id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
03-pathfinder_006-1758	James Fenimore Cooper	03-pathfinder_006-1758	1758		.txt	text/plain	6453	229	71	Ay, empty your rifles like simpletons as you are, said the Pathfinder, who had acquired a habit of speaking when alone, from passing so much of his time in the solitude of the forest; empty your rifles with an unsteady aim, and give me time to put yard upon yard of river between us. Without making any noise, therefore, he managed to get the two Indians and Jasper near him, when he opened his communications in a whisper.	cache/03-pathfinder_006-1758.txt	txt/03-pathfinder_006-1758.txt