College and Research Libraries Library Journals and Academic Librarianship in Germany: A Sketch Stephen Lehmann Based partly on interviews with German library journal editors and other German librarians, this study looks at the world ·Of German academic librari- anship through the prism of German library journal publishing. The Gennan journals differ from their American counterparts in numerous ways that reflect the differences in the structure and culture of the profession as it is practiced in two countries. An especially interesting example is the German concern with "Bibliothekspolitik," that is, questions regarding the internal politics oflibrari- anship. The article concludes by describing a set of initiatives intended to make the German professional journals more available to American librarians. as Europe disappeared?" a be- mused Swiss visitor once asked, going through a San Francisco newspaper. Indeed, one often hears the complaint that Americans are surprisingly uninformed about the world on which we have such an impact. Librarians, too, sometimes share this insular perspective: America seems big and self-contained, and if we need to communicate, well, everyone . knows English. We ignore developments elsewhere, however, at our own peril. One need only consider French ad- vances in electronic information provi- sion, the Germans' long experience with nationally coordinated resource-sharing programs, the stat~f-the art paper conser- vation techniques developed in Leipzig, or the English experience with a highly effective national periodicals center and document delivery program to make the point: it's a big world out there, and we would do well to know what is happen- ing in it. To keep informed and inform one another, academic librarians have pub- lished professional journals since the nine- teenth century. The very first was the German Serapeum, founded in 1840, and its first article carried the title "Univer- sity Libraries and Their Administra- tion."1 (Some things never change.) Library journals, like those of other pro- fessions, serve a variety of purposes, both informational and scholarly. Like other forms of communication, journals also reveal themselves, the institutions they represent, and the readers they ad- dress, providing a window into the cul- ture of the profession, exposing to the viewer its structures and its values, its Stephen Lehmann is Humanities Bibliographer at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104. The author would like to thank Bas Guyt of Martinus Nijhoff International for his generosity in establishing and maintaining the grant that made this study possible; Joseph Zucca for his help in preparing the grant proposal; the following German librarians, editors, and publishers for their time and the frank, enjoyable, and very helpful discussions: W. Beck, B. Burgemeister, G. Herdt, D. Hochsmann, R. Frankenberger, K. Kempf, V. Klostermann, K.-D. Lehmann, H. Lohse, E. Mittler, K. Schreiber; Frau Bertz of the library of the Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut in Berlin and Herr Burger, the librarian of the Fachhochschule for Bibliotheks-und Dokumen- tationswesen in Cologne, for their assistance; K. Schreiber, Sem C. Sutter, and Bob Walther for their suggestions in helping to prepare this article for publication. 301 302 College & Research Libraries tensions and energies. They are "a mir- ror-image," as one writer put it, "of the infrastructure of librarianship of the country in which they are published."2 Te~lingly, Mary Ann Bowman's Library and Information Science Journals and Seri- als: An Analytical Guide excludes all non- English journals from its listings.3 To study and promote German aca- demic library journal publishing, I inter- viewed the editors of the six major journals published for academic librari- ans during the course of a trip to Ger- many funded by the Martinus Nijhoff West European Specialist Study Grant in the fall of 1994. The report that follows is the result of that trip. It has a number of goals: • To sketch a portrait of German aca- demic librarianship through its jour- nals; • To encourage librarians whose re- sponsibilities include German-related subjects (represented primarily by ACRL's 700+ member Western Euro- pean Specialists Section) to cultivate a deeper and more active interest in the work of our European colleagues; and • To offer for those who contribute to, edit, and publish U.S. library journals a description of another tradition and another practice, under the premise that a foreign perspective can provide a new and possibly useful frame of reference. To focus specifically on the profes- sional journals of Germany is in one sense an arbitrary choice: one could learn as much from the journals of the United Kingdom, France, Scandinavia, Italy, or Japan.~ Nonetheless, it would be disingenuous to pretend that Ger- many is not, in this matter as in so many others, a particularly interesting and special case. It is the most populous country in Europe, with the largest book production. Its universities provided the decisive model for the development of academic research in the United States, with an impact felt to this day. Further, Germany compels a certain fascination because of its extraordinarily difficult history. You can't get away from it, even, or maybe especially, in libraries: life sto- July 1995 ries, buildings, collections, all have been shaped and scarred by politics and war in a way that is difficult to imagine from American experience. In a library con- ference presentation, a top-level German library administrator from the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) gave poignant, characteristic expression to the mark that history has left on him and his generation: "It is the trauma of my generation . . . to have gone in an almost seamless transition from one dic- tatorship to another, seeing, comparing, knowing and yet, as if paralyzed, head- ing inexorably again towards moral and political destruction .... My generation participated in this-whether as master or as servant, or as both at the same time." 7 German history is, as the expres- sion goes, hautnah, close as your skin, and inevitably the library journals both reflect and offer reflections on the impact of Germany's wars and political upheav- als on its libraries.8 GERMAN LIBRARY JOURNALS Overview German academic librarians publish six major journals with a national read- ership: ABI-Technik, Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis, Bibliotheksdienst, Bibliotheksforum Bayern, Mitteilungsblatt des Verbandes der Bibliotheken des Landes Nordrhein-West- falen, and Zeitschrift for Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie. None, remarkably, is older than the present German state. Fre- quency of publication varies from monthly to three times a year, with approximately 100 to 200 pages per issue. Circulation figures range from less than 1,000 to close to 5,000 (compared to 13,000 for College & Research Libraries (C&RL)-a membership journal-and 2,200 for Library Quarterly). Although the content, style, and tone of the German journals bear a clear resemblance to their American coun- terparts, some important distinctions re- main. Germany lacks the large number of highly specialized journals that char- acterize U.S. academic library publish- ing. U.S. librarians publish journals on bibliographic instruction, on librarian- ship in colleges as distinct from uni- versities, on serials librarianship, and Library Journals and Academic Librarianship 303 numerous other subfields. This speciali- zation is largely a function of the size of the U.S. market. In addition, according to one German, it comes from the greater willingness of American librarians to write and publish on the basis of their own day-to-day experience. The German journals seek uniformly to expand professional horizons beyond the German experience. The German journals all emphasize substantive content. (One of the editors of Dokumentationsdienst Bibliothekswesen (DOBI), the German equivalent to Li- brary Literature, complained that there was so little in American Libraries that it was hardly worth indexing.) The articles span the range of theoretical, historical, and practical topics familiar to readers of U.S. library journals, though the Ger- mans seem not especially interested in the statistically based research that char- acterizes College & Research Libraries. The German journals seek uniformly to ex- pand professional horizons beyond the German experience. The flagship jour- nal of the profession, the Zeitschrift for Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, for ex- ample, has initiated a series of articles that provide an overview of the field country by country; Bibliotheksdienst car- ries a subsection of its "Themes" feature devoted solely to contributions about li- braries outside Germany, and at the back of each issue it reproduces the tables of contents of major U.S. and other foreign library journals; roughly half of the ref- erence books and bibliographies re- viewed in the Germany's new library review journal, Informationsmittel for Bib- liotheken, are not in German; and the pro- fessional reading section of Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis carries abstracts of foreign books only. Articles on every as- pect of librarianship in other countries are a regular feature of the German journals, with one recently carrying a twenty-page account of an East German librarian's eighteen-library U.S. tour, "coast to coast, von N.Y. tiber Texas bis Frisco."9 The editors of the German jour- nals know that the frontiers of relevant experience and knowledge do not stop at the German border. Unlike American academic library journals such as Library Quarterly, Col- lege & Research Libraries, and Journal of Academic Librarianship, most of the major German journals happily publish scholar- ship and research together with "news," covering conferences, exhibits, institu- tional developments, important promo- tions, substantial obituaries, and the like. Given the very clear, legally defined struc- ture of ranked positions that characterizes the profession of German academic li- brarianship, it may be that German librari- ans are spared the particular ambiguities regarding status that American librarians often articulate, and therefore feel freer to publish journals that more closely reflect the profession as it is experienced by working librarians. 10 Editorial practices vary among the German journals, but within a frame- work that is familiar to United States librarians. As is typical of many German academic journals, the editorial process is generally looser: the decision to pub- lish or not publish an article rests in the hands of the editor, who polls editorial board members only in doubtful cases. In the U.S., by contrast, submitting all articles "blindly" to a board or outside readers for approval or rejection is standard procedure. Again, this may re- flect both the greater need of U.S. aca- demic librarians to manifest the formal requirements expected in academic pub- lishing, to give the appearance of rigor in its standards of scholarly objectivity, as well as the less personalized (or at least less openly personalized) struc- tures of decision making in academic librarianship on this side of the Atlantic. Most of the editors solicit contribu- tions, although a few say they have such a surplus of unsolicited articles that they rarely need to ask for more. Unlike their American counterparts, several of the German journals offer authors modest honoraria. As in the United States until very recently, the German journals are all edited by men, and all but one hold (or 304 College & Research Libraries held) positions at the level of library di- rector. Men, too, occupy almost all of the positions on the German editorial boards. With the exception of the two regionally based journals that are fully subsidized, the German journals pay for themselves, although the editors' home institutions may subsidize certain overhead costs. Zeitschrift for Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie The ZJBB, as it is known, is, in the words of its editor, Klaus-Dieter Lehmann, "the classic German library journal. " 11 Few would disagree. Lehmann's position as the general director of the German na- tional library, Die Deutsche Bibliothek, and his stature as the country's preemi- nent library administrator are an indica- tion of the special place held by the ZfBB in German librarianship. Although it is commercially published and self-support- ing (with a circulation of about 1,900, of which almost fifty are in the United States), the ZJBB serves as the official jour- nal of the two national professional asso- ciations of academic librarians. A product of the cold war, the ZJBB was founded in 1954 as a West German alternative to the once distinguished but by then doctrinaire, Marxist-Leninist Zentralblatt for Bibliotheks- wesen (ZJB): "We needed our free journal in our free world. " 12 The ZJBB has a reputation for being stodgy, though its mixture of articles, reports, news features, official an- nouncements, etc., gives each bimonthly issue a variety that is lacking in some of its U.S. counterparts. An important feature is Rolf Griebel's annual national survey of university library acquisitions budgets. The ZfBB sustained a major blow in 1993 when the editor of its highly regarded re- views of reference books and bibliog- raphies, Klaus Schreiber, spun this feature off into a separate journal, Informa- tionsmittel for Bibliotheken, in order to get more space. 13 (In 197 4 Schreiber had credited College & Research Libraries' "Se- lected Reference Books" as his original model. 14) Schreiber, known for his thor- oughness and uncompromising stand- ards, wields a famously sharp pen, and his reviews make for lively, informative July 1995 reading. One senior administrator said that she regards them as a part of her Allgemeinbildung, her ongoing general education. In 1994, in a widely appreci- ated move to open up the ZJBB, it pub- lished its first ''Forum" -a group of position papers on a controversial topic, in this case the proposed, government- mandated "fusion" of the historic State Library of Saxony in Dresden with the library of the local technical university. Lehmann, fully aware of the general de- sire for a livelier ZJBB, intends to publish at least one such "Forum" a year. Der Bibliotheksdienst With 4,600 subscribers (including ten United States libraries), Der Bibliotheks- dienst is published for librarians in both academic and public libraries, although it tends to emphasize the former. Its growth in size and stature since its in- ception in 1967 has paralleled closely that of its publisher, the Deutsches Bib- liotheksinstitut (DBI) in Berlin. Receiv- ing 70 percent of its funding from the states and 30 percent from the national government, the DBI is the only state- supported, national-level library organi- zation in Germany. After unification and the elimination of the two equivalent organizations in the former GDR, it in- creased its staff to 180. 15 The DBI is responsible for coordinating a large va- riety of nationally based projects and providing the infrastructure for a net- work of committees that sets guidelines for library policy at the national level. It runs an active publishing program, in- cluding the national union serials list (Zeitschriftendatenbank, or ZDB), DOBI (the previously mentioned German in- dex to the literature of librarianship) and a large number of monographs and journals, the newest being Klaus Schreiber's Informationsmittel fur Bib- liotheken. The ability of the DBI to fill a need quickly was exemplified by its newsletter, Bibliotheks-Informationen Ost- West, published for six months in 1990 to disseminate current information relat- ing to unification. Bibliotheksdienst is edited on a part- time basis by three staff members of the Library Journals and Academic Librarianship 305 DBI. It also serves as the official journal of the Bundesvereinigung Deutscher Bibliotheksverbande, the umbrella asso- ciation of German library associations. 16 A very short turnaround time-as little as a month-gives it a hot-off-the-press currency. It has a bit of a rough-and- ready appearance to it, still bearing its origins as the newsletter it once was. Roughly half of each monthly issue is devoted to "information"-short re- ports of current interest, announcements and schedules of meetings, seminars, conferences, and the like. Nonetheless, each issue carries numerous articles of varying length, and it enjoys a reputa- tion as a genuine and serious journal. American librarians responsible for ac- quiring German publications, for exam- ple, would not want to miss Rolf Griebel's analysis of the role of disserta- tions in German academic publishing.17 The articles are often on topics that have a shorter shelflife than those of the ZJBB, but they must be "of interest beyond the nearest church tower," in the words of editor Werner Beck.18 Regional Journals According to the terms of the German constitution, education and culture- the bureaucratic categories to which academic and public libraries are, re- spectively, generally assigned-are the responsibility of the sixteen federal states and not of the national govern- ment. Since all German universities are public institutions, the funding and co- ordination of policies regarding aca- demic libraries tend to be strongly centralized at the level of the state. In two states, North Rhine-Westphalia and Bavaria, academic librarians publish re- gional journals that reach a national readership by virtue of their reputation and the quality of their articles. North Rhine-Westphalia, in the north- western quadrant of Germany, is the most populous of the German states, with a population of approximately sev- enteen million, sixteen universities, and a system of libraries that has been tradi- tionally well supported. It is one of the few states with its own library associa- tion, founded before World War I. The quarterly Mitteilungsblatt of the North Rhine-Westphalia Library Association, begun in 1948, is published for both aca- demic and public librarians and has an editor for each constituency. Hartwig Lohse, the retired director of the library of the University of Bonn, has been its academic libraries editor since 1976. Al- though the journal is almost entirely subsidized by local government and as- sociation funding, Lohse insists never- theless, "We write for the whole country," and, indeed, the journal enjoys an excel- lent reputation nationally. 19 Lohse, an engaging and outspoken man, wants the Mitteilungsblatt to be" a forum of free opinion," and he takes a characteristically iconoclastic position when he states that he is committed to publishing pretty much whatever is submitted to him. His own articles and reviews are invariably provocative and lively. Bavaria, in the southeast, has a pro- found sense of its own historical identity and distinctive culture, and it carefully guards its special position within the Federal Republic. The Bavarian librar- ies, themselves tightly organized under a central administration in Munich, are not known as team players at the na- tional level: the Bavarian State Library, for example, is the only major library in the country which has chosen (until this year) not to include its serial holdings in the national union list. Although it shares with the Mitteilungsblatt the dis- tinction of being one of Germany's two "national" regional journals, the Bib- liotheksforum Bayern (BFB), published three times a year, is a very different kind of publication. Whereas the Mittei- lungsblatt carries the unmistakable mark of its editor, who enjoys and seeks out controversy, the editorship of the Bib- liotheksforum is a responsibility assigned to the specialist for academic libraries in the office of the General Directorship of Bavarian Libraries. (The public libraries of Bavaria have their own journal, the Neue Bilcherei.20 ) The fact that its new editor, Klaus Kempf, is not a Bavarian does not alter the locally focused and conservative character of the journal for 306 College & Research Libraries which he is responsible. Founded in 1973, it has remained true to its dual role as a medium for communication among Bavarian libraries and as a journal founded to represent and publicize "the community of libraries of a State of decided individuality." 21 Because of the national importance of Bavaria and its libraries, the BFB is by no means un- interesting to librarians elsewhere in Germany. Its annual theme issues are especially noteworthy, with highly in- formative articles devoted to Bavarian libraries, e.g., sci-tech collections, museum libraries, and music libraries, featuring im- portant but little-known collections. The Bavarian libraries, themselves tightly organized under a central administration in Munich, are not known as team players at the national level. The library association of the state of Hamburg, publishes a less well-known but very respectable quarterly, Auskunft. Although it carries articles on a wide range of topics, the focus is definitely local. A paragraph from its first issue in 1981 gives the flavor of a certain kind of intensity characteristic of German pub- lic discourse: The state association believes that in times in which cultural politics ["Kul- turpolitik"] and thus, not least of all, libraries find themselves in the mael- strom of so-called financial exigencies, by which is meant empty state coffers-in such times it is all the more necessary to possess a mouthpiece. For one, Auskunft makes clear the immense significance of libraries within the framework of cultural politics, and it also shall offer the opportunity for libraries to ex- press their common concerns.U Since 1991 the library association of the state of Lower Saxony has published its regional journal, mb: Mitteilungsblatt der Bibliotheken in Niedersachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt, jointly with the "new" (eastern) state of Saxony-Anhalt as a kind of model of cooperation in a uni(ied July 1995 Germany. Unlike its more ambitious counterparts in North Rhine-Westphalia and Bavaria, it may not appeal to a wider audience, although it serves its local readership very well. · Other Commercially Published Journals Given the broad coverage of the two large national journals with formal asso- ciational status, it is surprising that com- mercial publishers find there is still room for two more, but both Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis and ABI-Technik have secured a very distinctive niche. By curious coincidence, they share a de- sign-their dimensions are legal-size and the text is set in double columns- that sets them apart and gives a visual correlative to their separate status from the other journals. Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis, pub- lished three times a year by K. G. Saur, has a. circulation of about 800. Its price, almost twice that of any other German library publication (almost $200 in 1995), puts it out of the range of what most U.S. libraries are willing to pay for a library journal in German, although, given its size (the equivalent of over 400 pages per issue), it gives good value per word. Its editor, Elmar Mittler, the direc- tor of the library of Gottingen Univer- sity, figures prominently in the world of German academic librarianship. The subtitle, Forschung und Praxis, translates as "research and practice," and the emphasis on extended, research- oriented articles is unique in this journal and central to its conception. (The jour- nal was started in 1977, at a time when the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, a kind of German National Science Foundation/National Endowment for the Humanities with a major role in funding academic libraries, was promot- ing library-related research.) These can be up to forty pages in length, with each issue generally including the thesis (Diplomarbeit) of a recent library school graduate. Abstracts in German, English, and French precede the major articles, whose topics are broad in scope. A recent issue, for example, includes six long pa- pers covering hypermedia systems, con- Library Journals and. Academic Librarianship 307 trol of duplicate copies in online cata- logs, the social history of German public libraries, women in academic libraries from 1921 to 1945, and public relations and libraries. In addition, the journal in- cludes a number of short reports (cur- rent research, travel, conferences, etc.) and book reviews. Aside from the length of its articles, its other hallmark is its section of abstracted reviews of foreign- language books, about fifty per issue, taken largely from British and American journals. Editor Mittler stresses the im- portance of informing German librari- ans about publications from other countries, and he is justly proud of the role his journal plays in making this hap- pen. At present he is also beginning to work toward an active cooperation with the French journal, Bulletin des Bib- liotheques de France, possibly toward an exchange of articles.23 ABI-Technik is the only major German library journal which devotes itself to specialized subfields of librarianship, focusing solely on technology and on the physical space of the library (Bau), i.e., architecture, renovation and restoration, and other issues relating to the physical plant. This particular combination of fields came together fortuitously-they happened to be the interests of the three men who founded this quarterly in 1981.24 Visually it is the slickest of the German journals, printed on semiglossy paper, with photographs and other graph- ics, some even in color. Its many advertise- ments-the publisher, Karlheinz Holz, specializes in publications on market- ing-give it an unabashedly commer- cialized flavor that invites a certain disapproval in German library culture. Nonetheless, no one denies its useful- ness or the high quality of its articles, and its circulation of about 1,000 indi- cates a general popularity. The emphasis on technology from its inception, at a time when automation was just begin- ning to take off in Germany, positioned it well for future developments. And if there was any danger of running out of articles on the topic of the physical plant, the recent political and economic changes in Europe have stimulated a great deal of new construction as well as widespread rehabilitation of older buildings, thus giv- ing this subject new and unexpected relevance. Other Journals In addition to the six major journals, a host of other journals are published for academic librarians. These fall into three broad groupings: technologies-focused, "alternative," and in-house journals. Given the broad coverage of the two large national journals with formal associational status, it is surprising that commercial publishers find there is still room for two more, but both Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis and ABI-Technik have secured . a very distinctive niche. There are a surprisingly large number of technically oriented journals in infor- mation science and new technologies.25 Of these by far the most generally useful to librarians is nfd (Nachrichten for Dokumentation), with a subtitle that is translated on the title page as "Journal for Information Theory and Work." It is is- sued six times a year by the German Soci- ety for Documentation. Lengthy abstracts in English accompany the articles. Germany's "alternative" library jour- nal, Laurentius, tends to be dismissed as a fringe publication by many librarians. The explanation of its name in each issue is indicative of its tone: "Because we are always asked-we have taken our name from that of the patron saint of librari- ans, who according to legend was killed in the year 258 on the order of Pope Sixtus II. It is said that he was literally roasted to death." (Lawrence is also the patron saint of the poor.) Consistent with its oppositional stance, it frequently car- ries articles on the former GDR, includ- ing a very personal account by Friedhilde Krause, the former director of the Deut- sche Staatsbibliothek in East Berlin.26 Laurentius has been published since 1984 and is issued three times a year. 27 308 College & Research Libraries Finally, German in-house library newsletters are much more substantial and ambitious than those familiar to American librarians.28 They range from thirty to sixty pages per issue, often are well enough established to have ISSNs, and some are quite polished in appear- ance. They are published two to four times a year and typically address 1 a broad range of topics, e.g., how to down- load from an OPAC and other online systems, a study of the languages of the library's newly acquired books and the implications for cataloging, and the de- velopment of interlibrary loan at an east- ern library after unification. Judging from the results, offering librarians ave- hicle for thoughtful consideration of lo- cal practice and experience can stimulate an interest in communicating with one's . colleagues that is quite salutary. These newsletter I journals serve an especially important function in the older, so- called two-level (zweischichtige) univer- sity libraries that are comprised of a multitude of more or less autonomous departmental libraries as well as a cen- tral library. THE IMPACT OF GERMAN UNIFICATION In the German context the term unifi- cation is somewhat misleading: it was not, as the word suggests, a process of two states coming together, but rather the total absorption of one by the other. Where libraries have been brought to- gether, as with the merging of the two halves of the Staatsbibliothek in Berlin (east and west), and of the two national libraries in Frankfurt and Leipzig, a deli- cate balance had to be struck juggling a very complicated set of political, eco- nomic, and human factors . While the university libraries are being rebuilt, in some cases quite literally, from the foun- dation (including collections and re- structuring of staff), much of the old East German library-related infrastructure simply disappeared-the publishers, the various centralized support and re- search institutions, the librarians' pro- fessional association, and most of the professional journals.29 July 1995 Of the GDR's library journals the Zen- tralblatt for Bibliothekswesen (ZfB) was by far the most important and best known, having served as the profession's main journal since its founding in 1884. When the Federal Republic absorbed the GDR in 1991, the publisher of the Zeitschrift for Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, Vit- torio Klostermann, bought up what re- mained of the ZfB, that is, its title and subscription list-which turned out to consist largely of factory libraries that immediately went under. One issue that had to be resolved immediately was the choice of a name for the journal. Kloster- mann had hoped the title ZfBB would be subsumed under the historic name of the While the university libraries are being rebuilt, in some cases quite literally, from the foundation, ... much of the old East German library-related infrastructure simply disappeared .... Zentralblatt. 30 Editor Lehmann says he was neutral on the subject and that the decision was made by the editorial board, which wanted to affirm the democratic traditions associated with the newer name and, further, that the whole notion of a Zentralblatt is an anachronism in the late twentieth cen- tury. The words vereinigt mit (united with) now join the two titles on the cover, with the name of the former East German journal in much smaller letters under the proud banner of the ZfBB. Like many aspects of unification, this trivial but characteristic example of the unam- biguous and thoroughly unapologetic domination of the east by the west is seen rather differently depending on which side of the former border one hap- pens to live. For West Germans it is kein Thema, not an issue. For the East Ger- mans it represents the disappearance of another familiar institution that in this case goes back to the nineteenth century, though the loss here is largely symbolic. Library Journals and Academic Librarianship 309 When asked about publishing articles by East German librarians, West German editors are unanimous in affirming their interest, although they vary in their as- sessment of the suitability and quality of much of the material submitted. One said, perhaps diplomatically, that there was no difference between the work of easterners and westerners, but the oth- ers (including an East German), agreed that the East Germans wrote in a way that seemed "formal and defensive," that they avoided writing about the very serious problems confronting the librar- ies of the former GDR, and preferred instead to publish reviews of the litera- ture or highly specialized studies. An- other said that the sensitivities on both sides were such that it was impossible for anyone to write candidly on east- west issues. Librarians from the former east fully reciprocate this critical atti- tude. In addition to the very immediate feelings of grievance resulting from ac- tual or ever-threatening loss of employ- ment and salary inequities vis-a-vis western colleagues, they complain about everything from West German budget and accounting practices (the prohibi- tions from carrying funds over from one year to the next and from transferring money from one budgetary line to an- other) to the astonished perception that in the workplace librarians seem cowed and do little to exercise "freedom of speech," vaunted western civil liberties notwithstanding. LIBRARY JOURNALS AND 11BIBLIOTHEKSPOLITIK" Bibliothekspolitik means, literally, li- brary politics. It refers to the structures and relationships that influence and de- termine library policy (locally, regionally, and nationally) and, inevitably, access to funds made available by the govern- ment or by agencies such as the all- impor- tant Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. Germans also speak of Kulturpolitik (cul- tural politics), Bildungspolitik/Wissenschafts- politik/ Hochschulpolitik (educational pol- itics), Sozialpolitik (social politics), etc. Pre- sumably this is a vocabulary derived not only from the ability of the German Ian- guage to agglutinate words but also from a general awareness of and interest in the politics of ostensibly nonpolitical spheres of public life. In recent years Bibliothekspolitik has been the subject of a number of articles in German library journals, perhaps ap- pearing too irregularly to constitute an ongoing "debate," but nevertheless keep- ing the subject of library politics alive and in general consciousness. The theme of the 1991 academic librarian confer- ence was libraries in a unified Germany, but the presentations were on "Bib- liothekspolitik . .. in many of its facets." 31 The center of much of the controversy on the subject of library politics has been Joachim Stoltzenburg, the retired direc- tor of the University of Konstanz library, who lobs periodic bombshells in the form of articles on such topics as the domination of national policy by what he calls "the inner circle" (der innere Kreis), a small, closed network of men who determine the course of German library politics and steer decisions in such a way as to preserve their own power at the expense of more rational and disinterested policies.32 These, in turn, have stimulated reactions and re- sponses, some direct, others obl~que.33 In addition to making the "unspeak- able expression" innere Kreis a fixture in the vocabulary of German librarianship, Stoltzenburg's articles have brought into open discussion a subject that is difficult by its very nature.34 Those in authority usually prefer to discuss the specific is- sues behind closed doors and the funda- mental questions not at all; those ready to air questions of power and decision making publicly tend to be outsiders and marginal figures. Of course, the jour- nals themselves are very much a part of the landscape of library politics, and so to raise the subject in the pages of the journals brings it uncomfortably close to home. It is very much to the credit of German li- brarians and their journals, as well as a positive sign for German public life and a testimony to hard-earned lessons, that they have taken on this discussion. In- deed, American librarians have some- thing to learn here. 310 College & Research Libraries WHAT NEXT? The principle motivation for this study has been to try to open the win- dows of American academic librarian- ship more widely, here specifically to the practice of librarianship in Germany. This report represents one piece of that effort. In addition, Klaus Schreiber, the editor of the Informationsmittel fii.r Bib- liotheken, put forth the idea of a U.S. ver- sion of the IFB, so that American librarians can readily inform themselves about new and important European reference sources. A team of about thirty members of ACRL' s Western European Specialist Section (WESS) and two librarians in the United Kingdom are now preparing Eng- lish-language abstracts of the IFB re- views-about three hundred a year-for access through the WESS homepage, WESSWeb.35 Secondly, in order to pro- mote the usefulness of German library July 1995 journals to American librarians, the on- line discussion group German-E now lists their tables of contents as the jour- nals appear.36 A third cooperative under- taking, approved early in 1995 by the editorial boards of both journals, en- tails the exchange of articles between C&RL and the ZJBB. Along with other German-U.S. cooperative projects-for example, the Association of Research Li- braries' German Demonstration Project, or the possible inclusion of bibliographic data from the German vendor Otto Har- rassowitz in U .S. bibliographic utilities- these initiatives mark further progress toward an internationalization of infor- mation in a world in which political and technological barriers have fallen dra- matically. Given the role that librarians hope to assume in this process, it is im- portant, indeed necessary, that we con- tinue to expand these frontiers in the world of our own profession. REFERENCES AND NOTES 1. Hoffmann von Fallersleben, "Universitats-Bibliotheken und ihre Verwaltung," Serapeum 1 (1840): 3-8. 2. H. Buck, "Bibliothekarische Fachzeitschriften," Lexikon des gesamten Buchwesens (Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1987), 2d ed., vol. 1, 384. For a summary of German academic library journal publishing, see Gerhart Lohse, "Uber das wissenschaftliche Engagement der deutschen Bibliothekare seit 1900," Zeitschrift fUr Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 31 (1984): 476-78. The literature on library journal publishing generally is considerable. See, for example, Handbuch der Bibliothekswissenschaft (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1961), vol. 2, 824-25; Richard D. Johnson, "The Journal Literature of Librarianship," Advances in Librarianship 12 (1982): 127-50; Carmel Maguire, "Good, Bad or Irrelevant: Quality, Price and Value of Library Jour- nals," IFLA Journal14 (1988): 318-23; Richard D. Johnson, "Current Trends in Library Journal Editing," Library Trends 36 (Spring 1988): 659-72; Dietrich H. Borchardt, "Journals for the Profession: Comments on Their Role and Function," Australian Library Journal 38 (1989): 219-26; W. Boyd Rayward, "Scholarly Publishing in Journals of Library and Information Science," Australian Library Journal 39 (1990): 127-33; and Patricia E. Stenstrom, "Library Literature," Encyclopedia of Library History (New York: Garland, 1994), 368-73. 3. Library and Information Science Journals and Serials: An Analytical Guide, camp. Mary Ann Bowman. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1985). Compare Greta Renborg, "Om att lasa utlandska bibliotekstidskrifter," BBL: Biblioteksbladet 69 (1984): 238-39, which argues the usefulness of foreign library journals to Swedish librarians. On the other hand, it should be noted that all but one of the six major German journals are indexed in LISA. Two of the six are indexed in Library Literature. So it is not entirely accurate to say, as one German librarian put it, that the German journals are "left out of the loop." 4. Sheila Ritchie, "Professional Publishing in the U.K.: The Literature of Librarianship and Information Work, 1967-87," Journal of Librarianship 22 (1990): 1-40. 5. See Jack Kessler's "Wish-list, French book/library /network serials," pts.1 and 2, FYIFrance, Jan. 15, 1993, available from 6. Fiona C.Harrison, "Japanese Journals in Library· and Information Science: Notes on a Practical Project," Focus on International & Comparative Librarianship 18 (1987): 32-34. Library Journals and Academic Librarianship 311 7. Gottfried Rost, "Deutsche Einheit aus einer bibliothekarischen Sicht," Mitteilungsblatt des Verbandes der Bibliotheken des Landes Nordrhein Westfalen 43 (1993): 63. (This journal is cited subsequently in abbreviated form.) 8. In addition to the slew of historically relevant contemporary material appearing in journals during the Nazi period, after the war, and during the time of unification around 1991, the often unhappy impact of history of German academic libraries is the subject of numerous scholarly books and articles. See, for example, Hartwig Lohse's review of Die Univer- sitiitsbibliothek Freiburg im Dritten Reich in Mitteilungsblatt Nordrhein- Westfalen 33: 171-73 (1983); Dirk Thies, "Zum Erbe des Nationalsozialismus in Bibliotheken Nordrhein-West- falens," Mitteilungsblatt Nordrhein- Westfalen 38, 3: 190-204 (1988); Hans-Gerd Happel, Das Wissenschaftliche Bibliothekswesen im Nationalsozialismus (Munich: K. G. Saur, 1989); and Bibliotheken wiihrend des Nationalsozialismus, ed . Peter Vodosek and Manfred Komorowski (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1989-92). For an intelligent and forthright summation of the connections between politics and librarianship in Germany after World War II, see Hartwig Lohse's review of Die Entwicklung des Bibliothekswesens in Deutschland 1945- 1965, Mitteilungsblatt Nordrhein-Westfalen 44 (1994): 355-61. Sem C. Sutter has written elegantly and informatively on the impact of unification on collections in "Fall of the Bibliographic Wall: Libraries and Archives in a Unified Germany," College & Research Libraries 55 (1994): 403-10. 9. Bibliotheksdienst 28 (1994): 147, introducing Dorothea Sommer's "Bibliotheken in den USA-ein Reisebericht," 155-74. 10. Professional library positions are classified into three tiers. Those holding positions in the highest rank ("hohere Dienst") have both university and library degrees; the "gehobener Dienst" usually requires only the library degree, attained after a three-year professional training past high school; the "mittlere Dienst" comprises the clerical and lower level support positions. Librarians in each of these ranks are represented by their own profes- sional association (see note 16 below). 11. Conversation, Frankfurt a.M., Oct. 18, 1994. 12. Clemens Kottelwesch et al., "Dank," Zeitschrift fUr Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 12 (1965): 1. On the history of the Zentralblatt see, for example, Ralf Breslau "Das 'Zentralblatt fur Bibliothekswesen' in der Weimarer Republik," Zeitschrift fUr Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 37 (1990): 223-38, and especially its bibliography, note 5, 223. ZJB editors from the GDR days have recorded their memories in "Errinerungen ehemaliger Redakteure," Zentralblatt fUr Bibliothekswesen 100 (1986): 69-79. 13. The review section in the ZJBB continues under the editorship of Erika Trager. In 1994 Schreiber's new journal ran over nine hundred pages. 14. Zeitschrift fiir Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 21 (1974): 58. 15. Conversation with Dieter Hochsmann, Berlin, Oct. 24, 1994. Some of these are temporary positions. 16. The constituent associations of the BOB include the Deutscher Bibliotheksverband (DBV), the association of libraries; the Verein der Bibliothekare an Offentlichen Bibliotheken (VBB), the association of public librarians; the Verein Deutscher Bibliothekare (VDB), the associa- tion of academic librarians with academic training; the Verein der Diplom-Bibliothekare an Wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken (VdDB), the association of academic librarians with professional training; the Bundesverein der Bibliotheksassistenten/innen (BBA), the associption of library assistants. Ongoing attempts to join all the librarians now in the VBB, VDB, VdDB and BBA into one organization, on the model of the disbanded East German Verband der Bibliothekare, or the ALA, have repeatedly failed, most recently at the close of 1994. The new association was to have carried the name Verein der Bib- liothekarinnen und Bibliothekare Deutschlands, abbreviated VBD-"a previously undis- covered combination," as Anne Buhrfeind writes in her wry depiction of the German library associations' alphabet soup ("Ordnung muss sein," Borsenblatt fiir den deutschen Buchhandel, June 10, 1994, 6). 17. Rolf Griebel, "Geistes-und Sozialwissenschaftliche Verlagsdissertationen auf dem akademis- chen Buchmarkt in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland," Bibliotheksdienst 24 (1990): 163-73. 18,. Conversation, Berlin, Oct. 25, 1994. 19. Conversation, Bonn, Oct. 20, 1994. 312 College & Research Libraries July 1995 20. It should be noted that German public librarians publish a number of successful journals of their own, including Buch und Bibliothek (BuB), the official journal of the association of German public librarians (VBB), the German library journal with the highest circulation, and the only one with several full-time editors. Interestingly, BuB has recently advertised for a part-time editorial position to cover academic libraries. 21. Bibliotheksforum Bayern 1 (1973): 3. 22. Wolfgang Scherwath, "Liebe Leser!" Auskunft 1 (1981): 5. 23. Conversation with Elmar Mittler, Gottingen, Oct. 26, 1994. 24. Conversation with Rudolf Frankenberger, Augsburg, Oct. 28, 1994. 25. Among them are Cogito: Zeitschrift for den Informationsmarkt (Darmstadt: Hoppenstedt), Datenbanken in Theorie und Praxis (Ravensburg: Steinbeis-Transferzentrum), INFO 7: Information und Dokumentation in Archiven, Mediotheken, Datenbanken (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft), INFOdoc: Technologien fiir Information und Dokumentation (Baden-Baden: FBO, Fachverlag fUr Buro und Organisationstechnik GmbH), Online: Erfol- greiches Informationsmanagement (Bergheim: Datacom Verlag), Password: Praxisberater fiir elektronische Informationsbeschaffung (Dusseldorf: Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt GmbH.) Most of these are subsidized by companies and are of widely varying quality. 26. Friedhilde Krause, "Ich habe das Beste gewollt ... " Laurentius 9 (1992): 7-24. 27. See Rainer Strzolka, "A la Recherche du temps present oder: Das Laurentius-Syndrom," Mitteilungsblatt Nordrhein-Westfalen 35 (1985): 201-3. Laurentius is published in coopera- tion with the Arbeitskreis Kritische Bibliothekarlnnen (AKRIBIE), which also issues a newsletter, Schnitt-Stelle: Forum for aktuelle Aspekte des Informationswesens. For a descrip- tion of AKRIBIE, see "Work Circle of Critical Library Workers (Arbeitskreis Kritische Bibliothekarinnen): Who We Are-What We Want," Progressive Librarian no. 8 (1993): 32-35. 28. For an overview see Joachim-Felix Leonhard and Monika Munnich, "Lokale Bibliotekszeit- schriften," Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis 5 (1981): 220-30. See also Dagmar Jank, "10 Jahre 'Bibliotheks-Informationen der Universitatsbibliothek der Freien Universitat Berlin': Ein Erfahrungsbericht," Bibliotheksdienst 26 (1992): 331-36. The Harvard Library Bulletin and New York Public Library's Biblion are obviously of another order and have German coun- terparts in publications issued by the Staatsbibliothek in Berlin (Mitteilungen) and Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Dialog mit Bibliotheken). Some of the better known in-house journals are published by the libraries of the universities of Freiburg i.Br. (Expressum), Konstanz (Bibliothek aktuell), Tubingen (Tiibinger Bibliotheksinformationen), Free University Berlin (Bibliotheks-Informationen), Bochum (Bibliothekszeitung), Bielefeld (Bibliotheksebene), Got- tingen (SUB Kultur), Mainz (UBI), and Heidelberg (Theke). 29. Zentralinstitut fUr Bibliothekswesen and the Methodische Zentrum fUr wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken und Informations-und Dokumentationseinrichtungen). 30. Conversation, Frankfurt a.M., Oct. 18, 1994. 31. Ingeborg M. Soltzenburg, "Wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken im vereinten Deutschland: Bericht vom 81. Bibliothekartag in Kassel," Zeitschrift for Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 38 (1991): 500. Selected papers from this conference have been published as Zeitschrift fiir Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie; Sonderheft 54 (1992). 32. Joachim Stoltzenburg, "Der Innere Kreis als Zentrum deutscher Bibliothekspolitik: Struk- turen und Prozeduren," Bibliotheksdienst 23 (1989): 481-98. See also Stoltzenburg's "Bib- liothek zwischen Tradition und Fortschritt" in Mitteilungsblatt Nordrhein- Westfalen 34 (1984): 433-56; and his "Deutsche Bibliothekspolitik zwischen Autonomie und Koopera- tion" in 10 Jahre Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut-Billanz und Ausblick: Ein Kolloquium, ed. Peter Borchardt (Berlin: Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut, 1989), 61-89. 33. See Hartwig Lohse, "Die Bibliothek in der Gegenwart: Eine Antwort an J .. Stoltzenburg," Mitteilungsblatt Nordrhein-Westfalen 35 (1985): 177-81 and Ernst-Liider Solte, "Bibliotheks- politik im Bundesstaat," Zeitschrift fiir Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 38 (1991): 425-36. 34. Hartwig Lohse's term (der unsiigliche Ausdruck), Mitteilungsblatt Nordrhein -Westfalen 44 (1994): 357. 35. Edited by James M. Campbell at the University of Virginia. 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