Learning Style Dimensions and 
Professional Characteristics of 
Academic Librarians

Amanda Rinehart, Jennifer Sharkey, and Chad Kahl

Amanda Rinehart is Data Management Services Librarian at Ohio State University; e-mail: Rinehart.64@
osu.edu. Jennifer Sharkey is Head of Information Use & Fluency in Milner Library at Illinois State 
University; e-mail: jsharke@ilstu.edu. Chad Kahl is Interim Associate Dean in Milner Library at Illinois 
State University; e-mail: cmkahl@ilstu.edu. © 2015 Amanda Rinehart, Jennifer Sharkey, and Chad Kahl, 
Attribution-NonCommercial (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) CC BY-NC

Do librarians with different characteristics, such as type of work respon-
sibilities or age, have different learning styles? The authors analyzed 
results from over 1,500 responses to a version of the Index of Learning 
Styles (ILS) questionnaire based on the Felder-Silverman Learning 
Styles model. This model consists of eight dimensions paired on four 
scales: Active/Reflective; Sensing/Intuitive; Visual/Verbal; and Sequential/
Global. In addition to their scores on the ILS questionnaire, respondents 
were also asked about demographic and professional characteristics. 
Statistically significant differences in learning style scores were found to 
exist between librarians with different types of position responsibilities. In 
particular, for three out of four scales, catalogers have statistically different 
learning styles than other librarian groups. Recognition of different learn-
ing styles and thoughtful integration of appropriate teaching styles may 
improve workplace interpersonal communication, enhance professional 
development and staff training, and strengthen teaching. 

he study and assessment of learning styles have been significant components 
of educational theory and practice for decades. Contemporary research of 
how the cognitive differences of students affect their ability to learn and 
retain new knowledge gained prominence in the late 1970s and became a 

major focus within many academic disciplines in the 1980s as several major theories 
and schools of thought were established.1 Although theories about learning styles are 
not without controversy, some key studies have shown learning styles do have a place 
within learning environments when tested in a valid way and used in conjunction with 
other established pedagogical theories and practices.2

In light of continued interest and study of learning styles, a group of academic librar-
ians developed a research project to explore the learning styles of academic librarians. 
The key question of the project was: Do librarians of different professional groups, 
such as type of work responsibilities, have different learning styles? The instrument 
used for this research was the Index of Learning Styles (ILS) questionnaire created by 

doi:10.5860/crl.76.4.450 crl14-571

Learning Style Dimensions and Professional Characteristics of Academic Librarians  451

Felder and Soloman and based on the Felder-Silverman learning styles model. For 
consistency, throughout this paper the authors use Felder-Silverman to refer to the 
model; the questionnaire is referred to as the ILS.

Analysis of the data shows some statistically significant relationships do exist and 
these indicate that further research and data analysis are warranted to determine how 
professional responsibilities are influenced by learning styles. The present project does 
not seek to settle controversies about the validity or utility of learning styles theories 
but rather seeks patterns that could be used to further research in this area. This initial 
study is a first step in determining if learning styles of librarians influence their profes-
sional paths and activities.

Overview of Learning Styles
The principal investigators have identified a large gap in the literature regarding 
assessment of librarians’ learning styles. Also, little to nothing has been written con-
necting the learning styles of librarians to the learning styles of students, their impact 
on library-led teaching and learning initiatives, and implications for organizational 
culture and professional development. The present study represents an initial step 
toward potential research in these areas.

A large amount of research and resulting literature regarding learning styles and 
preferences has been generated throughout the years. Learning styles are described 
as “typical patterns individuals use to process information or approach learning 
situations.”3 In Learning Strategies and Learning Styles, Schmeck makes a distinction 
between a strategy and style in that learning strategies of the individual are a blend of 
cognitive skills allowing individuals to adapt to the situation and styles are inherent 
to the individual based on genetics and previous experiences.4 Learning styles can be 
differentiated into three distinct aspects: cognitive (information processes), affective 
(motivation), and physiological (biological and environmental).5 In a historical sum-
marization of learning styles, Raynor and Riding date the development of learning 
styles theory back to the 1940s.6 As research and learning style models grew, many 
models could be categorized into three different approaches: cognitive-centered, 
personality-centered, and activity-centered.7 Through the late 1970s, the majority of 
the research on learning styles was focused on cognitive phenomena.8 More recently, 
learning styles have been categorized physiologically, as the primary senses: auditory, 
visual, and kinesthetic/tactile.9

A survey of the most cited authors related to learning styles showed that Kolb, Dunn 
and Dunn, Honey and Mumford, Gregorc, Schmeck, and Vermunt were among the 
top thirty most cited authors.10 In a recent survey of learning styles and the literature, 
Coffield et al. divided the theories into five distinct learning styles families. They are:

• Learning styles and preferences are largely constitutionally based
• Learning styles reflect deep-seated features of the cognitive structure, includ-

ing “patterns of ability”
• Learning styles are one component of a relatively stable personality type
• Learning styles are flexibly stable learning preferences
• Expands the scope beyond learning styles to learning approaches, strategies, 

orientations and conceptions of learning11
This is distinctly different from previous categories when the field of research for 

learning styles was still developing and examination of the literature was fairly new. 
A significant amount has been written about student learning styles in educational 
literature and how to tailor teaching and learning to meet these preferences. Library 
Science literature is no exception and has been examining the incorporation of learning 
styles into library-related teaching for many years.12

452  College & Research Libraries May 2015

There has been a limited amount of research examining learning styles of librar-
ians. In one study, the Kolb’s Learning Style Inventory was used to examine learning 
styles of 140 librarians.13 In a later study, the Squires Thinking Styles Test was used in 
a university library “to determine the possibility of predicting how a new employee 
would respond to various kinds of training, and how productive their activity would be 
within the workplace.”14 In an article focusing on librarians’ perceptions of PowerPoint, 
the VARK (visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic sensory modalities) inventory was 
given to 181 attendees of two library conferences.15

The learning styles instrument used in this research is the Index of Learning Styles 
(ILS) based on the Felder-Silverman Learning Styles model introduced by Richard 
Felder and Linda Silverman in 1988 to determine how engineering students learn and 
to recommend a teaching styles model to complement those learning styles. The model 
consists of eight dimensions paired on four scales: Active/Reflective; Sensing/Intui-
tive; Visual/Verbal; and Sequential/Global. As stated by Felder and Silverman, these 
dimensions “are neither original nor comprehensive”16 and are drawn from previous 
theories such as Jung and Kolb. The Felder-Silverman model defines these dimensions:

• Active learners have a preference for talking through or applying what they 
are learning as well as working within a group setting. Reflective learners favor 
contemplation of new information and working individually.

• Sensing learners like structure, details, and facts as well as seeing a clear con-
nection to the real world. Intuitive learners like exploration of new knowledge 
particularly if it is abstract or an entirely new concept.

• Visual learners retain knowledge when presented in a visual manner such as 
charts, graphs, or video. Verbal learners retain knowledge when received in 
written or spoken format.

• Sequential learners advance their learning in steps or a linear manner. Global 
learners advance their learning more randomly and when they are able to see 
the big picture.17

Learning Styles and Index of Learning Styles Validity
While not the focus of this study, it is important to acknowledge the ongoing debate sur-
rounding the validity of learning styles research models and the connection to student 
learning. In addition to conflicting schools of thought concerning learning styles, debate 
exists whether learning styles theories have undergone scientific scrutiny.18 Many studies, 
while not actively investigating the validity of learning styles, have questioned whether 
they should be applied in an educational setting. In a literature survey, Pashler et al. were 
unable to find scientifically valid studies proving that it is appropriate to apply learning 
styles to education.19 Some studies found that students who are taught with methods 
conducive to their learning style have shown improved performance while others have 
shown no measurable impact.20 As research into cognitive processes expands, there is 
increasing examination of methods and research results. The term “neuromythologies” 
was first coined in 2002 to describe “a misunderstanding, a misreading, and in some 
cases a deliberate warping of the scientifically established facts to make a relevant case 
for education or for other purposes.”21 The neuroscience community has classified some 
common “brain-based” educational models as neuromyths: these include “10% brain 
usage, left- and right-brained thinking,” Neil Fleming’s VARK learning style model and 
the theory of multiple intelligences developed by Howard Gardner.22 While this ongoing 
debate is interesting, the ILS that the authors chose has not been cited as a neuromyth. 

As with other models, the ILS has been tested for validity and reliability since its 
introduction in the early 1990s. Felder and Spurlin examined the data from fifteen 
research articles that reported results of the ILS.23 With these data, they examined test-

Learning Style Dimensions and Professional Characteristics of Academic Librarians  453

retest reliability, internal consistency reliability, interscale orthogonality, and construct 
validity. Their analysis found that, when used as intended, the ILS validity holds. In 
another study, the ILS was administered to engineering students and faculty between 
2000 and 2002. The test-retest reliability was determined to be strong to moderate in 
each of the dimensions and the internal reliability was also found to be acceptable. 
Additionally, representing support of construct validity, significant differences were 
found between the results for faculty versus students.24 A study of internal medicine 
residents, who completed the ILS twice and another learning style instrument once, 
found the test-retest reliability was good for both the Active/Reflective and Sensing/
Intuitive scales although weaker in the Visual/Verbal and Sequential/Global scales 
.25 In another study, first- and third-year medical students reported that the ILS was 
easier to understand than the other two learning styles instruments administered. The 
students felt that the ILS accurately represented their learning styles. While looking 
at several factors to determine validity of the ILS, there was evidence of the construct 
validity of the ILS in both the active-reflective and sensing-intuitive learning scales.26 
A longitudinal study of medical school students testing the instrument’s internal 
consistency and temporal stability validated both components. Data gathered from 
second-year and fourth-year students showed temporal stability in all of the dimensions 
except global/sequential. Additionally, an acceptable level of internal consistency was 
found and provided “evidence supporting the appropriateness of the ILS for assessing 
learning style preferences in undergraduate medical students.”27

Several learning styles instruments were evaluated based on general validity, ease of 
access for subjects, length of time to complete and/or number of questions, question 
difficulty, dissemination cost, scope, and ease of data retrieval access and manipula-
tion. A list of five potential instruments was selected for further consideration: Index 
of Learning Styles (Felder and Soloman), Inventory of Learning Styles (Vermunt), 
Learning Styles Inventory (Kolb), Learning Style Questionnaire (Honey and Mumford), 
and Memletics® Learning Styles Inventory.

The ILS fulfilled the necessary criteria for the research purposes and surpassed 
other instruments in a few significant ways. First, the full instrument could be admin-
istered on a local server. Second, permission was received from North Carolina State 
University to adapt the ILS to capture professional data from the respondents, while 
also providing feedback to participants on their preferences of the four dimensions 
of the learning style. PHP coding was also added to enable respondents to receive a 
report of where they placed on each of the paired scales. This may have served as an 
incentive for some participants. Third, use of this instrument was provided at no cost.

The ILS, an online self-scoring questionnaire, is used to identify learning prefer-
ences within the four-paired dimension scales of the Felder-Silverman learning styles 
model. Developed by Richard Felder and Barbara Soloman, the ILS is a 44-question 
multiple-choice survey, and each of the paired learning dimensions have eleven ques-
tions designated to them. Every question provides two answer options; these answers 
represent both aspects of the paired dimension.28 The answers are calculated and placed 
on a 22-point scale for each of the four scales. The ranking on the scale indicates an 
individual’s preference and the level of preference. A ranking of 1 or 3 is an indication 
that a respondent is fairly well balanced between the two dimensions of that scale. A 5 
or 7 ranking on either end of the scale shows that a respondent has a moderate prefer-
ence for the indicated dimension of the scale. On either end of the scale, if a ranking 
of 9 or 11 is indicated, then a respondent has a very strong preference for the specific 
dimension of the scale.

454  College & Research Libraries May 2015

Data Collection
The online survey consisted of a set of seven questions (see appendix A), as well as 
the ILS questionnaire. Calls for participation and subsequent reminders to 23 listservs 
(see appendix B)—with a primary focus on academic librarianship—were sent. The 
survey was made available from April 15 to May 13, 2011. Due to a mistake in PHP 
coding, the survey initially was missing a legitimate answer to the birth-year question. 
That was corrected quickly after the survey was released. Therefore, these respondents 
were treated as missing data for this field. Based on feedback that the original group 
of listservs was too focused on public services, the survey was made available again 
from April 15 to May 13, 2013, and targeted toward fourteen listservs used predomi-
nantly by technical services librarians. A total of 1,576 responses was received during 
the two rounds: 879 in 2011 and 697 in 2013. A drawback of ILS, mentioned by several 
respondents, is that several questions are better suited for students in a classroom 
environment. It should be noted that this might have impacted how respondents of 
this questionnaire scored on each dimension scale.

Statistical Tests
The author’s main hypothesis was that learning styles would reflect in part the type 
and place of work and the skills and training the librarians possessed. The null hy-
pothesis was that there is no relationship between the learning styles for all librarians, 
regardless of the type and place of work or the skills and training that they possess. 
The following should be kept in mind when interpreting the results:

1. The four paired learning style dimensions are treated as ordinal data. This is 
based on arguments put forth by Carifio and Perla, that scales, as opposed to 
responses, can be treated as ordinal data and thus subjected to parametric sta-
tistical tests.29 Since the paired learning dimensions are measured on a 22-point 
scale that is calculated from 44 multiple choice questions, this theory applies.

2. For statistical analysis, the main hypothesis was separated into two subhypoth-
eses: first, that learning styles were reliant on other observed variables (such as 
job position responsibilities or years in an academic library); and second, that 
other observed variables (such as job position responsibilities or years in an 
academic library) were reliant on an intrinsic learning style. Please note that, 
because of the nature of this observational study, there is no means of knowing 
which of the subhypotheses is more likely (that is to say, which came first—the 
learning style or the other observed variables, such as job category). Since there 

Example of Results on the 22-Point Scale

Learning Style Dimensions and Professional Characteristics of Academic Librarians  455

is no conclusive evidence as to whether a learning style is static and inherent or if 
it changes over exposure to a particular environment, both subhypotheses were 
considered. It is possible that a learning style may reflect both inherent quali-
ties and environment, resulting in both subhypotheses being partially valid.

3. For the first subhypothesis (that learning styles were reliant on other observed 
variables, such as position responsibilities or years in an academic library), each 
of the four paired learning dimensions was treated as a dependent variable, 
with the other observed variables as the independent variables. The appropriate 
statistical test is an ANOVA with a Tukey-Kramer post-hoc mean separation. 
The Tukey-Kramer method helps to account for the differences in the sample 
sizes, such as that seen in the job category distribution (see table 2).30 It is more 
conservative than other conventional statistical tests when the sample sizes are 
unbalanced and thus less likely to exhibit false positives. So it is less likely to 
show a difference between the means, when in actuality no difference exists. 
However, a large difference in sample sizes does leave the analysis vulnerable 
to possible false negatives. That is, the analysis is less likely to indicate differ-
ences between means for the smaller sample sizes (such as the small number 
of scholarly communications, archives, interlibrary loan, and other librarians) 
even if there may be significant differences between these populations. This is 
because a small sample size is less likely to accurately represent its entire popu-
lation. An extreme example of this is the single preservationist that responded 
to the survey. That individual is unlikely to represent the entire population of 
preservationists, and was therefore allocated into the “other” category for the 
analysis presented in table 2. The only resolution to this vulnerability is to col-
lect more data on the underrepresented populations until the sample sizes for 
all observed variables are large, and preferably equal, in size.

4. For the second subhypothesis (that other observed variables, such as job category 
or years in an academic library, was reliant on an intrinsic learning style), each 
of the paired learning style dimensions was treated as the independent variable, 
with the other observed variables as the dependent variables. The appropriate 
statistical test is a Chi-square or a Fisher’s Exact test. However, neither could 
be performed due to the requirement that the values be greater than zero when 
the observations are separated by both the independent and the dependent 
variable. Therefore, in place of a statistical test, this subhypothesis is discussed 
with regard to observed frequencies (see figures 7–10).

Additionally, all data were analyzed with multivariate statistics to determine any 
patterns and/or driving forces behind any patterns. Specifically, nonmetric multidimen-
sional scaling and principal component analysis were performed with PRIMER-E.31 
No specific patterns were observed, likely due to the low (four) dimensionality of the 
data set. As such, no data are presented from this analysis.

Study Limitations
One limitation to this study is the nonrandom nature of the respondents. Only librar-
ians who follow listservs received the opportunity to respond, meaning that the results 
may be biased toward librarians who subscribe to listservs and with an additional 
willingness to participate in research. It may also be postulated that those librarians 
who follow listservs (a learning activity) would be the most likely to be open to new 
learning experiences and, thus, more likely to engage in professional development 
activities. Therefore, the results of this study may be more applicable to the subpopu-
lation of librarians who are more likely to engage in learning activities. The motiva-
tions, or lack thereof, for not subscribing to listservs (or other learning activities) or 

456  College & Research Libraries May 2015

for participation in research were not within the scope of this study. However, future 
learning style research should focus on this population, as particular learning styles 
may be associated with motivational status.

Additionally, disseminating the survey via listservs allowed the authors to rapidly 
receive a large number of responses, something that would not have been possible with 
an alternative distribution method (e-mail, snail mail, or other web presence). If more 
than one dissemination method were used, then the possibility of multiple responses 
from a given individual would have increased, as well as logistical challenges. The 
advantage of a large number of respondents was judged to outweigh the negative 
impact of the volunteer bias.

The survey and ILS questionnaire were completed by 1,587 respondents. The only nonpro-
fessional question was year of birth; the rest of the survey variables focused on educational 
level (such as Masters in LIS) and professional characteristics: position responsibilities, 
supervisory responsibilities, administrative responsibilities, and type of institution.

As expected in a profession that requires at least one advanced degree, most re-
spondents (~76%) are between the ages of 33 and 62 (born between 1951 and 1980) (see 
figure 2). There are slightly more librarians above the age of 62 (~14%) than below the 
age of 33 (~11%) (as shown in figure 2). Also as expected, there is a moderately strong 
correlation between age and time spent in academic libraries (Pearson’s r = 0.67).

The three largest position responsibilities are administrative, reference, and instruc-
tion (see figure 3). Although the remaining half of the respondents are spread among 
the 13 remaining position responsibility categories, only one category (preservation) 
had fewer than 10 respondents (see figure 3). Slightly more than half of the respon-
dents have supervisory responsibilities (55%) and 95% possess Masters in LIS degrees 
(data not shown).

The types of administrative responsibilities are relatively evenly distributed among 
categories (see figure 4). Similarly, the types of institutions are relatively evenly dis-
tributed (see figure 5).

Age Range and Years of Academic Library Experience (n=1,583)

Learning Style Dimensions - 1 
















Age Range of Respondents, as of 2013 

Age Range and Years of Academic Library Experience 


Years of experience not

I am not an academic librarian

26+ years

21-25 years

16-20 years

11-15 years

6-10 years

0-5 years

Learning Style Dimensions and Professional Characteristics of Academic Librarians  457

Job Responsibilities (n = 1,558)

Administrative Responsibilities (n = 1,586)

458  College & Research Libraries May 2015

Learning Style Results
To determine if the results from both survey times (April–May 2011 and April–May 
2013) were different from each other, the results were statistically compared.32 The 
overwhelming majority of paired learning dimension measurements are not statisti-
cally significantly different from each other (p > 0.05, data not shown). Therefore, the 
results of both survey times are combined for all statistical tests and visualizations.

Type of Institution (n = 1,586)

Index of Learning Styles Results for All Respondents (n = 1,587)












-11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11







Index of Learning Styles scale (Felder and Soloman, 2010) 

Active/Re�lective mean = 1.4 Sensing/Intutive mean = 0.6

Visual/Verbal mean = -1.4 Sequential/Global mean = 0.9

Learning Style Dimensions and Professional Characteristics of Academic Librarians  459

The means for all respondents are near zero; this is expected given the values range 
from zero to eleven on either side of the learning dimension scale. For instance, the 
mean for the Visual/Verbal scale shows an average negative number, but that simply 
means that the value is on the Visual side of the scale (see figure 6). The means for all 
respondents are “fairly balanced,” as defined by Felder and Soloman, across all four 
learning dimension scales, with a slight lean toward reflective, intuitive, visual, and 
global learning (see figure 6).

To determine if there are statistically significant differences in each of the four paired 
dimension measurements, each question was tested. Most of the p-values are greater 
than 0.05, meaning that there are no statistically significant differences for the answers 
to that question (see table 1). For example, there were no statistically significant dif-
ferences in the Active/Reflective measurement, regardless of the respondents’ year of 
birth (p = 0.25, see table 1). However, there are five statistically significant p-values; all 
four paired dimension measurements show statistically significant differences for “Q3. 
Position responsibilities” and the Sensing/Intuitive measurement shows a statistically 
significant difference for “Q2. Time in an academic library” (see table 1). Therefore, 
the results of both these questions were tested further.

In table 2, the letters “a” and “b” are symbols that indicate statistically significant 
differences between the means within a given column. A mean with the label “a” is not 
statistically significantly different from another mean with an “a” or “ab,” and any “b” 
labeled mean is not statistically significantly different than another mean with a “b” 
or “ab.” Therefore, only the means with different letter labels are statistically differ-
ent from each other. The further testing of “Q2. Time in academic library” yielded no 
statistical differences (data not shown). The groups highlighted below are the result of 
further testing of “Q3. Position responsibilities,” which allowed the following statisti-
cally significant trends to emerge:

• Catalogers are statistically more reflective learners than administrative and 
instruction librarians, who are more active learners (p = 0.009, see table 2).

• Instruction, administrative and the “other librarian” categories are statistically 
more intuitive learners than catalogers, who are more sensing learners (p = 
0.0004, see table 2). The category “other librarian” consists of librarians who 
selected the answer “other librarian” in response to “Q3. Position responsibili-
ties” plus the one preservationist as described in the statistical analysis section 
of this paper. 

P-values Indicating Significant Differences in the Four Paired Learning 

Dimension Scales for All Demographic Survey Questions




Q1. Year of Birth 0.25 0.44 0.22 0.13
Q2. Time in Academic Libraries 0.15 0.04 0.25 0.25
Q3. Position Responsibilities 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.00
Q4. Supervisory Responsibilities 0.93 0.77 0.39 0.34
Q5. Administrative Responsibilities 0.25 0.38 0.68 0.49
Q6. Masters in LIS Possession 0.39 0.81 0.95 0.37
Q7. Type of Institution 0.86 0.32 0.16 0.11

460  College & Research Libraries May 2015

• Administrative, cataloging, and reference librarians are statistically more verbal 
than digital librarians, who are more visual learners (p = 0.020, see table 2).

• Administrative, collection development, instruction, and systems/IT librarians 
are statistically more global learners than catalogers who are more sequential 
(p = 0.001, see table 2).

Although the use of the Tukey’s post hoc test for mean separation accounts for much 
of the uneven number of people in each job responsibility group, it is possible that the 
smaller groups do not show statistical significance due to their lack of a large sample 
size (see table 2). However, the statistical differences that are observed remain valid. 
Due to these statistically significant differences, the catalogers, administrative, instruc-
tion, reference, digital, systems/IT, and “other librarian” categories will be discussed 
further. Since the archives, bibliographer/subject specialist, circulation, collection 
development, electronic resources, interlibrary loan/document delivery, scholarly 
communication, serials, and special collections librarians did not show statistically 
significant differences, they are not discussed further. 

The position responsibilities that were statistically different from each other are 
graphed in figures 7 through 10. Although the Tukey’s post hoc statistical test showed 
that catalogers are statistically more reflective than administrative or instruction librar-
ians, the shape of their responses in figure 7 suggests that they are not as different as 

Means and Significant Differences of Librarians in Different Position 

Responsibilities for Each Paired Learning Dimension Scale
Size (n)





Administrative 321 1.00 b 1.33 a –0.94 a 1.90 a
Archives 13 2.87 ab 1.86 ab –0.79 ab 2.36 ab

44 0.86 ab 1.66 ab –0.46 ab 1.66 ab

Cataloging 145 3.10 a –2.08 b –1.08 a –1.18 b
Circulation 30 1.83 ab –0.92 ab –3.79 ab –0.99 ab
Collection Development 94 2.32 ab 0.35 ab –1.71 ab 1.53 a
Digital Libraries/Digitization 40 1.63 ab 1.50 ab –4.84 b 1.70 ab
Electronic Resources 105 2.14 ab –0.73 ab –1.25 ab 0.35 ab
Interlibrary Loan/Document 

14 1.81 ab –1.75 ab –1.73 ab –2.01 ab

Instruction 228 0.65 b 1.13 a –2.13 ab 1.35 a
Other 95 1.20 ab 1.10 a –2.07 ab 0.89 ab
Reference 279 1.36 ab 0.01 ab –0.83 a 0.67 ab
Scholarly Communication 11 2.63 ab 2.64 ab –1.21 ab 2.24 ab
Serials 29 2.27 ab –0.89 ab –0.52 ab –0.17 ab
Special Collections 18 3.16 ab 1.13 ab –0.13 ab 1.32 ab

92 1.10 ab 0.67 ab –1.90 ab 1.45 a

P (0.05) 0.009 0.0004 0.020 0.001

Learning Style Dimensions and Professional Characteristics of Academic Librarians  461

the statistical test would suggest. Cataloger responses can be seen to plateau between 
–1 and 7, rather than peak, and are visually very similar to both administrative and 
instruction librarian responses (see figure 7). This is an example of how the results of a 
statistical test of significance may be affected by the data failing to meet the assumptions 
behind the statistical test (that is, that all groups of the data have a perfectly normal, 
or bell-shaped, distribution).

Active/Reflective Learning Dimension Responses for Significantly Different 

Position Responsibilities






-11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11







Active/Re�lective Scale (Felder and Soloman, 2010) 

 Administrative Cataloging Instruction

Sensing / Intuitive Learning Dimension Responses for Significantly Different 

Position Responsibilities






-11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11







Sensing/Intutive Scale (Felder and Soloman, 2010) 


Administrative Cataloging

Instruction Other

462  College & Research Libraries May 2015

As can be seen from the large number of catalogers that scored on the negative side 
of the zero mark, they are statistically more Sensing than administrative, instruction, 
and the “other librarian” category (see figure 8). However, from the shape of the cata-
loger’s distribution, it is possible that they consist of two distinct groups: one that is 
moderately Sensing and one that is mildly Intuitive (see figure 8).

Similar to the catalogers on the Sensing/Intuitive scale, the digital librarians show 
two clear groups on the Visual/Verbal scale (see figure 9). One group of digital librar-
ians is clearly moderate to strong Visual learners, while a smaller group is mild to 
moderate Verbal learners (see figure 9).

 Visual/Verbal Learning Dimension Responses for Significantly Different 

Position Responsibilities






-11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11







Visual/Verbal Scale (Felder and Soloman, 2010) 


Administrative Cataloging

Digital Libraries/Digitization Reference

Sequential/Global Learning Dimension Responses for Significantly Different 

Position Responsibilities






-11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11







Sequential/Global Scale (Felder and Soloman, 2010) 


Administrative Cataloging

Instruction Collection Development

Systems/Information Technology

Learning Style Dimensions and Professional Characteristics of Academic Librarians  463

Catalogers also show a tendency toward Sequential learning, while administrative, 
instruction, collection development, and systems/information technology librarians 
have a tendency to Global learning (see figure 10). However, the catalogers consist 
of three apparent groups: moderately Sequential, mildly Sequential and moderately 
Global (see figure 10).

Although neuroeducational research is in its infancy and learning styles are considered 
“neuromyths” by some,33 the concept of learning styles can be beneficial.34 Similar to the 
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator,35 which has also received sustained criticism,36 these tools 
are best used in self-reflective exercises that engage participants in the discussion of dif-
ferences between individuals. Both tools can be used in a variety of settings to improve 
workplace interpersonal communication, enhance professional development and staff 
training, and become a more engaged teacher. Further research could be conducted 
to determine how these learning dimensions affect a variety of librarian activities.

The findings indicate that some librarians with different position responsibilities 
have different learning styles. For those participating in professional development, 
knowing their learning style may encourage individual librarians to either select learn-
ing activities that match their learning style or, alternatively, to challenge themselves 
to engage in nonmatching learning activities. Similarly, librarians who are conduct-
ing professional development activities may wish to experiment with teaching styles 
according to the job descriptions of their targeted audience. For instance, a training 
activity designed with reflective, sensing, verbal, and sequential components would 
be complementary to many catalogers’ learning styles. Additionally, an understand-
ing of learning styles may encourage managers to be more tolerant of alternative, or 
nontraditional, professional development activities and be better guided in suggesting 
learning opportunities for subordinates. Only future research into learning styles and 
librarian job descriptions will reveal concrete recommendations.

In the classroom setting, learning styles need not be used to prescriptively modify 
learning materials or attempt to match learning plans to specific individuals, but instead 
as a framework by which educators can understand the diversity of their students and 
by which individuals can reflect on their own tendencies in teaching and learning. Both 
self-awareness and awareness of others’ potential differences can enhance teaching and 
learning. Specifically, learning style assessments may encourage librarian-teachers to 
recognize when an alternative teaching style is desirable and to expand their teaching 
style to accommodate a larger variety of learning styles.

From an administrative or manager’s standpoint, being aware of employees’ learning 
styles can aid in addressing interpersonal dynamics within a department, in meetings, or 
on a team. When discussion is needed on new information, those with reflective prefer-
ences (such as catalogers) may need a longer time to think and process the information. 
For example, communicating new information prior to a meeting would allow reflec-
tive learners enough time to process and be ready to engage in the meeting discussion.

Learning style research could impact the organizational culture of a library and 
influence how training programs can better address the needs of librarians and the 
connection (or lack thereof) of learning styles of librarians to the learning styles of 
students. In conjunction with other established pedagogical theories and practices, 
learning styles can result in elevated communication and collaboration.

While current examination of learning styles within librarianship is focused primarily 
on teaching and student learning, this research study attempts to expand the research 

464  College & Research Libraries May 2015

arena by looking at the relationship of learning styles and professional positions and 
responsibilities. The researchers hypothesized that learning styles would reflect the 
type and place of work and the skills and training the librarians possessed. Analysis 
of the data shows some statistically significant relationships do exist. The observed 
trends are that catalogers have statistically different learning styles than administrative 
or instruction librarians. Further research will confirm or refute the trends observed 
in this study and expose how professional responsibilities are influenced by learning 
styles, or vice versa.

Specifically, further research could examine more detailed job activities, in addition 
to the broader job description categories collected here. An examination of job activi-
ties would allow researchers to tease out why some learning style dimension answers 
appear to reflect two or more separate groups, while others clearly reflect one group. 
This is apparent in the shape of the lines in the graphs; some have a bell-like shape, 
representing one group, while others show two or more “peaks.” It is possible that 
these “peaks” are related to specific job activities within the job description category.

The use and research of learning styles will continue to engage researchers in mul-
tiple areas of scholarship, such as the concepts of learning styles, whether or not they 
exist, and if learning styles impact how we learn and function within today’s society. 
Continued research will need to ensure a focus on valid measurements and analysis. 
Even though there are both supporters and critics, thoughtful integration of learning 
styles into professional development and learning environments can enhance the 
experience for both teacher and student.

Appendix A. Questions for Survey Instrument
1. I was born between the following years:

• Before 1945
• 1945–1950
• 1951–1955
• 1956–1960
• 1961–1965
• 1966–1970
• 1971–1975
• 1976–1980
• 1981–1985
• 1986–1990

2. I have been an academic librarian for:
• 0–5 years
• 6–10 years
• 11–15 years
• 16–20 years
• 21–25 years
• 26+ years
• I am not an academic librarian

3. The majority of my position responsibilities are:
• Administrative
• Archives
• Bibliographer / Subject Specialist
• Cataloging
• Circulation
• Collection Development

Learning Style Dimensions and Professional Characteristics of Academic Librarians  465

• Digital Libraries / Digitization
• Electronic Resources
• Instruction
• Interlibrary Loan / Document Delivery
• Preservation
• Reference
• Scholarly Communication
• Serials
• Special Collections
• Systems / Information Technology
• Other

4. Do you supervise librarians and/or nonstudent staff?
• Yes
• No

5. My level of administrative responsibilities are:
• Library or Library System
• Department
• Unit, Program, or Coordinator
• Other
• I do not have administrative responsibilities

6. I have a Master’s in Library and Information Science
• Yes
• No

7. My library is in an institution that is best described as a:
• Doctorate-Granting University—Tier 1/Land Grant
• Doctorate-Granting University—Comprehensive/Non–Land Grant
• Master’s Colleges and Universities
• Baccalaureate Colleges
• Associate’s Colleges
• Special Academic Institution
• Other

Appendix B. Librarian Listservs for Survey 
Instrument Call for Participation
Round One (April 15–May 13, 2011)

• AAMES-L: ACRL Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Section
• AFAS-L: African American Studies Librarians Section
• ANSS-L: ACRL Anthropology and Sociology Section
• ARLIS-L: Art Libraries Society of North America
• ARTS-LIB: ACRL Arts Section
• CJC-L: ACRL Community and Junior College Library Section
• EBSS-L: ACRL Education & Behavioral Science Librarians Section
• COLLIB-L: ACRL College Libraries Section
• GOVDOC-L: Government Documents Round Table
• IILAlumni: ACRL Institute for Information Literacy Alumni
• ILI-L: ACRL Instruction Section
• INFOLIT: Information Literacy Discussion (K–20 Collaboration)
• LES-L: ACRL Literatures in English Section
• LIBADMIN: Library Leadership & Management Association

466  College & Research Libraries May 2015

• LPSS-L: ACRL Law and Political Science Section
• MEDLIB-L: Medical Library Association
• MLA-L: Music Library Association
• OFFCAMP: ACRL Distance Learning Section
• STS-L: ACRL Science and Technology Section
• ULS-L: ACRL University Libraries Section
• WESSList: ACRL Western European Studies Section
• WGSS-L: WGSS—Women and Gender Studies Section

Round Two (April 15–May 13, 2013)
• ASIS-L: Association for Information Science and Technology
• Autocat: Library Cataloging and Authorities
• code4lib: Code for Libraries
• DLF-ANNOUNCE: Digital Libraries Forum
• DIGLIB: IFLA discussion list for digital library researchers and librarians
• ERIL-L: Electronic Resources in Libraries
• Liblicense-L: Licensing digital content
• LITA-L: Library and Information Technology Association List
• metadataLibrarians
• NGC4LIB: Next Generation Catalogs for Libraries
• OLAC-L: OnLine Audiovisual Catalogers
• SERIALST: Serials in Libraries
• WEB4LIB: Web Systems in Libraries
• XML4LIB: XML in Libraries

This study was funded by a 2010–2011 Illinois State University Research Grant awarded 
to Chad Kahl, Bill McMillin, Trisha Prosise, and Jennifer Sharkey. McMillin and Pro-
sise worked on the initial round of research and first draft of the research. Invaluable 
statistical consulting was provided by Dr. Michael Gizzi and Dr. Mark Leymon of the 
Illinois State University Department of Criminal Justice Sciences. Preliminary statisti-
cal work was done by Ryan Field. The online adaptation of the Index of Learning Styles 
(ILS) Questionnaire and PHP programming code was done by Steve Farbota. Thanks go 
to Rong Li, Jason Paul, and Sarah Williams of Milner Library’s Library and Informa-
tion Technology Services Department for technical support. The authors give special 
thanks to North Carolina State University for their permission to adapt the ILS to our 
research needs. Thanks are also due to Stephanie Davis-Kahl, Sandy Roe, and Julie 
Derden for reading drafts.

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