id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
ital-5763	Bierman, Kenneth J.; Atherton, Pauline; Payne, Charles T.; Crawford, Walt; Martin, David S.	Book Reviews	1973-03-01	4	.pdf	application/pdf	2052	121	56	For librarians, a major rele- vance of this volume will be the varied approaches to cost-effectiveness analysis of instruction in relation to learning ma- terials, since in this task, librarian and in- structor must work hand in hand. 6/ 1 March 1973 cellent, and this portion is valuable in showing the virtues and defects of various approaches to key word indexing.	cache/ital-5763.pdf	txt/ital-5763.txt