 71 0-465-6345 FAX: 203-397-3893 American Medical Periodicals, 1797-1900 a comprehensive collection in microform. American Medical Periodicals, 1797-1900 is based on of the National Library of Medicine in Bethesda, Maryland, one of the world's richest re- sources for research into the history of medicine. This comprehensive collection of over 1,200 periodicals from Research Publications provides rare insight into all aspects of nineteenth-century American medical thought and development, and also provides a view into sociological and psychological impacts. Many of the early journals contained a diversity of topics, mak- ing them a rich source for local history. These journals trace the growth of medical societies, the demand for definitive ethics, the development of medical education, and record the history of such sig- nti'icant discoveries and trends as: anesthetics, cellular pathology, microorganisms and infection, inoculation, botanic medicine, legislation and public health, dental science, and quasi- and pseudo-medical practices and philosophies. For detailed information call 1-800-REACH -RP now. From Connecticut, Alaska and Canada, call collect (203) 397-2600. 0 Please send me more information on American Medical Periodicals, 1797-1900. 0 Please have a sales representative call me. Name Title Institution Address City State Zip Code Phone For further information, or to place your order directly, calll-800-REACH-RP (1-800-732-2477). CRL 544 College & Research Libraries tion. Ed. by Filomena Simora. 32d ed. New York: Bowker, 1987. 740p. $89.95 (ISBN 0- 8352-2333-7) LC 55-12434. Brown, Malcolm, Paul Hammond, and Tony Johnson. Dictionary of Medical Equipment. New York: Methuen, 1987. 288p. $62 .50 (ISBN 0-412-28290-9). Calendar of Council Minutes, 1668-1783. Comp . by Berhold Fernow. Harrison, N .Y.: Harbor Hill Bks., 1987. 740p. $45 (ISBN 0-916346-58- 7). Canadian Literature Index 1985. Ed. by Janet Fra- ser. Toronto, Ont.: ECW Pr ., 1987. 500p. $150 (ISBN 1-55022-013-6). Catala, Rafael, andJames D. Anderson. Index of American Periodical Verse: 1985. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1987. 579p. $37.50 (ISBN 0- 8108-2038-2). LC 73-3060 . Ceramic Literature. Ed. by M. L. Solon. New York: K.G. Saur, 1987. 660p . $115 (ISBN 3- 598-07227 -9). Civil War Maps in the National Archives. Ed. by National Archives. Washington, D.C.: Na- tional Archives and Records Admin . 140p. $30 (ISBN 0-911333-36-3). LC 86-5132. Communicating With Legal Databases: Terms and Abbreviations for the Legal Researcher. Comp. by Anne L. McDonald, Lynda Thompson, and Mary E. Ziebarth . New York: Neal- Schuman, 1987. 206p. $75. (ISBN 0-918212- 95-2). LC 85-215896. Contemporary Literary Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of Today's Novelists, Po- ets, Playwrights, Short Story Writers, Script- writers, and Other Creative Writers. Ed. by Dan- iel G. Marowski and Roger Matuz. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 788p . $92 (ISBN 0-8103-4417-3). LC 76-38938. Directory of Development Finance Institutions. New York: UN Industrial Devpt. Orgn., 1987. 95p. $11 (ISBN 92-1-006005-9). Directory of Experts, Authorities & Spokespersons, 4th Annual Edition. Washington, D.C.: Broad- cast Interview Source, 1987. 385p. $19.95 (ISBN 0-934333-04-1). Directory of Resources for Aging, Gerontology and Retirement 1987-88. Comp. by Minnesota Scholarly Pr. Mankato: Minnesota Scholarly Pr., 1987. 400p. $75 (ISBN 0-933474-41-5). Earth book, deluxe edition. Ed. by Esselte Map Ser- vice. Dallas: Graphic Learning, 1987. 330p. $55 (ISBN 0-87746-100-7) . LC 86-072452. Edward Deming Andrews Memorial Shaker Collec- tion. Comp. by E. Richard McKinstry. New York: Garland, 1987. 390p. $56 (ISBN 0-8240- 9430-1). LC 87-2882. Encyclopedia of Governmental Advisory Organiza- tions. Ed . by Denise M. Allard and Donna Batten. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 1,207p. $450 (ISBN 0-8103-0256-X). November 1987 Ergonomics Sourcebook. Ed. by Kimberlie H. Pelsma. Brookfield, Vt.: Ergosyst Assoc., 1987. 275p. (ISBN0-916313-12-3). LC87-9673. Essays on the History, Persecution and Emigration of the German Jews. Ed. by Herbert A. Strauss. Jewish Immigrants of the Nazi Period in the USA, v.6. New York: K. G. Saur, 1987. 441p. $7 4 (ISBN 3-598-08011-5). The Europa Year Book 1987: A World Survey . Ed . by Europa Publications. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 2v., 3,225p. set, $265 (ISBN 0-946653-32-1). LC 59-2942. The European Directory of Marketing Information Sources 1987. 1st ed. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 387p. $160 (ISBN 0-86338-148-0). European Marketing Data and Statistics 1987-88. 23d ed. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 360p. $180 (ISBN 0-86338-189-8) . Evans, James E. Comedy: An Annotated Bibliogra- phy of Theory and Criticism. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1987. 419p. $37.50 (ISBN 0-8108- 1987-2). LC 87-4748. Evinger, William R. Federal Statistical Directory: The Guide to Personnel and Data Sources, 28th ed. Phoenix: Oryx, 1987. 130p. $32.50 (ISBN 0-89774-398-9). LC 87-12359. Exchange Arrangements & Exchange Restrictions Annual Report 1987. Comp. by International Monetary Fund. Washington, D.C.: Interna- tional Monetary Fund Pub., 1987. 560p. $15 (ISBN 0-939934-97-3). LC 79-644506 . Fouty, Gary . Death of the Dinosaurs and Other Mass Extinctions. Phoenix: Oryx, 1987. 90p. paper, $16 (ISBN 0-89774-432-2) . LC 87- 12403. Geotechnical and Geohydrological Aspects of Waste Management. Ed. by Dirk J. A. Van Zyl and others. Chelsea, Mich.: Lewis Pub., 1987. 312p. $49.95 (ISBN 0-87371-101-7). G. K. Hall, Encyclopedia of Modern Technology. Ed. by David Blackburn and Geoffrey Holis- ter. Boston: Hall, 1987. 256p. $35 (ISBN 0- 8161-9056-9). Great Library Promotion Ideas III. Ed. by John W. Berry and Beverly J. Bagan. Chicago: Ameri- can Library Assn., 1987. 64p. paper, $8.95 (ISBN 0-8389-3337-8). LC 87-12615. The Green Stubborn Bud: Women's Culture at Cen- tury's Close. Ed. by Kathryn F. Clarenbach and Edward L. Kamarck. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1987. 406p. $32.50 (ISBN 0-8108- 1981-3). Hanson, Patricia King, and Stephen L. Han- son. Film Review Index, Vol. 2: 1950-1985. Phoenix: Oryx, 1987. 420p. $67.50 (ISBN 0- 89774-331-8). LC 85-43369. Havlice, Patricia Pate. And So To Bed: A. Bibliog- raphy of Diaries Published in English. Metu- chen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1987. 706p. $59.50 (ISBN 0-8108-1923-6). RESOURCE AUTHORITIES. lUI IIDdmt ormation on other produc:U and nice• checked: Newspaper Indexes 12 Lunar Drive/Drawer AB Woodbridge, CT 06525 Toll-free: 1-800-REACH-RP TWX: 710-465-6345 FAX: 203-397-3893 Two hundred historic years of The World's news in microform. Over 200 years of factual reporting . .. dozens of acclaimed international newspapers like The Times, The Washington Post, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, Asahi Shimbun, The Age, Financial Times, Jewish Chronicle ... all of them available on microfilm from Research Publications. Imagine the research value of The Times alone: every issue since 1785- reporting events like the French Revolution, the first :flight by the Wright Brothers, and the cultural revolution in China. Scholars, researchers, and the inquisitive public at large have invaluable access to every word. This is probably the most inexhaustible, high-quality collection of inter- national newspapers ever preserved in microform- spa.n.ning hundreds of years of news publishing, on most of the world's continents, and with editorial content that's limitless in subject matter and interpretation. For further information, utilize the form below. Or to order current subscriptions and backfiles, call Research Publications todlzy at 1-800-REACH-RP (1-800-732-2477). From Connecticut, Alaska and Canada, call collect 203-397-2600. International Newspapers 0 Please send me your brochures. 0 Have a representative call me. Name Institution Addrese City CAL Title State Zip Code - 546 College & Research Libraries Horak, Stephan M. Russia, the USSR, and East- ern Europe: A Bibliographic Guide to English Language Publications 1981-1985. Littleton, Colo. Libraries Unlimited, 1987. 273p . $32.50 (ISBN 0-87287-561-X). LC 87-3980. Hoyt, Anne Kelley. Bibliography of the Chick- asaw. Native American Bibliography Series, no.U. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1987. 230p . $22.50 (ISBN *0-8108-1995-3). International Marketing Data and Statistics 1987-88. 12th ed. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 376p. $180 (ISBN 0-86338-087-5). The International Who's Who. 51st ed . Ed. by Europa Publications. London: Europa Publ., 1987. 1,655p. $165 (ISBN 0-946653-33-X). LC 35-10257. Isacco, Jeanne, and Catherine Smith. "T.I.P. Kit #8: Hiring Library Staff." Chicago: Amer- ican Library Assn., 1987. $10. Jacobean and Caroline Dramatists. Ed. by Fredson Bowers. Dictionary of Literary Biography, v.58. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 370p. $92 (ISBN 9- 8103-1736-2). LC 87-8645. Jones, Charles Edwin. Black Holiness: A Guide to the Study of Black Participation in Wesleyan Per- fectionist and Glossolalic Pentecostal Movements. ATLA Bibliography Series, no.18. Metuchen, N .J.: Scarecrow, 1987. 422p. $35 (ISBN 0- 8108-1948-1). LC 86-21893. Kaufmann, Shoshana. American Immigrants in Israel. New York: American Jewish Commit- tee, 1987. 68p. paper, $7.50 (ISBN 0-87495- 090-2). Keeping Archives. Ed. by Ann Peterson. Austra- lia: Australian Society of Archivists, 1987. 370p. $29 (ISBN 0-9595565-9-1). Kehler, Dorothea. Problems in Literary Research . Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1987. 237p . $20 (ISBN 0-8108-1979-1) LC 86-31626. Key Thinkers, Past and Present. Ed. by Jessica Ku- per. Social Science Lexicons. New York: Routledge & Paul, 1987. 275p. paper, $9.95 (ISBN 0-7102-1173-2). LC 86-33860. Key Topics of Study. Ed. by Jessica Kuper. Social Science Lexicons. New York: Routledge & Paul, 1987. 236p. paper, $9.95 (ISBN 0-7102- 1169-4). LC 86-33861. Learning Independently. Ed. by Steven Wasser- man. 3d ed. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 437p. $210 (ISBN 0-8103-0362-0) . LC 82-3006. The Library of Congress: A Documentary History . Bethesda, Md.: CIS, 1987. 550 archival- quality silver halide microfiche with guide (96p ., paper). $1,365 (ISBN 0-88692-122-8) . LC 87-15580. Liddle, Barry. Dictionary of Sports Quotations. New York: Methuen, 1987. 210p. $24 .95 (ISBN 0-7102-0785-9). LC 86-21922. Lurker, Manfred. Dictionary of Gods and God- desses Devils and Demons. New York : November 1987 Routledge & Paul, 1987. 450p. paper, $15.95 (ISBN 0-7102-1106-6). LC 86-21911. The Medical Word Finder: A Reverse Medical Dic- tionary. Comp. by Betty Hamilton and Bar- bara Guidos. New York: Neal-Schuman, 1987. 177p. $45 (ISBN 1-55570-011-X). LC 86- 28462. Melton, J. Gordon. Encyclopedia of American Reli- gions. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 157p. $80 (ISBN 0- 8103-2131-9). LC 87-115312. Mendelsohn, Henry Neil. A Guide to Information Sources for Social Work and the Human Services. Phoenix: Oryx, 1987. 136p. $28.50 (ISBN 0- 89774-338-5). LC 87-12253. - Merryman, John Henry, and Albert E. Elsen. Law, Ethics, and the Visual Arts. Philadelphia: Univ. ofPennsylvaniaPr., 1987. 760p. $89.95 (ISBN 0-8122-8052-0). LC 86-30835. Methods, Ethics and Models. Ed. by Jessica Ku- per . Social Science Lexicons. New York: Routledge & Paul, 1987. 136p. paper, $9.95 (ISBN 0-7102-1172-4.) LC 87-4277. Miller, David C. Special Report: Publishers, Li- braries & CD-ROM: Implications of Digital Opti- cal Printing. Portland, DCM Assoc ., 1987. lOOp. paper. Nash, Jay Robert, and Stanley Ralph Ross. The Motion Picture Guide 1986 Annual; Films of 1985. New York: Bowker, 1987. 450p . $99.95 (ISBN 0-933997-14-0). LC 85-71145. Nineteenth-Century Criticism: Excerpts from Criti- cism of the Works of Novelists, Poets, Play- wrights, Short Story Writers, Philosophers, and Other Creative Writers Who Died between 1800 and 1900. Ed. by Cherie D. Abbey and Janet Mullane. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 579p. $92 (ISBN 0-8103-5815-8) . LC 81-6943. The Papers of William Penn, Volume 4, 1701 - 1718. Ed. byCraigW. Horle. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Pr ., 1987. 823p. $49.95 (ISBN 0- 8122-8050-4). LC 80-54052 . Pieratt, Asa B., Jr. , Julie Huffman-Klinkowitz, and Jerome Klinkowitz. Kurt Vonnegut: A Comprehensive Bibliography. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String, 1987. 290p. $39.50 (ISBN 0-208- 02071-3). LC 86-32108. Political Science and Political Theory. Ed . by Jes- sica Kuper. Social Science Lexicons . New York: Routledge & Paul, 1987. 275p. paper, $12.95 (ISBN 0-7102-1171-6). LC 87-4273. Popular Music: An Annotated Guide to American Popular Songs. V.11. Ed . by Bruce Pollock. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 171p. $44 (ISBN 0-8103- 1809-1). LC 85-653754. The Real Estate Industry: An Information Source- book. Comp. by Laura A. Harris. Phoenix: Oryx, 1987. 170p. $39.50 (ISBN 0-89774-262- 1) . LC 87-7874. Reed, Mary Hutchings. The Copyright Primer for Librarians and Educators. Chicago: American RESOURCE AUTHORITIES. 12 Lunar Drive/Drawer AB Woodbridge, CT 06525 Toll-free: 1-SOQ-REACH-RP TWX: 710-465-6345 FAX: 203-397-3893 :Return with us to the eighteenth century on microfilm. This collection represents one of the world's largest single projects ever destined for microfilm. Research Publications' The E!ghteenth CenturY is an ongoing program that embraces most of the century's profusion of print, from the literature of Fielding and his peers to broadsides, Bibles, tracts, books, and sermons. In short, most of what moved in movable type is here, drawn from The E!ghteenth CenturY Short Title Catalo~e (ESTC) of the British Library, in concert with 700 university, private, and public libraries. Among them: Harvard University and Huntington Library in the U.S. In England: John Rylands and The Bodleian. First and variant editions on subjects from religion and philosophy to history, geography, social sciences, law, fine arts, science, technology, medicine, and, of course, literature and language are included. The project began in 1983, and over 30,000 titles are now available on 35mm microfilm. New titles are released annually on standing order. This is the perfect collection for educators, researchers and scholars to extract the incredible intellectual output of the eighteenth century. For further information use the form below. Or call 1-800-REACH-RP (1-800-732-2477) now. From Connecticut, Alaska and Canada, call collect 203-397-2600. !he IIChaen~ Century collecUon 0 Please send me your brochure. 0 Have a representative call me. Name Institution Address City Phone Title State Zip Code For further information, or to place your order directly, calll-800-REACH-RP (1-800-732-2477). CRL 548 College & Research Libraries Library Assn., 1987. 76p. paper, $7.95 (ISBN 0-8389-0472-6). LC 86-1014. Salem, James M. Drury's Guide to Best Plays. 4th ed. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1987. 488p . $35 (ISBN 0-8108-1980-5). Scientific and Technical Organizations and Agencies Directory: A Guide to Approximately 15~000 Or- ganizations and Agencies Providing Information in the Physical Sciences, Engineering, and Tech- nology. Ed. by Margaret Labash Young. De- troit: Gale, 1987. 1,670p. set, $185 (ISBN 0- 8103-2103-3). Shakespearean Criticism: Excerpts from the Criti- cism of William Shakespeare's Plays and Poetry, from the First Published Appraisals to Current Evaluations. V.5. Ed. by Mark W. Scott. De- troit: Gale, 1987. 625p. $85 (ISBN 0-8103- 6129-9). LC 84-4010. Simon, Robin. The Portrait in Britain and Amer- ica: With a Dictionary of Portrait Painters 1680-1914. Boston: Hall, 1987. 256p. $50 (ISBN 0-8161-8795-9). Social Problems and Mental Health. Ed. by Jessica Kuper. Social Science Lexicons. New York: Routledge & Paul, 1987. 162p. paper, $12.95 (ISBN 0-7102-1170-8). LC 86-33878. Soldiers and Civilians: The U.S. Army and the American People. Ed . by Garry D . Ryan and Timothy K. Nenninger. Atlanta, Ga.: Na- tional Archives Trust Fund, 1987. 210p. $25 (ISBN 0-911333-52-5). LC 86-21664. The Stateman's Yearbook, 1987-88. 124th ed. Ed. by John Paxton, New York: St. Martin's, 1987. 1,700p. $55 (ISBN 0-312-00235-1). LC 4- 3776. November 1987 Statistics Sources, 1988. V.1-2. Ed. by Jacqueline Wasserman O'Brien and Steven R. Wasser- man. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 2,622p. $280 (ISBN 0-8103-4398-3). LC 84-82356. Szilard, Paula. Food and Nutrition Information Guide. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1987. 358p. $37.50 (ISBN 0-87287-457-5). LC 87-3852. Telecommunications Systems and Services Direc- tory. Ed. by Martin Connors. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 288p. paper, $170. (ISBN 0-8103-1699- 4). LC 83-11628. Texas Reference Sources. Ed. by the Reference Roundtable. College Station: Texas A&M Univ., 1987. 240p. $12. Torres, David. Studies on Clarin: An Annotated Bibliography. Scarecrow Author Bibliogra- phies, no.79. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1987. 224p. $20 (ISBN 0-8108-1993-7). LC 87- 4362. Victorian Prose Writers after 1867. Ed. by William B. Thesing. Dictionary of Literary Biography, v.57. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 571p. $90 (ISBN 0- 8103-1735-4) . LC 87-336. Walton, RobertA., and Nancy Taylor. Directory of Microcomputer Software for Libraries. Phoe- nix: Oryx, 1987. 576p. $37 (ISBN 0-89774-342- 3). LC 86-42725. Weather of U.S . Cities: A Compilation of Weather Records for 281 Key Cities and Weather Observa- tion Points in the United States and Its Island Ter- ritories. 3d ed. Ed. by James A. Ruffner and FrankE. Bair.1,131p. 2v. Detroit: Gale, 1987. $175 (ISBN 0-8103-2102-5). STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT College & Research Libraries is published six times a year by the American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Annual subscription price, $17.50. American Library Association, owner; Charles Martell, editor. Second-class postage paid at Chicago, lllinois. Printed in U.S.A. As a nonprofit organization authorized to mail at special rates (Section 423.12, Domestic Mail Manual), the purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes have not changed during the preceding twelve months . EXTENT AND NATURE OF CIRCULATION ("Average" figures denote the average number of copies printed each issue during the preceding twelve months; "Actual" figures c:fenote actual number of copies of single issue published nearest to filing date-the July 1987issue.) Total number of copies printed: Average, 13,370; Actual, 13,130. Paicf and/or requested circulation: not applicable (i .e., no sales through dealers and carri- ers, street vendors and counter sales) . Mail subscriptions: Average, 11,612; Actual, 11,398. Total paid and/or requested circulation: Average, 11,612; Actual, 11,398. Free distribution by mail, carrier or other means, samples, complimentary, and other free copies: Aver- age, 203; Actual, 205. Total distribution: Average, 11,815; Actual, 11,603. Copies not distributed: office use, left over, unaccoun ted, spoiled after printing: Average, 1,555; Actual, 1,527. Returns from news agents: not applicable. Total (sum previous three en tries): Average, 13,370; Actual, 13, 130. Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation (PS form 3526, Dec. 1985) for 1987 filed witli the United States Post Office Post- master in Chicago, September 30, 1987.