College and Research Libraries The Mana·gerial Decision Styles of Acadetnic Library Directors Terrence F. Mech The decision styles of 370 academic library directors are examined using the Decision Style Inventory. Survey results indicate that most directors have an idea rather than an action orientation; with the exception of directors at baccalaureate institutions, they are primarily left-brain dominant. However, there are significant differences in the preferred decision styles among directors at doctoral, comprehensive, baccalaureate, and two-year institutions. hile the powers of the auto- cratic library director have been curtailed by the advance- ment of enlightened principles of participative management, library directors will continue to influence, make, and be responsible for hundreds of deci- sions. The consequences of some decisions may have long-term ramifications for li- brary personnel and operations. Because library directors are not all alike, an under- standing of directors' decision styles and the influence of cognitive preferences on decisions may improve our understand- ing of library managers and management. Some directors are results-oriented and impersonal, relying on facts and figures to make decisions; others are sen- sitive and responsive to the needs and feelings of others and make decisions cognizant of their impact on people. Some directors are planners who rely on careful analysis before making a decision, while others are creative, innovative, and take risks, depending more on intuition than on facts. Although there are no right or wrong decision styles, different styles have their own strengths and weak- nesses and some styles are more effective in certain situations and environments than others.1 This exploratory study pro- files the managerial decision styles of academic library directors and examines the extent to which directors' decision styles vary according to the type of insti- tution. LITERATURE REVIEW Very little is written about librarians' decision-making methods. However, studies concerning librarians' cognitive approaches may shed some light on how librarians make decisions. Research has already established a relationship be- tween cognitive style and decision making.2 Cognitive style, a characteristic mode of perceptual and intellectual functioning, is the way individuals per- ceive and process information.3 Accord- ing to J. Hill, "Cognitive styles are determined by the way individuals take note of their surroundings-how they seek meaning, how they become in- formed. Are they listeners or are they readers? Are they concerned only with their own viewpoint or are they in- fluenced in decision-making by their families or associates?"4 At an early age, individuals develop preferred ways of perceiving and thinking that serve them well and remain relatively unchanged over their lifetimes. 5 The field dependence/field inde- pendence dimension is an aspect of Terrence F. Mech is Library Director at King's College, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 18711. 375 376 College & Research Libraries cognitive style that has been studied ex- tensively. Field dependence/ field inde- pendence differentiates individuals according to how they view an object in relation to its surroundings.6 Field de- pendence is the tendency to see an object in context-to have a more integrated approach to perception. Field independ- ence is a tendency to take an analytical approach by separating the object from its context or environment. Field dependent individuals tend to be more aware of social frames of reference, are more sensitive to nonverbal communication, and may ap- pear more warm, tactful, considerate and socially outgoing than field independent individuals.7 Because they are less inclined to separate objects from their environ- ments, field dependent individuals pre- fer more holistic, intuitive approaches to problem solving.8 Field independent individuals tend to be more impersonal in working with others. They are better able to work alone and are more interested in theoretical and abstract tasks.9 Individuals with high field independence prefer problem-solv- ing methods that emphasize detail and basic relationships. 10 The social skills of field dependents contrast with the ana- lytical skills of the field independents. 11 Information science students with un- dergraduate majors in the arts, sciences, humanities, and history tend to be more field independent. Those with under- graduate degrees in education, the social sciences, and library science, on the other hand, tend to be more field dependent. Students with a preference for refer- ence tend to be field dependent. 12 Refer- ence librarians' field dependence does not vary by type of institutional affilia- tion (public,academic, or special), but subject specialists tend to be more field independent. 13 A study of communication and cogni- tive style shows that while library science students prefer written rather than verbal forms of communication, they do use and interpret nonverbal language (i. e., body language, vocal intonation) when com- municating verbally. These future librar- ians tend to accept their own view of situations and only rely secondarily on September 1993 the views of their peers and associates. If communication breaks down, the library science students tend to see others as being at fault for the miscommunication. When they are actively involved in a situation they may hear what they want to hear, or they may appear aloof. 14 Recent studies use David A. Kolb's learning style theory to explore librari- ans' cognitive styles. Kolb sees the learn- ing process as a four-stage cycle (concrete experience, reflective observa- tion, abstract conceptualization, and ac- tive experimentation) and identifies four different learning styles (converger, diverger, assimilator, and accommodator). An individual's preferences for a cycle in the learning process influences which learning style he or she develops.15 Very little is written about librarians' decision-making methods. However, studies concerning librarians' cognitive approaches may shed some light on how librarians make decisions. Convergers prefer abstract and active learning and are strong in the practical application of ideas to problem-solving tasks. They tend to have narrow inter- ests, be unemotional, and prefer to deal with things rather than people. Divergers, the opposite of convergers, prefer reflec- tive and concrete learning and approach problems broadly and imaginatively. They tend to have wide interests, to be emotional, and to be people-oriented. As- similators prefer abstract and reflective learning and are good at inductive reason- ing and theory building. They are less interested in people and less concerned with the practical use of theories. Ac- commodators prefer concrete and active learning and are good at carrying out plans. They are doers and tend to take risks. They tend to solve problems by trial and error, to rely on others for infor- mation, and are not strongly analytical. 16 Using Kolb's learning style theory, Jana Varlejs found librarians more likely to be divergers (33.3 percent) and to have weak abstract conceptualization skills.17 In a larger study, Jin M. Choi discovered that librarians are more likely to be as- similators (38.6 percent), followed by convergers (27.1 percent), divergers (19.3 percent), and accommodators (15 percent). 18 Unlike Varlejs, Choi's find- ings suggest librarians have strong ab- stract conceptualization skills. While women frequently had a more divergent learning style than men, no significant differences were found between men and women librarians or between public and technical services librarians. These and other studies highlight variations in cognitive styles found in professions such as librarianship. Identifying a par- ticular profession with a particular cognitive style is inaccurate and mis- leading, and fails to recognize the con- siderable flexibility of professions to accommodate individuals with diverse cognitive styles.19 These studies demonstrate that librar- ians are cognitively diverse, and that particular attributes may be associated with certain cognitive styles. However, larger and more detailed studies are re- quired before the definitive discussion is held. While these previous studies focused on librarians' cognitive styles, the present study examines decision styles, of which cognitive style is only one element. This exploratory study profiles the decision- making approaches of academic library directors and examines the extent to which directors' decision styles vary among the different types of institutions. DECISION STYLE THEORY This study uses the Decision Style In- ventory, developed by Alan Rowe, to profile the decision styles of aca- demic library directors. Four contex- tual variables are relevant to decision making: the reaction of the decision maker to the work environment, the people in the organization, the task to be performed, and the personal needs of the decision maker. A decision maker's re- sponse to these variables is determined, in part, by the individual's decision style. An individual's approach to deci- sions is intrinsic to the individual and can be modified, depending on the situ- Managerial Decision Styles 377 ational factors and the individual's abil- ity to cope with expectations.20 Rowe's theory of decision style com- bines cognitive complexity with an in- dividual's concerns for tasks or people, in order to create a holistic look at deci- sion styles. An individual's (1) percep- tion and receptivity to stimuli, (2) ability to handle information and to reach meaningful conclusions, (3) intuition or creativity needed to find workable alter- natives, and (4) the skills needed to make the decision become reality are all ele- ments of an individual's decision style.21 Figure 1 shows the decision style model. The vertical axis represents cognitive complexity and the horizontal axis represents environmental concerns or values. The less cognitively complex individual tends to perceive the environ- ment in terms of few or rigid rules of infor- mation processing and has a high need for structure, whereas the individual possess- ing a high degree of cognitive complexity is able to integrate diverse cues and has a greater tolerance for ambiguity.22 The horizontal dimension of the model addresses the environment in which a person finds herself and her response to it. A more focused individual will generally prefer technical or task- oriented environments. On the other hand, an individual with more divergent interests will tend to prefer the more social or people-oriented environment. According to the model, the technically oriented individual is left-brain domi- nant; i.e., a logical or analytical person. The right half of the model corresponds with those individuals who reason in- ductively and who think in broad or spa- tial terms and are gregarious, right-brain dominant.23 The four decision styles are directive, analytical, conceptual, and behavioral. The directive style has a low tolerance for ambiguity and is focused on task and technical concerns. Directives empha- size speed and action and thus use limited information and few alterna- tives. They tend to be aggressive and authoritarian, and focus internally on the organization with short-range and tight controls. While they may be effec- 378 College & Research Libraries September 1993 Tolerance for Ambiguity Idea Orientation Action Orientation Left-Brain Analytical logical abstract Directive focused results Task Orientation Right-Brain Conceptual systems creative Behavioral support empathy People Orientation Leader Proactive Manager Reactive Need for Structure Adapted from: Alan Rowe and James Boulgarids, "Decision Styles-A Perspective," Leadership & Organization Development foumal. 4 (1983): 5. Alan Rowe and Richard Mason, Managing with Style (San Francisco: Jossey-Base, 1987), 56. FIGUREl Decision Style Model tive at achieving results, directives have a great need for power and prefer tan- gible rewards over intrinsic rewards. Directive individuals do well in struc- tured, goal-oriented bureaucracies or other places where power and authority are important. These individuals are criticized for being too rigid, imper- sonal, simplistic, and autocratic.24 The analytical style has a high toler- ance for ambiguity and is also oriented toward task and technical concerns. An- alytics use considerable information and are very careful in the examination of alternatives. They tend to optimize prob- lem solutions and enjoy challenges. They often reach top positions and are innovative in their solutions to prob- lems. They prefer written reports and look for variety in their work. The ana- lytical and the directive styles are both logical in their approach. Analytic in- dividuals do well in impersonal situa- tions, like planning or solving complex problems. Frequently these people are per- ceived to be dogmatic, overcontrolling, impersonal, careful, abstract, and some- times too slow in performing tasks.25 The conceptual style has a high toler- ance for ambiguity (considerable com- plexity) and is interested in people and social concerns. Conceptuals are gener- ally broad and future-oriented thinkers who take a system's perspective. They value quality, prefer openness, and share goals with subordinates. They are very creative and have a deep organizational commitment. They are high achievers who need praise and recognition. They tend to be very independent and refuse to be pressured; they prefer loose control to power and enjoy interacting with others. Conceptual individuals do well in loose, decentralized, or open organi- zations. These individuals are criticized for being dilettantes, too idealistic, in- decisive, imaginative, slow, and difficult to control. 26 The behavioral style has a low toler- ance for ambiguity and is oriented toward people and social concerns. Be- haviorals are supportive, good listeners, receptive to suggestions, and communi- cate easily. They exhibit warmth and will accept loose control. They prefer meet- ings to reports, and do not use much data in making decisions. Their focus tends to be social with short-range goals. The be- havioral and conceptual style people are less logical in their approach than the directive and analytical. Behavioral in- dividuals do well in well-designed, people-oriented, and collegial settings. These people are perceived to be sensi- tive and perhaps too concerned about others; they tend to have difficulty in making hard decisions and saying no.27 The Decision Style Inventory gener- ates four basic scores (directive, analyti- cal, conceptual, and behavioral) and several combination scores (left-brain and right-brain dominance as well as idea and action orientation). According to Rowe and Mason, the Decision Style Inventory is "conceptually and empiri- cally consistent" with the Myers-Brigg Type Indicator.28 The twenty-item forced-choice Decision Style Inventory has a test-retest correlation of .7. The split-half coefficients ranged from .5 to Managerial Decision _Styles 379 .7.29 Like the Myers-Brigg Type Indica- tor the Decision Style Inventory is not intended to be a predictive instrument, but rather a tool for personal discovery. LEFT/RIGHT-BRAIN DOMINANCE AND IDEA/ACTION ORIENTATIONS Brain dominance refers to an in- dividual's tendency to think and act ac- cording to the characteristics of one side of the brain rather than the other. Re- search on the human brain shows that logical and linear functions occur in the left hemisphere, while the holistic, re- lational functions occur in the right hemi- sphere. The brain's left side governs the ability to use language, writing, and math- ematics, to perform logical deductions and other types of analysis, and to enforce self-discipline. The right side governs visual, spatial, artistic, and intuitive con- cepts, imagination, and spontaneous play.30 Word opposites can be used to distinguish the two modes of brain dom- inance, left versus right;" explicit versus implicit; verbal versus spatial; argument versus experience; intellectual versus in- tuitive; and analytical versus gestalt. "31 Left-brain dominant people process information in a sequential manner and prefer solving problems by breaking them down into parts and approaching them sequentially, using logic. They pre- fer working with concrete data (rather than nebulous or unstructured data) and like to complete one project before begin- ning another. These individuals tend to remember names rather than faces: they prefer hierarchical structures, and like their work preplanned and structured. Left:..brain oriented individuals like to work alone in a quiet setting, doing tasks that involve analysis, numerical reason- ing, problem solving, and achieving re- sults. They like to be in control and focus on the work to be done. Occupations like engineering, accounting, research, law, computer technology, and science attract left-brain-oriented individuals.32 Right-brain dominant people enjoy change, flexible schedules, taking on new challenges, and working on several projects at once. Working well under deadlines, many of these individuals 380 College & Research Libraries September 1993 TABLE 1 CHARACTERISTICS OF DIRECTORS Doctoral Comprehensive Baccalaureate Community (n = 86) Characteristics Public/Private (n = 80) (n = 104) (n = 100) Gender Male Female Age Years of library experience Years of M 50.6 22.8 58/22 44 36 so 6.3 s .sa 79/25 64 39 M so 50.9 9.5 22.8 7.2ac 21/79 83/3 46 44 53 42 M so M so 49.5 11.4 49.1 9.3 19.0 7.9b 19.8 7.4d administrative b experience 17.4 6.1a 17.3 7.8a 12.0 6.9 13.5 a bRefers to comparisons within a row where the mean scores of groupa are significantly (P s .05) higner than the mean scores of groupb. cdRefers to comparisons within a row where the mean scores of groupe are signifcantly (P s .05) higher than the mean scores of groupd. . tend to leave projects or reports until the last minute. They prefer solving prob- lems by looking at the whole for patterns and by using hunches and intuition; they are better at conceptualizing the whole picture rather than att~nd~n9 to all the details involved. These mdividuals tend to remember faces rather than names, prefer collegial structures, and feel ~om­ fortable in fluid and spontaneous situa- tions. Right-brain individuals prefer work that involves people, requires in- tuition or creativity, and involves visual perspective or broad thinking. They tend to be less focused in their thinking, more open about their emotions, and more in- fluenced by their emotions than left- brain individuals are. Right-brained people are attracted to careers in the arts, entertainment, teaching, writing, archi- tecture, decorating, counseling, adver- tising, marketing, sales, and ministry. 33 Rowe's Decision Style Inventory also measures an individual's preference for ideas or action. Idea-oriented individu- als are more concerned with thinking, analysis, perspective, judgment, visuali- zation, innovation, creativity, and new approaches. Action-oriented individu- als are concerned with achieving results. They work well with others and find occupations that require dir~t invol~e­ ment, achieving results, and mteracting with the public. 34 THE STUDY In October 1990, the Decision Style In- ventory and a supplementary question- naire were mailed to 600. library directors-150 directors from each of the American Association of University Pro- fessors' institutional categories: Doctoral (1), Comprehensive (IIA), Baccalaureate (liB), and Two-year (111).35 Usable re- sponses were received from 370 direc- tors, constituting a 62 percent return. During the analysis the institutions we~e further classified using the Carnegie Classifications. This was particularly useful with baccalaureate institutions, which were separated into selective and less selective colleges. The chi-square, t-test, Pearson product moment correlation coefficient, and analysis of variance programs from the SPSS statistical package were used to an- alyze the data. The level of statistical significance for this study is .05. INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERISTICS While 46 percent of the directors are women, women are least likely to be directors at comprehensive institutions (only 38 percent-see table 1 ). Women are more likely to be directors at bacca- laureate institutions, particularly among the less selective liberal arts institutions. While there is no significant age differ- ence between men (50.4) and women (49.1) directors, there are significant differences between men and women directors in their years of library ex- perience and administrative experience. Males have significantly more years of library and administrative experience. Men directors average 21.9 years of li- brary and 16.9 years of administrative experience compared with women's average of 20.2 years of library and 13.1 years of administrative experience. The liberal arts and people-centered humanities influence appears to be something selective liberal arts colleges look for in their directors, perhaps to preserve their institutional uniqueness. When these characteristics are ana- lyzed by institutional type, an analysis of variance reveals significant differ- ences in both the years of libri;iry ex- perience and the years of administrative experience among the directors (see table 1). Further analysis (Scheffe's test) reveals that baccalaureate directors have less library experience than doctoral and comprehensive directors. Among the baccalaureate directors, those at the less selective liberal arts colleges have less library (17.5 years) and administrative (1 0.5 years) experience than directors at the more selective liberal arts colleges (22.8 years library and 15.5 years administrative experience). Community college directors have less library experience than compre- hensive directors. Subsequently, bacca- laureate and community college directors average less administrative experience than doctoral and comprehensive direc- tors. There are no significant differences between directors at private and public- sponsored institutions with regard to age and years of library or administra- tive experience. In addition to age, gender, and years of library and administrative experience, directors' undergraduate majors were tabulated also. Sixty-five percent of the directors majored in the humanities or history, while 23 percent majored in the Managerial Decision Styles 381 social sciences, education, or library science as undergraduates. However, based on their undergraduate majors, directors do not significantly prefer one type of institution, decision style, or orientation over another. DECISION STYLE PROFILE Table 2 presents information on direc- tors' decision styles and orientations. Scores within the very dominant cate- gory mean a particular style is used al- most exclusively in most situations. Scores within the dominant range indi- cate a style is used frequently. The backup category reveals which styles are used when the occasion demands it. Scores within the least preferred cate- gory indicate a style is seldom used. When the categories of very dominant and dominant are combined, the be- havioral decision style is the predominate decision mode among comprehensive (38 percent), baccalaureate (53 percent), and community college (50 percent) directors. For comprehensive directors (36 percent), the directive is the second most popular style. Among baccalaureate directors (24 percent), conceptual is the next most pre- ferred approach. The analytical decision style is the second most frequent mode among community college directors (36 percent). The preferred decision method among doctoral directors is the concep- tual (38 percent) followed by the be- havioral (36 percent). Baccalaureate and community college directors are the least likely to report a preference for the directive style (see table 2). An analysis of variance reveals a sig- nificant difference in directors' behavioral scores (see table 3). Baccalaureate and community college directors have signif- icantly higher behavioral scores than doctoral directors. Further analysis reveals a significant negative correlation (r = -.1377) between behavioral style and years of administra- tive experience. Directors with less ad- ministrative experience are more likely to have a people-oriented behavioral style than directors with more adminis- trative experience. Directors at private institutions tend to have significantly 382 College & Research Libraries September 1993 TABLE2 MANAGERIAL DECISION STYLES & ORIENTATIONS (FREQUENCIES)* Style Directive+ Very dominant Dominant Backup Least preferred Analyticafl: Very dominant Dominant Backup Least preferred Conceptual Very dominant Dominant Backup Least preferred Behavioral§ Very dominant Dominant Backup Least preferred Orientations Brain dominance! I Left-brain dominant Right-brain dominant Action/ idea preference Action Idea Doctoral (n = 80) 15 11 31 23 12 12 33 23 12 18 22 28 12 17 22 29 54 23 12 67 Comprehensive (n = 104) 26 11 37 30 17 10 36 41 17 10 35 42 19 21 40 24 69 34 18 86 Baccalaureate (n = 100) 9 12 29 43 15 6 44 35 13 11 41 35 34 18 33 14 49 48 19 79 ·Very dominant, scores more than a full standard deviation above the mean. Dominent, scores between half and a full standard deviation above the mean. BackuK scores half a standard deviation above or below the mean. Least referred, scores more than half the standard deviation below the mean. t The chi square value of 17.9 (9 df at a P value of .05) is statistically significant. :t The chi square value of 19.34 (9 df at a P value of .05) is statistically significant. §The chi square value of 22.97 (9 df at a P value of .05) is statistically significant. 11 The chi square value of 8.81 (3 df at a P value of .05) is statistically significant. Community (n = 86) 9 14 36 27 10 21 24 31 9 8 30 39 28 15 27 16 53 30 18 67 Managerial Decision Styles 383 TABLE3 MANAGERIAL DECISION STYLES AND ORIENTATIONS Doctoral Comprehensive Baccalaureate Community (n = 80) (n = 104) (n = 100) (n = 86) M so M so M so M so Style Directive 71.0 11.8 72.9 13.4 68.5 11.7 70.1 10.1 Analytical 85.4 14.2 83.3 15.0 82.8 15.1 84.7 16.1 Conceptual 84.9 15.1 82.9 15.2 82.7 14.8 79.7 13.7 Behavioral 57.4 15.3b 60.7 14.6 65.4 14.3a 64.7 14.8a Orientations Left-brain 156.4 15.~ 156.3 18.~ 151.2 17.5 154.8 17.3c Right-brain 142.3 16.1d 143.6 18.~ 148.1 17.7 144.4 17.2d Action 128.4 18.7{ 133.6 17.4{ 134.0 17.3{ 134.8 15.6{ Idea 170.3 18.4e 166.3 17.3e 165.5 17.5e 164.4 15.9e a bRefers to comparisons within a row where the mean scores of groupa are significantly (P ~ .05) higher than the mean scores of groupb. c dRefers to comparisons within columns where the mean scores of groupe are significantly (P ~ .05) higher than the means of groupd. ef Refers to comparisons within columns where the mean scores of groupe are significantly (P ~ .05) higher than the mean scores of groupf. higher behavioral scores than directors at public institutions. The more flexible administrative environment of private institutions, particularly small colleges, may attract behavioral style directors. Directors at smaller private colleges tend to have less administrative experience than directors at larger public institu- tions. As a result they may not have grown tired of "people problems." There is a significant correlation (r = .123) between age and directive style. As directors age, they may develop a more practical, factual, "here-and-now'' ap- proach. Age also correlates with left- brain (r = .103) and right-brain (r = -.112) orientations. As they grow older, direc- tors rna y be inclined to logical thinking and less inclined to broad thinking, crea- tivity, and concern for people. Perhaps as directors realize that they are rewarded more for results, they are less willing to spend mental and physical energy in order to be creative or concerned for people. It could also be that as directors gain experience and administrative skills they are less dependent on their social skills. The left-brain scores of the directors are significantly higher than their right- brain scores (see table 3). With the excep- tion of baccalaureate directors, the direc- tors (61 percent) are predominantly left- brain oriented (see table 2). Among the baccalaureate directors, those at the more selective liberal arts colleges are more inclined to be right-brain oriented. Directors at highly selective liberal arts colleges tend to have undergraduate degrees from other highly selective col- leges. The liberal arts and people- centered humanities influence appears to be something selective liberal arts col- leges look for in their directors, perhaps to preserve their institutional unique- ness. Directors at the less selective liberal arts colleges are evenly split between the number of left-brain- and right-brain- dominant individuals among them. Less selective liberal arts colleges are more likely to have difficulty attracting career administrators. These directorships may be filled internally by individuals who did not actively seek the position or by individuals who are new to manage- ment. The result is perhaps a more het- erogeneous collection of individuals rather than a group of self-selected career library administrators. Overall, directors are significantly more likely to have an idea orientation than an action orientation (see table 2). 384 College & Research Libraries Idea-oriented directors (81 percent) con- sistently outnumbered action-oriented directors (18 percent) by almost four to one. This ratio, with some slight devia- tions, is found among the directors at all types of institutions. Directors' idea orien- tations are significantly higher than their action orientation (see table 3). While no significant differences exist among direc- tors at the different types of institutions, directors at private institutions have sig- nificantly higher action orientations than their counterparts at public institu- tions. No significant differences exist be- tween men and women directors on any of the decision styles or orientations. The realization that others do not think the same way or see a situation in the same terms can be a startling experience for some individuals. When the decision style scores of li- brary directors are compared with the decision style scores of others, some differences are found. An earlier study of the Decision Style Inventory was con- ducted for the Department of Defense among 428 individuals from nine or- ganizations: a mix of military, aerospace, government, managerial employees, and university middle managers.36 In- dividuals in the Department of Defense study have significantly higher directive and analytical scores and significantly lower conceptual and behavioral scores than the library directors in this study. Using the Decision Style Model (see figure 1), it appears that library direc- tors, despite their task (left brain) orien- tation, are still more people (right brain) oriented than the individuals in the De- partment of Defense study. COMMENTS In many management and leadership training programs, library managers and potential library managers are given instruments to help them identify their personality types or managerial styles. The premise behind this activity is that such self-awareness will help to make September 1993 them better managers. The realization that others do not think the same way or see a situation in the same terms can be a startling experience for some individu- als. For managers, seeing events and al- tema tives through the eyes of others is vital to preserving their managerial ef- fectiveness. However, before attempting to understand their organization and the people in it, managers should have an understanding of themselves which per- mits them to see their biases, cognitive and otherwise. With this knowledge they may be able to improve their managerial effec- tiveness. Given the complexity of the mod- em organization, no one person may be able to manage an organization by de- pending only on his or her own abilities. While individual managers may be re- sponsible for an organization, they need not rely solely on their own skills. As managers, directors need to couple the effective right-brain processes (hunch, judgment, and synthesis) with the effective processes of the left-brain (articulateness, logic, and analysis). Ac- cording to Mintzberg, top managers should have well-developed right-brain skills; while planners should have well- developed left-brain skills. Left-brain- dominant individuals prefer a systematic, well-ordered world and tend to show little appreciation for the more relational, holis- tic processes. Mintz berg concludes that the functions of both hemispheres should be respected but that abilities of one hemi- sphere should not be applied where the other is most effective. 37 The preponderance of left-brain- oriented individuals among the direc- tors may help to explain Perry Morrison's earlier findings that super- visory qualities frequently are absent in library directors.38 Perhaps directors, with their tendency to be left-brained and idea- oriented, are more adept at planning than managing. However, if ideas and plans are to be useful, they must be effectively translated into actions. In the implemen- tation process the involvement of other people and their skills are necessary to bring ideas to fruition. While certain jobs and tasks require the work of one side of the brain more than the other, most individuals also develop a dominant side of the brain. The more this preferred hemisphere is stimulated, the better it performs. The better it performs, the more a person depends on it. Thus, if an individual tends to depend on her dominant hemisphere the less likely she is to develop the skills of her brain's other hemisphere.39 While there are preferred decision styles and a predominant orientation among directors, these styles and orien- tations may not be the most effective in all situations or environments. To improve their effectiveness, library managers need to develop their other decision styles and find ways to take advantage of the bene- fits provided by the other styles. Directive style directors provide direc- tion and keep things running, but they must find a way to keep people issues before them. Behavioral style directors need a "clean-up" person to establish order, write reports, provide reminders, make difficult decisions, and do other unpleasant tasks. Directors with an ana- lytical style need people (conceptuals) who can explain their ideas to others. These directors also need people who can provide them with facts and carry out details. Conceptual style directors need people who can administer and im- plement regulations and see to the details. Individuals with the ability to "flesh out ideas" can be helpful to con- ceptual style directors.40 Managerial Decision Styles 385 As managers, library directors must utilize the talents and abilities of others to be effective. Aware of their own deci- sion styles and orientations, directors can use the strengths of others' decision modes to balance against the differences in the directors' own approaches. Li- brary directors, like all managers, need to be aware of their strengths and pref- erences. But they must learn to balance their strengths and compensate for their differences if they are to make the most of their skills. Library management and leadership programs may not provide their partici- pants with any indication of how they compare with other library administra- tors. This article is an effort to fill a part of that void. Because directors with par- ticular styles frequently are found in cer- tain institutions, ambitious managers may wish to ask themselves how their decision styles match with those of direc- tors at particular types of institutions. While this research shows that there are differences in decision styles among directors at different institutions, pre- vious research also shows that directors give managerial roles different emphasis according to the type of institution that employs them.41 Aspiring library managers may wish to consider the relationship be- tween their decision styles and the ap- proaches frequently found at their institution or at other types of institu- tions where they may seek employment. REFERENCES 1. Anthony R. Montebello, review of Managing with Style, Personnel Psychology 41(Winter 1988): 854. 2. James L. McKenney and Peter G. W. Keen, "How Managers' Minds Work," Harvard Business Review 52(May /June 1974):79-90; John C. Henderson and Paul C. Nutt, ''The Influence of Decision Style on Decision Making Behavior," Management Science 26 (Apr. 1980): 371-86. 3. Kerry A. Johnson and Marilyn D. White, "The Field Dependence/Field Independence of Information Professional Students," Library Research 3 (Winter 1981): 356. 4. J. Hill, The Educational Sciences (Bloomfield Hills, Mich.: Oakland Community College), 2, as quoted in Susan J. and Cecil L. Mcintire, "A Career Counseling Model Based on Cognitive Style Assessment," Journal of Education for Librarianship 20 (Wmter 1980):198-210. 5. Kerry A. Johnson and Marilyn D. White, ''The Cognitive Style of Reference Librarians," RQ 21 (Spring 1982): 240. 6. Henderson and Nutt, "Influence of Decision Style," 372. 7. Johnson and White, "Field Dependence," 356. 8. Henderson and Nutt, "Influence of Decision Style," 372. 386 College & Research Libraries September 1993 9. Johnson and White, "Field Dependence," 356. 10. Henderson and Nutt, "Influence of Decision Style," 372. 11. Johnson and White, "Field Dependence," 356. 12. Ibid., 361 and 363. 13. Johnson and White, "Cognitive Style of Reference Librarians," 245. 14. Barbara L. Stein, James D. Hand, and Herman L. Totten, "Understanding Preferred Cognitive Styles-A Tool for Facilitating Better Communication," Journal of Education for Library & Information Science 27(Summer 1986): 46 and 47. 15. David A. Kolb, "Learning Styles and Disciplinary Differences," in Arthur W. Chicker- ing and Associates, eds., The Modern American College (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1981), 232-55. 16. Jana Varlejs, "Learning Styles of Librarians and Satisfaction with Continuing Educa- tion Activities," in Esther E. Horne, ed., Continuing Education: Issues and Challenges (New York: K. G. Saur, 1985), 135; Jin M. Choi, "Learning Styles of Academic Librari- ans," College & Research Libraries 50(Nov. 1989): 693-94. 17. Varlejs, "Learning Styles of Librarians," 131-39. 18. Choi, "Learning Styles of Academic Librarians," 691-99. 19. Kerry A. Johnson and Marilyn D. White, "The Cognitive Style of Information Pro- fessionals," Journal of Education for Librarianship 22(Winter 1982): 139. 20. Alan J. Rowe and James D. Boulgarides, "Decision Styles-A Perspective," Leadership & Organization Development Journal 4(1983): 3. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. lbid.,3-4. Ibid., 5. Ibid. Rowe and Boulgarides, "Decision Styles," 5-6; Alan J. Rowe and Richard D. Mason, Managing with Style: A Guide to Understanding, Assessing, and Improving Decision Making (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1987), 4, 45-46. Rowe and Boulgarides, "Decision Styles," 5-6; Rowe and Mason, Managing with Style, 4,46-48. Rowe and Boulgarides, "Decision Styles," 5-6; Rowe and Mason, Managing with Style, 4,48-49. 27. Rowe and Boulgarides, "Decision Styles," 5-6; Rowe and Mason, Managing with Style, 4,49-50. 28. 29. 30. Rowe and Mason, Managing with Style, 157. Ibid., 193-94. Ann McGee-Cooper, You Don't Have to Come Home from Work Exhausted! (Dallas, Tex.: Bowen & Rogers, 1990), 125-26. 31. Henry Mintzberg, "Planning on the Left Side and Managing on the Right," Harvard Business Review 54 (July/ Aug. 1976): 52. 32. Rowe and Mason, Managing with Style, 128; McGee-Cooper, You Don't Have to Come Home from Work Exhausted, 133-34. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Ibid. Rowe and Mason, Managing with Style, 128. "The Annual Report on the Economic Status of the Profession 1990-1991" [Special issue], ACADEME: Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors 77(Mar.- Apr. 1991): 2. Rowe & Mason. Managing with Style, 190-91. Mintzberg, "Planning on the Left Side," 50, 53, 57. Perry D. Morrison, The Career of the Academic Librarian (Chicago: ALA, 1969), 83 McGee-Cooper, You Don't Have to Come Home from Work Exhausted, 127. Rowe and Mason, Managing with Style, 86-87. Terrence F. Mech, "Academic Library Directors: A Managerial Role Profile," College & Research Libraries 51(Sept. 1990): 415-28. New Books for the College Library front Greenwood Press DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN RELIGIOUS BIOGRAPHY Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged by Henry Warner Bowden The first edition of this award-winning reference, published in 1977, contained 425 biographical profiles of the most significant American religious leaders. Bowden has added profiles for 125 additional figures, and the earlier sketch- es have been revised and updated. Appendices categorize the figures by religious denomination and place of birth. The dictionary contains entries for individuals who died before July 1, 1992, and reflects America's cultural and reli- gious diversity. 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