id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
ital-13279	Wang, Zhiyu; Wu, Jingyu; Yu, Guang; Song, Zhiping	Text Analysis and Visualization Research on the Hetu Dangse During the Qing Dynasty of China	2021-09-20	23	.pdf	application/pdf	8726	452	43	Thus, in this study, we aim to use text analysis and visualization methods in machine learning to conduct data mining analysis of historical document data. By analyzing the official documents between the institutional functions, we can further explore the overlap as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the Qing Dynasty Shengjing ruling system to study the history of Shengjing institutions in the Qing Dynasty more thoroughly providing a reference for the design of current institutions.	cache/ital-13279.pdf	txt/ital-13279.txt