id	sid	tid	token	lemma	pos
02-mohicans_012-1757	1	1	chapter	chapter	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	1	2	xi	xi	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	1	3	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	2	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	2	2	cursed	curse	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	2	3	be	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	2	4	my	my	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	2	5	tribe	tribe	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	2	6	if	if	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	2	7	i	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	2	8	forgive	forgive	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	2	9	him	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	2	10	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	2	11	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	1	shylock	shylock	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	2	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	3	indian	indian	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	4	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	5	selected	select	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	6	for	for	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	7	this	this	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	8	desirable	desirable	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	9	purpose	purpose	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	10	one	one	NUM
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	11	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	12	those	those	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	13	steep	steep	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	14	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	15	pyramidal	pyramidal	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	16	hills	hill	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	17	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	18	which	which	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	19	bear	bear	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	20	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	21	strong	strong	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	22	resemblance	resemblance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	23	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	24	artificial	artificial	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	25	mounds	mound	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	26	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	27	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	28	which	which	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	29	so	so	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	30	frequently	frequently	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	31	occur	occur	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	32	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	33	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	34	valleys	valley	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	35	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	36	america	america	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	3	37	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	2	one	one	NUM
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	3	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	4	question	question	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	5	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	6	high	high	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	7	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	8	precipitous	precipitous	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	9	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	10	its	its	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	11	top	top	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	12	flattened	flatten	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	13	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	14	as	as	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	15	usual	usual	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	16	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	17	but	but	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	18	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	19	one	one	NUM
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	20	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	21	its	its	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	22	sides	side	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	23	more	more	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	24	than	than	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	25	ordinarily	ordinarily	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	26	irregular	irregular	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	4	27	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	1	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	2	possessed	possess	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	3	no	no	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	4	other	other	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	5	apparent	apparent	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	6	advantage	advantage	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	7	for	for	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	8	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	9	resting	rest	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	10	place	place	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	11	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	12	than	than	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	13	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	14	its	its	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	15	elevation	elevation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	16	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	17	form	form	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	18	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	19	which	which	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	20	might	might	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	21	render	render	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	22	defense	defense	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	23	easy	easy	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	24	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	25	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	26	surprise	surprise	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	27	nearly	nearly	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	28	impossible	impossible	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	5	29	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	1	as	as	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	2	heyward	heyward	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	4	however	however	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	5	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	6	no	no	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	7	longer	long	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	8	expected	expect	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	9	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	10	rescue	rescue	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	11	which	which	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	12	time	time	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	13	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	14	distance	distance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	15	now	now	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	16	rendered	render	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	17	so	so	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	18	improbable	improbable	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	19	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	20	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	21	regarded	regard	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	22	these	these	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	23	little	little	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	24	peculiarities	peculiarity	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	25	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	26	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	27	eye	eye	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	28	devoid	devoid	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	29	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	30	interest	interest	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	31	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	32	devoting	devote	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	33	himself	himself	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	34	entirely	entirely	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	35	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	36	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	37	comfort	comfort	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	38	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	39	condolence	condolence	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	40	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	41	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	42	feebler	feebler	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	43	companions	companion	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	6	44	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	2	narragansetts	narragansetts	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	3	were	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	4	suffered	suffer	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	5	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	6	browse	browse	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	7	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	8	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	9	branches	branch	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	10	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	11	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	12	trees	tree	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	13	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	14	shrubs	shrub	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	15	that	that	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	16	were	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	17	thinly	thinly	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	18	scattered	scatter	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	19	over	over	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	20	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	21	summit	summit	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	22	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	23	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	24	hill	hill	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	25	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	26	while	while	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	27	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	28	remains	remain	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	29	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	30	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	31	provisions	provision	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	32	were	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	33	spread	spread	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	34	under	under	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	35	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	36	shade	shade	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	37	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	38	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	39	beech	beech	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	40	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	41	that	that	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	42	stretched	stretch	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	43	its	its	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	44	horizontal	horizontal	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	45	limbs	limb	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	46	like	like	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	47	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	48	canopy	canopy	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	49	above	above	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	50	them	they	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	7	51	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	1	notwithstanding	notwithstanding	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	2	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	3	swiftness	swiftness	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	4	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	5	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	6	flight	flight	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	7	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	8	one	one	NUM
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	9	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	10	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	11	indians	indians	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	12	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	13	found	find	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	14	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	15	opportunity	opportunity	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	16	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	17	strike	strike	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	18	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	19	straggling	straggle	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	20	fawn	fawn	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	21	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	22	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	23	arrow	arrow	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	24	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	25	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	26	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	27	borne	bear	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	28	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	29	more	more	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	30	preferable	preferable	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	31	fragments	fragment	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	32	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	33	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	34	victim	victim	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	35	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	36	patiently	patiently	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	37	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	38	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	39	shoulders	shoulder	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	40	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	41	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	42	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	43	stopping	stop	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	44	place	place	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	8	45	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	1	without	without	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	2	any	any	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	3	aid	aid	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	4	from	from	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	5	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	6	science	science	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	7	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	8	cookery	cookery	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	9	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	10	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	11	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	12	immediately	immediately	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	13	employed	employ	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	14	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	15	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	16	common	common	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	17	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	18	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	19	fellows	fellow	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	20	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	21	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	22	gorging	gorge	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	23	himself	himself	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	24	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	25	this	this	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	26	digestible	digestible	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	27	sustenance	sustenance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	9	28	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	10	1	magua	magua	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	10	2	alone	alone	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	10	3	sat	sit	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	10	4	apart	apart	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	10	5	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	10	6	without	without	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	10	7	participating	participate	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	10	8	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	10	9	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	10	10	revolting	revolt	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	10	11	meal	meal	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	10	12	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	10	13	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	10	14	apparently	apparently	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	10	15	buried	bury	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	10	16	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	10	17	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	10	18	deepest	deep	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	10	19	thought	thought	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	10	20	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	1	this	this	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	2	abstinence	abstinence	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	4	so	so	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	5	remarkable	remarkable	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	6	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	7	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	8	indian	indian	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	9	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	10	when	when	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	11	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	12	possessed	possess	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	13	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	14	means	mean	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	15	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	16	satisfying	satisfy	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	17	hunger	hunger	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	18	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	19	at	at	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	20	length	length	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	21	attracted	attract	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	22	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	23	notice	notice	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	24	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	25	heyward	heyward	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	11	26	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	12	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	12	2	young	young	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	12	3	man	man	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	12	4	willingly	willingly	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	12	5	believed	believe	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	12	6	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	12	7	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	12	8	huron	huron	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	12	9	deliberated	deliberate	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	12	10	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	12	11	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	12	12	most	most	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	12	13	eligible	eligible	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	12	14	manner	manner	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	12	15	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	12	16	eluding	elude	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	12	17	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	12	18	vigilance	vigilance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	12	19	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	12	20	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	12	21	associates	associate	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	12	22	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	1	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	2	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	3	view	view	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	4	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	5	assist	assist	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	6	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	7	plans	plan	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	8	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	9	any	any	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	10	suggestion	suggestion	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	11	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	12	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	13	own	own	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	14	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	15	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	16	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	17	strengthen	strengthen	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	18	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	19	temptation	temptation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	20	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	21	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	22	left	leave	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	23	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	24	beech	beech	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	25	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	26	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	27	straggled	straggle	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	28	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	29	as	as	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	30	if	if	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	31	without	without	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	32	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	33	object	object	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	34	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	35	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	36	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	37	spot	spot	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	38	where	where	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	39	le	le	X
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	40	renard	renard	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	41	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	42	seated	seat	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	13	43	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	2	has	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	3	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	4	magua	magua	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	5	kept	keep	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	6	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	7	sun	sun	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	8	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	9	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	10	face	face	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	11	long	long	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	12	enough	enough	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	13	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	14	escape	escape	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	15	all	all	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	16	danger	danger	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	17	from	from	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	18	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	19	canadians	canadian	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	20	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	21	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	22	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	23	asked	ask	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	24	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	25	as	as	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	26	though	though	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	27	no	no	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	28	longer	long	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	29	doubtful	doubtful	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	30	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	31	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	32	good	good	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	33	intelligence	intelligence	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	34	established	establish	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	35	between	between	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	36	them	they	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	37	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	38	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	39	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	40	will	will	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	41	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	42	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	43	chief	chief	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	44	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	45	william	william	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	46	henry	henry	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	47	be	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	48	better	well	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	49	pleased	pleased	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	50	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	51	see	see	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	52	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	53	daughters	daughter	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	54	before	before	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	55	another	another	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	56	night	night	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	57	may	may	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	58	have	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	59	hardened	harden	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	60	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	61	heart	heart	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	62	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	63	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	64	loss	loss	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	65	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	66	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	67	make	make	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	68	him	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	69	less	less	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	70	liberal	liberal	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	71	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	72	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	73	reward	reward	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	74	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	14	75	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	15	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	15	2	do	do	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	15	3	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	15	4	pale	pale	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	15	5	faces	face	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	15	6	love	love	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	15	7	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	15	8	children	child	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	15	9	less	less	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	15	10	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	15	11	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	15	12	morning	morning	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	15	13	than	than	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	15	14	at	at	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	15	15	night	night	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	15	16	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	15	17	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	15	18	asked	ask	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	15	19	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	15	20	indian	indian	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	15	21	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	15	22	coldly	coldly	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	15	23	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	2	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	3	no	no	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	4	means	mean	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	5	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	6	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	7	returned	return	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	8	heyward	heyward	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	9	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	10	anxious	anxious	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	11	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	12	recall	recall	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	13	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	14	error	error	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	15	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	16	if	if	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	17	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	18	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	19	made	make	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	20	one	one	NUM
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	21	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	22	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	23	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	24	white	white	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	25	man	man	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	26	may	may	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	27	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	28	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	29	does	do	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	30	often	often	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	31	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	32	forget	forget	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	33	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	34	burial	burial	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	35	place	place	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	36	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	37	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	38	fathers	father	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	39	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	40	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	41	sometimes	sometimes	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	42	ceases	cease	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	43	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	44	remember	remember	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	45	those	those	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	46	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	47	should	should	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	48	love	love	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	49	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	50	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	51	has	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	52	promised	promise	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	53	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	54	cherish	cherish	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	55	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	56	but	but	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	57	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	58	affection	affection	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	59	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	60	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	61	parent	parent	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	62	for	for	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	63	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	64	child	child	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	65	is	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	66	never	never	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	67	permitted	permit	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	68	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	69	die	die	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	70	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	16	71	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	2	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	3	is	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	4	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	5	heart	heart	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	6	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	7	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	8	white	white	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	9	-	-	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	10	headed	head	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	11	chief	chief	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	12	soft	soft	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	13	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	14	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	15	will	will	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	16	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	17	think	think	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	18	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	19	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	20	babes	babe	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	21	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	22	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	23	squaws	squaw	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	24	have	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	25	given	give	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	26	him	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	17	27	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	18	1	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	18	2	is	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	18	3	hard	hard	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	18	4	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	18	5	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	18	6	warriors	warrior	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	18	7	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	18	8	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	18	9	eyes	eye	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	18	10	are	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	18	11	made	make	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	18	12	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	18	13	stone	stone	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	18	14	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	18	15	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	2	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	3	is	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	4	severe	severe	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	5	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	6	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	7	idle	idle	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	8	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	9	wicked	wicked	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	10	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	11	but	but	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	12	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	13	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	14	sober	sober	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	15	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	16	deserving	deserve	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	17	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	18	is	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	19	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	20	leader	leader	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	21	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	22	both	both	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	23	just	just	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	24	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	25	humane	humane	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	19	26	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	1	i	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	2	have	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	3	known	know	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	4	many	many	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	5	fond	fond	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	6	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	7	tender	tender	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	8	parents	parent	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	9	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	10	but	but	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	11	never	never	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	12	have	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	13	i	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	14	seen	see	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	15	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	16	man	man	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	17	whose	whose	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	18	heart	heart	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	19	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	20	softer	soft	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	21	toward	toward	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	22	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	23	child	child	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	20	24	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	1	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	2	have	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	3	seen	see	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	4	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	5	gray	gray	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	6	-	-	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	7	head	head	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	8	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	9	front	front	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	10	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	11	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	12	warriors	warrior	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	13	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	14	magua	magua	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	15	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	16	but	but	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	17	i	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	18	have	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	19	seen	see	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	20	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	21	eyes	eye	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	22	swimming	swim	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	23	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	24	water	water	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	25	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	26	when	when	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	27	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	28	spoke	speak	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	29	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	30	those	those	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	31	children	child	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	32	who	who	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	33	are	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	34	now	now	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	35	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	36	your	your	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	37	power	power	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	38	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	21	39	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	1	heyward	heyward	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	2	paused	pause	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	4	for	for	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	5	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	6	knew	know	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	7	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	8	how	how	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	9	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	10	construe	construe	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	11	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	12	remarkable	remarkable	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	13	expression	expression	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	14	that	that	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	15	gleamed	gleam	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	16	across	across	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	17	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	18	swarthy	swarthy	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	19	features	feature	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	20	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	21	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	22	attentive	attentive	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	23	indian	indian	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	22	24	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	1	at	at	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	2	first	first	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	3	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	4	seemed	seem	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	5	as	as	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	6	if	if	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	7	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	8	remembrance	remembrance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	9	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	10	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	11	promised	promise	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	12	reward	reward	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	13	grew	grow	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	14	vivid	vivid	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	15	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	16	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	17	mind	mind	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	18	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	19	while	while	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	20	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	21	listened	listen	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	22	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	23	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	24	sources	source	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	25	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	26	parental	parental	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	27	feeling	feeling	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	28	which	which	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	29	were	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	30	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	31	assure	assure	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	32	its	its	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	33	possession	possession	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	34	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	35	but	but	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	36	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	37	as	as	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	38	duncan	duncan	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	39	proceeded	proceed	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	40	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	41	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	42	expression	expression	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	43	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	44	joy	joy	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	45	became	become	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	46	so	so	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	47	fiercely	fiercely	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	48	malignant	malignant	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	49	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	50	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	51	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	52	impossible	impossible	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	53	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	54	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	55	apprehend	apprehend	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	56	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	57	proceeded	proceed	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	58	from	from	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	59	some	some	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	60	passion	passion	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	61	more	more	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	62	sinister	sinister	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	63	than	than	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	64	avarice	avarice	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	23	65	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	2	go	go	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	4	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	5	said	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	6	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	7	huron	huron	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	8	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	9	suppressing	suppress	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	10	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	11	alarming	alarming	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	12	exhibition	exhibition	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	13	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	14	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	15	instant	instant	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	16	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	17	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	18	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	19	death	death	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	20	-	-	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	21	like	like	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	22	calmness	calmness	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	23	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	24	countenance	countenance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	25	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	26	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	27	go	go	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	28	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	29	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	30	dark	dark	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	31	-	-	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	32	haired	haired	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	33	daughter	daughter	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	34	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	35	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	36	say	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	37	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	38	'	'	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	39	magua	magua	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	40	waits	wait	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	41	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	42	speak	speak	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	43	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	24	44	'	'	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	25	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	25	2	father	father	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	25	3	will	will	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	25	4	remember	remember	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	25	5	what	what	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	25	6	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	25	7	child	child	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	25	8	promises	promise	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	25	9	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	25	10	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	1	duncan	duncan	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	2	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	3	who	who	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	4	interpreted	interpret	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	5	this	this	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	6	speech	speech	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	7	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	8	express	express	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	9	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	10	wish	wish	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	11	for	for	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	12	some	some	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	13	additional	additional	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	14	pledge	pledge	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	15	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	16	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	17	promised	promise	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	18	gifts	gift	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	19	should	should	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	20	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	21	be	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	22	withheld	withhold	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	23	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	24	slowly	slowly	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	25	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	26	reluctantly	reluctantly	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	27	repaired	repair	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	28	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	29	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	30	place	place	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	31	where	where	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	32	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	33	sisters	sister	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	34	were	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	35	now	now	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	36	resting	rest	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	37	from	from	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	38	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	39	fatigue	fatigue	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	40	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	41	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	42	communicate	communicate	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	43	its	its	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	44	purport	purport	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	45	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	46	cora	cora	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	26	47	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	2	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	3	understand	understand	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	4	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	5	nature	nature	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	6	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	7	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	8	indian	indian	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	9	's	's	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	10	wishes	wish	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	11	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	12	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	13	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	14	concluded	conclude	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	15	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	16	as	as	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	17	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	18	led	lead	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	19	her	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	20	toward	toward	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	21	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	22	place	place	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	23	where	where	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	24	she	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	25	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	26	expected	expect	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	27	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	28	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	29	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	30	must	must	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	31	be	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	32	prodigal	prodigal	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	33	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	34	your	your	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	35	offers	offer	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	36	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	37	powder	powder	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	38	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	39	blankets	blanket	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	27	40	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	1	ardent	ardent	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	2	spirits	spirit	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	3	are	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	4	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	5	however	however	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	6	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	7	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	8	most	most	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	9	prized	prize	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	10	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	11	such	such	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	12	as	as	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	13	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	14	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	15	nor	nor	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	16	would	would	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	17	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	18	be	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	19	amiss	amiss	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	20	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	21	add	add	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	22	some	some	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	23	boon	boon	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	24	from	from	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	25	your	your	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	26	own	own	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	27	hand	hand	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	28	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	29	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	30	that	that	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	31	grace	grace	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	32	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	33	so	so	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	34	well	well	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	35	know	know	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	36	how	how	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	37	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	38	practise	practise	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	28	39	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	1	remember	remember	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	2	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	3	cora	cora	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	4	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	5	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	6	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	7	your	your	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	8	presence	presence	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	9	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	10	mind	mind	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	11	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	12	ingenuity	ingenuity	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	13	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	14	even	even	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	15	your	your	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	16	life	life	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	17	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	18	as	as	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	19	well	well	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	20	as	as	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	21	that	that	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	22	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	23	alice	alice	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	24	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	25	may	may	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	26	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	27	some	some	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	28	measure	measure	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	29	depend	depend	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	30	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	29	31	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	30	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	30	2	heyward	heyward	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	30	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	30	4	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	30	5	yours	yours	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	30	6	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	30	7	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	2	mine	mine	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	3	is	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	4	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	5	little	little	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	6	moment	moment	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	7	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	8	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	9	is	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	10	already	already	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	11	sold	sell	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	12	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	13	my	my	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	14	king	king	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	15	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	16	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	17	is	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	18	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	19	prize	prize	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	20	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	21	be	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	22	seized	seize	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	23	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	24	any	any	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	25	enemy	enemy	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	26	who	who	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	27	may	may	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	28	possess	possess	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	29	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	30	power	power	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	31	31	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	1	i	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	2	have	have	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	3	no	no	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	4	father	father	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	5	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	6	expect	expect	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	7	me	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	8	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	9	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	10	but	but	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	11	few	few	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	12	friends	friend	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	13	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	14	lament	lament	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	15	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	16	fate	fate	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	17	which	which	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	18	i	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	19	have	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	20	courted	court	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	21	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	22	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	23	insatiable	insatiable	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	24	longings	longing	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	25	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	26	youth	youth	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	27	after	after	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	28	distinction	distinction	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	32	29	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	33	1	but	but	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	33	2	hush	hush	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	33	3	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	34	1	we	we	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	34	2	approach	approach	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	34	3	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	34	4	indian	indian	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	34	5	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	35	1	magua	magua	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	35	2	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	35	3	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	35	4	lady	lady	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	35	5	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	35	6	whom	whom	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	35	7	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	35	8	wish	wish	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	35	9	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	35	10	speak	speak	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	35	11	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	35	12	is	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	35	13	here	here	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	35	14	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	35	15	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	36	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	36	2	indian	indian	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	36	3	rose	rise	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	36	4	slowly	slowly	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	36	5	from	from	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	36	6	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	36	7	seat	seat	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	36	8	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	36	9	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	36	10	stood	stand	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	36	11	for	for	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	36	12	near	near	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	36	13	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	36	14	minute	minute	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	36	15	silent	silent	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	36	16	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	36	17	motionless	motionless	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	36	18	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	1	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	2	then	then	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	3	signed	sign	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	4	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	5	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	6	hand	hand	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	7	for	for	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	8	heyward	heyward	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	9	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	10	retire	retire	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	11	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	12	saying	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	13	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	14	coldly	coldly	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	15	:	:	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	16	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	17	when	when	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	18	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	19	huron	huron	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	20	talks	talk	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	21	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	22	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	23	women	woman	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	24	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	25	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	26	tribe	tribe	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	27	shut	shut	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	28	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	29	ears	ear	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	30	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	37	31	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	1	duncan	duncan	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	2	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	3	still	still	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	4	lingering	linger	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	5	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	6	as	as	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	7	if	if	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	8	refusing	refuse	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	9	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	10	comply	comply	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	11	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	12	cora	cora	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	13	said	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	14	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	15	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	16	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	17	calm	calm	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	18	smile	smile	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	19	:	:	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	20	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	21	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	22	hear	hear	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	23	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	24	heyward	heyward	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	25	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	26	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	38	27	delicacy	delicacy	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	39	1	at	at	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	39	2	least	least	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	39	3	should	should	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	39	4	urge	urge	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	39	5	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	39	6	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	39	7	retire	retire	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	39	8	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	40	1	go	go	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	40	2	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	40	3	alice	alice	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	40	4	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	40	5	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	40	6	comfort	comfort	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	40	7	her	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	40	8	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	40	9	our	our	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	40	10	reviving	revive	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	40	11	prospects	prospect	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	40	12	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	40	13	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	1	she	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	2	waited	wait	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	3	until	until	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	4	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	5	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	6	departed	depart	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	7	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	8	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	9	then	then	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	10	turning	turn	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	11	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	12	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	13	native	native	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	14	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	15	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	16	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	17	dignity	dignity	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	18	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	19	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	20	sex	sex	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	21	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	22	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	23	voice	voice	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	24	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	25	manner	manner	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	26	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	27	she	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	28	added	add	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	29	:	:	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	30	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	31	what	what	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	32	would	would	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	33	le	le	X
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	34	renard	renard	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	35	say	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	36	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	37	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	38	daughter	daughter	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	39	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	40	munro	munro	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	41	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	41	42	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	2	listen	listen	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	4	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	5	said	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	6	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	7	indian	indian	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	8	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	9	laying	lay	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	10	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	11	hand	hand	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	12	firmly	firmly	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	13	upon	upon	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	14	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	15	arm	arm	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	16	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	17	as	as	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	18	if	if	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	19	willing	willing	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	20	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	21	draw	draw	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	22	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	23	utmost	utmost	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	24	attention	attention	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	25	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	26	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	27	words	word	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	28	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	29	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	30	movement	movement	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	31	that	that	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	32	cora	cora	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	33	as	as	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	34	firmly	firmly	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	35	but	but	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	36	quietly	quietly	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	37	repulsed	repulse	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	38	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	39	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	40	extricating	extricate	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	41	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	42	limb	limb	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	43	from	from	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	44	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	45	grasp	grasp	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	46	:	:	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	47	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	48	magua	magua	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	49	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	50	born	bear	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	51	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	52	chief	chief	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	53	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	54	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	55	warrior	warrior	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	56	among	among	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	57	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	58	red	red	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	59	hurons	huron	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	60	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	61	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	62	lakes	lake	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	63	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	64	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	65	saw	see	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	66	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	67	suns	sun	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	68	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	69	twenty	twenty	NUM
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	70	summers	summer	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	71	make	make	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	72	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	73	snows	snow	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	74	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	75	twenty	twenty	NUM
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	76	winters	winter	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	77	run	run	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	78	off	off	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	79	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	80	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	81	streams	stream	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	82	before	before	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	83	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	84	saw	see	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	85	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	86	pale	pale	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	87	face	face	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	88	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	89	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	90	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	91	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	92	happy	happy	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	42	93	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	1	then	then	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	2	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	3	canada	canada	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	4	fathers	father	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	5	came	come	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	6	into	into	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	7	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	8	woods	wood	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	9	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	10	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	11	taught	teach	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	12	him	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	13	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	14	drink	drink	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	15	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	16	fire	fire	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	17	-	-	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	18	water	water	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	19	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	20	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	21	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	22	became	become	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	23	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	24	rascal	rascal	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	43	25	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	44	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	44	2	hurons	huron	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	44	3	drove	drive	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	44	4	him	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	44	5	from	from	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	44	6	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	44	7	graves	grave	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	44	8	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	44	9	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	44	10	fathers	father	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	44	11	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	44	12	as	as	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	44	13	they	they	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	44	14	would	would	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	44	15	chase	chase	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	44	16	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	44	17	hunted	hunted	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	44	18	buffalo	buffalo	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	44	19	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	45	1	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	45	2	ran	run	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	45	3	down	down	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	45	4	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	45	5	shores	shore	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	45	6	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	45	7	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	45	8	lakes	lake	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	45	9	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	45	10	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	45	11	followed	follow	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	45	12	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	45	13	outlet	outlet	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	45	14	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	45	15	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	45	16	'	'	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	45	17	city	city	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	45	18	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	45	19	cannon	cannon	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	45	20	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	45	21	'	'	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	46	1	there	there	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	46	2	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	46	3	hunted	hunt	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	46	4	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	46	5	fished	fish	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	46	6	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	46	7	till	till	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	46	8	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	46	9	people	people	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	46	10	chased	chase	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	46	11	him	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	46	12	again	again	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	46	13	through	through	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	46	14	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	46	15	woods	wood	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	46	16	into	into	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	46	17	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	46	18	arms	arm	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	46	19	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	46	20	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	46	21	enemies	enemy	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	46	22	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	47	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	47	2	chief	chief	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	47	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	47	4	who	who	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	47	5	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	47	6	born	bear	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	47	7	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	47	8	huron	huron	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	47	9	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	47	10	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	47	11	at	at	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	47	12	last	last	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	47	13	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	47	14	warrior	warrior	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	47	15	among	among	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	47	16	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	47	17	mohawks	mohawks	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	47	18	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	47	19	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	2	something	something	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	3	like	like	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	4	this	this	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	5	i	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	6	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	7	heard	hear	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	8	before	before	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	9	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	10	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	11	said	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	12	cora	cora	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	13	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	14	observing	observe	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	15	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	16	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	17	paused	pause	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	18	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	19	suppress	suppress	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	20	those	those	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	21	passions	passion	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	22	which	which	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	23	began	begin	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	24	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	25	burn	burn	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	26	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	27	too	too	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	28	bright	bright	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	29	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	30	flame	flame	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	31	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	32	as	as	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	33	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	34	recalled	recall	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	35	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	36	recollection	recollection	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	37	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	38	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	39	supposed	suppose	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	40	injuries	injury	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	48	41	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	49	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	49	2	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	49	3	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	49	4	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	49	5	fault	fault	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	49	6	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	49	7	le	le	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	49	8	renard	renard	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	49	9	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	49	10	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	49	11	head	head	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	49	12	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	49	13	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	49	14	made	make	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	49	15	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	49	16	rock	rock	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	49	17	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	50	1	who	who	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	50	2	gave	give	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	50	3	him	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	50	4	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	50	5	fire	fire	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	50	6	-	-	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	50	7	water	water	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	50	8	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	51	1	who	who	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	51	2	made	make	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	51	3	him	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	51	4	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	51	5	villain	villain	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	51	6	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	52	1	'	'	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	52	2	twas	twa	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	52	3	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	52	4	pale	pale	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	52	5	faces	face	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	52	6	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	52	7	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	52	8	people	people	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	52	9	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	52	10	your	your	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	52	11	own	own	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	52	12	color	color	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	52	13	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	52	14	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	2	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	3	am	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	4	i	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	5	answerable	answerable	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	6	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	7	thoughtless	thoughtless	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	8	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	9	unprincipled	unprincipled	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	10	men	man	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	11	exist	exist	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	12	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	13	whose	whose	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	14	shades	shade	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	15	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	16	countenance	countenance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	17	may	may	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	18	resemble	resemble	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	19	mine	mine	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	20	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	21	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	22	cora	cora	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	23	calmly	calmly	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	24	demanded	demand	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	25	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	26	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	27	excited	excited	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	28	savage	savage	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	53	29	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	2	no	no	INTJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	3	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	4	magua	magua	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	5	is	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	6	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	7	man	man	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	8	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	9	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	10	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	11	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	12	fool	fool	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	13	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	14	such	such	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	15	as	as	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	16	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	17	never	never	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	18	open	open	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	19	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	20	lips	lip	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	21	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	22	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	23	burning	burn	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	24	stream	stream	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	25	:	:	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	26	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	27	great	great	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	28	spirit	spirit	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	29	has	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	30	given	give	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	31	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	32	wisdom	wisdom	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	33	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	54	34	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	2	what	what	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	4	then	then	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	5	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	6	have	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	7	i	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	8	do	do	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	9	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	10	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	11	or	or	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	12	say	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	13	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	14	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	15	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	16	matter	matter	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	17	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	18	your	your	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	19	misfortunes	misfortune	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	20	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	21	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	22	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	23	say	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	24	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	25	your	your	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	26	errors	error	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	27	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	55	28	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	2	listen	listen	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	4	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	5	repeated	repeat	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	6	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	7	indian	indian	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	8	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	9	resuming	resume	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	10	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	11	earnest	earnest	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	12	attitude	attitude	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	13	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	14	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	15	when	when	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	16	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	17	english	english	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	18	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	19	french	french	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	20	fathers	father	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	21	dug	dig	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	22	up	up	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	23	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	24	hatchet	hatchet	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	25	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	26	le	le	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	27	renard	renard	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	28	struck	strike	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	29	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	30	war	war	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	31	-	-	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	32	post	post	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	33	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	34	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	35	mohawks	mohawks	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	36	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	37	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	38	went	go	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	39	out	out	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	40	against	against	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	41	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	42	own	own	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	43	nation	nation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	56	44	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	2	pale	pale	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	3	faces	face	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	4	have	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	5	driven	drive	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	6	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	7	red	red	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	8	-	-	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	9	skins	skin	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	10	from	from	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	11	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	12	hunting	hunting	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	13	grounds	ground	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	14	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	15	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	16	now	now	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	17	when	when	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	18	they	they	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	19	fight	fight	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	20	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	21	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	22	white	white	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	23	man	man	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	24	leads	lead	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	25	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	26	way	way	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	57	27	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	58	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	58	2	old	old	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	58	3	chief	chief	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	58	4	at	at	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	58	5	horican	horican	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	58	6	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	58	7	your	your	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	58	8	father	father	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	58	9	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	58	10	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	58	11	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	58	12	great	great	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	58	13	captain	captain	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	58	14	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	58	15	our	our	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	58	16	war	war	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	58	17	-	-	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	58	18	party	party	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	58	19	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	59	1	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	59	2	said	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	59	3	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	59	4	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	59	5	mohawks	mohawk	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	59	6	do	do	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	59	7	this	this	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	59	8	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	59	9	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	59	10	do	do	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	59	11	that	that	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	59	12	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	59	13	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	59	14	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	59	15	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	59	16	minded	minded	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	59	17	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	1	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	2	made	make	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	3	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	4	law	law	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	5	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	6	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	7	if	if	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	8	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	9	indian	indian	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	10	swallowed	swallow	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	11	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	12	fire	fire	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	13	-	-	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	14	water	water	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	15	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	16	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	17	came	come	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	18	into	into	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	19	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	20	cloth	cloth	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	21	wigwams	wigwam	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	22	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	23	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	24	warriors	warrior	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	25	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	26	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	27	should	should	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	28	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	29	be	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	30	forgotten	forget	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	60	31	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	61	1	magua	magua	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	61	2	foolishly	foolishly	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	61	3	opened	open	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	61	4	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	61	5	mouth	mouth	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	61	6	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	61	7	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	61	8	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	61	9	hot	hot	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	61	10	liquor	liquor	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	61	11	led	lead	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	61	12	him	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	61	13	into	into	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	61	14	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	61	15	cabin	cabin	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	61	16	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	61	17	munro	munro	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	61	18	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	62	1	what	what	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	62	2	did	do	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	62	3	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	62	4	gray	gray	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	62	5	-	-	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	62	6	head	head	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	62	7	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	63	1	let	let	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	63	2	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	63	3	daughter	daughter	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	63	4	say	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	63	5	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	63	6	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	64	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	64	2	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	64	3	forgot	forget	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	64	4	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	64	5	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	64	6	words	word	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	64	7	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	64	8	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	64	9	did	do	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	64	10	justice	justice	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	64	11	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	64	12	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	64	13	punishing	punish	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	64	14	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	64	15	offender	offender	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	64	16	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	64	17	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	64	18	said	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	64	19	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	64	20	undaunted	undaunted	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	64	21	daughter	daughter	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	64	22	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	2	justice	justice	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	3	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	4	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	5	repeated	repeat	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	6	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	7	indian	indian	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	8	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	9	casting	cast	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	10	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	11	oblique	oblique	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	12	glance	glance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	13	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	14	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	15	most	most	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	16	ferocious	ferocious	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	17	expression	expression	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	18	at	at	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	19	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	20	unyielding	unyielde	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	21	countenance	countenance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	22	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	23	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	24	is	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	25	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	26	justice	justice	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	27	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	28	make	make	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	29	evil	evil	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	30	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	31	then	then	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	32	punish	punish	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	33	for	for	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	34	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	65	35	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	66	1	magua	magua	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	66	2	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	66	3	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	66	4	himself	himself	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	66	5	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	66	6	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	66	7	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	66	8	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	66	9	fire	fire	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	66	10	-	-	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	66	11	water	water	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	66	12	that	that	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	66	13	spoke	speak	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	66	14	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	66	15	acted	act	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	66	16	for	for	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	66	17	him	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	66	18	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	67	1	but	but	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	67	2	munro	munro	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	67	3	did	do	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	67	4	believe	believe	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	67	5	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	67	6	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	68	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	68	2	huron	huron	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	68	3	chief	chief	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	68	4	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	68	5	tied	tie	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	68	6	up	up	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	68	7	before	before	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	68	8	all	all	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	68	9	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	68	10	pale	pale	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	68	11	-	-	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	68	12	faced	face	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	68	13	warriors	warrior	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	68	14	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	68	15	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	68	16	whipped	whip	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	68	17	like	like	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	68	18	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	68	19	dog	dog	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	68	20	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	68	21	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	1	cora	cora	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	2	remained	remain	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	3	silent	silent	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	4	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	5	for	for	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	6	she	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	7	knew	know	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	8	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	9	how	how	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	10	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	11	palliate	palliate	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	12	this	this	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	13	imprudent	imprudent	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	14	severity	severity	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	15	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	16	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	17	part	part	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	18	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	19	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	20	father	father	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	21	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	22	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	23	manner	manner	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	24	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	25	suit	suit	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	26	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	27	comprehension	comprehension	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	28	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	29	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	30	indian	indian	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	69	31	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	70	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	70	2	see	see	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	70	3	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	70	4	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	1	continued	continue	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	2	magua	magua	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	4	tearing	tear	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	5	aside	aside	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	6	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	7	slight	slight	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	8	calico	calico	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	9	that	that	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	10	very	very	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	11	imperfectly	imperfectly	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	12	concealed	conceal	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	13	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	14	painted	paint	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	15	breast	breast	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	16	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	17	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	18	here	here	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	19	are	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	20	scars	scar	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	21	given	give	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	22	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	23	knives	knife	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	24	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	25	bulletsof	bulletsof	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	26	these	these	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	27	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	28	warrior	warrior	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	29	may	may	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	30	boast	boast	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	31	before	before	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	32	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	33	nation	nation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	34	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	35	but	but	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	36	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	37	gray	gray	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	38	-	-	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	39	head	head	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	40	has	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	41	left	leave	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	42	marks	mark	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	43	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	44	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	45	back	back	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	46	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	47	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	48	huron	huron	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	49	chief	chief	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	50	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	51	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	52	must	must	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	53	hide	hide	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	54	like	like	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	55	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	56	squaw	squaw	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	57	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	58	under	under	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	59	this	this	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	60	painted	paint	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	61	cloth	cloth	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	62	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	63	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	64	whites	white	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	65	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	71	66	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	2	i	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	3	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	4	thought	think	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	5	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	6	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	7	resumed	resume	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	8	cora	cora	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	9	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	10	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	11	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	12	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	13	indian	indian	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	14	warrior	warrior	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	15	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	16	patient	patient	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	17	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	18	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	19	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	20	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	21	spirit	spirit	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	22	felt	feel	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	23	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	24	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	25	knew	know	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	26	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	27	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	28	pain	pain	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	29	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	30	body	body	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	31	suffered	suffer	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	32	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	72	33	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	2	when	when	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	3	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	4	chippewas	chippewas	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	5	tied	tie	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	6	magua	magua	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	7	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	8	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	9	stake	stake	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	10	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	11	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	12	cut	cut	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	13	this	this	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	14	gash	gash	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	15	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	16	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	17	said	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	18	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	19	other	other	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	20	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	21	laying	lay	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	22	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	23	finger	finger	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	24	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	25	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	26	deep	deep	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	27	scar	scar	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	28	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	29	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	30	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	31	huron	huron	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	32	laughed	laugh	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	33	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	34	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	35	faces	face	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	36	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	37	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	38	told	tell	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	39	them	they	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	40	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	41	women	woman	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	42	struck	strike	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	43	so	so	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	44	light	light	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	73	45	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	74	1	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	74	2	spirit	spirit	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	74	3	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	74	4	then	then	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	74	5	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	74	6	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	74	7	clouds	cloud	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	74	8	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	75	1	but	but	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	75	2	when	when	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	75	3	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	75	4	felt	feel	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	75	5	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	75	6	blows	blow	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	75	7	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	75	8	munro	munro	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	75	9	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	75	10	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	75	11	spirit	spirit	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	75	12	lay	lie	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	75	13	under	under	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	75	14	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	75	15	birch	birch	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	75	16	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	76	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	76	2	spirit	spirit	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	76	3	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	76	4	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	76	5	huron	huron	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	76	6	is	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	76	7	never	never	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	76	8	drunk	drunk	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	76	9	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	76	10	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	76	11	remembers	remember	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	76	12	forever	forever	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	76	13	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	76	14	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	77	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	77	2	but	but	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	77	3	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	77	4	may	may	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	77	5	be	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	77	6	appeased	appease	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	77	7	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	1	if	if	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	2	my	my	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	3	father	father	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	4	has	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	5	done	do	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	6	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	7	this	this	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	8	injustice	injustice	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	9	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	10	show	show	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	11	him	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	12	how	how	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	13	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	14	indian	indian	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	15	can	can	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	16	forgive	forgive	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	17	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	18	injury	injury	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	19	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	20	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	21	take	take	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	22	back	back	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	23	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	24	daughters	daughter	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	78	25	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	79	1	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	79	2	have	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	79	3	heard	hear	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	79	4	from	from	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	79	5	major	major	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	79	6	heyward	heyward	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	79	7	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	79	8	magua	magua	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	79	9	shook	shake	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	79	10	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	79	11	head	head	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	79	12	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	79	13	forbidding	forbid	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	79	14	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	79	15	repetition	repetition	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	79	16	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	79	17	offers	offer	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	79	18	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	79	19	so	so	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	79	20	much	much	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	79	21	despised	despise	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	79	22	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	80	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	80	2	what	what	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	80	3	would	would	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	80	4	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	80	5	have	have	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	80	6	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	80	7	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	1	continued	continue	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	2	cora	cora	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	4	after	after	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	5	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	6	most	most	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	7	painful	painful	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	8	pause	pause	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	9	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	10	while	while	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	11	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	12	conviction	conviction	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	13	forced	force	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	14	itself	itself	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	15	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	16	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	17	mind	mind	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	18	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	19	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	20	too	too	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	21	sanguine	sanguine	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	22	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	23	generous	generous	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	24	duncan	duncan	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	25	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	26	been	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	27	cruelly	cruelly	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	28	deceived	deceive	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	29	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	30	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	31	cunning	cunning	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	32	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	33	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	34	savage	savage	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	81	35	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	82	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	82	2	what	what	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	82	3	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	82	4	huron	huron	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	82	5	lovesgood	lovesgood	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	82	6	for	for	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	82	7	good	good	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	82	8	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	82	9	bad	bad	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	82	10	for	for	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	82	11	bad	bad	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	82	12	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	82	13	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	83	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	83	2	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	83	3	would	would	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	83	4	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	83	5	then	then	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	83	6	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	83	7	revenge	revenge	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	83	8	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	83	9	injury	injury	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	83	10	inflicted	inflict	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	83	11	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	83	12	munro	munro	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	83	13	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	83	14	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	83	15	helpless	helpless	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	83	16	daughters	daughter	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	83	17	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	84	1	would	would	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	84	2	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	84	3	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	84	4	be	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	84	5	more	more	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	84	6	like	like	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	84	7	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	84	8	man	man	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	84	9	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	84	10	go	go	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	84	11	before	before	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	84	12	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	84	13	face	face	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	84	14	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	84	15	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	84	16	take	take	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	84	17	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	84	18	satisfaction	satisfaction	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	84	19	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	84	20	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	84	21	warrior	warrior	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	84	22	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	84	23	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	2	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	3	arms	arm	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	4	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	5	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	6	pale	pale	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	7	faces	face	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	8	are	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	9	long	long	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	10	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	11	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	12	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	13	knives	knife	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	14	sharp	sharp	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	15	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	16	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	17	returned	return	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	18	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	19	savage	savage	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	20	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	21	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	22	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	23	malignant	malignant	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	24	laugh	laugh	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	25	:	:	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	26	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	27	why	why	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	28	should	should	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	29	le	le	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	30	renard	renard	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	31	go	go	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	32	among	among	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	33	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	34	muskets	musket	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	35	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	36	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	37	warriors	warrior	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	38	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	39	when	when	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	40	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	41	holds	hold	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	42	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	43	spirit	spirit	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	44	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	45	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	46	gray	gray	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	47	-	-	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	48	head	head	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	49	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	50	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	51	hand	hand	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	52	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	85	53	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	86	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	86	2	name	name	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	86	3	your	your	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	86	4	intention	intention	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	86	5	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	86	6	magua	magua	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	86	7	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	86	8	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	86	9	said	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	86	10	cora	cora	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	86	11	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	86	12	struggling	struggle	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	86	13	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	86	14	herself	herself	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	86	15	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	86	16	speak	speak	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	86	17	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	86	18	steady	steady	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	86	19	calmness	calmness	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	86	20	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	87	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	87	2	is	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	87	3	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	87	4	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	87	5	lead	lead	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	87	6	us	we	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	87	7	prisoners	prisoner	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	87	8	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	87	9	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	87	10	woods	wood	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	87	11	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	87	12	or	or	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	87	13	do	do	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	87	14	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	87	15	contemplate	contemplate	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	87	16	even	even	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	87	17	some	some	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	87	18	greater	great	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	87	19	evil	evil	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	87	20	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	88	1	is	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	88	2	there	there	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	88	3	no	no	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	88	4	reward	reward	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	88	5	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	88	6	no	no	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	88	7	means	mean	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	88	8	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	88	9	palliating	palliate	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	88	10	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	88	11	injury	injury	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	88	12	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	88	13	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	88	14	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	88	15	softening	soften	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	88	16	your	your	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	88	17	heart	heart	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	88	18	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	89	1	at	at	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	89	2	least	least	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	89	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	89	4	release	release	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	89	5	my	my	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	89	6	gentle	gentle	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	89	7	sister	sister	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	89	8	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	89	9	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	89	10	pour	pour	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	89	11	out	out	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	89	12	all	all	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	89	13	your	your	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	89	14	malice	malice	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	89	15	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	89	16	me	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	89	17	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	90	1	purchase	purchase	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	90	2	wealth	wealth	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	90	3	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	90	4	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	90	5	safety	safety	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	90	6	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	90	7	satisfy	satisfy	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	90	8	your	your	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	90	9	revenge	revenge	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	90	10	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	90	11	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	90	12	single	single	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	90	13	victim	victim	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	90	14	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	2	loss	loss	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	3	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	4	both	both	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	5	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	6	daughters	daughter	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	7	might	might	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	8	bring	bring	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	9	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	10	aged	aged	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	11	man	man	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	12	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	13	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	14	grave	grave	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	15	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	16	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	17	where	where	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	18	would	would	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	19	then	then	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	20	be	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	21	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	22	satisfaction	satisfaction	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	23	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	24	le	le	X
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	25	renard	renard	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	26	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	91	27	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	92	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	92	2	listen	listen	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	92	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	92	4	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	92	5	said	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	92	6	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	92	7	indian	indian	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	92	8	again	again	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	92	9	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	2	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	3	light	light	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	4	eyes	eye	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	5	can	can	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	6	go	go	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	7	back	back	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	8	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	9	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	10	horican	horican	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	11	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	12	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	13	tell	tell	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	14	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	15	old	old	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	16	chief	chief	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	17	what	what	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	18	has	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	19	been	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	20	done	do	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	21	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	22	if	if	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	23	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	24	dark	dark	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	25	-	-	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	26	haired	haired	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	27	woman	woman	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	28	will	will	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	29	swear	swear	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	30	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	31	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	32	great	great	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	33	spirit	spirit	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	34	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	35	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	36	fathers	father	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	37	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	38	tell	tell	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	39	no	no	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	40	lie	lie	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	41	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	93	42	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	2	what	what	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	3	must	must	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	4	i	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	5	promise	promise	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	6	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	7	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	8	demanded	demand	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	9	cora	cora	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	10	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	11	still	still	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	12	maintaining	maintain	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	13	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	14	secret	secret	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	15	ascendancy	ascendancy	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	16	over	over	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	17	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	18	fierce	fierce	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	19	native	native	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	20	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	21	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	22	collected	collected	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	23	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	24	feminine	feminine	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	25	dignity	dignity	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	26	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	27	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	28	presence	presence	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	94	29	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	2	when	when	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	3	magua	magua	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	4	left	leave	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	5	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	6	people	people	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	7	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	8	wife	wife	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	9	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	10	given	give	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	11	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	12	another	another	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	13	chief	chief	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	14	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	15	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	16	has	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	17	now	now	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	18	made	make	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	19	friends	friend	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	20	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	21	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	22	hurons	huron	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	23	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	24	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	25	will	will	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	26	go	go	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	27	back	back	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	28	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	29	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	30	graves	grave	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	31	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	32	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	33	tribe	tribe	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	34	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	35	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	36	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	37	shores	shore	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	38	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	39	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	40	great	great	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	41	lake	lake	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	95	42	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	96	1	let	let	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	96	2	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	96	3	daughter	daughter	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	96	4	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	96	5	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	96	6	english	english	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	96	7	chief	chief	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	96	8	follow	follow	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	96	9	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	96	10	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	96	11	live	live	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	96	12	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	96	13	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	96	14	wigwam	wigwam	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	96	15	forever	forever	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	96	16	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	96	17	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	1	however	however	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	2	revolting	revolt	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	3	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	4	proposal	proposal	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	5	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	6	such	such	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	7	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	8	character	character	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	9	might	might	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	10	prove	prove	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	11	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	12	cora	cora	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	13	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	14	she	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	15	retained	retain	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	16	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	17	notwithstanding	notwithstanding	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	18	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	19	powerful	powerful	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	20	disgust	disgust	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	21	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	22	sufficient	sufficient	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	23	self	self	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	24	-	-	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	25	command	command	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	26	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	27	reply	reply	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	28	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	29	without	without	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	30	betraying	betray	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	31	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	32	weakness	weakness	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	97	33	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	2	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	3	what	what	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	4	pleasure	pleasure	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	5	would	would	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	6	magua	magua	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	7	find	find	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	8	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	9	sharing	share	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	10	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	11	cabin	cabin	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	12	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	13	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	14	wife	wife	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	15	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	16	did	do	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	17	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	18	love	love	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	19	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	20	one	one	NUM
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	21	who	who	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	22	would	would	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	23	be	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	24	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	25	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	26	nation	nation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	27	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	28	color	color	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	29	different	different	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	30	from	from	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	31	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	32	own	own	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	98	33	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	1	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	2	would	would	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	3	be	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	4	better	well	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	5	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	6	take	take	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	7	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	8	gold	gold	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	9	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	10	munro	munro	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	11	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	12	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	13	buy	buy	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	14	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	15	heart	heart	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	16	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	17	some	some	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	18	huron	huron	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	19	maid	maid	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	20	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	21	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	22	gifts	gift	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	23	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	99	24	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	2	indian	indian	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	3	made	make	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	4	no	no	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	5	reply	reply	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	6	for	for	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	7	near	near	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	8	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	9	minute	minute	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	10	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	11	but	but	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	12	bent	bend	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	13	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	14	fierce	fierce	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	15	looks	look	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	16	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	17	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	18	countenance	countenance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	19	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	20	cora	cora	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	21	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	22	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	23	such	such	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	24	wavering	wavering	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	25	glances	glance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	26	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	27	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	28	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	29	eyes	eye	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	30	sank	sink	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	31	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	32	shame	shame	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	33	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	34	under	under	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	35	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	36	impression	impression	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	37	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	38	for	for	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	39	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	40	first	first	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	41	time	time	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	42	they	they	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	43	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	44	encountered	encounter	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	45	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	46	expression	expression	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	47	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	48	no	no	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	49	chaste	chaste	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	50	female	female	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	51	might	might	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	52	endure	endure	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	100	53	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	1	while	while	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	2	she	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	3	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	4	shrinking	shrink	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	5	within	within	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	6	herself	herself	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	7	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	8	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	9	dread	dread	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	10	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	11	having	have	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	12	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	13	ears	ear	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	14	wounded	wound	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	15	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	16	some	some	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	17	proposal	proposal	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	18	still	still	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	19	more	more	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	20	shocking	shocking	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	21	than	than	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	22	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	23	last	last	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	24	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	25	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	26	voice	voice	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	27	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	28	magua	magua	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	29	answered	answer	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	30	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	31	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	32	its	its	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	33	tones	tone	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	34	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	35	deepest	deep	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	36	malignancy	malignancy	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	37	:	:	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	38	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	39	when	when	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	40	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	41	blows	blow	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	42	scorched	scorch	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	43	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	44	back	back	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	45	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	46	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	47	huron	huron	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	48	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	49	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	50	would	would	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	51	know	know	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	52	where	where	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	53	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	54	find	find	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	55	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	56	woman	woman	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	57	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	58	feel	feel	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	59	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	60	smart	smart	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	101	61	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	102	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	102	2	daughter	daughter	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	102	3	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	102	4	munro	munro	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	102	5	would	would	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	102	6	draw	draw	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	102	7	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	102	8	water	water	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	102	9	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	102	10	hoe	hoe	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	102	11	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	102	12	corn	corn	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	102	13	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	102	14	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	102	15	cook	cook	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	102	16	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	102	17	venison	venison	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	102	18	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	2	body	body	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	3	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	4	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	5	gray	gray	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	6	-	-	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	7	head	head	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	8	would	would	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	9	sleep	sleep	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	10	among	among	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	11	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	12	cannon	cannon	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	13	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	14	but	but	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	15	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	16	heart	heart	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	17	would	would	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	18	lie	lie	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	19	within	within	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	20	reach	reach	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	21	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	22	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	23	knife	knife	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	24	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	25	le	le	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	26	subtil	subtil	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	27	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	103	28	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	104	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	104	2	monster	monster	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	104	3	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	105	1	well	well	INTJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	105	2	dost	dost	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	105	3	thou	thou	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	105	4	deserve	deserve	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	105	5	thy	thy	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	105	6	treacherous	treacherous	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	105	7	name	name	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	105	8	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	105	9	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	105	10	cried	cry	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	105	11	cora	cora	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	105	12	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	105	13	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	105	14	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	105	15	ungovernable	ungovernable	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	105	16	burst	burst	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	105	17	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	105	18	filial	filial	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	105	19	indignation	indignation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	105	20	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	106	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	106	2	none	none	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	106	3	but	but	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	106	4	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	106	5	fiend	fiend	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	106	6	could	could	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	106	7	meditate	meditate	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	106	8	such	such	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	106	9	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	106	10	vengeance	vengeance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	106	11	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	107	1	but	but	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	107	2	thou	thou	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	107	3	overratest	overrat	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	107	4	thy	thy	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	107	5	power	power	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	107	6	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	1	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	2	shall	shall	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	3	find	find	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	4	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	5	is	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	6	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	7	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	8	truth	truth	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	9	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	10	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	11	heart	heart	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	12	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	13	munro	munro	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	14	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	15	hold	hold	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	16	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	17	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	18	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	19	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	20	will	will	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	21	defy	defy	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	22	your	your	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	23	utmost	utmost	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	24	malice	malice	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	25	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	108	26	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	2	indian	indian	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	3	answered	answer	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	4	this	this	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	5	bold	bold	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	6	defiance	defiance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	7	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	8	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	9	ghastly	ghastly	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	10	smile	smile	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	11	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	12	that	that	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	13	showed	show	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	14	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	15	unaltered	unaltered	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	16	purpose	purpose	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	17	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	18	while	while	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	19	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	20	motioned	motion	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	21	her	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	22	away	away	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	23	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	24	as	as	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	25	if	if	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	26	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	27	close	close	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	28	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	29	conference	conference	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	30	forever	forever	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	109	31	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	1	cora	cora	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	2	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	3	already	already	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	4	regretting	regret	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	5	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	6	precipitation	precipitation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	7	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	8	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	9	obliged	oblige	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	10	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	11	comply	comply	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	12	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	13	for	for	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	14	magua	magua	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	15	instantly	instantly	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	16	left	leave	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	17	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	18	spot	spot	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	19	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	20	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	21	approached	approach	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	22	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	23	gluttonous	gluttonous	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	24	comrades	comrade	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	110	25	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	1	heyward	heyward	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	2	flew	fly	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	3	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	4	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	5	side	side	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	6	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	7	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	8	agitated	agitated	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	9	female	female	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	10	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	11	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	12	demanded	demand	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	13	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	14	result	result	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	15	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	16	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	17	dialogue	dialogue	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	18	that	that	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	19	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	20	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	21	watched	watch	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	22	at	at	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	23	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	24	distance	distance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	25	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	26	so	so	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	27	much	much	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	28	interest	interest	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	111	29	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	1	but	but	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	2	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	3	unwilling	unwilling	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	4	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	5	alarm	alarm	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	6	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	7	fears	fear	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	8	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	9	alice	alice	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	10	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	11	she	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	12	evaded	evade	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	13	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	14	direct	direct	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	15	reply	reply	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	16	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	17	betraying	betray	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	18	only	only	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	19	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	20	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	21	anxious	anxious	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	22	looks	look	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	23	fastened	fasten	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	24	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	25	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	26	slightest	slight	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	27	movements	movement	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	28	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	29	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	30	captors	captor	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	112	31	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	1	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	2	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	3	reiterated	reiterate	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	4	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	5	earnest	earnest	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	6	questions	question	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	7	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	8	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	9	sister	sister	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	10	concerning	concern	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	11	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	12	probable	probable	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	13	destination	destination	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	14	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	15	she	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	16	made	make	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	17	no	no	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	18	other	other	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	19	answer	answer	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	20	than	than	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	21	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	22	pointing	point	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	23	toward	toward	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	24	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	25	dark	dark	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	26	group	group	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	27	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	28	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	29	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	30	agitation	agitation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	31	she	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	32	could	could	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	33	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	34	control	control	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	35	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	36	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	37	murmuring	murmur	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	38	as	as	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	39	she	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	40	folded	fold	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	41	alice	alice	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	42	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	43	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	44	bosom	bosom	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	113	45	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	114	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	114	2	there	there	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	114	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	114	4	there	there	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	114	5	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	114	6	read	read	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	114	7	our	our	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	114	8	fortunes	fortune	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	114	9	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	114	10	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	114	11	faces	face	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	114	12	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	114	13	we	we	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	114	14	shall	shall	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	114	15	see	see	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	114	16	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	114	17	we	we	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	114	18	shall	shall	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	114	19	see	see	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	114	20	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	114	21	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	2	action	action	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	4	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	5	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	6	choked	choke	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	7	utterance	utterance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	8	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	9	cora	cora	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	10	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	11	spoke	speak	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	12	more	more	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	13	impressively	impressively	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	14	than	than	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	15	any	any	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	16	words	word	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	17	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	18	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	19	quickly	quickly	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	20	drew	draw	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	21	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	22	attention	attention	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	23	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	24	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	25	companions	companion	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	26	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	27	that	that	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	28	spot	spot	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	29	where	where	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	30	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	31	own	own	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	32	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	33	riveted	rivet	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	34	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	35	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	36	intenseness	intenseness	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	37	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	38	nothing	nothing	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	39	but	but	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	40	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	41	importance	importance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	42	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	43	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	44	stake	stake	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	45	could	could	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	46	create	create	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	115	47	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	1	when	when	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	2	magua	magua	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	3	reached	reach	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	4	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	5	cluster	cluster	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	6	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	7	lolling	loll	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	8	savages	savage	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	9	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	10	who	who	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	11	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	12	gorged	gorge	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	13	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	14	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	15	disgusting	disgusting	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	16	meal	meal	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	17	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	18	lay	lie	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	19	stretched	stretch	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	20	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	21	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	22	earth	earth	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	23	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	24	brutal	brutal	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	25	indulgence	indulgence	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	26	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	27	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	28	commenced	commence	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	29	speaking	speak	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	30	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	31	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	32	dignity	dignity	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	33	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	34	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	35	indian	indian	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	36	chief	chief	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	116	37	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	117	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	117	2	first	first	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	117	3	syllables	syllable	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	117	4	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	117	5	uttered	utter	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	117	6	had	have	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	117	7	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	117	8	effect	effect	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	117	9	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	117	10	cause	cause	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	117	11	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	117	12	listeners	listener	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	117	13	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	117	14	raise	raise	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	117	15	themselves	themselves	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	117	16	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	117	17	attitudes	attitude	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	117	18	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	117	19	respectful	respectful	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	117	20	attention	attention	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	117	21	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	1	as	as	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	2	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	3	huron	huron	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	4	used	use	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	5	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	6	native	native	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	7	language	language	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	8	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	9	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	10	prisoners	prisoner	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	11	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	12	notwithstanding	notwithstanding	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	13	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	14	caution	caution	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	15	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	16	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	17	natives	native	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	18	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	19	kept	keep	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	20	them	they	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	21	within	within	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	22	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	23	swing	swing	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	24	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	25	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	26	tomahawks	tomahawks	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	27	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	28	could	could	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	29	only	only	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	30	conjecture	conjecture	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	31	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	32	substance	substance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	33	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	34	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	35	harangue	harangue	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	36	from	from	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	37	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	38	nature	nature	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	39	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	40	those	those	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	41	significant	significant	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	42	gestures	gesture	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	43	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	44	which	which	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	45	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	46	indian	indian	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	47	always	always	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	48	illustrates	illustrate	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	49	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	50	eloquence	eloquence	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	118	51	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	119	1	at	at	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	119	2	first	first	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	119	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	119	4	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	119	5	language	language	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	119	6	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	119	7	as	as	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	119	8	well	well	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	119	9	as	as	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	119	10	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	119	11	action	action	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	119	12	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	119	13	magua	magua	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	119	14	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	119	15	appeared	appear	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	119	16	calm	calm	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	119	17	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	119	18	deliberative	deliberative	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	119	19	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	1	when	when	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	2	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	3	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	4	succeeded	succeed	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	5	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	6	sufficiently	sufficiently	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	7	awakening	awaken	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	8	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	9	attention	attention	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	10	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	11	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	12	comrades	comrade	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	13	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	14	heyward	heyward	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	15	fancied	fancied	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	16	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	17	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	18	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	19	pointing	pointing	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	20	so	so	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	21	frequently	frequently	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	22	toward	toward	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	23	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	24	direction	direction	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	25	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	26	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	27	great	great	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	28	lakes	lake	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	29	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	30	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	31	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	32	spoke	speak	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	33	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	34	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	35	land	land	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	36	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	37	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	38	fathers	father	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	39	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	40	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	41	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	42	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	43	distant	distant	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	44	tribe	tribe	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	120	45	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	121	1	frequent	frequent	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	121	2	indications	indication	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	121	3	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	121	4	applause	applause	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	121	5	escaped	escape	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	121	6	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	121	7	listeners	listener	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	121	8	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	121	9	who	who	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	121	10	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	121	11	as	as	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	121	12	they	they	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	121	13	uttered	utter	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	121	14	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	121	15	expressive	expressive	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	121	16	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	121	17	hugh	hugh	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	121	18	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	121	19	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	122	1	looked	look	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	122	2	at	at	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	122	3	each	each	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	122	4	other	other	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	122	5	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	122	6	commendation	commendation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	122	7	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	122	8	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	122	9	speaker	speaker	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	122	10	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	123	1	le	le	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	123	2	renard	renard	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	123	3	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	123	4	too	too	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	123	5	skillful	skillful	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	123	6	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	123	7	neglect	neglect	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	123	8	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	123	9	advantage	advantage	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	123	10	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	1	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	2	now	now	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	3	spoke	speak	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	4	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	5	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	6	long	long	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	7	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	8	painful	painful	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	9	route	route	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	10	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	11	which	which	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	12	they	they	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	13	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	14	left	leave	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	15	those	those	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	16	spacious	spacious	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	17	grounds	ground	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	18	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	19	happy	happy	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	20	villages	village	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	21	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	22	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	23	come	come	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	24	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	25	battle	battle	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	26	against	against	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	27	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	28	enemies	enemy	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	29	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	30	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	31	canadian	canadian	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	32	fathers	father	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	124	33	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	1	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	2	enumerated	enumerate	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	3	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	4	warriors	warrior	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	5	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	6	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	7	party	party	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	8	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	9	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	10	several	several	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	11	merits	merit	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	12	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	13	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	14	frequent	frequent	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	15	services	service	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	16	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	17	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	18	nation	nation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	19	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	20	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	21	wounds	wound	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	22	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	23	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	24	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	25	number	number	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	26	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	27	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	28	scalps	scalp	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	29	they	they	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	30	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	31	taken	take	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	125	32	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	1	whenever	whenever	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	2	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	3	alluded	allude	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	4	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	5	any	any	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	6	present	present	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	7	(	(	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	8	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	9	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	10	subtle	subtle	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	11	indian	indian	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	12	neglected	neglect	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	13	none	none	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	14	)	)	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	15	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	16	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	17	dark	dark	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	18	countenance	countenance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	19	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	20	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	21	flattered	flattered	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	22	individual	individual	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	23	gleamed	gleam	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	24	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	25	exultation	exultation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	26	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	27	nor	nor	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	28	did	do	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	29	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	30	even	even	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	31	hesitate	hesitate	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	32	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	33	assert	assert	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	34	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	35	truth	truth	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	36	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	37	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	38	words	word	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	39	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	40	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	41	gestures	gesture	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	42	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	43	applause	applause	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	44	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	45	confirmation	confirmation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	126	46	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	1	then	then	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	2	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	3	voice	voice	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	4	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	5	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	6	speaker	speaker	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	7	fell	fall	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	8	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	9	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	10	lost	lose	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	11	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	12	loud	loud	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	13	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	14	animated	animated	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	15	tones	tone	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	16	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	17	triumph	triumph	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	18	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	19	which	which	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	20	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	21	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	22	enumerated	enumerate	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	23	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	24	deeds	deed	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	25	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	26	success	success	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	27	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	28	victory	victory	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	127	29	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	1	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	2	described	describe	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	3	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	4	cataract	cataract	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	5	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	6	glenn	glenn	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	7	's	's	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	8	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	9	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	10	impregnable	impregnable	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	11	position	position	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	12	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	13	its	its	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	14	rocky	rocky	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	15	island	island	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	16	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	17	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	18	its	its	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	19	caverns	cavern	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	20	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	21	its	its	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	22	numerous	numerous	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	23	rapids	rapid	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	24	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	25	whirlpools	whirlpool	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	26	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	27	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	28	named	name	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	29	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	30	name	name	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	31	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	32	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	33	la	la	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	34	longue	longue	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	35	carabine	carabine	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	36	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	37	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	38	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	39	paused	pause	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	40	until	until	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	41	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	42	forest	forest	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	43	beneath	beneath	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	44	them	they	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	45	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	46	sent	send	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	47	up	up	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	48	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	49	last	last	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	50	echo	echo	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	51	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	52	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	53	loud	loud	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	54	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	55	long	long	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	56	yell	yell	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	57	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	58	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	59	which	which	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	60	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	61	hated	hated	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	62	appellation	appellation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	63	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	64	received	receive	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	128	65	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	1	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	2	pointed	point	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	3	toward	toward	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	4	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	5	youthful	youthful	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	6	military	military	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	7	captive	captive	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	8	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	9	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	10	described	describe	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	11	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	12	death	death	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	13	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	14	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	15	favorite	favorite	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	16	warrior	warrior	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	17	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	18	who	who	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	19	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	20	been	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	21	precipitated	precipitate	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	22	into	into	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	23	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	24	deep	deep	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	25	ravine	ravine	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	26	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	27	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	28	hand	hand	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	129	29	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	1	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	2	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	3	only	only	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	4	mentioned	mention	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	5	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	6	fate	fate	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	7	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	8	him	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	9	who	who	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	10	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	11	hanging	hang	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	12	between	between	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	13	heaven	heaven	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	14	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	15	earth	earth	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	16	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	17	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	18	presented	present	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	19	such	such	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	20	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	21	spectacle	spectacle	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	22	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	23	horror	horror	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	24	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	25	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	26	whole	whole	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	27	band	band	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	28	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	29	but	but	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	30	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	31	acted	act	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	32	anew	anew	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	33	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	34	terrors	terror	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	35	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	36	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	37	situation	situation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	38	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	39	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	40	resolution	resolution	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	41	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	42	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	43	death	death	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	44	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	45	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	46	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	47	branches	branch	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	48	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	49	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	50	sapling	sapling	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	51	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	52	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	53	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	54	finally	finally	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	55	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	56	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	57	rapidly	rapidly	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	58	recounted	recount	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	59	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	60	manner	manner	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	61	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	62	which	which	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	63	each	each	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	64	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	65	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	66	friends	friend	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	67	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	68	fallen	fall	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	69	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	70	never	never	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	71	failing	fail	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	72	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	73	touch	touch	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	74	upon	upon	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	75	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	76	courage	courage	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	77	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	78	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	79	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	80	most	most	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	81	acknowledged	acknowledged	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	82	virtues	virtue	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	130	83	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	1	when	when	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	2	this	this	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	3	recital	recital	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	4	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	5	events	event	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	6	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	7	ended	end	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	8	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	9	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	10	voice	voice	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	11	once	once	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	12	more	more	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	13	changed	change	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	14	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	15	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	16	became	become	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	17	plaintive	plaintive	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	18	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	19	even	even	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	20	musical	musical	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	21	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	22	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	23	its	its	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	24	low	low	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	25	guttural	guttural	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	26	sounds	sound	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	131	27	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	1	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	2	now	now	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	3	spoke	speak	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	4	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	5	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	6	wives	wife	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	7	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	8	children	child	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	9	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	10	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	11	slain	slain	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	12	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	13	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	14	destitution	destitution	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	15	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	16	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	17	misery	misery	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	18	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	19	both	both	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	20	physical	physical	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	21	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	22	moral	moral	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	23	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	24	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	25	distance	distance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	26	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	27	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	28	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	29	at	at	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	30	last	last	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	31	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	32	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	33	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	34	unavenged	unavenged	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	35	wrongs	wrong	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	132	36	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	1	then	then	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	2	suddenly	suddenly	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	3	lifting	lift	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	4	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	5	voice	voice	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	6	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	7	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	8	pitch	pitch	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	9	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	10	terrific	terrific	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	11	energy	energy	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	12	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	13	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	14	concluded	conclude	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	15	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	16	demanding	demand	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	17	:	:	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	18	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	19	are	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	20	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	21	hurons	huron	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	22	dogs	dog	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	23	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	24	bear	bear	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	25	this	this	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	133	26	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	1	who	who	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	2	shall	shall	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	3	say	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	4	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	5	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	6	wife	wife	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	7	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	8	menowgua	menowgua	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	9	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	10	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	11	fishes	fish	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	12	have	have	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	13	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	14	scalp	scalp	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	15	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	16	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	17	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	18	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	19	nation	nation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	20	have	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	21	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	22	taken	take	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	23	revenge	revenge	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	134	24	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	135	1	who	who	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	135	2	will	will	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	135	3	dare	dare	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	135	4	meet	meet	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	135	5	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	135	6	mother	mother	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	135	7	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	135	8	wassawattimie	wassawattimie	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	135	9	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	135	10	that	that	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	135	11	scornful	scornful	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	135	12	woman	woman	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	135	13	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	135	14	with	with	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	135	15	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	135	16	hands	hand	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	135	17	clean	clean	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	135	18	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	1	what	what	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	2	shall	shall	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	3	be	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	4	said	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	5	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	6	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	7	old	old	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	8	men	man	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	9	when	when	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	10	they	they	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	11	ask	ask	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	12	us	we	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	13	for	for	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	14	scalps	scalp	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	15	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	16	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	17	we	we	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	18	have	have	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	19	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	20	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	21	hair	hair	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	22	from	from	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	23	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	24	white	white	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	25	head	head	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	26	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	27	give	give	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	28	them	they	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	136	29	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	137	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	137	2	women	woman	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	137	3	will	will	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	137	4	point	point	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	137	5	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	137	6	fingers	finger	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	137	7	at	at	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	137	8	us	we	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	137	9	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	138	1	there	there	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	138	2	is	be	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	138	3	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	138	4	dark	dark	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	138	5	spot	spot	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	138	6	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	138	7	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	138	8	names	name	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	138	9	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	138	10	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	138	11	hurons	huron	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	138	12	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	138	13	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	138	14	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	138	15	must	must	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	138	16	be	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	138	17	hid	hide	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	138	18	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	138	19	blood	blood	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	138	20	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	138	21	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	1	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	2	voice	voice	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	3	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	4	no	no	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	5	longer	long	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	6	audible	audible	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	7	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	8	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	9	burst	burst	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	10	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	11	rage	rage	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	12	which	which	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	13	now	now	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	14	broke	break	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	15	into	into	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	16	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	17	air	air	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	18	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	19	as	as	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	20	if	if	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	21	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	22	wood	wood	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	23	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	24	instead	instead	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	25	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	26	containing	contain	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	27	so	so	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	28	small	small	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	29	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	30	band	band	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	31	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	32	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	33	filled	fill	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	34	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	35	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	36	nation	nation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	139	37	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	1	during	during	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	2	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	3	foregoing	forego	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	4	address	address	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	5	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	6	progress	progress	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	7	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	8	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	9	speaker	speaker	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	10	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	11	too	too	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	12	plainly	plainly	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	13	read	read	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	14	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	15	those	those	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	16	most	most	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	17	interested	interested	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	18	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	19	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	20	success	success	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	21	through	through	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	22	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	23	medium	medium	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	24	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	25	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	26	countenances	countenance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	27	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	28	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	29	men	man	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	30	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	31	addressed	address	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	140	32	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	1	they	they	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	2	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	3	answered	answer	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	4	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	5	melancholy	melancholy	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	6	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	7	mourning	mourning	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	8	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	9	sympathy	sympathy	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	10	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	11	sorrow	sorrow	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	12	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	13	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	14	assertions	assertion	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	15	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	16	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	17	gestures	gesture	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	18	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	19	confirmation	confirmation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	20	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	21	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	22	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	23	boasting	boasting	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	24	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	25	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	26	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	27	exultation	exultation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	28	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	29	savages	savage	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	141	30	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	1	when	when	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	2	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	3	spoke	speak	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	4	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	5	courage	courage	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	6	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	7	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	8	looks	look	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	9	were	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	10	firm	firm	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	11	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	12	responsive	responsive	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	13	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	14	when	when	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	15	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	16	alluded	allude	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	17	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	18	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	19	injuries	injury	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	20	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	21	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	22	eyes	eye	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	23	kindled	kindle	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	24	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	25	fury	fury	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	26	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	27	when	when	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	28	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	29	mentioned	mention	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	30	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	31	taunts	taunt	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	32	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	33	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	34	women	woman	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	35	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	36	they	they	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	37	dropped	drop	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	38	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	39	heads	head	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	40	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	41	shame	shame	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	42	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	43	but	but	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	44	when	when	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	45	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	46	pointed	point	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	47	out	out	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	48	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	49	means	mean	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	50	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	51	vengeance	vengeance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	52	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	53	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	54	struck	strike	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	55	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	56	chord	chord	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	57	which	which	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	58	never	never	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	59	failed	fail	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	60	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	61	thrill	thrill	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	62	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	63	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	64	breast	breast	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	65	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	66	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	67	indian	indian	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	142	68	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	1	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	2	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	3	first	first	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	4	intimation	intimation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	5	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	6	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	7	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	8	within	within	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	9	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	10	reach	reach	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	11	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	12	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	13	whole	whole	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	14	band	band	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	15	sprang	spring	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	16	upon	upon	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	17	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	18	feet	foot	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	19	as	as	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	20	one	one	NUM
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	21	man	man	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	22	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	23	giving	give	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	24	utterance	utterance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	25	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	26	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	27	rage	rage	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	28	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	29	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	30	most	most	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	31	frantic	frantic	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	32	cries	cry	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	33	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	34	they	they	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	35	rushed	rush	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	36	upon	upon	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	37	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	38	prisoners	prisoner	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	39	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	40	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	41	body	body	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	42	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	43	drawn	draw	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	44	knives	knife	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	45	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	46	uplifted	uplifted	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	47	tomahawks	tomahawks	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	143	48	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	1	heyward	heyward	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	2	threw	throw	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	3	himself	himself	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	4	between	between	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	5	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	6	sisters	sister	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	7	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	8	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	9	foremost	foremost	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	10	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	11	whom	whom	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	12	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	13	grappled	grapple	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	14	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	15	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	16	desperate	desperate	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	17	strength	strength	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	18	that	that	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	19	for	for	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	20	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	21	moment	moment	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	22	checked	check	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	23	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	24	violence	violence	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	144	25	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	1	this	this	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	2	unexpected	unexpected	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	3	resistance	resistance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	4	gave	give	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	5	magua	magua	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	6	time	time	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	7	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	8	interpose	interpose	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	9	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	10	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	11	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	12	rapid	rapid	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	13	enunciation	enunciation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	14	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	15	animated	animate	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	16	gesture	gesture	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	17	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	18	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	19	drew	draw	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	20	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	21	attention	attention	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	22	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	23	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	24	band	band	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	25	again	again	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	26	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	27	himself	himself	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	145	28	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	1	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	2	that	that	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	3	language	language	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	4	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	5	knew	know	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	6	so	so	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	7	well	well	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	8	how	how	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	9	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	10	assume	assume	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	11	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	12	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	13	diverted	divert	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	14	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	15	comrades	comrade	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	16	from	from	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	17	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	18	instant	instant	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	19	purpose	purpose	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	20	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	21	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	22	invited	invite	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	23	them	they	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	24	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	25	prolong	prolong	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	26	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	27	misery	misery	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	28	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	29	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	30	victims	victim	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	146	31	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	147	1	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	147	2	proposal	proposal	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	147	3	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	147	4	received	receive	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	147	5	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	147	6	acclamations	acclamation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	147	7	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	147	8	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	147	9	executed	execute	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	147	10	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	147	11	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	147	12	swiftness	swiftness	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	147	13	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	147	14	thought	thought	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	147	15	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	148	1	two	two	NUM
02-mohicans_012-1757	148	2	powerful	powerful	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	148	3	warriors	warrior	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	148	4	cast	cast	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	148	5	themselves	themselves	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	148	6	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	148	7	heyward	heyward	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	148	8	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	148	9	while	while	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	148	10	another	another	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	148	11	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	148	12	occupied	occupy	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	148	13	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	148	14	securing	secure	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	148	15	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	148	16	less	less	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	148	17	active	active	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	148	18	singing	singing	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	148	19	-	-	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	148	20	master	master	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	148	21	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	149	1	neither	neither	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	149	2	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	149	3	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	149	4	captives	captive	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	149	5	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	149	6	however	however	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	149	7	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	149	8	submitted	submit	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	149	9	without	without	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	149	10	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	149	11	desperate	desperate	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	149	12	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	149	13	though	though	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	149	14	fruitless	fruitless	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	149	15	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	149	16	struggle	struggle	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	149	17	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	1	even	even	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	2	david	david	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	3	hurled	hurl	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	4	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	5	assailant	assailant	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	6	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	7	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	8	earth	earth	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	9	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	10	nor	nor	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	11	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	12	heyward	heyward	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	13	secured	secure	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	14	until	until	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	15	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	16	victory	victory	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	17	over	over	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	18	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	19	companion	companion	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	20	enabled	enable	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	21	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	22	indians	indians	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	23	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	24	direct	direct	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	25	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	26	united	united	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	27	force	force	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	28	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	29	that	that	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	30	object	object	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	150	31	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	1	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	2	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	3	then	then	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	4	bound	bind	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	5	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	6	fastened	fasten	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	7	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	8	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	9	body	body	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	10	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	11	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	12	sapling	sapling	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	13	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	14	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	15	whose	whose	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	16	branches	branch	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	17	magua	magua	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	18	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	19	acted	act	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	20	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	21	pantomime	pantomime	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	22	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	23	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	24	falling	fall	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	25	huron	huron	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	151	26	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	1	when	when	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	2	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	3	young	young	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	4	soldier	soldier	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	5	regained	regain	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	6	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	7	recollection	recollection	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	8	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	9	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	10	had	have	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	11	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	12	painful	painful	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	13	certainty	certainty	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	14	before	before	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	15	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	16	eyes	eye	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	17	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	18	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	19	common	common	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	20	fate	fate	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	21	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	22	intended	intend	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	23	for	for	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	24	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	25	whole	whole	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	26	party	party	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	152	27	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	1	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	2	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	3	right	right	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	4	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	5	cora	cora	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	6	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	7	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	8	durance	durance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	9	similar	similar	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	10	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	11	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	12	own	own	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	13	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	14	pale	pale	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	15	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	16	agitated	agitated	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	17	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	18	but	but	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	19	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	20	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	21	eye	eye	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	22	whose	whose	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	23	steady	steady	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	24	look	look	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	25	still	still	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	26	read	read	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	27	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	28	proceedings	proceeding	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	29	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	30	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	31	enemies	enemy	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	153	32	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	1	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	2	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	3	left	left	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	4	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	5	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	6	withes	withe	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	7	which	which	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	8	bound	bind	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	9	her	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	10	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	11	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	12	pine	pine	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	13	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	14	performed	perform	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	15	that	that	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	16	office	office	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	17	for	for	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	18	alice	alice	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	19	which	which	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	20	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	21	trembling	tremble	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	22	limbs	limb	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	23	refused	refuse	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	24	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	25	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	26	alone	alone	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	27	kept	keep	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	28	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	29	fragile	fragile	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	30	form	form	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	31	from	from	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	32	sinking	sink	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	154	33	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	1	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	2	hands	hand	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	3	were	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	4	clasped	clasp	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	5	before	before	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	6	her	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	7	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	8	prayer	prayer	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	9	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	10	but	but	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	11	instead	instead	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	12	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	13	looking	look	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	14	upward	upward	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	15	toward	toward	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	16	that	that	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	17	power	power	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	18	which	which	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	19	alone	alone	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	20	could	could	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	21	rescue	rescue	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	22	them	they	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	23	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	24	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	25	unconscious	unconscious	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	26	looks	look	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	27	wandered	wander	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	28	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	29	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	30	countenance	countenance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	31	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	32	duncan	duncan	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	33	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	34	infantile	infantile	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	35	dependency	dependency	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	155	36	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	1	david	david	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	2	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	3	contended	contend	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	4	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	5	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	6	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	7	novelty	novelty	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	8	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	9	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	10	circumstance	circumstance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	11	held	hold	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	12	him	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	13	silent	silent	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	14	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	15	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	16	deliberation	deliberation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	17	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	18	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	19	propriety	propriety	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	20	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	21	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	22	unusual	unusual	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	23	occurrence	occurrence	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	156	24	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	2	vengeance	vengeance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	3	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	4	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	5	hurons	huron	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	6	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	7	now	now	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	8	taken	take	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	9	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	10	new	new	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	11	direction	direction	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	12	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	13	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	14	they	they	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	15	prepared	prepare	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	16	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	17	execute	execute	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	18	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	19	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	20	that	that	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	21	barbarous	barbarous	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	22	ingenuity	ingenuity	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	23	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	24	which	which	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	25	they	they	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	26	were	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	27	familiarized	familiarize	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	28	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	29	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	30	practise	practise	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	31	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	32	centuries	century	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	157	33	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	1	some	some	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	2	sought	seek	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	3	knots	knot	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	4	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	5	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	6	raise	raise	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	7	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	8	blazing	blaze	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	9	pile	pile	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	10	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	11	one	one	NUM
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	12	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	13	riving	rive	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	14	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	15	splinters	splinter	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	16	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	17	pine	pine	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	18	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	19	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	20	order	order	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	21	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	22	pierce	pierce	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	23	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	24	flesh	flesh	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	25	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	26	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	27	captives	captive	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	28	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	29	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	30	burning	burn	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	31	fragments	fragment	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	32	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	33	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	34	others	other	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	35	bent	bend	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	36	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	37	tops	top	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	38	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	39	two	two	NUM
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	40	saplings	sapling	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	41	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	42	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	43	earth	earth	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	44	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	45	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	46	order	order	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	47	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	48	suspend	suspend	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	49	heyward	heyward	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	50	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	51	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	52	arms	arm	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	53	between	between	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	54	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	55	recoiling	recoil	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	56	branches	branch	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	158	57	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	159	1	but	but	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	159	2	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	159	3	vengeance	vengeance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	159	4	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	159	5	magua	magua	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	159	6	sought	seek	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	159	7	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	159	8	deeper	deep	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	159	9	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	159	10	more	more	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	159	11	malignant	malignant	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	159	12	enjoyment	enjoyment	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	159	13	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	1	while	while	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	2	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	3	less	less	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	4	refined	refined	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	5	monsters	monster	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	6	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	7	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	8	band	band	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	9	prepared	prepare	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	10	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	11	before	before	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	12	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	13	eyes	eye	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	14	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	15	those	those	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	16	who	who	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	17	were	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	18	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	19	suffer	suffer	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	20	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	21	these	these	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	22	well	well	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	23	-	-	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	24	known	know	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	25	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	26	vulgar	vulgar	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	27	means	mean	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	28	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	29	torture	torture	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	30	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	31	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	32	approached	approach	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	33	cora	cora	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	34	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	35	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	36	pointed	point	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	37	out	out	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	38	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	39	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	40	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	41	most	most	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	42	malign	malign	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	43	expression	expression	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	44	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	45	countenance	countenance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	46	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	47	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	48	speedy	speedy	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	49	fate	fate	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	50	that	that	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	51	awaited	await	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	52	her	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	53	:	:	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	54	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	55	ha	ha	INTJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	56	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	160	57	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	161	1	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	161	2	added	add	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	161	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	161	4	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	161	5	what	what	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	161	6	says	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	161	7	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	161	8	daughter	daughter	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	161	9	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	161	10	munro	munro	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	161	11	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	1	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	2	head	head	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	3	is	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	4	too	too	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	5	good	good	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	6	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	7	find	find	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	8	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	9	pillow	pillow	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	10	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	11	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	12	wigwam	wigwam	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	13	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	14	le	le	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	15	renard	renard	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	16	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	17	will	will	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	18	she	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	19	like	like	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	20	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	21	better	well	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	22	when	when	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	23	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	24	rolls	roll	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	25	about	about	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	26	this	this	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	27	hill	hill	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	28	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	29	plaything	plaything	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	30	for	for	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	31	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	32	wolves	wolf	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	162	33	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	163	1	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	163	2	bosom	bosom	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	163	3	can	can	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	163	4	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	163	5	nurse	nurse	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	163	6	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	163	7	children	child	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	163	8	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	163	9	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	163	10	huron	huron	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	163	11	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	163	12	she	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	163	13	will	will	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	163	14	see	see	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	163	15	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	163	16	spit	spit	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	163	17	upon	upon	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	163	18	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	163	19	indians	indians	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	163	20	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	163	21	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	164	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	164	2	what	what	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	164	3	means	mean	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	164	4	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	164	5	monster	monster	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	164	6	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	164	7	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	164	8	demanded	demand	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	164	9	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	164	10	astonished	astonished	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	164	11	heyward	heyward	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	164	12	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	165	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	165	2	nothing	nothing	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	165	3	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	165	4	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	165	5	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	165	6	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	165	7	firm	firm	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	165	8	reply	reply	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	165	9	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	166	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	166	2	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	166	3	is	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	166	4	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	166	5	savage	savage	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	166	6	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	166	7	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	166	8	barbarous	barbarous	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	166	9	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	166	10	ignorant	ignorant	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	166	11	savage	savage	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	166	12	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	166	13	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	166	14	knows	know	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	166	15	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	166	16	what	what	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	166	17	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	166	18	does	do	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	166	19	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	167	1	let	let	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	167	2	us	we	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	167	3	find	find	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	167	4	leisure	leisure	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	167	5	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	167	6	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	167	7	our	our	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	167	8	dying	die	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	167	9	breath	breath	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	167	10	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	167	11	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	167	12	ask	ask	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	167	13	for	for	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	167	14	him	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	167	15	penitence	penitence	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	167	16	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	167	17	pardon	pardon	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	167	18	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	167	19	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	2	pardon	pardon	X
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	3	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	4	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	5	echoed	echo	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	6	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	7	fierce	fierce	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	8	huron	huron	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	9	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	10	mistaking	mistake	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	11	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	12	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	13	anger	anger	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	14	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	15	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	16	meaning	meaning	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	17	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	18	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	19	words	word	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	20	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	21	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	22	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	23	memory	memory	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	24	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	25	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	26	indian	indian	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	27	is	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	28	no	no	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	29	longer	long	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	30	than	than	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	31	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	32	arm	arm	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	33	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	34	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	35	pale	pale	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	36	faces	face	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	37	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	38	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	39	mercy	mercy	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	40	shorter	short	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	41	than	than	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	42	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	43	justice	justice	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	168	44	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	1	say	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	2	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	3	shall	shall	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	4	i	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	5	send	send	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	6	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	7	yellow	yellow	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	8	hair	hair	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	9	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	10	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	11	father	father	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	12	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	13	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	14	will	will	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	15	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	16	follow	follow	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	17	magua	magua	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	18	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	19	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	20	great	great	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	21	lakes	lake	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	22	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	23	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	24	carry	carry	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	25	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	26	water	water	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	27	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	28	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	29	feed	feed	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	30	him	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	31	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	32	corn	corn	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	33	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	34	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	35	cora	cora	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	36	beckoned	beckon	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	37	him	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	38	away	away	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	39	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	40	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	41	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	42	emotion	emotion	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	43	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	44	disgust	disgust	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	45	she	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	46	could	could	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	47	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	48	control	control	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	169	49	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	2	leave	leave	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	3	me	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	4	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	5	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	6	she	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	7	said	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	8	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	9	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	10	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	11	solemnity	solemnity	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	12	that	that	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	13	for	for	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	14	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	15	moment	moment	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	16	checked	check	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	17	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	18	barbarity	barbarity	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	19	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	20	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	21	indian	indian	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	22	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	23	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	24	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	25	mingle	mingle	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	26	bitterness	bitterness	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	27	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	28	my	my	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	29	prayers	prayer	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	30	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	31	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	32	stand	stand	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	33	between	between	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	34	me	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	35	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	36	my	my	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	37	god	god	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	38	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	170	39	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	2	slight	slight	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	3	impression	impression	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	4	produced	produce	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	5	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	6	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	7	savage	savage	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	8	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	9	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	10	however	however	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	11	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	12	soon	soon	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	13	forgotten	forget	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	14	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	15	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	16	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	17	continued	continue	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	18	pointing	pointing	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	19	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	20	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	21	taunting	taunt	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	22	irony	irony	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	23	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	24	toward	toward	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	25	alice	alice	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	171	26	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	172	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	172	2	look	look	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	172	3	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	173	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	173	2	child	child	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	173	3	weeps	weep	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	173	4	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	174	1	she	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	174	2	is	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	174	3	too	too	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	174	4	young	young	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	174	5	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	174	6	die	die	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	174	7	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	175	1	send	send	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	175	2	her	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	175	3	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	175	4	munro	munro	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	175	5	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	175	6	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	175	7	comb	comb	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	175	8	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	175	9	gray	gray	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	175	10	hairs	hair	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	175	11	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	175	12	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	175	13	keep	keep	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	175	14	life	life	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	175	15	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	175	16	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	175	17	heart	heart	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	175	18	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	175	19	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	175	20	old	old	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	175	21	man	man	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	175	22	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	175	23	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	1	cora	cora	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	2	could	could	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	3	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	4	resist	resist	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	5	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	6	desire	desire	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	7	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	8	look	look	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	9	upon	upon	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	10	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	11	youthful	youthful	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	12	sister	sister	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	13	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	14	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	15	whose	whose	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	16	eyes	eye	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	17	she	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	18	met	meet	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	19	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	20	imploring	implore	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	21	glance	glance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	22	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	23	that	that	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	24	betrayed	betray	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	25	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	26	longings	longing	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	27	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	28	nature	nature	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	176	29	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	177	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	177	2	what	what	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	177	3	says	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	177	4	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	177	5	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	177	6	dearest	dearest	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	177	7	cora	cora	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	177	8	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	177	9	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	177	10	asked	ask	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	177	11	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	177	12	trembling	tremble	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	177	13	voice	voice	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	177	14	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	177	15	alice	alice	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	177	16	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	178	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	178	2	did	do	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	178	3	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	178	4	speak	speak	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	178	5	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	178	6	sending	send	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	178	7	me	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	178	8	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	178	9	our	our	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	178	10	father	father	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	178	11	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	178	12	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	179	1	for	for	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	179	2	many	many	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	179	3	moments	moment	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	179	4	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	179	5	elder	eld	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	179	6	sister	sister	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	179	7	looked	look	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	179	8	upon	upon	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	179	9	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	179	10	younger	young	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	179	11	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	179	12	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	179	13	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	179	14	countenance	countenance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	179	15	that	that	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	179	16	wavered	waver	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	179	17	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	179	18	powerful	powerful	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	179	19	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	179	20	contending	contend	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	179	21	emotions	emotion	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	179	22	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	1	at	at	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	2	length	length	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	3	she	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	4	spoke	speak	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	5	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	6	though	though	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	7	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	8	tones	tone	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	9	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	10	lost	lose	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	11	their	their	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	12	rich	rich	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	13	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	14	calm	calm	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	15	fullness	fullness	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	16	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	17	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	18	an	an	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	19	expression	expression	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	20	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	21	tenderness	tenderness	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	22	that	that	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	23	seemed	seem	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	24	maternal	maternal	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	180	25	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	2	alice	alice	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	4	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	5	she	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	6	said	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	7	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	8	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	9	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	10	huron	huron	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	11	offers	offer	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	12	us	we	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	13	both	both	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	14	life	life	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	15	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	16	nay	nay	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	17	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	18	more	more	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	19	than	than	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	20	both	both	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	21	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	22	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	23	offers	offer	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	24	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	25	restore	restore	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	26	duncan	duncan	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	27	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	28	our	our	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	29	invaluable	invaluable	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	30	duncan	duncan	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	31	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	32	as	as	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	33	well	well	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	34	as	as	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	35	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	36	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	37	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	38	our	our	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	39	friendsto	friendsto	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	40	our	our	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	41	fatherto	fatherto	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	42	our	our	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	43	heart	heart	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	44	-	-	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	45	stricken	stricken	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	46	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	47	childless	childless	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	48	father	father	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	49	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	50	if	if	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	51	i	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	52	will	will	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	53	bow	bow	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	54	down	down	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	55	this	this	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	56	rebellious	rebellious	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	57	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	58	stubborn	stubborn	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	59	pride	pride	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	60	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	61	mine	mine	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	62	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	63	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	64	consent	consent	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	65	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	66	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	67	voice	voice	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	68	became	become	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	69	choked	choke	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	70	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	71	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	72	clasping	clasp	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	73	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	74	hands	hand	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	75	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	76	she	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	77	looked	look	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	78	upward	upward	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	79	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	80	as	as	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	81	if	if	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	82	seeking	seek	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	83	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	84	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	85	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	86	agony	agony	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	87	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	88	intelligence	intelligence	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	89	from	from	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	90	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	91	wisdom	wisdom	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	92	that	that	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	93	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	94	infinite	infinite	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	181	95	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	182	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	182	2	say	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	182	3	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	182	4	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	182	5	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	182	6	cried	cry	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	182	7	alice	alice	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	182	8	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	182	9	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	182	10	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	182	11	what	what	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	182	12	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	182	13	dearest	dearest	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	182	14	cora	cora	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	182	15	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	183	1	oh	oh	INTJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	183	2	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	183	3	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	183	4	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	183	5	proffer	proffer	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	183	6	were	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	183	7	made	make	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	183	8	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	183	9	me	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	183	10	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	184	1	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	184	2	save	save	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	184	3	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	184	4	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	184	5	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	184	6	cheer	cheer	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	184	7	our	our	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	184	8	aged	aged	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	184	9	father	father	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	184	10	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	184	11	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	184	12	restore	restore	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	184	13	duncan	duncan	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	184	14	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	184	15	how	how	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	184	16	cheerfully	cheerfully	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	184	17	could	could	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	184	18	i	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	184	19	die	die	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	184	20	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	184	21	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	185	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	185	2	die	die	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	185	3	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	185	4	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	186	1	repeated	repeat	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	186	2	cora	cora	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	186	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	186	4	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	186	5	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	186	6	calmer	calm	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	186	7	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	186	8	firmer	firm	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	186	9	voice	voice	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	186	10	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	186	11	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	186	12	that	that	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	186	13	were	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	186	14	easy	easy	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	186	15	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	187	1	perhaps	perhaps	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	187	2	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	187	3	alternative	alternative	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	187	4	may	may	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	187	5	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	187	6	be	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	187	7	less	less	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	187	8	so	so	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	187	9	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	1	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	2	would	would	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	3	have	have	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	4	me	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	5	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	6	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	7	she	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	8	continued	continue	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	9	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	10	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	11	accents	accent	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	12	sinking	sink	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	13	under	under	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	14	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	15	deep	deep	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	16	consciousness	consciousness	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	17	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	18	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	19	degradation	degradation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	20	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	21	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	22	proposal	proposal	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	23	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	24	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	25	follow	follow	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	26	him	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	27	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	28	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	29	wilderness	wilderness	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	30	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	31	go	go	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	32	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	33	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	34	habitations	habitation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	35	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	36	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	37	hurons	huron	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	38	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	39	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	40	remain	remain	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	41	there	there	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	42	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	43	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	44	short	short	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	45	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	46	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	47	become	become	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	48	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	49	wife	wife	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	188	50	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	189	1	speak	speak	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	189	2	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	189	3	then	then	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	189	4	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	189	5	alice	alice	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	189	6	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	189	7	child	child	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	189	8	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	189	9	my	my	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	189	10	affections	affection	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	189	11	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	190	1	sister	sister	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	190	2	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	190	3	my	my	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	190	4	love	love	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	190	5	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	191	1	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	191	2	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	191	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	191	4	too	too	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	191	5	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	191	6	major	major	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	191	7	heyward	heyward	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	191	8	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	191	9	aid	aid	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	191	10	my	my	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	191	11	weak	weak	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	191	12	reason	reason	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	191	13	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	191	14	your	your	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	191	15	counsel	counsel	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	191	16	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	192	1	is	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	192	2	life	life	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	192	3	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	192	4	be	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	192	5	purchased	purchase	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	192	6	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	192	7	such	such	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	192	8	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	192	9	sacrifice	sacrifice	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	192	10	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	193	1	will	will	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	193	2	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	193	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	193	4	alice	alice	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	193	5	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	193	6	receive	receive	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	193	7	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	193	8	at	at	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	193	9	my	my	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	193	10	hands	hand	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	193	11	at	at	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	193	12	such	such	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	193	13	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	193	14	price	price	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	193	15	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	194	1	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	194	2	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	194	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	194	4	duncan	duncan	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	194	5	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	194	6	guide	guide	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	194	7	me	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	194	8	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	194	9	control	control	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	194	10	me	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	194	11	between	between	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	194	12	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	194	13	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	194	14	for	for	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	194	15	i	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	194	16	am	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	194	17	wholly	wholly	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	194	18	yours	yours	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	194	19	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	194	20	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	195	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	195	2	would	would	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	195	3	i	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	195	4	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	195	5	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	195	6	echoed	echo	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	195	7	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	195	8	indignant	indignant	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	195	9	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	195	10	astonished	astonished	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	195	11	youth	youth	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	195	12	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	196	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	196	2	cora	cora	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	196	3	!	!	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	196	4	cora	cora	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	196	5	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	197	1	you	you	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	197	2	jest	jest	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	197	3	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	197	4	our	our	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	197	5	misery	misery	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	197	6	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	198	1	name	name	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	198	2	not	not	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	198	3	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	198	4	horrid	horrid	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	198	5	alternative	alternative	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	198	6	again	again	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	198	7	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	198	8	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	198	9	thought	thought	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	198	10	itself	itself	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	198	11	is	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	198	12	worse	bad	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	198	13	than	than	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	198	14	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	198	15	thousand	thousand	NUM
02-mohicans_012-1757	198	16	deaths	death	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	198	17	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	198	18	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	199	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	199	2	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	199	3	such	such	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	199	4	would	would	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	199	5	be	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	199	6	your	your	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	199	7	answer	answer	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	199	8	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	199	9	i	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	199	10	well	well	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	199	11	knew	know	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	199	12	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	199	13	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	200	1	exclaimed	exclaim	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	200	2	cora	cora	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	200	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	200	4	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	200	5	cheeks	cheek	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	200	6	flushing	flush	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	200	7	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	200	8	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	200	9	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	200	10	dark	dark	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	200	11	eyes	eye	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	200	12	once	once	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	200	13	more	more	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	200	14	sparkling	sparkling	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	200	15	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	200	16	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	200	17	lingering	linger	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	200	18	emotions	emotion	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	200	19	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	200	20	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	200	21	woman	woman	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	200	22	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	201	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	201	2	what	what	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	201	3	says	say	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	201	4	my	my	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	201	5	alice	alice	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	201	6	?	?	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	202	1	for	for	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	202	2	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	202	3	will	will	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	202	4	i	i	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	202	5	submit	submit	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	202	6	without	without	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	202	7	another	another	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	202	8	murmur	murmur	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	202	9	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	202	10	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	203	1	although	although	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	203	2	both	both	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	203	3	heyward	heyward	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	203	4	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	203	5	cora	cora	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	203	6	listened	listen	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	203	7	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	203	8	painful	painful	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	203	9	suspense	suspense	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	203	10	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	203	11	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	203	12	deepest	deep	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	203	13	attention	attention	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	203	14	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	203	15	no	no	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	203	16	sounds	sound	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	203	17	were	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	203	18	heard	hear	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	203	19	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	203	20	reply	reply	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	203	21	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	204	1	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	204	2	appeared	appear	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	204	3	as	as	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	204	4	if	if	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	204	5	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	204	6	delicate	delicate	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	204	7	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	204	8	sensitive	sensitive	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	204	9	form	form	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	204	10	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	204	11	alice	alice	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	204	12	would	would	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	204	13	shrink	shrink	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	204	14	into	into	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	204	15	itself	itself	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	204	16	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	204	17	as	as	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	204	18	she	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	204	19	listened	listen	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	204	20	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	204	21	this	this	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	204	22	proposal	proposal	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	204	23	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	1	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	2	arms	arm	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	3	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	4	fallen	fall	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	5	lengthwise	lengthwise	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	6	before	before	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	7	her	she	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	8	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	9	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	10	fingers	finger	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	11	moving	move	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	12	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	13	slight	slight	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	14	convulsions	convulsion	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	15	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	16	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	17	head	head	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	18	dropped	drop	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	19	upon	upon	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	20	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	21	bosom	bosom	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	22	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	23	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	24	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	25	whole	whole	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	26	person	person	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	27	seemed	seem	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	28	suspended	suspend	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	29	against	against	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	30	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	31	tree	tree	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	32	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	33	looking	look	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	34	like	like	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	35	some	some	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	36	beautiful	beautiful	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	37	emblem	emblem	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	38	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	39	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	40	wounded	wound	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	41	delicacy	delicacy	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	42	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	43	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	44	sex	sex	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	45	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	46	devoid	devoid	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	47	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	48	animation	animation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	49	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	50	yet	yet	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	51	keenly	keenly	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	52	conscious	conscious	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	205	53	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	206	1	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	206	2	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	206	3	few	few	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	206	4	moments	moment	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	206	5	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	206	6	however	however	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	206	7	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	206	8	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	206	9	head	head	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	206	10	began	begin	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	206	11	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	206	12	move	move	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	206	13	slowly	slowly	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	206	14	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	206	15	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	206	16	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	206	17	sign	sign	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	206	18	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	206	19	deep	deep	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	206	20	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	206	21	unconquerable	unconquerable	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	206	22	disapprobation	disapprobation	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	206	23	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	207	1	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	207	2	no	no	INTJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	207	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	207	4	no	no	INTJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	207	5	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	207	6	no	no	INTJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	207	7	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	207	8	better	well	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	207	9	that	that	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	207	10	we	we	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	207	11	die	die	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	207	12	as	as	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	207	13	we	we	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	207	14	have	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	207	15	lived	live	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	207	16	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	207	17	together	together	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	207	18	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	207	19	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	208	1	[	[	X
02-mohicans_012-1757	208	2	illustration	illustration	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	208	3	]	]	X
02-mohicans_012-1757	208	4	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	208	5	then	then	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	208	6	die	die	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	208	7	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	208	8	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	209	1	shouted	shout	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	209	2	magua	magua	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	209	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	209	4	hurling	hurl	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	209	5	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	209	6	tomahawk	tomahawk	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	209	7	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	209	8	violence	violence	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	209	9	at	at	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	209	10	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	209	11	unresisting	unresisting	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	209	12	speaker	speaker	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	209	13	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	209	14	then	then	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	209	15	die	die	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	209	16	!	!	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	209	17	"	"	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	1	shouted	shout	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	2	magua	magua	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	4	hurling	hurl	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	5	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	6	tomahawk	tomahawk	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	7	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	8	violence	violence	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	9	at	at	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	10	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	11	unresisting	unresisting	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	12	speaker	speaker	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	13	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	14	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	15	gnashing	gnash	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	16	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	17	teeth	tooth	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	18	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	19	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	20	rage	rage	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	21	that	that	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	22	could	could	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	23	no	no	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	24	longer	long	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	25	be	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	26	bridled	bridle	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	27	at	at	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	28	this	this	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	29	sudden	sudden	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	30	exhibition	exhibition	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	31	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	32	firmness	firmness	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	33	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	34	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	35	one	one	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	36	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	37	believed	believe	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	38	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	39	weakest	weak	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	40	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	41	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	42	party	party	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	210	43	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	2	axe	axe	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	3	cleaved	cleave	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	4	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	5	air	air	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	6	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	7	front	front	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	8	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	9	heyward	heyward	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	10	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	11	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	12	cutting	cut	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	13	some	some	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	14	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	15	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	16	flowing	flow	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	17	ringlets	ringlet	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	18	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	19	alice	alice	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	20	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	21	quivered	quiver	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	22	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	23	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	24	tree	tree	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	25	above	above	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	26	her	her	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	27	head	head	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	211	28	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	212	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	212	2	sight	sight	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	212	3	maddened	madden	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	212	4	duncan	duncan	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	212	5	to	to	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	212	6	desperation	desperation	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	212	7	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	1	collecting	collect	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	2	all	all	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	3	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	4	energies	energy	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	5	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	6	one	one	NUM
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	7	effort	effort	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	8	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	9	snapped	snap	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	10	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	11	twigs	twig	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	12	which	which	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	13	bound	bind	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	14	him	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	15	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	16	rushed	rush	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	17	upon	upon	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	18	another	another	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	19	savage	savage	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	20	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	21	who	who	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	22	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	23	preparing	prepare	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	24	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	25	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	26	loud	loud	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	27	yells	yell	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	28	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	29	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	30	more	more	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	31	deliberate	deliberate	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	32	aim	aim	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	33	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	34	to	to	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	35	repeat	repeat	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	36	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	37	blow	blow	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	213	38	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	214	1	they	they	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	214	2	encountered	encounter	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	214	3	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	214	4	grappled	grapple	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	214	5	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	214	6	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	214	7	fell	fall	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	214	8	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	214	9	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	214	10	earth	earth	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	214	11	together	together	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	214	12	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	1	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	2	naked	naked	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	3	body	body	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	4	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	5	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	6	antagonist	antagonist	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	7	afforded	afford	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	8	heyward	heyward	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	9	no	no	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	10	means	mean	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	11	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	12	holding	hold	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	13	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	14	adversary	adversary	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	15	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	16	who	who	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	17	glided	glide	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	18	from	from	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	19	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	20	grasp	grasp	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	21	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	22	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	23	rose	rise	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	24	again	again	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	25	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	26	one	one	NUM
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	27	knee	knee	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	28	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	29	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	30	chest	chest	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	31	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	32	pressing	press	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	33	him	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	34	down	down	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	35	with	with	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	36	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	37	weight	weight	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	38	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	39	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	40	giant	giant	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	215	41	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	1	duncan	duncan	PROPN
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	2	already	already	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	3	saw	see	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	4	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	5	knife	knife	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	6	gleaming	gleam	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	7	in	in	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	8	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	9	air	air	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	10	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	11	when	when	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	12	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	13	whistling	whistle	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	14	sound	sound	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	15	swept	sweep	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	16	past	past	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	17	him	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	18	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	19	and	and	CCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	20	was	be	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	21	rather	rather	ADV
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	22	accompanied	accompany	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	23	than	than	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	24	followed	follow	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	25	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	26	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	27	sharp	sharp	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	28	crack	crack	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	29	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	30	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	31	rifle	rifle	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	216	32	.	.	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	1	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	2	felt	feel	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	3	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	4	breast	breast	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	5	relieved	relieve	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	6	from	from	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	7	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	8	load	load	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	9	it	it	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	10	had	have	AUX
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	11	endured	endure	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	12	;	;	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	13	he	he	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	14	saw	see	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	15	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	16	savage	savage	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	17	expression	expression	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	18	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	19	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	20	adversary	adversary	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	21	's	's	PART
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	22	countenance	countenance	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	23	change	change	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	24	to	to	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	25	a	a	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	26	look	look	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	27	of	of	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	28	vacant	vacant	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	29	wildness	wildness	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	30	,	,	PUNCT
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	31	when	when	SCONJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	32	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	33	indian	indian	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	34	fell	fall	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	35	dead	dead	ADJ
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	36	on	on	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	37	the	the	DET
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	38	faded	fade	VERB
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	39	leaves	leave	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	40	by	by	ADP
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	41	his	his	PRON
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	42	side	side	NOUN
02-mohicans_012-1757	217	43	.	.	PUNCT