nisonger.p65 152 College & Research Libraries March 2004 Citation Autobiography: An Investigation of ISI Database Coverage in Determining Author Citedness Thomas E. Nisonger This article presents a case study investigating the coverage complete­ ness of the Institute for Scientific Information’s citation data for specific authors, based on analysis of this author’s lifetime citation record, which was compiled through the ISI database, searching the literature for nearly fifteen years, and through various Web search engines. It was found that (with self-citations disregarded) the ISI captured 28.8 percent of the total citations, 42.2 percent of print citations, 20.3 percent of citations from outside the United States, and 2.3 percent of non-English citations. The definition and classification of Web citations are discussed. It is suggested that librarians and faculty should not rely solely on ISI author citation counts, especially when demonstration of international impact is important. ost academic librarians are un­ doubtedly familiar with the In­ stitute for Scientific Informa­ tion (ISI) citation databases, which can be used for innumerable refer­ ence and evaluation purposes. The Sci­ ence Citation Index, the Social Sciences Ci­ tation Index, and the Arts & Humanities Citation Index were developed by ISI dur­ ing the late 1960s and early 1970s. These tools were issued quarterly and cumu­ lated annually. Among other uses, they provided—based on the several thousand journals in the ISI database—a listing of an author’s journal publications during the current year (through the Source In­ dex) and a list of the citations received that year by any work of the author re­ gardless of when published (through the Citation Index). However, citations to multiple-authored works could be re­ trieved only under the first author ’s name. In the later half of the 1990s, ISI began marketing the Web of Science (updated continuously), which provides a Web- based interface to the three ISI citation indexes in which one can retrieve an author’s cumulative citation and publi­ cation record since 1987 based on ISI source journals. The more recently intro­ duced Web of Knowledge incorporates the Web of Science, Current Contents, and the Journal Citation Reports. The capacity to access author citation records can support numerous evaluative functions, including the promotion and tenure process in universities. As Kathlyn Thomas E. Nisonger is an Associate Professor in the Indiana University School of Library and Informa­ tion Science, Bloomington; e-mail: The author thanks his two graduate assistants at Indiana University’s School of Library and Information Science, Jason Cooper and Leah Broaddus, who helped tabulate data; his wife, Claire Nisonger, who helped search for Web citations; and Debora Shaw, Interim Dean of the School, who kindly shared one of her unpublished manuscripts with him. 152 Citation Autobiography 153 L. Reed wrote, “Citation analysis has be­ come important to faculty members be­ ing reviewed for promotion or tenure.”1 Indeed, there is considerable evidence that promotion and tenure candidates often include their lifetime citation records as part of their dossier. ISI data regarding author citedness frequently has been used to identify the most-cited au­ thors in an academic field and to rank or evaluate universities, academic depart­ ments, and research laboratories based on citations received by their faculty. (See the literature review section for some specific examples in the field of library and infor­ mation science [LIS]). Yet, as many writers, including Ed­ ward Truman Funkhouser, Barbara A. Rice and Tony Stankus, and Reed, have pointed out, ISI citation data are incom­ plete.2–4 They are limited to citations from the approximately 6,500 source journals in the ISI database. Citations from non- ISI source journals, books, and Web docu­ ments as well as from other formats are not counted. Although the Web of Science offers relatively quick and convenient access to an author ’s citation record, it is an incomplete record. This research project uses an intensive analysis of this author ’s own lifetime ci­ tation record as a case study to investi­ gate the parameters of ISI’s coverage for a LIS researcher. Although the author ’s citation count is far behind the most highly cited LIS researchers, his lifetime total of more than three hundred citations from print sources and more than four hundred with the inclusion of Web cita­ tions is not trivial and provides a reason­ ably robust size data set for analysis. He ranked among the top-third of Indiana University School of Library and Infor­ mation faculty, according to lifetime cita­ tions received in the three ISI citation in­ dexes, in Blaise Cronin and Kara Overfelt’s study.5 The term “citation au­ tobiography” is introduced because the author has compiled his own citation record. This exercise was undertaken ini­ tially to support the author ’s case in the promotion and tenure process but then gained a “life of its own” as the author continued the process after tenure was granted. It gradually became apparent that the project offered a unique case study that could serve as an example to others in the field because few individu­ als would spend years of labor-intensive effort meticulously compiling a lifetime citation record. The Role of Citation Data in the Promotion and Tenure Process One of the primary purposes of a promo­ tion and tenure dossier is to demonstrate the quality, significance, and impact of the candidate’s research. Among the appro­ priate evaluative criteria, Pamela S. Bradigan and Carol A. Mularski listed citation data, along with publication count, the refereed status plus general stature of the journals in which the can­ didate had published, reviews of books by the candidate, OCLC holdings counts for his or her books, awards for outstand­ ing research, and assessment letters from internal and external reviewers.6 The fact that a promotion and tenure candidate’s work has been cited in another publica­ tion demonstrates that it has contributed to the scholarly communication process and is generally considered evidence of the research’s quality, visibility, or impact. Yet, citation data are controversial. Crit­ ics point out that citations can be nega­ tive and that citation counts can be influ­ enced by such factors as the number of authors in a field, variant citation prac­ tices among disciplines, and writing on a “hot topic.”7 Rather than merely counting citations, a promotion and tenure dossier may quote positive comments, include photo­ copies of the citing documents’ segments where the candidate was mentioned, or analyze the citations according to specific variables such as country of origin (as ci­ tations from outside the United States might be presented as evidence of inter­ national impact). Although beyond this article’s scope, another application of ci­ tation data in the promotion and tenure evaluation process concerns whether the 154 College & Research Libraries March 2004 candidate has published in high- or low- impact-factor journals as indicated in the Journal Citation Reports (available through the Web of Knowledge).8 Thus, it is acknowl­ edged that citation data constitute sim­ ply one of numerous methods to demon­ strate research impact—and even then they are somewhat controversial. More­ over, an author ’s raw citation count is only one type of citation data. Nevertheless, candidates wishing to analyze their citations in-depth to help substantiate their work’s impact must first identify the set of citations upon which to base their analysis. It is generally known that an author can fairly easily identify the citations to his or her work that are included in the ISI databases, but that the record is incomplete. By examin­ ing the extent of ISI’s coverage, this case study is potentially useful to librarians and scholars trying to decide whether an author citation search should be limited to that database or extended beyond it. The findings also have implications for evaluation studies based on authorship citation data. Literature Review This literature review mentions salient publications about the citation records of specific authors, the use of citation data for ranking LIS researchers and education programs, and the evaluation of the Web of Science as well as ISI database cover­ age. The phrase “ego-centered citation analysis” was applied by Howard D. White to the use of a specific author as a starting point for mapping the citation relationship among an author network, although he explained that the term does not connote ego-centricity or egotism.9 In their citation analysis of Blaise Cronin, Stephen B. Harter, and Rob Kling, Cronin and Debora Shaw observed that bibliometric techniques can provide “bio­ graphical sketches of authors,” a phrase they attribute to Christine L. Borgman and Jonathan Furner.10,11 The term “per­ sonal citation index” is applied by Bernie Sloan to his record of references to his work in print and on the Web.12 Heting Chu analyzed 377 citing documents to the work of her doctoral advisor, the illustri­ ous information scientist Belver C. Griffith.13 Michael J. Moravcsik applied a citation classification system to ten years’ worth of citations to the article he had coauthored with Poovanalingam Murugesan proposing the system.14,15 Robert M. Hayes used normalized ci­ tation data from the Social Sciences Cita­ tion Index covering 1965 to 1980 to iden­ tify in rank order the top forty North American LIS researchers and the top twenty North American LIS education programs.16 Partially replicating Hayes, John M. Budd and Charles A Seavey em­ ployed 1981 to 1992 Social Sciences Cita­ tion Index data to rank the thirty-three most-cited LIS researchers and the lead­ ing twenty North American LIS educa­ tion programs according to several crite­ ria, including the total number of citations received by their faculty and the number of citations prorated for faculty size. In­ corporating numerous variables, they of­ fered a final ranking of the top fifteen programs.17 Budd later updated the study with 1993–1998 Social Sciences Citation In­ dex data.18 It should be noted that simi­ lar-type rankings done in disciplines other than LIS are beyond this review’s scope. The Web of Science has been reviewed by Deborah Lynne Wiley and Victor Rosenberg, whereas the Web of Knowledge has been reviewed by Barbara E. Quint.19– 21 Funkhouser analyzed the references in twenty-seven communications journals (thirteen covered by ISI and fourteen not covered) during 1990 and found that 26 percent of author citations would have been lost because they were from non-ISI journals. Moreover, twenty-seven of the fifty most highly cited authors received at least 25 percent of their citations from non-ISI journals.22 G. Van Hooydonk and Greta Milis-Proost calculated that the ISI captured 16 percent of the citations and 18 percent of the cited publications of 258 University of Ghent professors appointed between 1817 and 1913.23 On a tangential issue, a number of researchers, including http:journals.22 http:Quint.19 http:programs.17 http:programs.16 http:Griffith.13 Citation Autobiography 155 Pam Royle and Ray Over as well as Selden Durgom, have investigated the complete­ ness of ISI publication data for faculty and other authors.24, 25 (This question is not analyzed here because faculty and librar­ ians, when preparing promotion and ten­ ure dossiers, would obviously be aware of their complete publication record, un­ like their citation record.) Methodology This section explains the methodology used to identify citations, discusses the methodological issues regarding the defi­ nition and classification of Web citations, and describes the data analysis. Identification of Citations The following methodology was em­ ployed: 1. Identification of the author’s citation record as recorded by ISI: This was done through author searches in the Web of Sci­ ence, using both the easy- and full-search options and covering 1987 through the present, and in the print or CD-ROM ver­ sions of ISI’s three citation indexes—the Social Sciences Citation Index, the Science Citation Index, and the Arts & Humanities Citation Index—from 1980 through 1986. Note that the author ’s first publication was in 1980. Searches were done under three variant name forms: the author ’s surname plus first name initial; the author ’s surname plus middle two ini­ tials; and the author ’s surname plus first initial followed by a wild card (which identified a citation with an incorrect middle initial). The names of first-listed coauthors also were searched.26 Modeled on the ISI definition, a citation was de­ fined as an item-to-item link. Thus, three of the author’s publications cited in an article counted as three citations, whereas one publication cited three times counted as simply one citation. 2. Identification of citations to the author’s works not covered by the ISI database: The following techniques have been used at various times during the previous fifteen years as the author has meticulously com­ piled his lifetime citation record: a. reviewing all the references in more than 1,200 items included in two major monographic bibliographies in his spe­ cialty area, library collection evaluation including use of citation analysis and journal ranking27, 28 as well as hundreds of other items considered for inclusion in these works; b. reviewing the citations in all issues published since 1980 of selected key jour­ nals in the author ’s specialty not covered in the ISI database; c. scanning the citations and bibliog­ raphies in textbooks and monographs pertinent to the author ’s research areas; d. recording of citations discovered through research and teaching activity plus professional reading throughout his career; e. maintaining a continuously up­ dated file of citations as they are discov­ ered (note that tactics b, c, d, and e are recommended by Reed29); f. searching the author ’s name in three Web search engines (e.g., Google, AltaVista, and Teoma). Seven permuta­ tions of the name were used, variously combining direct and indirect name or­ der, full forms and initials, and formal and informal versions of the author ’s first name. References to the author in award an­ nouncements, vendor advertising, book review excerpts in academic journals, and in-house publications by his university or academic program were not counted as citations. This investigation analyzes ci­ tations received through a cutoff date of February 1, 2003. Any citations or book reviews appearing in the Web of Science or identified through other means after that date were not included in this study. Definition and Classification of Web Citations The definition, count, and classification of Web citations presented a number of methodological challenges. Cronin and others offered an eleven-component ty­ pology for classification of Web citations: abstract, article, conference, current awareness, external home page, listserv, http:searched.26 http:authors.24 156 College & Research Libraries March 2004 personal home page, resource guide, book review, syllabus, and table of contents.30 Liwen Vaughan and Shaw have classified Web citations into seven categories: jour­ nal, author (i.e., a personal or departmen­ tal Web page), a Web bibliographic ser­ vice, a class bibliography or reading list, citation in a paper posted on the Web, conference, or “other.”31 For this autobiography’s purpose, a Web citation was operationally defined as a decision to reference the author ’s work in a document or page mounted on the Web. Library accession lists, vendor ad­ vertising, current awareness services, and table of contents listings were not counted as Web citations because they do not meet this criterion and would not be consid­ ered citations by ISI. Likewise, a simple mention of the author ’s name without citing a specific work, such as in a confer­ ence program or resume, was not consid­ ered a Web citation. Five categories of Web citations were defined for tabulation in this study, as follows: • Manuscripts: Included here would be preprints, research reports, student papers, and other scholarly manuscripts mounted on the Web that contain refer­ ences to the author ’s work • Course syllabi or reading lists: This fairly self-evident category consists of syllabi for university courses or reading lists for qualifying examinations, identi­ fied through Web search engines, that list publications by the author. • Web bibliographies: A Web bibliogra­ phy was defined as one compiled on a unified theme, such as journal evaluation or library collection management. As noted above, current awareness services for recent publications, listings of library holdings, and DBLP (Digital Bibliography and Library Project) were not counted as bibliographies. An item by the author listed in multiple versions of the Schol­ arly Electronic Publishing Bibliography by Charles W. Bailey Jr. (version 46, issued in December, 2002 and the most current one as of this research project’s cutoff date) was counted only once. • Conference presentations: This cat­ egory comprises citations in documents presented at formal conferences or ad hoc workshops that did not appear in print form (if available in print format, the ci­ tation was considered a print rather than a Web citation). • Electronic journals: This category refers to electronic-only journals identi­ fied through Web search engines. As with the preceding category, it was not consid­ ered a Web citation if a print version of the journal exists. This scheme represents an operational taxonomy for this investigation’s pur­ poses. From a general bibliometric per­ spective, further research is needed con­ cerning the definition and classification of Web citations. Data Analysis The language analysis was based on the language of the citing document rather than the citing publication (i.e., a citation from a French-language article in an En­ glish–French bilingual journal would be counted as French) and could easily be determined by direct examination of the document itself. The country of origin for citations in print documents was deter­ mined by the publisher ’s location. For Web citations, the country of origin was determined by the location of the server housing the citing document. Citations from citing documents identified in dual formats were counted only once, based on the format in which the item was origi­ nally issued. Results Table 1 summarizes the print citations to the author ’s work contained in the ISI databases (all the author’s citations in ISI were from print documents) and non-ISI citations identified through other sources, representing a cumulative lifetime total through February 1, 2003. Book reviews are excluded. It is noteworthy that ISI cap­ tured 44.6 percent of the author ’s 377 print citations, 54.9 percent of 71 self-ci­ tations, and 42.2 percent of 306 citations from others. Although not stated explic­ http:contents.30 Citation Autobiography 157 TABLE 1 Print Citation Totals lSl Non-lSl Total Percent Citations Citations Citations Captured by lSl Citations from Others 129 177 306 42.2% Self-citations 39 32 71 54.9% Total Citations 168 209 377 itly in the table, 23.2 percent of the ISI ci­ tations included in ISI were self-citations, contrasted with a 15.3 percent self-citation rate for non-ISI citations and an 18.8 per­ cent overall self-citation rate. After tabulation of the print citations, 127 Web citations from other individuals or corporate entities were counted in ac­ cordance with the procedure outlined in the methodology section of this article. No attempt was made to identify or count Web self-citations. Accordingly, ISI cap­ tured 33.3 percent of 504 total citations and 29.8 percent of 433 citations when self-citations are disregarded. Book reviews are tabulated separately because they are covered by ISI but are ana­ lytically distinct from citations. The Web of Science lists fifteen book reviews of publi­ cations by the author—two books and an 44.6% edited journal issue that received re­ views as if it were a book. (A third book, coauthored in the mid-1980s, received only one review and it was not covered by ISI.) These four publica­ tions received six­ teen book reviews that fell beyond ISI’s net, so the overall book review coverage stood at 48.4 percent. In addition, the author iden­ tified fourteen reviews of four other books to which he had contributed a chapter that explicitly mentioned his name in the review’s text. None of these was retrieved under a search of the author ’s name in the Web of Science because he was not the book’s editor, but eight (57.1%) were retrieved by searching the editor’s name. Because self-citations and book re­ views often are discounted from author citation counts, the remaining analysis will disregard book reviews and the sev­ enty-one print self-citations and focus ex­ clusively on the 433 citations received from others. Table 2 breaks down the re­ maining 306 print citations by format of the citing document. TABLE 2 Analysis of Print Citations by Format of Citing Document (Self-Citations Disregarded) Percent Captured Format lSl Non-lSl Total by lSl Journal 117 (90.7%) 72 (40.7%) 189 (61.8%) 61.9% Conference Proceeding 6 (4.7%) 5 (2.8%) 11 (3.6%) 54.5% AnnuallSeries 6 (4.7%) 19 (10.7%) 25 (8.2%) 24.0% Book 0 (0%) 45 (25.4%) 45 (14.7%) 0% Book Chapter* 0 (0%) 12 (6.8%) 12 (3.9%) 0% ManuallHandbook 0 (0%) 8 (4.5%) 8 (2.6%) 0% Pamphlet 0 (0%) 10 (5.6%) 10 (3.3%) 0% Ph.D. Dissertation 0 (0%) 4 (2.3%) 4 (1.3%) 0% Other 0 (0%) 2** (1.1%) 2** (0.7%) 0% Total 129 (100.1%) 177 (99.9%) 306 (100.1%) 42.2% *Throughout this article, a book chapter is defined as a contributed chapter to an edited book. ** One master's paper and one library annual report. 158 College & Research Libraries ISI captured 61.9 percent of the cita­ tions from journals. Worded differently, 61.9 percent of the print journal citations originated from ISI source journals com­ pared to 38.1 percent from nonsource journals. ISI also captured 54.5 percent of the citations from conference pro­ ceedings (those contained in the pro­ ceedings of American Society for Infor­ mation Science, now called the Ameri­ can Society for Information Science and Technology) and 24 percent of the cita­ tions from annual volumes or ongoing monographic series (in this instance, the Annual Review of Information Science and Technology). As would be expected, none of the citations from books, book chapters, manuals, pamphlets, or dissertations was covered by ISI because these formats are not included in its source database. It is especially noteworthy that 45.8 percent of the citations not captured by ISI (presented in the column labeled “non-ISI”) and 26.5 percent of the total print citations were from formats that are not even included in ISI’s database. Table 3 displays the distribution of Web citations according to the formats ex­ plained in the methodology section. Be- March 2004 TABLE 3 Distribution of Web Citations by Format Format Number Percent Manuscript 50 39.4% Course Syllabus 27 21.3% Bibliography 23 18.1% Conference Proceeding 14 11.0% Electronic Journal 13 10.2% Total 127 100.0% cause manuscripts, course syllabi, and bibliographies per se are not part of its source database, ISI coverage of these cat­ egories was nonexistent. When Web cita­ tions from e-journals and conference pro­ ceedings are combined with the print fig­ ures, ISI’s total coverage of journal cita­ tions declines to 57.9 percent (117 of 202) and conference proceedings to 24% (6 of 25). Note that Web citations have been included in this study in order to present a complete citation record for the author. Table 4’s analysis by the citing document’s language reveals an over­ whelmingly English-language profile for print citations. Yet, nearly 30 percent of TABLE 4 Analysis of Citations Received by Language of Citing Document (Self­ Citations Disregarded) Language lSl Print No. % Non-lSl Print No. % Web No. % Non-lSl Total No. % Grand Total No. % English Spanish Swedish Gernan Chinese Italian French Polish Portuguese Other 128 99.2% 173 1 0.8% 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 2 0 0% 2 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 0 0% 0 97.7% 0% 0% 1.1% 1.1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 89 70.1% 7 5.5% 8 6.3% 5 3.9% 3 2.4% 3 2.4% 2 1.6% 2 1.6% 2 1.6% 6* 4.7% 262 86.2% 390 90.1% 7 2.3% 8 1.8% 8 2.6% 8 1.8% 7 2.3% 7 1.6% 5 1.6% 5 1.2% 3 1.0% 3 0.7% 2 0.7% 2 0.5% 2 0.7% 2 0.5% 2 0.7% 2 0.5% 6* 2.0% 6* 1.4% Total 129 100.0% 177 99.9% 127 100.1% 304 100.1% 433 100.1% *There was one Web citation from each of six languages: Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Japanese, Russian, and Turkish. Citation Autobiography 159 TABLE 5 Analysis of Citations Received by Citing Document's Country of Origin (Self-Citations Disregarded) lSl Non-lSl Non-lSl Grand Country Print Print Web Total Total of Origin No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % United States 103 79.8% 143 80.8% 59 46.5% 202 66.4% 305 70.4% United Kingdom 10 7.8% 9 5.1% 0 0% 9 3.0% 19 4.4% Netherlands 12 9.3% 1 0.6% 3 2.4% 4 1.3% 16 3.7% Australia 0 0% 12 6.8% 2 1.6% 14 4.6% 14 3.2% Germany 2 1.6% 4 2.3% 5 3.9% 9 3.0% 11 2.5% Sweden 0 0% 0 0% 11 8.7% 11 3.6% 11 2.5% Canada 0 0% 1 0.6% 8 6.3% 9 3.0% 9 2.0% Taiwan 0 0% 4 2.3% 3 2.4% 7 2.3% 7 1.6% Spain 0 0% 0 0% 6 4.7% 6 2.0% 6 1.4% Finland 0 0% 0 0% 4 3.1% 4 1.3% 4 0.9% Italy 1 0.8% 0 0% 3 2.4% 3 1.0% 4 0.9% Brazil 0 0% 0 0% 2 1.6% 2 0.7% 2 0.5% France 0 0% 0 0% 2 1.6% 2 0.7% 2 0.5% Japan 0 0% 0 0% 2 1.6% 2 0.7% 2 0.5% Pakistan 0 0% 1 0.6% 1 0.8% 2 0.7% 2 0.5% Poland 0 0% 0 0% 2 1.6% 2 0.7% 2 0.5% Chile 1 0.8% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 0.2% Switzerland 0 0% 1 0.6% 0 0% 1 0.3% 1 0.2% Other Countries 0 0% 0 0% 10* 7.9% 10* 3.3% 10 2.3% Unknown 0 0% 1 0.6% 4 3.1 % 5 1.6% 5 1.2% Total 129 100.1% 177 100.3% 127 100.2% 304 100.2% 433 99.9% *There was one Web citation from each of ten other countries: Argentina, Belgium, Denmark, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Israel, Mexico, Russia, and Turkey. the Web citations were not in English, with fourteen other languages repre­ sented. After English, 6.3 percent of the Web citations were in Swedish and 5.5 percent were in Spanish. The fact that the ISI database retrieved 32.8 percent of the English-language citations (128 of 390), but only 2.3 percent of the non-English ones (1 of 43), could arguably support the well-known perception of a pro-English bias by ISI. Table 5 breaks down the author ’s cita­ tions by the citing document’s country of origin. Comparison with table 4 demon­ strates a broader dispersion by country of origin than by language. Twenty-eight countries are represented in table 5 with about 70 percent of the total citations con­ centrated in a single nation (the United States), whereas only fifteen languages are listed in table 4 with more than 90 percent of the citations concentrated in English. This pattern is partially ex­ plained by the fact that several countries, including some non-English-speaking nations, publish or mount English-lan­ guage documents on the Web. Likewise, Web citations are much more broadly dis­ persed by both language and country of origin than are print citations in general or the set of citations captured by ISI. Fi­ nally, ISI was most effective at retrieving 160 College & Research Libraries March 2004 citations from the Netherlands at a 75 percent overall success rate (12 of 16), fol­ lowed by the United Kingdom at 52.6 percent (10 of 19). The rate for the United States was 33.8 percent (103 of 305) and 4.3 percent for countries other than the Netherlands, the United States, or the United Kingdom (4 of 93). For all non- U.S. countries the retrieval rate was 20.6 percent (26 of 126). The preceding analysis has focused on the citing documents; attention now should be turned to the cited documents. Because the author has published almost exclusively in English in the United States, there is no need to analyze lan­ guage and country of origin variables. The format of the cited documents is pre­ sented in table 6. Note that the refereed status of journals is based on the specific article published rather than the journal title. Most of the citations captured by ISI (64.3%) and print sources in general (71.2%) were to refereed journal articles, whereas only 29.9 percent of Web citations were to refereed articles, a proportion only slightly higher than the 29.1 percent of Web citations to nonrefereed journal articles. The explanation for this phenom­ enon is unclear, but one is tempted to speculate that it may partially reflect the fact that the Web itself is unrefereed and thus the choice of documents for citation is less rigorous. The analysis shown in table 2 of the citing documents format does not distinguish between refereed and unrefereed journal articles because this information was unknown to the author. However, in a personal citation autobiography, the author obviously knows the refereed status of each cited document. Finally, the cited documents should be examined briefly. A total of forty-five pub­ lished works by the author were cited, comprising eighteen refereed journal ar­ ticles, fourteen unrefereed journal articles, three book chapters, three books, three published conference proceedings, two edited journal issues, one book review, and one dissertation. The ISI databases picked up at least one citation to twenty- eight of these (62.2%) and the Web cited twenty-nine (64.4%). Of the eighteen cited refereed articles, 83.3 percent (15) were captured by ISI and 55.6 percent (10) by the Web. In contrast, ISI picked up 35.7 percent (5) of the fourteen unrefereed ar­ ticles that were cited and the Web 78.6 percent (11), thus reinforcing the finding that unrefereed articles are more likely to be cited on the Web. Ten of the forty-five cited documents (22.2%) were published prior to 1990. These ten documents accounted for 37.0 TABLE 6 Analysis of Citations Received by Cited Document's Format (Self-Citations Disregarded) lSl Non-lSl Non-lSl Grand Print Print Web Total Total Format No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % Refereed Journal 83 64.3% 126 71.2% 38 29.9% 164 53.9% 247 57.0% Nonrefereed Journal 11 8.5% 24 13.6% 37 29.1% 61 20.1% 72 16.6% Book 17 13.2% 20 11.3% 35 27.6% 55 18.1% 72 16.6% Book Chapter 7 5.4% 4 2.3% 4 3.1% 8 2.6% 15 3.5% Conference Proceed. 10 7.8% 1 0.6% 4 3.1% 5 1.6% 15 3.5% Edited Journal Issue 0 0% 1 0.6% 8 6.3% 9 3.0% 9 2.1% Ph.D. Dissertation 0 0% 1 0.6% 1 0.8% 2 0.7% 2 0.5% Book Review 1 0.8% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 1 0.2% Total 129 100.0% 177 100.2% 127 99.9% 304 100.0% 433 100.0% Citation Autobiography 161 percent of the total citations, 29.5 percent of the citations captured by ISI, and 51.3 percent of the print citations, but only 2.4 percent of the Web citations. It is notewor­ thy, but not surprising, that the Web sel­ dom cites documents published earlier than 1990 because it did not exist at that time. The distribution of citations among cited documents was highly skewed, with 17.8 percent of the documents (8 of 45) accounting for 58.7 percent of the ci­ tations (254 of 433), whereas 28.9 percent of the documents (13) produced 74.4 per­ cent of the citations (322). This pattern roughly approximates, but does not fully conform to, Richard L. Trueswell’s well- known 80/20 Rule, modeled on the economist Vilfredo Pareto’s research, whereby 20 percent of a library’s books account for 80 percent of the circulation.32 It is interesting—and possibly signifi­ cant—that ISI captured a smaller propor­ tion of the total citations to highly cited documents than it did for all the other lesser-cited documents. Specifically, only 27.6 percent of the 254 citations to the eight most frequently cited documents were captured by ISI, whereas it cap­ tured 33.0 percent of the citations to all the remaining documents. The complete explanation for this phenomenon is un­ clear. However, it reflects a pattern remi­ niscent of Bradford’s Law, in which cita­ tions to highly cited documents are scat­ tered among many citing documents in­ cluding a relatively larger proportion of marginal ones beyond ISI’s r each, whereas citations to lesser-cited docu­ ments are concentrated in a smaller num­ ber of core-type publications more likely to be covered by ISI. 33 Summary and Conclusions Because the author is familiar with cita­ tions to his work and has meticulously recorded them for years, this project of­ fers the benefit, to borrow wording from Cronin and Shaw, of “thick description” by an “insider” with “intimate knowl­ edge.”34 This investigation found that ISI’s coverage of the author ’s total citations is higher than the 16 percent rate reported by Van Hooydonk and Milis-Proost for Ghent professors, but the coverage of journal citations is lower than the 74 per­ cent reported by Funkhouser.35,36 It is assumed that each author has his or her own citation profile and that this case study offers one piece of a broader mosaic concerning the parameters of ISI coverage of author citedness. Questions requiring further research include: • How does one define a Web citation? • What is the best method for classi­ fication of Web citations? • How effective are the various Web search engines in retrieving Web citations? • How would rankings of top pro­ grams or most productive scholars differ if non-ISI print citations were included? • How would the rankings differ if Web citations were included? This research project’s salient findings and tentative conclusions are outlined be­ low: • The ISI databases, with self-cita­ tions disregarded, captured approxi­ mately 40 percent of the author’s print citations and about 30 percent of his total citation count (Web citations included). • Approximately half of the book re­ views of the author’s work were included in the ISI databases, but instances in which his contributed chapters to edited books were mentioned in book reviews could not be retrieved by searching the author ’s name. • ISI included citations in only two of the fifteen languages and from six of the twenty-eight countries represented in the author ’s total citation portfolio. • Any LIS author using citation data in a promotion and tenure dossier or wish­ ing to identify his or her full citation record for any purpose would be well advised not to rely exclusively on the Web of Science. • Rankings based on ISI data of a discipline’s most-cited authors or academic departments might be significantly differ­ ent if non-ISI citation data were included. • Web citations display a substan­ tially different profile from those captured by ISI and print citations in general be­ http:circulation.32 162 College & Research Libraries March 2004 cause the Web includes a broader range of languages and countries of origin, is more likely to cite unrefereed journals articles, and seldom cites documents pub­ lished before 1990. Inevitably, one cannot be certain that the author identified all non-ISI citations. Therefore, if this study’s data err, they err in overestimating rather than underesti­ mating the proportion of citations cov­ ered by ISI. This case study illustrates the ongoing transformation of scholarly communica­ tion via technology, a topic of interest to the Association of Research Libraries and other organizations. A decade ago, cita­ tions were almost inevitably print, but more than 29 percent of this study’s cita­ tions were from the Web. The finding that 29.1 percent of the Web citations were to nonrefereed journal articles (11.4% of the print citations were to nonrefereed ar­ ticles) suggests that nonrefereed publica­ tions are playing a greater role in schol­ arly communication on the Web than in print and is consistent with the conven­ tional view regarding the Web’s lack of quality control. That nearly 30 percent of the Web citations originated outside the United States, with twenty-four countries represented, suggests a globalization of scholarly communication on the Web. Ironically, these are contradictory trends from the promotion and tenure perspec­ tive, which often discounts unrefereed publications but highly values interna­ tional impact. Promotion and tenure com­ mittees have wrestled with the question of whether a publication in an exclusively electronic format counts as much as one in print. Similar issues might arise regard­ ing print and electronic citations, but the eventual full-scholarly acceptance of both electronic publications and citations (af­ ter a consensus on their definition is reached) seems highly probable. Finally, this investigation has signifi­ cant implications for academic librarians who use the Web of Science to help com­ pile their personal promotion and tenure dossier, for faculty members who need as­ sistance in compiling their own citation records for whatever reason, and for use as a general reference tool. Although it is generally recognized that ISI authorship citation data are incomplete, this project examines the parameters of ISI coverage and demonstrates that it is especially in­ adequate in identifying citations from non-English sources and from sources originating outside the United States (with the exception of the United King­ dom and the Netherlands). Thus, the ISI should never be relied upon exclusively when these types of citations are impor­ tant. Notes 1. Kathlyn L. Reed, “Citation Analysis of Faculty Publications: Beyond Science Citation Index and Social Science [sic] Citation Index,” Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 83 (Oct. 1995): 507. 2. Edward Truman Funkhouser, “The Evaluative Use of Citation Analysis for Communications Journals,” Human Communications Research 22 (June 1996): 563–74. 3. Barbara A. Rice and Tony Stankus, “Publication Quality Indicators for Tenure or Promotion Decisions: What Can the Librarian Ethically Report?” College & Research Libraries 44 (Mar. 1983): 173–78. 4. Reed, “Citation Analysis of Faculty Publications,” 503–8. 5. Blaise Cronin and Kara Overfelt, “Citation-based Auditing of Academic Performance,“ Journal of the American Society for Information Science 45 (Mar. 1994): 61–72. 6. Pamela S. Bradigan and Carol A. Mularski, “Evaluation of Academic Librarians’ Publica­ tions for Tenure and Initial Promotion,” Journal of Academic Librarianship 22 (Sept. 1996): 360–65. 7. The advantages and disadvantages of citation data in general, most of which are appli­ cable to authorship data, are discussed in Thomas E. Nisonger, “The Benefits and Drawbacks of Impact Factor for Journal Collection Management in Libraries,” forthcoming in Serials Librarian. 8. The author has served for five years as chair of his school’s Promotion and Tenure Committee. 9. Howard D. White, “Toward Ego-centered Citation Analysis,” in The Web of Knowledge: A Festschrift in Honor of Eugene Garfield, ed. Blaise Cronin and Helen Borsky Atkins (Medford, N.J.: Information Today, 2000), 475–96. 10. Blaise Cronin and Debora Shaw, “Identity-creators and Image-makers: Using Citation Citation Autobiography 163 Analysis and Thick Description to Put Authors in their Place,” in Proceedings of the 8th Interna­ tional Conference on Scientometrics & Informetrics: Sydney, Australia, July 16–20th 2001, vol. 1, ed. Mari Davis and Concepción S. Wilson (Sydney Australia: The Bibliometrics and Informetrics Research Group, the University of New South Wales, 2001), 136. 11. Christine L. Borgman and Jonathan Furner, “Scholarly Communication and Bibliometrics,” in Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, vol. 36, ed. Blaise Cronin (Medford, N.J.: Information Today, 2002), 3–72. 12. Bernie Sloan, “Personal Citation Index: Exploring the Impact of Selected Papers.” Avail­ able online from 13. Heting Chu, “Intellectual Activities and Influences of Belver C. Griffith: A Citation Per­ spective,” Scientometrics 51 (Mar.–Apr. 2001): 481–88. 14. Michael J. Moravcsik, “Citation Context Classification of a Citation Classic Concerning Citation Context Classification,” Social Studies of Science 18 (Aug. 1988): 515–21. 15. Michael J. Moravcsik and Poovanalingam Murugesan, “Some Results on the Function and Quality of Citations,” Social Studies of Science 5 (Feb. 1975): 86–92. 16. Robert M. Hayes, “Citation Statistics as a Measure of Faculty Research Productivity,” Jour­ nal of Education for Librarianship 23 (winter 1983): 151–72. 17. John M. Budd and Charles A. Seavey, “Productivity of U.S. Library and Information Sci­ ence Faculty: The Hayes Study Revisited,” Library Quarterly 66 (Jan. 1996): 1–20. 18. John M. Budd, “Scholarly Productivity of U.S. LIS Faculty: An Update,” Library Quarterly 70 (Apr. 2000): 230–45. 19. Deborah Lynne Wiley, “Cited References on the Web: A Review of ISI’s Web of Science,” Searcher 6 (Jan. 1998): 32–39. 20. Victor Rosenberg, “An Assessment of ISI’s New Web of Science,” Information Today 15 (Mar. 1998): 21, 61. 21. Barbara W. Quint, “New ISI Web of Knowledge Integrates Web of Science with Current Con­ tents Connect,” Information Today 18 (July/Aug. 2001): 42. 22. Funkhouser, “The Evaluative Use of Citation Analysis,” 565–67. 23. G. Van Hooydonk and Greta Milis-Proost, “Measuring Impact by a Full Option Method and the Notion of Bibliometric Spectra,” Scientometrics, 41 (Jan.–Feb. 1998): 169–83. 24. Pam Royle and Ray Over, “The Use of Bibliometric Indicators to Measure the Research Pro­ ductivity of Australian Academics,” Australian Academic & Research Libraries 25 (June 1994): 77–88. 25. Selden Durgom, “A Comparison of Faculty Publications to Publication Records in ISI Ci­ tation Indices: How Well Does ISI Reflect the Publications of LIS Faculty?” (Master ’s thesis, Uni­ versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1998). 26. The Web of Science, unlike the earlier ISI indexes, is supposed to include citations to an author ’s work regardless of whether he or she is the first-named or a subsequent author. Al­ though anecdotal evidence reports that subsequently named coauthors are not fully covered in the Web of Science, this investigator found that all citations to articles in which he was the second author were retrieved under his name (as well as the first author’s name). 27. Thomas E. Nisonger, Collection Evaluation in Academic Libraries: A Literature Guide and An­ notated Bibliography (Englewood, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1992). 28. ———, Evaluation of Library Collections, Access, and Electronic Resources: A Literature Guide and Annotated Bibliography (Westport, Conn. and London: Libraries Unlimited, Greenwood, 2003). 29. Reed, “Citation Analysis of Faculty Publications,” 506. 30. Blaise Cronin et al., “Invoked on the Web,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science” 49 (Dec. 1998): 1319–28. 31. Liwen Vaughan and Debora Shaw, “Bibliographic and Web Citations: What Is the Differ­ ence?” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 54 (Dec. 2003), 1313–32. 32. Richard L. Trueswell, “Some Behavioral Patterns of Library Users: The 80/20 Rule,” Wil­ son Library Bulletin 43 (Jan. 1969): 458–61. 33. S. C. Bradford, “Sources of Information on Specific Subjects,” Journal of Information Science 10, no. 4 (1985): 178. Technically, this pattern is a reversal of Bradford’s Law, which posits concen­ tration in highly cited journals and scatter among infrequently cited titles. 34. Cronin and Shaw, “Identity-creators and Image-makers,” 33. 35. Van Hooydonk and Milis-Proost, “Measuring Impact by a Full Option Method,” 169. 36. Funkhouser, “The Evaluative Use of Citation Analysis,” 567.