Sustainability Challenge for Academic 
Libraries: Planning for the Future

Maria Anna Jankowska and James W. Marcum 

Maria Anna Jankowska is Social Sciences Librarian in the Charles E. Young Research Library at UCLA; 
e-mail: majankowska@library.ucla.edu. James W. Marcum is University Librarian at Fairleigh Dickinson 
University; e-mail: marcumjw9@aol.com. ©Maria Anna Jankowska and James W. Marcum

There is growing concern that a variety of factors threaten the sustain-
ability of academic libraries: developing and preserving print and digital 
collections, supplying and supporting rapidly changing technological and 
networking infrastructure, providing free services, maintaining growing 
costs of library buildings, and lowering libraries’ ecological footprint. This 
paper discusses the multidimensional issues of sustainability in academic 
libraries and identifies needs for designing an integrated framework 
for sustainable strategies in academic libraries. Additionally, the paper 
presents a synthesis of existing literature on the increasingly popular 
topic of “green libraries” and prepares a background toward developing 
a framework for sustainable strategies in academic libraries.

 paradox of modern aca-
demic libraries is that, while 
they strive to introduce new 
technologies to respond to 

evolving user information needs, they are 
still mostly organized around traditional 
information formats. A large part of the 
library building’s spaces are dedicated 
to shelving for books, print, and digital 
materials. A major public perception sur-
vey demonstrates that books continue to 
be the library’s brand.1 In the digital age, 
this poses a challenge for the economic 
sustainability of libraries, since brands are 
difficult and costly to change. The value 
and utility of the book is coming under 
increased scrutiny, largely due to the fact 
that users are trading off physical access 
to print books and research journals for 
the convenience and speed of virtual ac-
cess to digital materials. Considering the 

trend toward digital collections and social 
networking services, the key concern is 
whether the blended model of traditional 
(mostly based on print resources) plus hy-
brid (based on mixes of print and digital 
resources) and a new Library 2.0 (based 
on social networking services) model is 
socially, economically, and environmen-
tally sustainable.

Digital formats and networking ser-
vices are costly and require extensive 
technical, human, and financial support. 
Additionally, they consume considerable 
quantities of energy and water, as well as 
ink and paper for printouts. Developing 
a blended model of print and digital re-
sources supported by social networking 
services has raised a major concern that 
sustainable progress of academic libraries 
is threatened by a variety of factors such 
as: developing and preserving print and 

Sustainability Challenge for Academic Libraries  161

digital collections, supplying and sup-
porting rapidly changing technological 
and networking infrastructure, providing 
free services to the public, maintaining 
growing costs of library buildings and 
lowering libraries’ “ecological footprint.” 
This paper addresses these challenges and 
identifies needs for designing an integrat-
ed framework for sustainable strategies 
that would help academic libraries to be-
come more sustainable organizations. It is 
not the objective of this paper to develop 
such a framework. However, this paper 
presents the extended review of literature 
on this increasingly popular topic and 
prepares groundwork for future research 
on an integrated framework for sustain-
able strategies in academic libraries. 

Library Sustainability: A Literature 
In 1987 the United Nations’ World Com-
mission on Environment and Develop-
ment (WCED) came out with a report 
entitled “Our Common Future,” which 
presented the idea of sustainable devel-
opment calling for socially and environ-
mentally sound approaches to economic 
growth. The report defined sustainable 
development as a balance between social 
equity, economic growth, and ecological 
concerns “that meets the needs of the 
present without compromising the ability 
of future generations to meet their own 
needs.”2 Since then, the issue of sustain-
able development has moved beyond the 
U.N. and environmentalist declarations. 
In 1990, twenty-two university presidents 
from all over the world signed the Tal-
loires Declaration in France creating the 
Association of University Leaders for a 
Sustainable Future (ULSF). With their 
signature they committed their higher 
education institutions to incorporate 
sustainability and environmental literacy 
into research, teaching, outreach, and 
university and college operations.3 

After 1990, the concept of sustain-
ability penetrated economic and social 
growth agendas and influenced academic 
communities in more than 350 institu-

tions of higher education. A sustainable 
community, as defined by Sustainable 
Communities Network (CONCERN, 
Inc.), is one that “uses its resources to 
meet current needs while ensuring that 
adequate resources are available for 
future generations. It involves all its 
citizens in an integrated, long-term plan-
ning process to protect the environment, 
expand economic opportunities and meet 
social needs.”4 In this context, sustainable 
growth is essential for institutions and 
organizations to thrive and contribute 
meaningfully to the communities around 
them. As part of the university commu-
nity, academic libraries need to participate 
more forcefully in this effort. 

Since the 1990s, library literature on 
sustainability and environmental con-
cerns has grown and garnered much at-
tention. This review identifies four major 

(1) Sustainability of scholarship and 

(2) Green library operations and 

(3) Green library buildings; and 
(4) Measuring and improving sustain-


1. Sustainability of scholarship and collections
Authors writing on this topic focus on 
sustainability of scholarly communica-
tion and information in digital and print 
collections. They understand sustain-
ability as an effort to maintain and secure 
research collection for future generations 
or, in the case of scholarly communica-
tion, as an endeavor to make them inde-
pendent from commercial publishers. 
In scholarly communication, the term 
“sustainable publication” refers to new 
methods of publications in such formats 
as: pre- and post-publication prints, 
open-access and author-pay models, 
subscription-based electronic journals, 
institutional repositories, personal blogs, 
and multimedia publications. Kings and 
others state “any sustainable means of 
publication must combine that percep-
tion with (1) recognition and apprecia-

162  College & Research Libraries March 2010

tion within the academic reward system 
and disciplinary value system and (2) 
business models that are sustainable for 
all concerned in the publication chain.”5 
Taken together, university libraries and 
presses,6 organizations, and archives 
offer alternate paths to enabling and 
preserving scholarly communication and 
making it available to the public, but this 
model requires more cooperation for ef-
fective implementation.7 

Digitization and preservation offer 
enormous potential to secure not only 
library collections and materials for 
future generations but also reduce costs 
associated with managing print collec-
tion. For example, the JSTOR project not 
only intended “preservation of scholar-
ship” but also reduced costs associated 
with the managing of print journals.8 
However, research on digitization and 
preservation is still in its early stages9 
and libraries need to resolve important 
complexities in building sustainable digi-
tal collections. Leading issues include: 
using proper technologies,10 selecting 
compatible standards,11 avoiding com-
mercialization,12 securing economic 
sustainability for created projects,13 and 
achieving continuity and the sustainabil-
ity of digital collections.14

Altogether, authors in this group 
focus mainly on the sustainability of 
scholarly communication and informa-
tion, the challenges of maintaining print 
and digital collections indefinitely, and 
finding answers to the question posed by 
Deanna Marcum: “How do scholars and 
librarians work together to ensure that 
resources created today will be available 
in the future?”15 Clearly, sustainability 
of scholarship is inherently linked with 
sustainability of collections and services.

2. Green library operations and practices 
Several authors in this group concentrate 
on “green” concerns and practices already 
in place in academic libraries. As Le Bern 
and Gregory state, “greening is a process, 
as well as a state of mind, and it calls for 
taking action. Greening involves a spirit 

of reciprocity. We take care of the environ-
ment that takes care of us, cultivating a 
relationship with the natural world that 
sustains us.”16 The American Library 
Association’s (ALA) Task Force on the 
Environment (TFOE) pioneered “green” 
concepts in librarianship. Since 1990, 
TFOE has aimed at making libraries and 
the public aware of diverse environmen-
tal information sources, addressed and 
sought out solutions to green concerns 
and practices in libraries, worked on 
greening ALA conferences, and promoted 
awareness of environmental issues in the 
ALA and library community. The Task 
Force has been educating librarians and 
the public by organizing environmen-
tally focused programs and providing 
an open-access platform for scholarly 
environmental communication with the 
Electronic Green Journal.17 Most recently, 
the Task Force initiated the “Librarians 
Raise Their Cups for Planet Earth” project 
asking librarians to bring their own coffee 
mug to the 2008 ALA conference in Phila-
delphia.18 Additionally, the 14th ACRL 
Conference in Seattle considered “green” 
as a major theme of the last conference 
and focused on green points.19

Since the 1990s the popularity of green 
topics has expanded steadily from “green 
librarian,”20 “green librarianship,”21 
“green academic sector,”22 “greening 
college libraries,”23 “greening librar-
ies,”24 “green blogs,”25 to “go green,”26 
and “green library movement.”27 Also, 
the literature reporting on green library 
practices addresses recycling,28 noise,29 
and paper use.30 Additionally, the litera-
ture presents discussion of environmental 
user education and environmental lit-
eracy represented by contributions from 
Link,31 Jankowska,32 Stoss,33 Weintraub,34 
Shrode,35 and Rome.36 

Primary concerns of this literature 
include actions that help the greening of 
academic libraries, but, as Katherine Dike 
concludes, “many library services were 
carrying out green practices, in particular 
recycling, in the absence of institution-
wide green policies.”37

Sustainability Challenge for Academic Libraries  163

3. Green library buildings 
Authors addressing the green library 
building theme discuss architectural 
designs that consider sustainable solu-
tions in renovating or building libraries. 
Library buildings use significant quanti-
ties of electricity, energy, and water, as 
well as forest for paper. They also produce 
significant amounts of solid waste. Since 
2000, the Leadership for Energy and 
Environmental Design (LEED) has dis-
seminated codes and standards for green 
certification for renovation and new con-
structions developed by the U.S. Green 
Building Council. The need for creating 
green and sustainable library buildings 
was promoted early on by Weiner and 
Boyden38 and Brown.39 

In the early 1990s many public li-
braries adopted green concepts in their 
buildings.40 Green buildings are energy 
efficient; use nontoxic recycled-content 
materials and furniture, natural daylight, 
and low-flow toilets; and reduce main-
tenance costs. The Libris Design Project 
provides detailed design planning and 
documentation starting from acoustics 
for libraries through interior finish mate-
rials for library technology infrastructure 
design.41 Also prominent is the literature 
on designing library spaces to facilitate 
the library’s new role as a research and 
learning center as opposed to a traditional 
depository center.42 This literature pres-
ents sustainable designs for library build-
ing interiors and exteriors and promotes 
responsible use of renewable and nonre-
newable resources to achieve healthy and 
pleasant conditions for the library users 
while providing good conditions for the 
collections and services. Answering the 
question “why should libraries be sustain-
able buildings?” Johanna Sands explains: 

“Libraries serve as symbols of the atti-
tudes and values of their creators and  
can serve to extend those attitudes 
and values to future generations of  
occupants and visitors. Communi-
ties with the opportunity to build a 
new library or update an existing 

library should prioritize sustainable 
design measures.”43

4. Measuring and improving sustainability 
Another emerging literature focuses on 
measuring progress toward sustainability 
following the United Nations recommen-
dations published in 1966, “Indicators 
of Sustainable Development: Frame-
work and Methodologies.”44 Since the 
publication of those recommendations, 
the literature and projects on national,45 
regional, community, and institutional 
indicators measuring social, economic, 
and environmental progress has grown 
considerably. Growing commitment of 
universities and colleges to environmen-
tal sustainability has resulted in the vast 
literature devoted to issues of sustainabil-
ity for university campuses.46 Assessment 
reports and projects conducted by many 
universities and colleges (among them are 
Western Michigan University, Penn State, 
Furman, Concordia, or Michigan State) 
play an important role in this regard.47 

However, the literature on sustainable 
university and college campuses does 
not treat libraries as distinct entities. By 
and large, there is a lack of sufficient 
data on sustainable and environmental 
performances of academic libraries. Von 
Deventer and Snyman48 propose a mul-
tidimensional measurement framework 
for libraries and information services that 
focuses on economic sustainability—simi-
lar to a recent Ithaka Report.49 Academic 
libraries could easily adopt already well 
established sustainability assessment 
tools used in higher education.50 Research 
on the feasibility of transplanting the most 
suitable assessment tools from campuses 
into academic libraries still needs to be 
carried out. In 2008, Primary Research 
Group published a national survey of 
academic, public, and special libraries on 
energy use and conservation practices. 
Results of the survey could allow crossor-
ganizational comparison and assessment 
of library energy use and conservation.51 
In the future, data from this survey could 
be instrumental for research on establish-

164  College & Research Libraries March 2010

ing needed policies and programs for 
academic libraries in regard to energy use 
and conservation practices. 

Overall, this category of literature 
focuses on environmental performance 
indicators that measure the use of non-
renewable and renewable resources for 
achieving sustainable growth. There is 
considerable room for libraries to contrib-
ute to this literature and practice. 

The four presented topics characteriz-
ing the literature on library sustainability 
treat their respective foci separately. Con-
sequently, different practices (greening 
libraries, designing green buildings, 
supporting sustainable collections and 
measuring progress) are inadequate 
separately to guide libraries toward sus-
tainable progress. In this article, sustain-
ability progress for academic libraries is 
synonymous with fiscally responsible, 
environmentally and socially acceptable 
growth that limits waste and thus enables 
equal and long-term access to library 
services and information resources for 
current and future users. Therefore, there 
is a need for an integrated and compre-
hensive framework addressing sustain-
ability of print and digital resources and 
socially and environmentally responsible 
networking services and practices in a 
green library building measured by newly 
developed (or adapted from university 
and college campuses) indicators of sus-
tainable progress. 

Challenges to Sustainable Future of 
Having traditionally served as central lo-
cations wherein the collection, dispersion, 
and constant recycling of information in 
both physical and digital formats occur, 
libraries have created an economic system 
of cyclical longevity and sustainability by 
frequently borrowing instead of constant-
ly buying information materials.52 Yet, 
just as the era of digital and technological 
revolutions has made a significant impact 
on the mission and methods of libraries, 
this new era is seriously challenging the 
sustainable growth of libraries. Books 

and journal articles are no longer simply 
checked out, read, and returned. Now, 
multiple users can download, print, and 
keep the same information on multiple 
occasions. It is no longer enough for li-
braries to have print collection; instead, 
the expansion, creation, and preservation 
of collections and services have taken on 
new meanings. The resources and com-
modities (water, electricity, gas, land, and 
paper) consumed in these processes place 
a large burden on library budgets. This 
burden is in turn being passed on to users 
as small fees begin to add up, threatening 
the core library concept of free access to 

Some basic library principles align well 
with major attributes of sustainability. The 
ALA’s Task Force on the Environment 
states that: “the three E’s—economy, ecol-
ogy, and equity—provide a framework for 
libraries and their communities to explore 
and anticipate how the choices they make 
today affect tomorrow.”54 These three E’s 
are crucial to a library’s operations and 
its ability to meet the information needs 
of current and future library users. There 
is, however, a fundamental contradiction 
between the three E’s framework and 
the present blending model of academic 
libraries. Embedded assumptions of the 
continued growth of collections, services, 
and increasing costs of buildings run 
headlong into the requirement of sustain-
ability. The critical challenge that aca-
demic libraries face today is the balance 
between the attributes of core sustain-
ability in today’s digital environment with 
the tradition of continued growth and the 
substantial environmental consumptions 
that growth requires. 

Libraries as Environmental 
Libraries consume enormous quantities 
of energy for user services and comfort, 
content creation and preservation. They 
produce considerable waste, particularly 
in energy, water, computer paper, and 
used electronic equipment.55 According 
to the report Environmental Trends and 

Sustainability Challenge for Academic Libraries  165

Climate Impacts: Findings from the U.S. 
Book Industry, more than 30 million trees 
are cut down annually for production of 
books sold in the United States.56 In this 
so-called “paperless society,” the average 
American uses over 660 pounds of paper 
annually.57 Michael Kanellos writes, “Xe-
rox says that 44.5 percent of documents are 
printed for one-time use and 25 percent 
of all documents printed get recycled the 
same day. Lyra Research estimates that 
15.2 trillion pages get printed worldwide 
a year, a figure that will grow 30 percent 
over the next 10 years.”58 Also, Donella 
Meadows stresses the fact that “[t]he aver-
age American pays $20 a year in taxes to 
support public libraries and can save that 
much by borrowing instead of buying just 
one or two books. A book that is loaned 
10 times cuts not only cost but paper use 
per read by a factor of 10.”59 While many 
libraries deliberately and conscientiously 
recycle, this alone does not alleviate the 
problem. Continued library growth en-
larges their “ecological footprint.” Unless 
both operational costs and environmental 
waste are reduced in the long term, the 
continuous expansion of collections and 
services could reduce access to informa-
tion to a limited number of people. 

Additionally, electronic and hazard-
ous waste is growing drastically, causing 
a major disparity between the goals of 
library sustainability and the reality of 
their daily operations and services. Every 
library shipping room constantly receives 
new books, periodicals, interlibrary loan 
orders, publisher catalogs, approval plan 
slip orders, correspondence, and a variety 
of other mail. Furthermore, each library 
throws away weeded and unneeded print 
books, government documents, maga-
zines, newspapers, bound periodicals, 
microfiche, junk mail, office computer 
paper, and general waste. As the number 
of digital projects and networking func-
tions escalates, libraries are faced with 
increasing energy costs, as well as the 
need to recycle unwanted equipment, 
obsolete computers, CDs, disk drives, and 
used computer paper. 

Indicators measuring libraries as 
environmental consumers regarding 
used computer paper, water, electric-
ity, or ink must be developed or ad-
opted from already existing university 
practices. Libraries have not crafted 
such indicators to truck their progress 
toward reducing the social, economic, 
and environmental impacts of solid 
and hazardous waste and energy use. 
Creating or adopting already devel-
oped university campus indicators60 
could assess economic, environmental, 
and social performance of libraries, 
producing budget savings and the en-
vironmental impact. These indicators 
should provide data on:

• The amount of water used annually 
by an average academic library 

• The amount of solid and hazardous 
waste generated annually by an average 
academic library

• Cost reduction effected by reducing 
energy, water, and paper use

• Percentage of daily library ship-
ments received that end up in garbage 

• Percentage of publisher catalogs 
produced on recycled paper 

• Quantity of computer paper used 
per library employee and user 

• The amount of energy used per staff 
member and user 

• Use of environmentally friendly 
inks, cleaners, and recycled paper 

• Paper and equipment recycling 

• Level of printing fees and other 
taxes imposed upon the users (Are these 
methods in line with the library’s mission 
of free and open access to information?) 

• “Ecological footprint” of the aver-
age academic library61

Reporting metrics on academic librar-
ies’ social, economic, and environmen-
tal performances would help them to 
understand their environmental impact 
and encourage the development and im-
provement of socially, economically, and 
environmentally responsible operations 
and services. 

166  College & Research Libraries March 2010

Need for Sustainable Growth 
Terry Link believes that only through 
sustainability and environmental educa-
tion can higher education be transformed 
and saved from commercialization, and 
that by participating in the creation of a 
sustainable future, libraries can again be 
“the heart of the learning communities.”62 
Evolving information and communication 
technologies, growing information needs 
of users, and growing operational costs 
of libraries create imbalances and have 
pushed libraries toward a more commer-
cialized model that is goal-oriented but 
lacks long-term sustainable development 
planning. While libraries continue to 
thrive by meeting the information needs 
of their users, behind the scenes the story 
is different: hidden costs of library opera-
tions, buildings, collections, equipment, 
and supplies are growing and beginning 
to impact broader library goals. The tra-
ditional model of public academic librar-
ies—to keep information open and free to 
all—is becoming more complicated.

Academic libraries can no longer ignore 
the impact of environmental consumption 
on their future growth. Sharing resources 
rather than unnecessary duplication and 
consumption has shaped the library eco-
nomic model. However, this model does 
not account for growing environmental 
consumption and waste. The ACRL’s 2007 
proposed Environmental Scan, which 
focused mainly on sustainable library 
collections and services, is insufficient 
for sustainable growth.63 Additionally, the 
role of libraries in supporting global sus-
tainability by promoting and disseminat-
ing literature on this topic and providing 
environmental information literacy needs 
to be institutionalized so that libraries 
can themselves become sustainable orga-
nizations adopting a model of economic 
progress that recognizes users’ equity and 
shrinks libraries’ “ecological footprint.” 

Sustainable Strategies for Academic 
Changing the library into an organization 
more attuned to present and future users 

is at the heart of achieving sustainable 
library growth. For students, information 
literacy is critical; for faculty, it is support 
for their personal research and teaching. 
Unfortunately, the focus on sustaining 
and preserving collections at all costs 
is compromising libraries’ chances for 
social, economic, and ecologically smart 
growth. Balancing library innovation and 
adaptation to this new circumstance is an 
important requirement for organizational 
sustainability. Today, organizational inno-
vation is driven by information and com-
munication technologies, focusing less on 
hierarchical control of organizations and 
more on building sophisticated networks 
of collaboration and knowledge sharing. 
Accordingly, libraries should think less 
in terms of places and more in terms of 
spaces.64 Those spaces must invite and 
encourage casual and planned gatherings 
to play, explore, test, share, collaborate, 
and learn, both formally and informally.65 
Spaces can be virtual as well as real: vir-
tual spaces are more open to networking 
than physical places. Boundaries fade in 
importance as nodes and connections 
emerge and become dominant in the 
new, open-system networked universe. 
Current thematic focus on preservation, 
print and digital collections, and network-
ing services signal that, in today’s reality, 
libraries cannot be responsible only for 
sustaining the collection and services 
but also must consider the relationship 
between space design and economic, 
social, and environmental sustainability. 

A final requirement of sustainable 
organizations is the assessment of and 
strong interactive relations with patrons 
and stakeholders. Libraries are complex 
organizations, and they flourish by 
providing services others require. Any 
assessment of meeting sustainability 
objectives requires hard data, not edu-
cated guesses. This in turn requires that 
metrics need to be developed or adopted 
and implemented into daily operations. 
Libraries gather extensive data about ser-
vices provided and can learn to better uti-
lize that data to monitor progress toward 

Sustainability Challenge for Academic Libraries  167

meeting their sustainability objectives. 
Crafting new or adopting already existing 
metrics for tracking library performance 
in sustaining collections and services is at 
the top of our “to do” list for the future. A 
plan for creating a range of sustainability 
indicators is needed on this list. Such in-
dicators would allow libraries to evaluate 
their current operational models in terms 
of economic feasibility, social equity, and 
environmental impact to support schol-
arship and learning. All these measures 
must go well beyond the perceptions and 
satisfaction levels of patrons or learning 
outcomes assessments that dominate 
current evaluation practices. It is a moral 
imperative for libraries to become sus-
tainable organizations not only in the 
sense of sustaining their collections and 
services but also in becoming more aware 
of the need to “green” their buildings 
and operations, reduce their “ecological 
footprint,” and ensure a better strategic 
position for meeting future challenges. 

Academic libraries have always been 
central components of universities. With 
universities and colleges developing 
and adopting sustainability indicators, 
academic libraries remain slow to ei-
ther develop their own sustainability 
indicators or to adopt indicators already 

developed by other organizations. Such 
indicators could become the basis for 
developing a comprehensive sustain-
ability framework helping to assess 
the impacts of library operations and 
future projects on the library’s sustain-
able progress. More specifically, such a 
framework could help libraries choose 
socially responsible vendors and pub-
lishers and help to evaluate operational 
strategies, resulting in providing envi-
ronmentally friendly products, energy 
savings, reduction of waste, and keeping 
usage fees as low as possible. All librar-
ies’ strategic plans need to be grounded 
in the overarching framework combining 
the three standard dimensions (social, 
economic, and environmental) of sus-
tainable growth. Sustainable strategies 
need to be integrated into a platform for 
guiding future decisions about collec-
tions, library buildings, and the scale of 
preservation, digitalization, equipment, 
products, and library networking service 
efforts. Such decisions need to take into 
account not only the cost of collection, 
equipment, and labor but also the cost of 
generated waste measured by the size of 
the “ecological footprint” resulting from 
library operations and services. Library 
sustainability must become a strategic 
consideration balancing the assumptions 
of continued growth and expansion.


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 2. World Commission on Environment and Development, Our Common Future (New York: 
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 3. University Leaders for Sustainable Future, Talloires Declaration (Talloires: ULSF, 1990. 
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 8. Kevin Guthrie and Wendy Lougee, “The JSTOR Solution: Accessing and Preserving the 

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 9. Seamus Ross and Margaret Hedstrom, “Preservation Research and Sustainable Digital 

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18. Monika Antonelli, Fred Stoss, and Elaine Harger, “Cup by Cup: Librarians Raise Their 
Cups for Planet Earth” (press release, 2008). Available online at http://wikis.ala.org/midwinter2008/
index.php/Cup_by_Cup. [Accessed 1 February 2010].

19. Greening ACRL 2009. ACRL 14th National Conference in Seattle, 2009. Available online 
at www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/acrl/events/seattle/green.cfm. [Accessed 1 February 2010].

20. James LeRue and Susan LeRue, “The Green Librarian,” Wilson Library Bulletin 65 (Feb. 
1991): 27–33.

21. C. Atton, “Green Librarianship: A Revolt against Change,” Assistant Librarian 86 (Nov. 
1993): 166–67.

22. Katherine Dike, “How Green Is the Academic Sector?” Library plus Information Update 6, 
no. 7–8 (July/Aug. 2007): 57–59.

23. Kathleen Rickert, “Greening Our College Libraries: Complete the Cycle of the Three Rs,” 
College & Research Libraries News 62, no. 8 (2001): 825–28.

24. Philip E. Ephraim, “The Greening of Libraries,” Library Management 24, no. 3 (2003):160–64; 
Jennifer Pinkowski, “Keeping Track of Green Libraries,” Library Journal 15 (Sept. 15, 2007), available 
online at www.libraryjournal.com/article/CA6475365.html [Accessed 1 February 2010]; Francine 
Fialkoff, “Green Libraries Are Local,” Library Journal 11 (June 15, 2008), available online at www.
libraryjournal.com/article/CA6566439.html [Accessed 1 February 2010].

25. Going Green @Your Library: Environmentally Friendly Practices for Libraries and Beyond!, 
available online at http://greeningyourlibrary.wordpress.com/ [Accessed 1 February 2010]; The 
Green Library, available online at http://thegreenlibraryblog.blogspot.com/ [Accessed 1 February 

26. Jane Neale, “Go Green!” Library Journal 2 (Feb. 1, 2008), available online at www.library-
journal.com/article/CA6523443.html [Accessed 1 February 2010]; Dorothy W. Trotter, “Going for 
the Green,” American Libraries 39 (Apr. 2008): 40–43.

27. Monika Antonelli, “The Green Library Movement: An Overview and Beyond,” Electronic 
Green Journal 1, no. 27 (2008). Available online at http://repositories.cdlib.org/uclalib/egj/vol1/
iss27/art1/. [Accessed 1 February 2010].

28. Georgia Briscoe, “Recycling: What’s in It for Libraries?” American Libraries 87, no. 18 (Dec. 
1987): 954–56; Georgia Briscoe, “Reuse, Reduce, Recycle,” Library Journal 116, no. 17 (Oct. 15, 
1991): 43–44.

29. Ann Eagan, “Noise in the Library: Effects and Control,” Wilson Library Bulletin, 65 (Feb. 
1991): 44–47.

30. Michele Calloway, “Paper Use and Recycling in Academic Libraries,” Electronic Journal of 

Sustainability Challenge for Academic Libraries  169

Academic and Special Librarianship 4, no. 2–3 (Fall 2003); Tom Moothart and Linsey Wess, “Popu-
larity Has Its Costs: Charging for Public Printing,” Colorado Libraries 25, no. 1 (1991): 15–18; Beth 
Ashmore and Sara Morris, “From Scraps to Reams: A Survey of Printing Services in Academic 
Libraries,” College & Research Libraries 63, no. 4 (2002): 342–52.

31. Terry Link and The Task Force on the Environment, “Sources for a Small Planet: Environ-
mental Bibliographies Reflect a Question of Values,” Library Journal 115, no. 10 (1990): 81–88.

32. Maria A. Jankowska, “Librarian’s Contribution to Scholarly Communication and Environ-
mental Literacy,” The Serials Librarian 49, no. 4 (2006): 117–24.

33. Frederick W. Stoss, “If We Are So Smart, Why Do We Need Environmental Education,” 
Electronic Green Journal 1, no. 26 (2008). Available online at http://repositories.cdlib.org/uclalib/
egj/vol1/iss26/art1/. [Accessed 1 February 2010].

34. Irwin Weintraub, “Fighting Environmnental Racism: A Selected Annotated Bibliography,” 
Electronic Green Journal 1, no. 1 (1994).

35. Flora Shored is publishing a regular column in Environmental Information Resources in Elec-
tronic Green Journal since 1996. The latest one is available at http://repositories.cdlib.org/uclalib/
egj/vol1/iss27/art4/. [Accessed 1 February 2010].

36. Linda Rome, “Celebrating Earth Day All Year Long,” Wilson Library Bulletin 65 (Feb. 1991): 

37. Dike, “How Green Is the Academic Sector?” 57.
38. James Weiner and Lynn Boyden, “Creating Sustainable Libraries,” Library Journal 126, no. 

20 (supplement, Dec. 2001): 8–10.
39. Bill Brown, “The New Green Standard,” Library Journal 128, no. 20 (Dec. 2003): 61–66.
40. Michael Dewe, Planning Public Library Buildings: Concepts and Issues for the Librarian (Bur-

lington: Ashgate, 2006), 24–33. 
41. Johanna Sands, Sustainable Library Design (Santa Monica: Libris Design, 2007). Available 

online at www.librisdesign.org/docs/SustainableLibDesign.pdf. [Accessed 1 February 2010].
42. S. Bennett, Libraries Designed for Learning, CLIR Report (2003). Available online at www.

clir.org/PUBS/abstract/pub122abst.html [Accessed 1 February 2010]; J.V. Boettcher, “Ten Core 
Principales for Designing Effective Learning Environnements: Insights From Braine Research 
and Pedagogical Theory, ” Innovate: Journal of Online Education 3, no 3 (Feb./Mar. 2007), available 
online at http://innovateonline.info/index.php?view=article&id=54&highlight=boettcher [Accessed 
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43. Sands, Sustainable Library Design.
44. United Nations, Indicators of Sustainable Development: Framework and Methodologies (1996). 

Available online at www.un.org/esa/sustdev/natlinfo/indicators/indisd/english/english.htm. 
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45. Yale University, Environmental Sustainability Index (2005). Available online at www.yale.
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46. David J. Eagan and David W. Orr, eds., “The Campus and Environmental Responsibility,” 
New Directions for Higher Education 77 (Spring 1992); Sarah Hommond Creighton, Greening the Ivory 
Tower: Improving the Track Record of Universities, Colleges, and Other Institutions (Boston: MIT Press, 
1998); Michael M’Gonigle and Justin Starke, Planet U: Sustaining the World, Reinventing the University 
(Gabriola Island: New Society Publisher, 2006); and Larry H. Litten and David Geronimo Terkla, 
eds., “Advancing Sustainability in Higher Education,” New Direction for Institutional Research, 134 
(Summer 2007). 

47. The College Sustainability Report Card. Available online at www.greenreportcard.org 
[Accessed 1 February 2010].

48. Martie J Von Deventer and Retha Snyman, “Measuring for Sustainability: A Multi-dimen-
sional Measurement Framework for Library and Information Services,” Libri 54 (2004): 1-8.

49. Kevin R. Guthrie, Rebecca Griffiths, and Nancy Maron, Suitability and Revenue Model for 
Online Academic Resources: An Ithaka Report (May 2008). Available online at www.ithaka.org/
strategic-services/sca_ithaka_sustainability_report-final.pdf. [Accessed 1 February 2010].

50. “Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education,” AASHE Digest: An Annual Review 
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51. Primary Research Group (2008). Available online at www.primaryresearch.com. [Accessed 
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52. Maria A. Jankowska, “A Model for Environmentally Sustainable Library Operations and 
Services,” Proposal to Librarians Association of the University of California (LAUC) University 
Wide Research Funds (Jan.2008): 4.

53. Ibid., 5.
54. ALA Social Responsibilities Round Table, Three Dynamics.
55. Electronic Waste (e-waste) in Libraries and Archives (2007). Available online at http://srhkim.

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com/ewaste/index.html. [Accessed 1 Febru-
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56. Eco-Libris, How We Do It (2007). Avail-
able online at www.ecolibris.net/how.asp. 
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57. WorldWatch Institute, Painless Paper 
Cuts (2008). Available online at www.world-
watch.org/node/1497. [Accessed 1 February 

58. Michael Kanellos, “New Way to Save 
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59. Donella H. Meadows, “Seven-plus 
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60. Campus Sustainability Assessment 
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61. Ibid., 8.
62. Terry Link, “Transforming Higher 

Education through Sustainability and En-
vironmental Education,” Issues in Science 
and Technology Librarianship (Spring 2000). 
Available online at www.istl.org/00-spring/
article4.html. [Accessed 1 February 2010].

63. Maria A. Jankowska, “A Call for Sus-
tainable Library Operations and Services,” 
C&RL News 69, no. 6 (June 2008): 323–24.

64. Kevin Kelly, New Rules for the New 
Economy (New York: Viking, 1999).

65. Xin Li, “Library as Incubating Space 
for Innovations: Practices, Trends and Skill 
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