id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt pipe-0092 Ean Henninger Multilingualism, Neoliberalism, and Language Ideologies in Libraries 2020 .html text/html 7428 371 37 Campus-wide Collaborations In a study into establishing strategies for more effectively integrating student supports into their academics, Dadger et al. found that all strategies have the same two aims: “(a) to make student services and supports a natural part of students’ college experience and (b) to increase the quality of both support services and instruction. However, studies show that perpetual connectivity through social media and other technological platforms contribute to increased cases of stress, anxiety, and depression.1 Therefore, institutions of higher education support students’ needs in these areas by offering mentoring, mental health, and transitional services to better equip students to successfully adapt and thrive within their new environments. cache/pipe-0092.html txt/pipe-0092.txt