Letters Previous   Contents   Next Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship Fall 2000 DOI:10.5062/F4WM1BCT URLs in this document have been updated. Links enclosed in {curly brackets} have been changed. If a replacement link was located, the new URL was added and the link is active; if a new site could not be identified, the broken link was removed. Letters From: Adam Chesler E-mail: adam.chesler@wkap.com Regarding: Electronic Journal Publishers: A Reference Librarian's Guide (Summer 2000) For future reference, Kluwer does have an electronic alerting service in place (Kluwer Alert), which can be used to get information about new books as well as forthcoming tables of contents from all of our journals. There's a link to further information, and a registration, on our home page which is located at {http://www.springer.com/}. Also, effective 2001, there will be full-text available from over 700 journals. We are looking into personalized services and article-level transactions, but for the moment, these are, as you correctly note, not available. I would be happy to provide any further information you require about Kluwer's publications: feel free to contact me at any time. From: Bridget Pairaudeau E-mail: bridget.pairaudeau@ioppublishing.co.uk Affiliation: Executive Producer, Electronic Products, IoP Publishing Regarding: Institute of Physics Online (Summer 2000) Thank you for your review of our electronic journals service. Its great to get feedback especially when it is largely positive. We have added some new features since your article: Our archive now stretches back to 1991 giving 10 years of access to full text for most journals. We are now a member of the CrossRef initiative which has enabled us to add even more links to our HyperCite reference lists. Our recent implementation of the OpenURL makes our electronic journals SFX enabled. This exciting new technology allows a user to take full advantage of their host institution's collection through context-sensitive links to a wide variety of electronic resources. The service is continually being reviewed and we are keen to improve existing features and add new ones. As the system develops in the future I'd like to take on board your valuable comments about the Remote service and the search. Please don't hesitate to contact us for further information about EJs or any of our other electronic products. Name: Jon Doyle E-mail: doyle@mit.edu Affiliation: Principal Research Scientist, Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Regarding: Free Scholarly Electronic Journals: How Good Are They? (Summer 2000) The URL provided for JAIR, the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, was replaced several years ago by the URL http://www.jair.org/. The older URL given in the article now serves as a mirror site. Name: Pamela Blazick E-mail: pamela.blazick@isinet.com Affiliation: JCR Editor, ISI - Thomson Scientific Regarding: Free Scholarly Electronic Journals: How Good Are They? (Summer 2000) An error appears within the article listed above written by M. Fosmire and S. Yu. The authors state, "Since the 1999 version of Journal Citation Reports was not available for comparison ( and will not be available until 2001), the authors compare the computed 1999 data to the 1998 JCR data." In fact, the 1999 JCR is available now. The web and CD formats have been available since mid-July and the microfiche format was released in mid-August. ISI expects to release the 2000 JCR in the summer of 2001. Previous   Contents   Next