College and Research Libraries brary and Information Services, ·University of Maryland, College Park. Other Publications Baird-Lange, Lorrayne Y ., and Hildegard Schnuttgen. A Bibliography of Chaucer 1974-1985. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String, 1988. 345p. $39.50 (ISBN 0-208-02134-5). LC 87-35157. Canadian Almanac and Directory 1988. Detroit: Gale, 1988. 1,250p. $80 (ISBN 0-7730-4742-5). A Checklist of American Imprints for 1838: Items 48673-53805. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1988. 261p. $39.50 (ISBN 0-8108-2123-0). LC 64-11784. A Checklist of American Imprints for 1938: Items 53806-59415. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1988. 291p. $42.50 (ISBN 0-8108-2124-9). LC 64-11784. Connor, Billie M., and Helene Mochedlover. Ottemiller' s Index to Plays in Collections: An Au- thor and Title Index to Plays in Collections Pub- lished Between 1900 and 1985, 7th ed. Metu- chen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1988. 576p. $42.50 (ISBN 0-8108-2081-1). LC 87-34160. Recent Publications 475 Council on Tall Buildings & Urban Habitat: Second CenturyoftheSkyscraper. New York: VanNos- trand Reinhold, 1988. 1,109p. $82.95 (ISBN 0- 442-22116-9). LC 88-5577. Cummings, Paul. Dictionary of Contemporary American Artists. New York: St. Martin's 1988. 740p. $65 (ISBN 0-312-00232-7). LC 82- 7337. Directory of Social Science Information Courses. New York: St. Martin's, 1988. 145p. $50 (ISBN 0-85496-240-9). Encyclopedia of Legal Information Sources. Detroit: Gale, 1988. 634p. $140 (ISBN 0-8103-0245-4). LC 87-25901. Federal Statistical Data Bases: A Comprehensive Catalog of Current Machine-Readable and Online Files . Phoenix, Ariz . : Oryx, 1988. 670p. $125 (ISBN 0-89774-255-9) . LC 86-42609. Keener, James P ., Principles of Applied Mathemat- ics. Redwood City, Calif.: Addison-Wesley, 1988. 576p. $48.50 (ISBN 0-201-15674-1). LC 87-18630. Knowledge Industry 200. Detroit: Gale, 1988. 421p. $250 (ISBN 0-8103-4254-5). Law Books & Serials in Print 1988. New York: Bowker, 1988. 3,220p. $425/set (ISBN 0-8352- 2413-9). Loehlein, Patricia. Management, Information Sys- tems: An Information Sourcebook. Phoenix, BAIRRM HAS IT ALL! Over 1600 meetings, plus patents, books and more! CRL9881HIA With Biological Abstracts/RRM ® (Reports, Reviews, Meetings) you'll receive 260,000 entries for 1988 from over 9,000 serials and other publications from over 100 countries. No other reference publication provides you with comprehensive coverage of symposia papers, meeting abstracts, review publications, bibliographies, research communications, books, book chapters and U.S. patents. In three easy-to-use sections-Content Summaries, Books and Meetings. The indexes in each issue provide four modes of access to the literature : Author, Biosystematic, Generic and Subject. Take advantage of this excellent coverage of important new scientific research and discoveries for your library. Make sure your library has it all! Subscribe today by contacting BIOSIS Customer Services, 2100 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1399 USA. Telephone toll free 3-800-523-4806 (USA except PA) or (215) 587-4800 worldwide. Telex 831739; Fax (215) 587-2016. Or contact the Official Representative in ® your area. BIOSIS® 476 College & Research Libraries Ariz.: Oryx, 1988. 264p. $55 (ISBN 0-89774- 375-X). LC 87-38194. Manheim, Jarol B., and Allison Ondrasik. Data Map 1988: Index of Published Tables of Statistical Data. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx, 1988. 835p. $165 (ISBN 0-89774-357-1). LC 84-640391. Passenger and Immigration Lists Bibliography, 1538-1900: Being a Guide to Published Lists of Arrivals in the United States and Canada. De- troit: Gale, 1988. 324p. $100 (ISBN 0-8103- 2740-6). LC 87-13702. Picture Collections: Mexico: A Guide to Picture Sources in the United Mexican States . Metu- chen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1,988. 346p. $49.50 (ISBN 0-8108-2074-9). LC 87-28475. Similes Dictionary. Detroit: Gale, 1988. 950p. $68 (ISBN 0-8103-4361-4). LC 87-36109. September 1988 Tapping the Government Grapevine: The User- Friendly Guide to U.S . Government Information Sources . Phoenix, Ariz . : Oryx, 1988. 200p. pa- per, $24.50 (ISBN 0-89774-520-5). LC 87- 28215. Welder, Philip. Information Resources in Toxicol- ogy. New York: Elsevier, 1988. 515p. $85 (ISBN 0-444-01214-1). LC 87-22280. Who's Who in Mexico Today . Roderic Ai Camp. Boulder, Colo.: Westview, 1988. 185p. (ISBN 0-8133-7397-2). LC 87-29823. World Dictionary of Human Rights Teaching and Research Institutions 1988. New York: St. Mar- tins, 1988. 220p . $49.95 (ISBN 0-85496-229-8). LC 87-23188. Young Adult Book Review Index 1987. Detroit: Gale, 1988. 451p. $85 (ISBN 0-8103-4373-8). CORRECTION In the July 1988 College & Research Libraries book reviews, The Collections and Programs of the American Antiquarian Society: A 175th Anniversary Guide was reviewed by John Neal Hoover. Tom Smith reviewed Conferenc~ on Integrated Online Library Systems . ·