id	sid	tid	token	lemma	pos
04-pioneers_035-1793	1	1	chapter	chapter	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	1	2	xxxiv	xxxiv	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	1	3	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	2	1	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	2	2	ha	ha	INTJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	2	3	!	!	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	2	4	ha	ha	INTJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	2	5	!	!	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	2	6	look	look	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	2	7	!	!	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	3	1	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	3	2	wears	wear	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	3	3	cruel	cruel	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	3	4	garters!"--lear	garters!"--lear	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	3	5	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	1	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	2	punishments	punishment	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	3	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	4	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	5	common	common	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	6	law	law	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	7	were	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	8	still	still	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	9	known	know	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	10	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	11	at	at	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	12	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	13	time	time	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	14	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	15	our	our	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	16	tale	tale	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	17	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	18	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	19	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	20	people	people	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	21	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	22	new	new	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	23	york	york	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	24	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	25	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	26	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	27	whipping	whipping	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	28	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	29	post	post	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	30	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	31	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	32	its	its	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	33	companion	companion	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	34	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	35	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	36	stocks	stock	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	37	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	38	were	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	39	not	not	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	40	yet	yet	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	41	supplanted	supplant	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	42	by	by	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	43	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	44	more	more	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	45	merciful	merciful	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	46	expedients	expedient	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	47	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	48	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	49	public	public	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	50	prison	prison	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	4	51	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	1	immediately	immediately	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	2	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	3	front	front	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	4	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	5	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	6	jail	jail	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	7	those	those	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	8	relics	relic	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	9	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	10	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	11	older	old	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	12	times	time	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	13	were	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	14	situated	situate	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	15	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	16	as	as	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	17	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	18	lesson	lesson	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	19	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	20	precautionary	precautionary	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	21	justice	justice	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	22	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	23	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	24	evil	evil	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	25	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	26	doers	doer	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	27	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	28	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	29	settlement	settlement	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	5	30	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	1	natty	natty	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	2	followed	follow	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	3	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	4	constables	constable	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	5	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	6	this	this	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	7	spot	spot	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	8	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	9	bowing	bow	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	10	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	11	head	head	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	12	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	13	submission	submission	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	14	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	15	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	16	power	power	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	17	that	that	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	18	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	19	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	20	unable	unable	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	21	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	22	oppose	oppose	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	23	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	24	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	25	surrounded	surround	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	26	by	by	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	27	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	28	crowd	crowd	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	29	that	that	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	30	formed	form	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	31	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	32	circle	circle	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	33	about	about	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	34	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	35	person	person	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	36	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	37	exhibiting	exhibit	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	38	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	39	their	their	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	40	countenances	countenance	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	41	strong	strong	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	42	curiosity	curiosity	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	6	43	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	1	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	2	constable	constable	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	3	raised	raise	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	4	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	5	upper	upper	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	6	part	part	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	7	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	8	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	9	stocks	stock	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	10	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	11	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	12	pointed	point	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	13	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	14	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	15	finger	finger	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	16	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	17	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	18	holes	hole	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	19	where	where	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	20	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	21	old	old	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	22	man	man	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	23	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	24	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	25	place	place	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	26	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	27	feet	foot	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	7	28	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	1	without	without	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	2	making	make	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	3	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	4	least	least	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	5	objection	objection	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	6	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	7	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	8	punishment	punishment	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	9	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	10	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	11	leather	leather	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	12	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	13	stocking	stocking	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	14	quietly	quietly	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	15	seated	seat	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	16	himself	himself	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	17	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	18	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	19	ground	ground	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	20	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	21	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	22	suffered	suffer	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	23	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	24	limbs	limb	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	25	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	26	be	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	27	laid	lay	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	28	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	29	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	30	openings	opening	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	31	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	32	without	without	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	33	even	even	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	34	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	35	murmur	murmur	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	36	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	37	though	though	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	38	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	39	cast	cast	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	40	one	one	NUM
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	41	glance	glance	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	42	about	about	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	43	him	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	44	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	45	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	46	quest	quest	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	47	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	48	that	that	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	49	sympathy	sympathy	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	50	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	51	human	human	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	52	nature	nature	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	53	always	always	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	54	seems	seem	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	55	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	56	require	require	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	57	under	under	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	58	suffering	suffering	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	59	but	but	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	60	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	61	met	meet	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	62	no	no	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	63	direct	direct	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	64	manifestations	manifestation	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	65	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	66	pity	pity	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	67	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	68	neither	neither	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	69	did	do	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	70	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	71	see	see	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	72	any	any	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	73	unfeeling	unfeeling	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	74	exultation	exultation	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	75	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	76	or	or	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	77	hear	hear	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	78	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	79	single	single	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	80	reproachful	reproachful	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	81	epithet	epithet	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	8	82	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	9	1	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	9	2	character	character	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	9	3	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	9	4	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	9	5	mob	mob	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	9	6	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	9	7	if	if	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	9	8	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	9	9	could	could	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	9	10	be	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	9	11	called	call	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	9	12	by	by	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	9	13	such	such	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	9	14	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	9	15	name	name	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	9	16	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	9	17	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	9	18	that	that	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	9	19	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	9	20	attentive	attentive	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	9	21	subordination	subordination	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	9	22	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	1	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	2	constable	constable	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	3	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	4	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	5	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	6	act	act	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	7	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	8	lowering	lower	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	9	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	10	upper	upper	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	11	plank	plank	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	12	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	13	when	when	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	14	benjamin	benjamin	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	15	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	16	who	who	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	17	had	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	18	pressed	press	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	19	close	close	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	20	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	21	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	22	side	side	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	23	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	24	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	25	prisoner	prisoner	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	26	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	27	said	say	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	28	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	29	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	30	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	31	hoarse	hoarse	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	32	tone	tone	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	33	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	34	as	as	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	35	if	if	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	36	seeking	seek	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	37	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	38	some	some	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	39	cause	cause	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	40	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	41	create	create	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	42	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	43	quarrel	quarrel	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	44	:	:	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	45	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	46	where	where	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	47	away	away	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	48	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	49	master	master	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	50	constable	constable	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	51	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	52	is	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	53	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	54	use	use	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	55	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	56	clapping	clap	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	57	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	58	man	man	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	59	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	60	them	they	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	61	here	here	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	62	bilboes	bilboe	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	10	63	?	?	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	11	1	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	11	2	neither	neither	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	11	3	stops	stop	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	11	4	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	11	5	grog	grog	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	11	6	nor	nor	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	11	7	hurts	hurt	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	11	8	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	11	9	back	back	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	11	10	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	11	11	what	what	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	11	12	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	11	13	is	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	11	14	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	11	15	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	11	16	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	11	17	do	do	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	11	18	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	11	19	thing	thing	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	11	20	?	?	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	11	21	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	1	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	2	'	'	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	3	tis	tis	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	4	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	5	sentence	sentence	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	6	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	7	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	8	court	court	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	9	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	10	mr	mr	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	11	.	.	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	12	penguillium	penguillium	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	13	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	14	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	15	there	there	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	16	's	be	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	17	law	law	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	18	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	19	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	20	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	21	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	22	s'pose	s'pose	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	23	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	12	24	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	1	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	2	ay	ay	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	3	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	4	ay	ay	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	5	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	6	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	7	know	know	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	8	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	9	there	there	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	10	's	be	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	11	law	law	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	12	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	13	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	14	thing	thing	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	15	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	16	but	but	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	17	where	where	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	18	away	away	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	19	do	do	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	20	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	21	find	find	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	22	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	23	use	use	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	24	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	25	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	26	say	say	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	13	27	?	?	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	14	1	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	14	2	does	do	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	14	3	no	no	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	14	4	harm	harm	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	14	5	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	14	6	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	14	7	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	14	8	only	only	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	14	9	keeps	keep	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	14	10	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	14	11	man	man	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	14	12	by	by	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	14	13	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	14	14	heels	heel	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	14	15	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	14	16	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	14	17	small	small	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	14	18	matter	matter	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	14	19	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	14	20	two	two	NUM
04-pioneers_035-1793	14	21	glasses	glass	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	14	22	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	14	23	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	1	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	2	is	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	3	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	4	no	no	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	5	harm	harm	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	6	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	7	benny	benny	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	8	pump	pump	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	9	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	10	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	11	said	say	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	12	natty	natty	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	13	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	14	raising	raise	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	15	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	16	eyes	eye	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	17	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	18	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	19	piteous	piteous	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	20	look	look	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	21	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	22	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	23	face	face	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	24	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	25	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	26	steward--"is	steward--"is	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	27	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	28	no	no	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	29	harm	harm	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	30	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	31	show	show	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	32	off	off	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	33	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	34	man	man	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	35	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	36	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	37	seventy	seventy	NUM
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	38	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	39	first	first	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	40	year	year	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	41	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	42	like	like	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	43	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	44	tame	tame	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	45	bear	bear	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	46	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	47	for	for	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	48	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	49	settlers	settler	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	50	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	51	look	look	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	52	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	15	53	?	?	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	1	is	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	2	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	3	no	no	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	4	harm	harm	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	5	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	6	put	put	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	7	an	an	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	8	old	old	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	9	soldier	soldier	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	10	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	11	that	that	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	12	has	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	13	served	serve	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	14	through	through	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	15	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	16	war	war	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	17	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	18	'	'	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	19	fifty	fifty	NUM
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	20	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	21	six	six	NUM
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	22	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	23	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	24	seen	see	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	25	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	26	enemy	enemy	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	27	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	28	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	29	'	'	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	30	seventy	seventy	NUM
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	31	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	32	six	six	NUM
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	33	business	business	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	34	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	35	into	into	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	36	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	37	place	place	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	38	like	like	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	39	this	this	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	40	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	41	where	where	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	42	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	43	boys	boy	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	44	can	can	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	45	point	point	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	46	at	at	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	47	him	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	48	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	49	say	say	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	50	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	51	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	52	have	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	53	known	know	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	54	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	55	time	time	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	56	when	when	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	57	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	58	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	59	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	60	spectacle	spectacle	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	61	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	62	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	63	county	county	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	16	64	?	?	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	1	is	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	2	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	3	no	no	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	4	harm	harm	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	5	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	6	bring	bring	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	7	down	down	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	8	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	9	pride	pride	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	10	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	11	an	an	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	12	honest	honest	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	13	man	man	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	14	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	15	be	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	16	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	17	equal	equal	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	18	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	19	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	20	beasts	beast	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	21	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	22	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	23	forest	forest	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	24	?	?	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	17	25	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	1	benjamin	benjamin	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	2	stared	stare	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	3	about	about	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	4	him	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	5	fiercely	fiercely	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	6	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	7	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	8	could	could	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	9	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	10	have	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	11	found	find	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	12	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	13	single	single	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	14	face	face	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	15	that	that	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	16	expressed	express	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	17	contumely	contumely	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	18	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	19	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	20	would	would	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	21	have	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	22	been	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	23	prompt	prompt	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	24	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	25	quarrel	quarrel	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	26	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	27	its	its	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	28	owner	owner	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	29	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	30	but	but	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	31	meeting	meet	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	32	everywhere	everywhere	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	33	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	34	looks	look	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	35	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	36	sobriety	sobriety	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	37	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	38	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	39	occasionally	occasionally	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	40	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	41	commiseration	commiseration	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	42	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	43	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	44	very	very	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	45	deliberately	deliberately	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	46	seated	seat	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	47	himself	himself	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	48	by	by	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	49	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	50	side	side	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	51	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	52	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	53	hunter	hunter	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	54	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	55	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	56	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	57	placing	place	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	58	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	59	legs	leg	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	60	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	61	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	62	two	two	NUM
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	63	vacant	vacant	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	64	holes	hole	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	65	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	66	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	67	stocks	stock	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	68	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	69	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	70	said	say	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	71	:	:	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	72	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	73	now	now	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	74	lower	low	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	75	away	away	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	76	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	77	master	master	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	78	constable	constable	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	79	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	80	lower	low	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	81	away	away	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	82	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	83	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	84	tell	tell	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	85	ye	ye	INTJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	18	86	!	!	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	1	if	if	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	2	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	3	so	so	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	4	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	5	be	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	6	there	there	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	7	's	be	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	8	such	such	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	9	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	10	thing	thing	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	11	hereabouts	hereabouts	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	12	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	13	as	as	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	14	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	15	man	man	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	16	that	that	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	17	wants	want	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	18	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	19	see	see	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	20	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	21	bear	bear	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	22	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	23	let	let	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	24	him	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	25	look	look	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	26	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	27	be	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	28	d	d	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	29	--	--	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	30	d	d	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	31	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	32	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	33	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	34	shall	shall	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	35	find	find	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	36	two	two	NUM
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	37	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	38	them	they	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	39	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	40	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	41	mayhap	mayhap	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	42	one	one	NUM
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	43	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	44	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	45	same	same	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	46	that	that	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	47	can	can	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	48	bite	bite	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	49	as	as	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	50	well	well	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	51	as	as	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	52	growl	growl	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	53	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	19	54	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	1	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	2	but	but	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	3	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	4	have	have	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	5	no	no	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	6	orders	order	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	7	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	8	put	put	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	9	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	10	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	11	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	12	stocks	stock	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	13	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	14	mr	mr	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	15	.	.	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	16	pump	pump	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	17	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	18	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	19	cried	cry	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	20	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	21	constable	constable	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	22	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	23	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	24	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	25	must	must	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	26	get	get	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	27	up	up	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	28	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	29	let	let	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	30	me	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	31	do	do	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	32	my	my	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	33	duty	duty	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	34	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	20	35	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	21	1	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	21	2	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	21	3	've	've	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	21	4	my	my	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	21	5	orders	order	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	21	6	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	21	7	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	21	8	what	what	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	21	9	do	do	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	21	10	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	21	11	need	need	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	21	12	better	well	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	21	13	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	21	14	meddle	meddle	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	21	15	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	21	16	my	my	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	21	17	own	own	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	21	18	feet	foot	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	21	19	?	?	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	1	so	so	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	2	lower	low	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	3	away	away	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	4	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	5	will	will	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	6	ye	ye	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	7	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	8	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	9	let	let	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	10	me	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	11	see	see	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	12	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	13	man	man	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	14	that	that	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	15	chooses	choose	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	16	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	17	open	open	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	18	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	19	mouth	mouth	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	20	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	21	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	22	grin	grin	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	23	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	24	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	25	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	22	26	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	1	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	2	there	there	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	3	ca	can	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	4	n't	not	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	5	be	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	6	any	any	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	7	harm	harm	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	8	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	9	locking	lock	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	10	up	up	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	11	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	12	creatur	creatur	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	13	'	'	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	14	that	that	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	15	will	will	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	16	enter	enter	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	17	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	18	pound	pound	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	19	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	20	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	21	said	say	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	22	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	23	constable	constable	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	24	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	25	laughing	laugh	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	26	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	27	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	28	closing	close	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	29	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	30	stocks	stock	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	31	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	32	them	they	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	33	both	both	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	23	34	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	1	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	2	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	3	fortunate	fortunate	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	4	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	5	this	this	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	6	act	act	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	7	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	8	executed	execute	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	9	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	10	decision	decision	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	11	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	12	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	13	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	14	whole	whole	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	15	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	16	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	17	spectators	spectator	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	18	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	19	when	when	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	20	they	they	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	21	saw	see	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	22	benjamin	benjamin	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	23	assume	assume	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	24	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	25	position	position	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	26	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	27	took	take	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	28	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	29	felt	feel	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	30	an	an	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	31	inclination	inclination	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	32	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	33	merriment	merriment	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	34	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	35	which	which	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	36	few	few	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	37	thought	think	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	38	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	39	worth	worth	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	40	while	while	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	41	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	42	suppress	suppress	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	24	43	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	1	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	2	steward	steward	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	3	struggled	struggle	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	4	violently	violently	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	5	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	6	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	7	liberty	liberty	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	8	again	again	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	9	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	10	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	11	an	an	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	12	evident	evident	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	13	intention	intention	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	14	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	15	making	make	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	16	battle	battle	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	17	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	18	those	those	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	19	who	who	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	20	stood	stand	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	21	nearest	near	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	22	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	23	him	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	24	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	25	but	but	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	26	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	27	key	key	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	28	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	29	already	already	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	30	turned	turn	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	31	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	32	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	33	all	all	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	34	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	35	efforts	effort	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	36	were	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	37	vain	vain	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	25	38	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	1	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	2	hark	hark	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	3	ye	ye	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	4	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	5	master	master	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	6	constable	constable	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	7	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	8	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	9	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	10	cried	cry	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	11	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	12	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	13	just	just	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	14	clear	clear	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	15	away	away	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	16	your	your	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	17	bilboes	bilbo	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	18	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	19	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	20	small	small	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	21	matter	matter	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	22	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	23	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	24	log	log	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	25	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	26	glass	glass	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	27	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	28	will	will	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	29	ye	ye	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	30	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	31	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	32	let	let	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	33	me	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	34	show	show	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	35	some	some	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	36	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	37	them	they	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	38	there	there	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	39	chaps	chap	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	40	who	who	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	41	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	42	is	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	43	they	they	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	44	are	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	45	so	so	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	46	merry	merry	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	47	about	about	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	48	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	26	49	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	1	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	2	no	no	INTJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	3	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	4	no	no	INTJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	5	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	6	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	7	would	would	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	8	go	go	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	9	in	in	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	10	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	11	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	12	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	13	ca	can	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	14	n't	not	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	15	come	come	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	16	out	out	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	17	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	18	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	19	returned	return	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	20	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	21	officer	officer	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	22	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	23	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	24	until	until	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	25	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	26	time	time	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	27	has	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	28	expired	expire	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	29	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	30	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	31	judge	judge	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	32	directed	direct	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	33	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	34	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	35	keeping	keeping	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	36	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	37	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	38	prisoner	prisoner	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	39	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	27	40	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	1	benjamin	benjamin	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	2	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	3	finding	find	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	4	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	5	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	6	threats	threat	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	7	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	8	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	9	struggles	struggle	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	10	were	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	11	useless	useless	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	12	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	13	had	have	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	14	good	good	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	15	sense	sense	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	16	enough	enough	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	17	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	18	learn	learn	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	19	patience	patience	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	20	from	from	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	21	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	22	resigned	resigned	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	23	manner	manner	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	24	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	25	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	26	companion	companion	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	27	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	28	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	29	soon	soon	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	30	settled	settle	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	31	himself	himself	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	32	down	down	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	33	by	by	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	34	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	35	side	side	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	36	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	37	natty	natty	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	38	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	39	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	40	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	41	contemptuousness	contemptuousness	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	42	expressed	express	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	43	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	44	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	45	hard	hard	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	46	features	feature	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	47	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	48	that	that	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	49	showed	show	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	50	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	51	had	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	52	substituted	substitute	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	53	disgust	disgust	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	54	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	55	rage	rage	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	28	56	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	1	when	when	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	2	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	3	violence	violence	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	4	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	5	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	6	steward	steward	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	7	's	's	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	8	feelings	feeling	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	9	had	have	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	10	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	11	some	some	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	12	measure	measure	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	13	subsided	subside	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	14	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	15	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	16	turned	turn	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	17	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	18	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	19	fellow	fellow	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	20	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	21	sufferer	sufferer	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	22	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	23	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	24	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	25	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	26	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	27	motive	motive	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	28	that	that	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	29	might	might	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	30	have	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	31	vindicated	vindicate	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	32	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	33	worse	bad	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	34	effusion	effusion	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	35	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	36	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	37	attempted	attempt	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	38	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	39	charitable	charitable	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	40	office	office	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	41	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	42	consolation	consolation	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	43	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	44	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	45	taking	take	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	46	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	47	by	by	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	48	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	49	large	large	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	50	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	51	master	master	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	52	bump	bump	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	53	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	54	ho	ho	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	55	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	56	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	57	's	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	58	but	but	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	59	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	60	small	small	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	61	matter	matter	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	62	after	after	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	63	all	all	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	64	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	65	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	66	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	67	said	say	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	29	68	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	1	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	2	now	now	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	3	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	4	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	5	've	've	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	6	known	know	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	7	very	very	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	8	good	good	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	9	sort	sort	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	10	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	11	men	man	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	12	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	13	aboard	aboard	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	14	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	15	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	16	boadishey	boadishey	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	17	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	18	laid	lay	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	19	by	by	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	20	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	21	heels	heel	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	22	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	23	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	24	nothing	nothing	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	25	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	26	mayhap	mayhap	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	27	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	28	but	but	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	29	forgetting	forget	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	30	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	31	they	they	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	32	'd	would	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	33	drunk	drunk	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	34	their	their	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	35	allowance	allowance	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	36	already	already	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	37	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	38	when	when	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	39	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	40	glass	glass	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	41	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	42	grog	grog	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	43	has	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	44	come	come	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	45	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	46	their	their	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	47	way	way	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	30	48	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	1	this	this	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	2	is	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	3	nothing	nothing	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	4	more	more	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	5	than	than	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	6	riding	ride	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	7	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	8	two	two	NUM
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	9	anchors	anchor	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	10	ahead	ahead	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	11	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	12	waiting	wait	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	13	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	14	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	15	turn	turn	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	16	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	17	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	18	tide	tide	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	19	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	20	or	or	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	21	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	22	shift	shift	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	23	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	24	wind	wind	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	25	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	26	d'ye	d'ye	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	27	see	see	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	28	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	29	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	30	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	31	soft	soft	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	32	bottom	bottom	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	33	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	34	plenty	plenty	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	35	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	36	room	room	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	37	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	38	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	39	sweep	sweep	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	40	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	41	your	your	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	42	hawse	hawse	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	31	43	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	1	now	now	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	2	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	3	've	've	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	4	seen	see	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	5	many	many	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	6	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	7	man	man	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	8	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	9	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	10	over	over	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	11	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	12	shooting	shoot	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	13	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	14	reckoning	reckoning	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	15	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	16	as	as	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	17	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	18	told	tell	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	19	ye	ye	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	20	moored	moor	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	21	head	head	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	22	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	23	starn	starn	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	24	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	25	where	where	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	26	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	27	could	could	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	28	n't	not	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	29	so	so	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	30	much	much	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	31	as	as	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	32	heave	heave	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	33	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	34	broadside	broadside	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	35	round	round	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	36	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	37	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	38	mayhap	mayhap	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	39	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	40	stopper	stopper	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	41	clapped	clap	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	42	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	43	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	44	tongue	tongue	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	45	too	too	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	46	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	47	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	48	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	49	shape	shape	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	50	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	51	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	52	pump	pump	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	53	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	54	bolt	bolt	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	55	lashed	lash	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	56	athwartship	athwartship	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	57	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	58	jaws	jaw	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	59	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	60	all	all	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	61	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	62	same	same	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	63	as	as	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	64	an	an	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	65	outrigger	outrigger	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	66	along	along	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	67	side	side	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	68	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	69	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	70	taffrel	taffrel	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	71	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	72	rail	rail	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	73	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	32	74	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	1	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	2	hunter	hunter	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	3	appeared	appear	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	4	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	5	appreciate	appreciate	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	6	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	7	kind	kind	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	8	intentions	intention	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	9	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	10	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	11	other	other	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	12	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	13	though	though	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	14	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	15	could	could	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	16	not	not	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	17	understand	understand	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	18	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	19	eloquence	eloquence	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	20	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	21	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	22	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	23	raising	raise	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	24	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	25	humbled	humbled	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	26	countenance	countenance	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	27	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	28	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	29	attempted	attempt	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	30	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	31	smile	smile	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	32	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	33	as	as	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	34	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	35	said	say	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	36	:	:	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	37	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	38	anan	anan	X
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	39	!	!	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	33	40	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	1	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	2	'	'	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	3	tis	tis	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	4	nothing	nothing	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	5	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	6	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	7	say	say	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	8	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	9	but	but	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	10	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	11	small	small	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	12	matter	matter	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	13	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	14	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	15	squall	squall	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	16	that	that	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	17	will	will	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	18	soon	soon	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	19	blow	blow	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	20	over	over	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	21	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	22	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	23	continued	continue	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	24	benjamin	benjamin	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	34	25	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	1	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	2	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	3	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	4	that	that	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	5	has	have	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	6	such	such	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	7	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	8	length	length	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	9	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	10	keel	keel	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	11	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	12	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	13	must	must	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	14	be	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	15	all	all	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	16	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	17	same	same	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	18	as	as	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	19	nothing	nothing	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	20	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	21	thof	thof	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	22	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	23	seeing	see	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	24	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	25	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	26	am	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	27	little	little	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	28	short	short	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	29	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	30	my	my	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	31	lower	low	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	32	timbers	timber	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	33	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	34	they	they	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	35	've	've	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	36	triced	trice	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	37	my	my	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	38	heels	heel	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	39	up	up	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	40	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	41	such	such	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	42	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	43	way	way	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	44	as	as	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	45	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	46	give	give	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	47	me	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	48	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	49	bit	bit	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	50	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	51	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	52	ca	ca	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	53	nt	not	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	35	54	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	36	1	but	but	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	36	2	what	what	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	36	3	cares	care	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	36	4	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	36	5	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	36	6	master	master	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	36	7	bump	bump	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	36	8	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	36	9	ho	ho	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	36	10	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	36	11	if	if	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	36	12	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	36	13	ship	ship	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	36	14	strains	strain	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	36	15	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	36	16	little	little	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	36	17	at	at	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	36	18	her	her	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	36	19	anchor	anchor	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	36	20	?	?	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	37	1	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	37	2	's	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	37	3	only	only	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	37	4	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	37	5	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	37	6	dog	dog	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	37	7	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	37	8	watch	watch	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	37	9	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	37	10	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	37	11	dam'me	dam'me	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	38	1	but	but	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	38	2	she	she	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	38	3	'll	will	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	38	4	sail	sail	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	38	5	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	38	6	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	38	7	then	then	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	38	8	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	38	9	that	that	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	38	10	cruise	cruise	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	38	11	after	after	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	38	12	them	they	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	38	13	said	say	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	38	14	beaver	beaver	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	38	15	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	1	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	2	'm	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	3	not	not	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	4	much	much	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	5	used	use	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	6	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	7	small	small	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	8	arms	arm	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	9	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	10	seeing	see	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	11	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	12	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	13	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	14	stationed	station	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	15	at	at	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	16	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	17	ammunition	ammunition	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	18	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	19	boxes	box	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	20	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	21	being	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	22	summat	summat	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	23	too	too	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	24	low	low	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	25	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	26	rigged	rigged	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	27	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	28	see	see	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	29	over	over	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	30	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	31	hammock	hammock	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	32	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	33	cloths	cloth	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	34	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	35	but	but	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	36	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	37	can	can	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	38	carry	carry	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	39	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	40	game	game	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	41	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	42	d'ye	d'ye	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	43	see	see	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	44	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	45	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	46	mayhap	mayhap	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	47	make	make	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	48	out	out	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	49	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	50	lend	lend	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	51	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	52	hand	hand	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	53	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	54	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	55	traps	trap	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	56	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	57	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	58	if	if	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	59	so	so	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	60	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	61	be	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	62	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	63	're	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	64	any	any	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	65	way	way	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	66	so	so	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	67	handy	handy	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	68	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	69	them	they	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	70	as	as	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	71	ye	ye	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	72	be	be	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	73	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	74	your	your	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	75	boat	boat	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	76	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	77	hook	hook	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	78	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	79	'	'	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	80	twill	twill	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	81	be	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	82	but	but	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	83	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	84	short	short	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	85	cruise	cruise	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	86	after	after	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	87	all	all	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	88	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	89	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	90	've	've	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	91	squared	square	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	92	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	93	yards	yard	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	94	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	95	squire	squire	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	96	dickens	dicken	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	97	this	this	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	98	morning	morning	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	99	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	100	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	101	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	102	shall	shall	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	103	send	send	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	104	him	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	105	word	word	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	106	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	107	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	108	need	need	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	109	n't	not	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	110	bear	bear	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	111	my	my	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	112	name	name	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	113	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	114	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	115	books	book	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	116	again	again	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	117	till	till	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	118	such	such	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	119	time	time	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	120	as	as	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	121	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	122	cruise	cruise	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	123	is	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	124	over	over	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	125	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	39	126	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	1	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	2	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	3	're	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	4	used	use	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	5	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	6	dwell	dwell	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	7	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	8	men	man	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	9	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	10	benny	benny	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	11	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	12	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	13	said	say	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	14	leather	leather	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	15	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	16	stocking	stocking	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	17	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	18	mournfully	mournfully	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	19	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	20	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	21	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	22	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	23	ways	way	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	24	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	25	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	26	woods	wood	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	27	would	would	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	28	be	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	29	hard	hard	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	30	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	31	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	32	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	33	if----	if----	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	34	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	35	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	36	not	not	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	37	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	38	bit	bit	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	39	--	--	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	40	not	not	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	41	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	42	bit	bit	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	43	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	44	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	45	cried	cry	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	46	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	47	steward	steward	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	48	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	49	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	50	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	51	'm	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	52	none	none	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	53	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	54	your	your	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	55	fair	fair	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	56	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	57	weather	weather	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	58	chaps	chap	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	59	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	60	master	master	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	61	bump	bump	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	62	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	63	ho	ho	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	64	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	65	as	as	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	66	sails	sail	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	67	only	only	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	68	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	69	smooth	smooth	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	70	water	water	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	40	71	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	41	1	when	when	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	41	2	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	41	3	find	find	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	41	4	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	41	5	friend	friend	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	41	6	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	41	7	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	41	8	sticks	stick	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	41	9	by	by	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	41	10	him	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	41	11	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	41	12	d'ye	d'ye	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	41	13	see	see	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	41	14	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	1	now	now	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	2	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	3	there	there	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	4	's	be	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	5	no	no	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	6	better	well	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	7	man	man	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	8	a	a	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	9	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	10	going	go	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	11	than	than	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	12	squire	squire	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	13	dickens	dicken	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	14	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	15	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	16	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	17	love	love	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	18	him	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	19	about	about	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	20	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	21	same	same	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	22	as	as	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	23	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	24	loves	love	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	25	mistress	mistress	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	26	hollister	hollister	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	27	's	's	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	28	new	new	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	29	keg	keg	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	30	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	31	jamaiky	jamaiky	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	32	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	42	33	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	1	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	2	steward	steward	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	3	paused	pause	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	4	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	5	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	6	turning	turn	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	7	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	8	uncouth	uncouth	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	9	visage	visage	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	10	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	11	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	12	hunter	hunter	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	13	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	14	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	15	surveyed	survey	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	16	him	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	17	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	18	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	19	roguish	roguish	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	20	leer	leer	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	21	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	22	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	23	eye	eye	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	24	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	25	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	26	gradually	gradually	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	27	suffered	suffer	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	28	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	29	muscles	muscle	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	30	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	31	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	32	hard	hard	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	33	features	feature	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	34	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	35	relax	relax	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	36	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	37	until	until	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	38	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	39	face	face	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	40	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	41	illuminated	illuminate	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	42	by	by	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	43	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	44	display	display	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	45	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	46	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	47	white	white	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	48	teeth	tooth	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	49	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	50	when	when	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	51	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	52	dropped	drop	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	53	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	54	voice	voice	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	55	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	56	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	57	added	add	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	58	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	59	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	60	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	61	say	say	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	62	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	63	master	master	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	64	leather	leather	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	65	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	66	stocking	stocking	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	67	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	68	'	'	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	69	tis	tis	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	70	fresher	fresher	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	71	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	72	livelier	lively	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	73	than	than	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	74	any	any	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	75	hollands	holland	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	76	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	77	'll	will	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	78	get	get	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	79	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	80	garnsey	garnsey	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	43	81	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	1	but	but	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	2	we	we	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	3	'll	will	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	4	send	send	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	5	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	6	hand	hand	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	7	over	over	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	8	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	9	ask	ask	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	10	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	11	woman	woman	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	12	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	13	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	14	taste	taste	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	15	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	16	for	for	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	17	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	18	'm	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	19	so	so	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	20	jammed	jammed	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	21	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	22	these	these	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	23	here	here	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	24	bilboes	bilboe	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	25	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	26	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	27	begin	begin	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	28	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	29	want	want	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	30	summat	summat	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	31	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	32	lighten	lighten	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	33	my	my	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	34	upper	upper	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	35	works	work	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	36	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	44	37	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	1	natty	natty	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	2	sighed	sigh	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	3	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	4	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	5	gazed	gaze	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	6	about	about	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	7	him	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	8	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	9	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	10	crowd	crowd	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	11	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	12	that	that	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	13	already	already	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	14	began	begin	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	15	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	16	disperse	disperse	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	17	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	18	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	19	which	which	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	20	had	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	21	now	now	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	22	diminished	diminish	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	23	greatly	greatly	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	24	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	25	as	as	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	26	its	its	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	27	members	member	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	28	scattered	scatter	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	29	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	30	their	their	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	31	various	various	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	32	pursuits	pursuit	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	45	33	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	1	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	2	looked	look	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	3	wistfully	wistfully	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	4	at	at	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	5	benjamin	benjamin	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	6	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	7	but	but	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	8	did	do	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	9	not	not	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	10	reply	reply	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	11	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	12	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	13	deeply	deeply	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	14	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	15	seated	seat	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	16	anxiety	anxiety	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	17	seeming	seem	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	18	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	19	absorb	absorb	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	20	every	every	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	21	other	other	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	22	sensation	sensation	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	23	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	24	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	25	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	26	throw	throw	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	27	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	28	melancholy	melancholy	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	29	gloom	gloom	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	30	over	over	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	31	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	32	wrinkled	wrinkle	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	33	features	feature	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	34	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	35	which	which	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	36	were	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	37	working	work	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	38	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	39	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	40	movements	movement	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	41	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	42	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	43	mind	mind	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	46	44	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	1	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	2	steward	steward	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	3	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	4	about	about	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	5	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	6	act	act	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	7	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	8	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	9	old	old	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	10	principle	principle	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	11	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	12	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	13	silence	silence	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	14	gives	give	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	15	consent	consent	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	16	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	17	when	when	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	18	hiram	hiram	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	19	doolittle	doolittle	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	20	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	21	attended	attend	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	22	by	by	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	23	jotham	jotham	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	24	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	25	stalked	stalk	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	26	out	out	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	27	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	28	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	29	crowd	crowd	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	30	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	31	across	across	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	32	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	33	open	open	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	34	space	space	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	35	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	36	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	37	approached	approach	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	38	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	39	stocks	stock	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	47	40	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	1	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	2	magistrate	magistrate	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	3	passed	pass	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	4	by	by	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	5	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	6	end	end	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	7	where	where	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	8	benjamin	benjamin	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	9	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	10	seated	seat	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	11	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	12	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	13	posted	post	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	14	himself	himself	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	15	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	16	at	at	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	17	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	18	safe	safe	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	19	distance	distance	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	20	from	from	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	21	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	22	steward	steward	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	23	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	24	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	25	front	front	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	26	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	27	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	28	leather	leather	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	29	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	30	stocking	stocking	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	48	31	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	1	hiram	hiram	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	2	stood	stand	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	3	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	4	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	5	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	6	moment	moment	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	7	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	8	cowering	cower	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	9	before	before	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	10	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	11	keen	keen	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	12	looks	look	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	13	that	that	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	14	natty	natty	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	15	fastened	fasten	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	16	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	17	him	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	18	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	19	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	20	suffering	suffer	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	21	under	under	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	22	an	an	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	23	embarrassment	embarrassment	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	24	that	that	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	25	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	26	quite	quite	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	27	new	new	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	28	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	29	when	when	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	30	having	having	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	31	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	32	some	some	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	33	degree	degree	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	34	recovered	recover	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	35	himself	himself	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	36	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	37	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	38	looked	look	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	39	at	at	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	40	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	41	heavens	heaven	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	42	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	43	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	44	then	then	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	45	at	at	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	46	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	47	smoky	smoky	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	48	atmosphere	atmosphere	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	49	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	50	as	as	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	51	if	if	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	52	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	53	were	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	54	only	only	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	55	an	an	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	56	ordinary	ordinary	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	57	meeting	meeting	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	58	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	59	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	60	friend	friend	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	61	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	62	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	63	said	say	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	64	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	65	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	66	formal	formal	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	67	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	68	hesitating	hesitate	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	69	way	way	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	70	:	:	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	71	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	72	quite	quite	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	73	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	74	scurcity	scurcity	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	75	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	76	rain	rain	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	77	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	78	lately	lately	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	79	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	80	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	81	some	some	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	82	think	think	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	83	we	we	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	84	shall	shall	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	85	have	have	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	86	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	87	long	long	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	88	drought	drought	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	89	on't	on't	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	90	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	49	91	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	1	benjamin	benjamin	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	2	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	3	occupied	occupy	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	4	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	5	untying	untie	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	6	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	7	bag	bag	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	8	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	9	dollars	dollar	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	10	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	11	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	12	did	do	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	13	not	not	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	14	observe	observe	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	15	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	16	approach	approach	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	17	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	18	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	19	magistrate	magistrate	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	20	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	21	while	while	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	22	natty	natty	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	23	turned	turn	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	24	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	25	face	face	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	26	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	27	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	28	which	which	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	29	every	every	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	30	muscle	muscle	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	31	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	32	working	work	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	33	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	34	away	away	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	35	from	from	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	36	him	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	37	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	38	disgust	disgust	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	39	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	40	without	without	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	41	answering	answer	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	50	42	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	1	rather	rather	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	2	encouraged	encouraged	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	3	than	than	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	4	daunted	daunt	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	5	by	by	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	6	this	this	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	7	exhibition	exhibition	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	8	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	9	dislike	dislike	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	10	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	11	hiram	hiram	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	12	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	13	after	after	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	14	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	15	short	short	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	16	pause	pause	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	17	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	18	continued	continue	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	19	:	:	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	20	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	21	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	22	clouds	cloud	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	23	look	look	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	24	as	as	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	25	if	if	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	26	they	they	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	27	'd	would	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	28	no	no	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	29	water	water	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	30	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	31	them	they	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	32	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	33	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	34	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	35	earth	earth	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	36	is	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	37	dreadfully	dreadfully	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	38	parched	parch	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	51	39	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	52	1	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	52	2	my	my	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	52	3	judgment	judgment	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	52	4	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	52	5	there	there	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	52	6	'll	will	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	52	7	be	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	52	8	short	short	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	52	9	crops	crop	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	52	10	this	this	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	52	11	season	season	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	52	12	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	52	13	if	if	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	52	14	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	52	15	rain	rain	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	52	16	does	do	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	52	17	n't	not	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	52	18	fail	fail	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	52	19	quite	quite	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	52	20	speedily	speedily	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	52	21	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	52	22	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	53	1	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	53	2	air	air	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	53	3	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	53	4	which	which	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	53	5	mr	mr	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	53	6	.	.	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	53	7	doolittle	doolittle	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	53	8	delivered	deliver	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	53	9	this	this	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	53	10	prophetical	prophetical	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	53	11	opinion	opinion	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	53	12	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	53	13	peculiar	peculiar	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	53	14	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	53	15	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	53	16	species	specie	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	53	17	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	1	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	2	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	3	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	4	jesuitical	jesuitical	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	5	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	6	cold	cold	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	7	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	8	unfeeling	unfeeling	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	9	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	10	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	11	selfish	selfish	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	12	manner	manner	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	13	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	14	that	that	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	15	seemed	seem	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	16	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	17	say	say	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	18	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	19	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	20	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	21	have	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	22	kept	keep	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	23	within	within	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	24	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	25	law	law	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	26	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	27	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	28	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	29	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	30	man	man	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	31	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	32	had	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	33	so	so	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	34	cruelly	cruelly	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	35	injured	injure	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	54	36	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	1	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	2	quite	quite	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	3	overcame	overcome	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	4	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	5	restraint	restraint	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	6	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	7	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	8	old	old	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	9	hunter	hunter	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	10	had	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	11	been	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	12	laboring	labor	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	13	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	14	impose	impose	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	15	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	16	himself	himself	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	17	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	18	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	19	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	20	burst	burst	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	21	out	out	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	22	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	23	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	24	warm	warm	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	25	glow	glow	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	26	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	27	indignation	indignation	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	55	28	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	1	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	2	why	why	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	3	should	should	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	4	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	5	rain	rain	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	6	fall	fall	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	7	from	from	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	8	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	9	clouds	cloud	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	10	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	11	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	12	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	13	cried	cry	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	14	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	15	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	16	when	when	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	17	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	18	force	force	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	19	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	20	tears	tear	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	21	from	from	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	22	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	23	eyes	eye	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	24	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	25	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	26	old	old	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	27	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	28	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	29	sick	sick	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	30	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	31	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	32	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	33	poor	poor	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	56	34	!	!	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	57	1	away	away	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	57	2	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	57	3	ye	ye	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	57	4	--	--	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	57	5	away	away	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	57	6	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	57	7	ye	ye	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	57	8	!	!	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	58	1	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	58	2	may	may	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	58	3	be	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	58	4	formed	form	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	58	5	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	58	6	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	58	7	image	image	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	58	8	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	58	9	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	58	10	maker	maker	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	58	11	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	58	12	but	but	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	58	13	satan	satan	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	58	14	dwells	dwell	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	58	15	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	58	16	your	your	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	58	17	heart	heart	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	58	18	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	59	1	away	away	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	59	2	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	59	3	ye	ye	INTJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	59	4	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	59	5	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	59	6	say	say	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	59	7	!	!	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	60	1	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	60	2	am	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	60	3	mournful	mournful	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	60	4	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	60	5	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	60	6	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	60	7	sight	sight	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	60	8	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	60	9	ye	ye	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	60	10	brings	bring	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	60	11	bitter	bitter	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	60	12	thoughts	thought	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	60	13	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	60	14	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	1	benjamin	benjamin	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	2	ceased	cease	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	3	thumbing	thumb	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	4	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	5	money	money	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	6	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	7	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	8	raised	raise	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	9	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	10	head	head	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	11	at	at	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	12	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	13	instant	instant	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	14	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	15	hiram	hiram	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	16	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	17	who	who	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	18	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	19	thrown	throw	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	20	off	off	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	21	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	22	guard	guard	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	23	by	by	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	24	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	25	invectives	invective	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	26	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	27	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	28	hunter	hunter	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	29	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	30	unluckily	unluckily	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	31	trusted	trust	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	32	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	33	person	person	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	34	within	within	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	35	reach	reach	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	36	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	37	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	38	steward	steward	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	39	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	40	who	who	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	41	grasped	grasp	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	42	one	one	NUM
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	43	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	44	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	45	legs	leg	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	46	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	47	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	48	hand	hand	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	49	that	that	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	50	had	have	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	51	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	52	grip	grip	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	53	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	54	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	55	vise	vise	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	56	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	57	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	58	whirled	whirl	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	59	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	60	magistrate	magistrate	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	61	from	from	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	62	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	63	feet	foot	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	64	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	65	before	before	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	66	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	67	had	have	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	68	either	either	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	69	time	time	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	70	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	71	collect	collect	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	72	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	73	senses	sense	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	74	or	or	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	75	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	76	exercise	exercise	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	77	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	78	strength	strength	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	79	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	80	did	do	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	81	really	really	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	82	possess	possess	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	61	83	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	1	benjamin	benjamin	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	2	wanted	want	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	3	neither	neither	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	4	proportions	proportion	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	5	nor	nor	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	6	manhood	manhood	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	7	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	8	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	9	head	head	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	10	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	11	shoulders	shoulder	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	12	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	13	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	14	arms	arm	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	15	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	16	though	though	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	17	all	all	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	18	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	19	rest	rest	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	20	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	21	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	22	frame	frame	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	23	appeared	appear	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	24	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	25	be	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	26	originally	originally	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	27	intended	intend	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	28	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	29	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	30	very	very	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	31	different	different	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	32	sort	sort	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	33	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	34	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	35	man	man	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	62	36	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	1	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	2	exerted	exert	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	3	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	4	physical	physical	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	5	powers	power	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	6	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	7	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	8	present	present	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	9	occasion	occasion	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	10	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	11	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	12	much	much	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	13	discretion	discretion	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	14	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	15	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	16	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	17	as	as	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	18	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	19	had	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	20	taken	take	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	21	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	22	antagonist	antagonist	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	23	at	at	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	24	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	25	great	great	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	26	disadvantage	disadvantage	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	27	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	28	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	29	struggle	struggle	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	30	resulted	result	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	31	very	very	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	32	soon	soon	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	33	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	34	benjamin	benjamin	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	35	getting	get	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	36	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	37	magistrate	magistrate	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	38	fixed	fix	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	39	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	40	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	41	posture	posture	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	42	somewhat	somewhat	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	43	similar	similar	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	44	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	45	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	46	own	own	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	47	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	48	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	49	manfully	manfully	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	50	placed	place	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	51	face	face	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	52	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	53	face	face	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	63	54	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	1	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	2	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	3	're	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	4	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	5	ship	ship	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	6	's	's	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	7	cousin	cousin	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	8	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	9	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	10	tell	tell	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	11	ye	ye	INTJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	12	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	13	master	master	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	14	doo	doo	X
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	15	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	16	but	but	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	17	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	18	little	little	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	19	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	20	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	21	roared	roar	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	22	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	23	steward	steward	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	24	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	25	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	26	some	some	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	27	such	such	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	28	matter	matter	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	29	as	as	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	30	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	31	ship	ship	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	32	's	's	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	33	cousin	cousin	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	34	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	35	sir	sir	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	64	36	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	1	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	2	know	know	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	3	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	4	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	5	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	6	do	do	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	7	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	8	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	9	your	your	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	10	fair	fair	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	11	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	12	weather	weather	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	13	speeches	speech	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	14	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	15	squire	squire	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	16	dickens	dickens	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	17	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	18	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	19	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	20	face	face	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	21	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	22	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	23	then	then	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	24	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	25	go	go	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	26	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	27	sarve	sarve	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	28	out	out	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	29	your	your	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	30	grumbling	grumbling	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	31	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	32	all	all	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	33	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	34	old	old	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	35	women	woman	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	36	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	37	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	38	town	town	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	39	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	40	do	do	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	41	ye	ye	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	65	42	?	?	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	1	ai	be	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	2	n't	not	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	3	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	4	enough	enough	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	5	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	6	any	any	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	7	christian	christian	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	8	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	9	let	let	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	10	him	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	11	harbor	harbor	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	12	never	never	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	13	so	so	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	14	much	much	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	15	malice	malice	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	16	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	17	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	18	get	get	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	19	an	an	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	20	honest	honest	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	21	old	old	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	22	fellow	fellow	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	23	laid	lay	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	24	by	by	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	25	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	26	heels	heel	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	27	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	28	this	this	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	29	fashion	fashion	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	30	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	31	without	without	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	32	carrying	carry	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	33	sail	sail	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	34	so	so	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	35	hard	hard	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	36	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	37	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	38	poor	poor	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	39	dog	dog	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	40	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	41	as	as	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	42	if	if	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	43	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	44	would	would	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	45	run	run	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	46	him	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	47	down	down	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	48	as	as	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	49	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	50	lay	lie	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	51	at	at	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	52	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	53	anchors	anchor	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	66	54	?	?	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	1	but	but	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	2	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	3	've	've	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	4	logged	log	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	5	many	many	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	6	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	7	hard	hard	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	8	thing	thing	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	9	against	against	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	10	your	your	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	11	name	name	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	12	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	13	master	master	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	14	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	15	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	16	now	now	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	17	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	18	time	time	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	19	's	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	20	come	come	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	21	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	22	foot	foot	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	23	up	up	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	24	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	25	day	day	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	26	's	's	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	27	work	work	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	28	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	29	d'ye	d'ye	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	30	see	see	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	31	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	32	so	so	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	33	square	square	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	34	yourself	yourself	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	35	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	36	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	37	lubber	lubber	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	38	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	39	square	square	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	40	yourself	yourself	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	41	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	42	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	43	we	we	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	44	'll	will	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	45	soon	soon	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	46	know	know	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	47	who	who	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	48	's	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	49	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	50	better	well	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	51	man	man	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	52	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	67	53	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	68	1	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	68	2	jotham	jotham	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	68	3	!	!	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	68	4	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	68	5	cried	cry	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	68	6	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	68	7	frightened	frightened	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	68	8	magistrate--"jotham	magistrate--"jotham	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	68	9	!	!	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	69	1	call	call	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	69	2	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	69	3	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	69	4	constables	constable	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	69	5	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	70	1	mr	mr	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	70	2	.	.	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	70	3	penguillium	penguillium	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	70	4	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	70	5	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	70	6	command	command	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	70	7	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	70	8	peace	peace	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	70	9	--	--	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	70	10	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	70	11	order	order	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	70	12	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	70	13	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	70	14	keep	keep	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	70	15	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	70	16	peace	peace	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	70	17	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	70	18	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	1	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	2	there	there	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	3	's	be	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	4	been	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	5	more	more	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	6	peace	peace	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	7	than	than	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	8	love	love	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	9	atwixt	atwixt	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	10	us	we	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	11	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	12	master	master	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	13	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	14	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	15	cried	cry	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	16	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	17	steward	steward	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	18	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	19	making	make	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	20	some	some	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	21	very	very	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	22	unequivocal	unequivocal	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	23	demonstrations	demonstration	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	24	toward	toward	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	25	hostility	hostility	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	26	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	27	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	28	so	so	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	29	mind	mind	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	30	yourself	yourself	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	71	31	!	!	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	72	1	square	square	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	72	2	your	your	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	72	3	self	self	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	72	4	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	72	5	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	72	6	say	say	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	72	7	!	!	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	73	1	do	do	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	73	2	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	73	3	smell	smell	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	73	4	this	this	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	73	5	here	here	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	73	6	bit	bit	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	73	7	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	73	8	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	73	9	sledge	sledge	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	73	10	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	73	11	hammer	hammer	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	73	12	?	?	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	73	13	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	1	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	2	lay	lay	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	3	hands	hand	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	4	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	5	me	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	6	if	if	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	7	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	8	dare	dare	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	9	!	!	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	10	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	11	exclaimed	exclaim	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	12	hiram	hiram	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	13	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	14	as	as	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	15	well	well	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	16	as	as	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	17	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	18	could	could	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	19	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	20	under	under	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	21	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	22	grasp	grasp	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	23	which	which	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	24	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	25	steward	steward	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	26	held	hold	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	27	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	28	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	29	throttle--"lay	throttle--"lay	NUM
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	30	hands	hand	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	31	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	32	me	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	33	if	if	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	34	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	35	dare	dare	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	36	!	!	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	74	37	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	75	1	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	75	2	if	if	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	75	3	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	75	4	call	call	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	75	5	this	this	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	75	6	laying	laying	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	75	7	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	75	8	master	master	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	75	9	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	75	10	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	75	11	are	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	75	12	welcome	welcome	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	75	13	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	75	14	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	75	15	eggs	egg	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	75	16	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	75	17	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	75	18	roared	roar	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	75	19	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	75	20	steward	steward	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	75	21	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	1	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	2	becomes	become	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	3	our	our	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	4	disagreeable	disagreeable	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	5	duty	duty	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	6	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	7	record	record	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	8	here	here	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	9	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	10	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	11	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	12	acts	act	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	13	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	14	benjamin	benjamin	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	15	now	now	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	16	became	become	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	17	violent	violent	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	18	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	19	for	for	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	20	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	21	darted	dart	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	22	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	23	sledge	sledge	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	24	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	25	hammer	hammer	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	26	violently	violently	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	27	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	28	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	29	anvil	anvil	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	30	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	31	mr	mr	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	32	.	.	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	33	doolittle	doolittle	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	34	's	's	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	35	countenance	countenance	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	36	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	37	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	38	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	39	place	place	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	40	became	become	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	41	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	42	an	an	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	43	instant	instant	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	44	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	45	scene	scene	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	46	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	47	tumult	tumult	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	48	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	49	confusion	confusion	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	76	50	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	1	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	2	crowd	crowd	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	3	rushed	rush	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	4	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	5	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	6	dense	dense	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	7	circle	circle	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	8	around	around	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	9	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	10	spot	spot	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	11	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	12	while	while	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	13	some	some	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	14	ran	run	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	15	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	16	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	17	court	court	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	18	room	room	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	19	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	20	give	give	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	21	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	22	alarm	alarm	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	23	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	24	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	25	one	one	NUM
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	26	or	or	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	27	two	two	NUM
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	28	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	29	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	30	more	more	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	31	juvenile	juvenile	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	32	part	part	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	33	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	34	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	35	multitude	multitude	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	36	had	have	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	37	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	38	desperate	desperate	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	39	trial	trial	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	40	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	41	speed	speed	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	42	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	43	see	see	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	44	who	who	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	45	should	should	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	46	be	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	47	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	48	happy	happy	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	49	man	man	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	50	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	51	communicate	communicate	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	52	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	53	critical	critical	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	54	situation	situation	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	55	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	56	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	57	magistrate	magistrate	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	58	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	59	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	60	wife	wife	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	77	61	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	1	benjamin	benjamin	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	2	worked	work	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	3	away	away	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	4	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	5	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	6	great	great	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	7	industry	industry	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	8	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	9	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	10	good	good	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	11	deal	deal	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	12	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	13	skill	skill	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	14	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	15	at	at	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	16	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	17	occupation	occupation	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	18	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	19	using	use	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	20	one	one	NUM
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	21	hand	hand	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	22	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	23	raise	raise	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	24	up	up	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	25	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	26	antagonist	antagonist	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	27	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	28	while	while	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	29	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	30	knocked	knock	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	31	him	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	32	over	over	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	33	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	34	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	35	other	other	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	36	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	37	for	for	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	38	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	39	would	would	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	40	have	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	41	been	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	42	disgraced	disgrace	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	43	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	44	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	45	own	own	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	46	estimation	estimation	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	47	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	48	had	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	49	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	50	struck	strike	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	51	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	52	blow	blow	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	53	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	54	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	55	fallen	fall	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	56	adversary	adversary	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	78	57	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	1	by	by	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	2	this	this	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	3	considerate	considerate	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	4	arrangement	arrangement	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	5	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	6	had	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	7	found	find	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	8	means	mean	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	9	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	10	hammer	hammer	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	11	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	12	visage	visage	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	13	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	14	hiram	hiram	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	15	out	out	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	16	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	17	all	all	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	18	shape	shape	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	19	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	20	by	by	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	21	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	22	time	time	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	23	richard	richard	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	24	succeeded	succeed	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	25	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	26	forcing	force	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	27	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	28	way	way	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	29	through	through	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	30	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	31	throng	throng	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	32	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	33	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	34	point	point	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	35	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	36	combat	combat	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	79	37	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	1	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	2	sheriff	sheriff	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	3	afterward	afterward	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	4	declared	declare	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	5	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	6	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	7	independently	independently	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	8	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	9	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	10	mortification	mortification	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	11	as	as	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	12	preserver	preserver	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	13	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	14	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	15	peace	peace	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	16	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	17	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	18	county	county	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	19	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	20	at	at	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	21	this	this	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	22	interruption	interruption	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	23	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	24	its	its	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	25	harmony	harmony	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	26	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	27	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	28	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	29	never	never	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	30	so	so	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	31	grieved	grieve	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	32	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	33	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	34	life	life	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	35	as	as	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	36	when	when	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	37	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	38	saw	see	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	39	this	this	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	40	breach	breach	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	41	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	42	unity	unity	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	43	between	between	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	44	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	45	favorites	favorite	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	80	46	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	1	hiram	hiram	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	2	had	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	3	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	4	some	some	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	5	degree	degree	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	6	become	become	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	7	necessary	necessary	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	8	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	9	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	10	vanity	vanity	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	11	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	12	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	13	benjamin	benjamin	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	14	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	15	strange	strange	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	16	as	as	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	17	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	18	may	may	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	19	appear	appear	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	20	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	21	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	22	really	really	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	23	loved	love	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	81	24	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	82	1	this	this	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	82	2	attachment	attachment	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	82	3	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	82	4	exhibited	exhibit	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	82	5	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	82	6	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	82	7	first	first	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	82	8	words	word	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	82	9	that	that	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	82	10	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	82	11	uttered	utter	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	82	12	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	83	1	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	83	2	squire	squire	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	83	3	doolittle	doolittle	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	83	4	!	!	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	84	1	squire	squire	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	84	2	doolittle	doolittle	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	84	3	!	!	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	1	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	2	am	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	3	ashamed	ashamed	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	4	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	5	see	see	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	6	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	7	man	man	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	8	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	9	your	your	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	10	character	character	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	11	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	12	office	office	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	13	forget	forget	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	14	himself	himself	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	15	so	so	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	16	much	much	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	17	as	as	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	18	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	19	disturb	disturb	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	20	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	21	peace	peace	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	22	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	23	insult	insult	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	24	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	25	court	court	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	26	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	27	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	28	beat	beat	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	29	poor	poor	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	30	benjamin	benjamin	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	31	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	32	this	this	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	33	manner	manner	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	34	!	!	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	85	35	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	1	at	at	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	2	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	3	sound	sound	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	4	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	5	mr	mr	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	6	.	.	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	7	jones	jones	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	8	'	'	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	9	voice	voice	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	10	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	11	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	12	steward	steward	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	13	ceased	cease	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	14	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	15	employment	employment	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	16	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	17	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	18	hiram	hiram	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	19	had	have	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	20	an	an	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	21	opportunity	opportunity	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	22	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	23	raising	raise	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	24	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	25	discomfited	discomfited	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	26	visage	visage	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	27	toward	toward	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	28	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	29	mediator	mediator	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	86	30	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	87	1	emboldened	embolden	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	87	2	by	by	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	87	3	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	87	4	sight	sight	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	87	5	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	87	6	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	87	7	sheriff	sheriff	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	87	8	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	87	9	mr	mr	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	87	10	.	.	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	87	11	doolittle	doolittle	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	87	12	again	again	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	87	13	had	have	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	87	14	recourse	recourse	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	87	15	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	87	16	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	87	17	lungs	lung	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	87	18	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	1	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	2	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	3	'll	will	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	4	have	have	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	5	law	law	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	6	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	7	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	8	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	9	this	this	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	10	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	11	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	12	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	13	cried	cry	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	14	desperately	desperately	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	15	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	16	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	17	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	18	'll	will	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	19	have	have	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	20	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	21	law	law	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	22	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	23	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	24	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	25	this	this	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	88	26	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	1	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	2	call	call	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	3	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	4	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	5	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	6	mr	mr	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	7	.	.	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	8	sheriff	sheriff	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	9	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	10	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	11	seize	seize	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	12	this	this	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	13	man	man	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	14	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	15	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	16	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	17	demand	demand	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	18	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	19	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	20	take	take	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	21	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	22	body	body	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	23	into	into	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	24	custody	custody	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	25	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	89	26	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	1	by	by	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	2	this	this	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	3	time	time	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	4	richard	richard	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	5	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	6	master	master	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	7	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	8	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	9	true	true	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	10	state	state	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	11	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	12	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	13	case	case	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	14	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	15	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	16	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	17	turning	turn	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	18	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	19	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	20	steward	steward	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	21	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	22	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	23	said	say	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	24	reproach	reproach	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	25	fully	fully	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	26	:	:	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	27	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	28	benjamin	benjamin	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	29	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	30	how	how	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	31	came	come	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	32	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	33	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	34	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	35	stocks	stock	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	90	36	?	?	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	91	1	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	91	2	always	always	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	91	3	thought	think	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	91	4	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	91	5	were	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	91	6	mild	mild	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	91	7	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	91	8	docile	docile	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	91	9	as	as	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	91	10	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	91	11	lamb	lamb	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	91	12	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	92	1	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	92	2	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	92	3	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	92	4	your	your	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	92	5	docility	docility	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	92	6	that	that	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	92	7	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	92	8	most	most	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	92	9	esteemed	esteem	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	92	10	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	92	11	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	93	1	benjamin	benjamin	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	93	2	!	!	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	94	1	benjamin	benjamin	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	94	2	!	!	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	95	1	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	95	2	have	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	95	3	not	not	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	95	4	only	only	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	95	5	disgraced	disgrace	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	95	6	yourself	yourself	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	95	7	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	95	8	but	but	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	95	9	your	your	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	95	10	friends	friend	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	95	11	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	95	12	by	by	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	95	13	this	this	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	95	14	shameless	shameless	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	95	15	conduct	conduct	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	95	16	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	95	17	bless	bless	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	95	18	me	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	95	19	!	!	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	96	1	bless	bless	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	96	2	me	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	96	3	!	!	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	97	1	mr	mr	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	97	2	.	.	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	97	3	doolittle	doolittle	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	97	4	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	97	5	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	97	6	seems	seem	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	97	7	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	97	8	have	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	97	9	knocked	knock	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	97	10	your	your	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	97	11	face	face	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	97	12	all	all	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	97	13	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	97	14	one	one	NUM
04-pioneers_035-1793	97	15	side	side	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	97	16	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	97	17	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	1	hiram	hiram	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	2	by	by	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	3	this	this	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	4	time	time	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	5	had	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	6	got	get	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	7	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	8	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	9	feet	foot	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	10	again	again	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	11	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	12	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	13	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	14	out	out	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	15	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	16	reach	reach	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	17	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	18	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	19	steward	steward	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	20	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	21	when	when	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	22	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	23	broke	break	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	24	forth	forth	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	25	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	26	violent	violent	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	27	appeals	appeal	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	28	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	29	vengeance	vengeance	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	98	30	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	1	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	2	offence	offence	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	3	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	4	too	too	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	5	apparent	apparent	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	6	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	7	be	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	8	passed	pass	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	9	over	over	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	10	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	11	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	12	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	13	sheriff	sheriff	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	14	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	15	mindful	mindful	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	16	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	17	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	18	impartiality	impartiality	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	19	exhibited	exhibit	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	20	by	by	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	21	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	22	cousin	cousin	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	23	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	24	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	25	recent	recent	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	26	trial	trial	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	27	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	28	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	29	leather	leather	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	30	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	31	stocking	stocking	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	32	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	33	came	come	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	34	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	35	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	36	painful	painful	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	37	conclusion	conclusion	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	38	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	39	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	40	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	41	necessary	necessary	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	42	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	43	commit	commit	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	44	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	45	major	major	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	46	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	47	domo	domo	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	48	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	49	prison	prison	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	99	50	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	1	as	as	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	2	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	3	time	time	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	4	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	5	natty	natty	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	6	's	's	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	7	punishment	punishment	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	8	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	9	expired	expire	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	10	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	11	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	12	benjamin	benjamin	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	13	found	find	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	14	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	15	they	they	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	16	were	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	17	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	18	be	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	19	confined	confine	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	20	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	21	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	22	that	that	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	23	night	night	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	24	at	at	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	25	least	least	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	26	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	27	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	28	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	29	same	same	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	30	apartment	apartment	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	31	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	32	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	33	made	make	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	34	no	no	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	35	very	very	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	36	strong	strong	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	37	objection	objection	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	38	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	39	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	40	measure	measure	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	41	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	42	nor	nor	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	43	spoke	speak	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	44	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	45	bail	bail	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	46	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	47	though	though	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	48	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	49	as	as	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	50	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	51	sheriff	sheriff	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	52	preceded	precede	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	53	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	54	party	party	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	55	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	56	constables	constable	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	57	that	that	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	58	conducted	conduct	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	59	them	they	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	60	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	61	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	62	jail	jail	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	63	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	64	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	65	uttered	utter	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	66	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	67	following	follow	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	68	remonstrance	remonstrance	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	69	:	:	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	70	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	71	as	as	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	72	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	73	being	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	74	berthed	berth	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	75	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	76	master	master	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	77	bump	bump	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	78	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	79	ho	ho	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	80	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	81	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	82	night	night	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	83	or	or	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	84	so	so	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	85	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	86	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	87	's	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	88	but	but	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	100	89	little	little	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	1	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	2	think	think	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	3	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	4	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	5	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	6	squire	squire	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	7	dickens	dicken	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	8	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	9	seeing	see	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	10	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	11	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	12	calls	call	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	13	him	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	14	an	an	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	15	honest	honest	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	16	man	man	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	17	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	18	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	19	one	one	NUM
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	20	as	as	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	21	has	have	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	22	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	23	handy	handy	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	24	way	way	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	25	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	26	boat	boat	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	27	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	28	hooks	hook	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	29	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	30	rifles	rifle	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	31	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	32	but	but	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	33	as	as	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	34	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	35	owning	own	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	36	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	37	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	38	man	man	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	39	desarves	desarve	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	40	anything	anything	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	41	worse	bad	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	42	than	than	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	43	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	44	double	double	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	45	allowance	allowance	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	46	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	47	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	48	knocking	knock	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	49	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	50	carpenters	carpenter	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	51	face	face	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	52	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	53	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	54	one	one	NUM
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	55	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	56	side	side	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	57	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	58	as	as	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	59	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	60	call	call	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	61	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	62	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	63	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	64	'll	will	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	65	maintain	maintain	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	66	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	67	's	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	68	agin	agin	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	69	'	'	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	70	reason	reason	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	71	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	72	christianity	christianity	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	101	73	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	102	1	if	if	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	102	2	there	there	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	102	3	's	be	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	102	4	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	102	5	bloodsucker	bloodsucker	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	102	6	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	102	7	this	this	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	102	8	'	'	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	102	9	ere	ere	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	102	10	county	county	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	102	11	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	102	12	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	102	13	's	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	102	14	that	that	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	102	15	very	very	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	102	16	chap	chap	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	102	17	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	103	1	ay	ay	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	103	2	!	!	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	104	1	i	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	104	2	know	know	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	104	3	him	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	104	4	!	!	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	105	1	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	105	2	if	if	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	105	3	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	105	4	has	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	105	5	n't	not	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	105	6	got	get	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	105	7	all	all	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	105	8	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	105	9	same	same	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	105	10	as	as	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	105	11	dead	dead	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	105	12	wood	wood	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	105	13	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	105	14	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	105	15	headworks	headwork	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	105	16	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	105	17	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	105	18	knows	know	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	105	19	summat	summat	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	105	20	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	105	21	me	i	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	105	22	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	106	1	where	where	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	106	2	's	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	106	3	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	106	4	mighty	mighty	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	106	5	harm	harm	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	106	6	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	106	7	squire	squire	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	106	8	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	106	9	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	106	10	you	you	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	106	11	take	take	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	106	12	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	106	13	so	so	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	106	14	much	much	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	106	15	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	106	16	heart	heart	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	106	17	?	?	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	1	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	2	's	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	3	all	all	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	4	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	5	same	same	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	6	as	as	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	7	any	any	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	8	other	other	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	9	battle	battle	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	10	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	11	d'ye	d'ye	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	12	see	see	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	13	sir	sir	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	14	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	15	being	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	16	broadside	broadside	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	17	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	18	broadside	broadside	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	19	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	20	only	only	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	21	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	22	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	23	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	24	foot	foot	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	25	at	at	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	26	anchor	anchor	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	27	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	28	which	which	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	29	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	30	what	what	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	31	we	we	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	32	did	do	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	33	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	34	port	port	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	35	pray	pray	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	36	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	37	roads	road	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	38	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	39	when	when	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	40	suff'ring	suff're	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	41	came	come	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	42	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	43	among	among	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	44	us	we	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	45	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	46	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	47	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	48	suff'ring	suff'ring	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	49	time	time	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	50	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	51	had	have	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	52	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	53	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	54	before	before	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	55	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	56	got	get	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	57	out	out	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	58	again	again	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	59	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	107	60	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	1	richard	richard	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	2	thought	think	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	3	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	4	unworthy	unworthy	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	5	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	6	him	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	7	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	8	make	make	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	9	any	any	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	10	reply	reply	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	11	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	12	this	this	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	13	speech	speech	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	14	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	15	but	but	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	16	when	when	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	17	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	18	prisoners	prisoner	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	19	were	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	20	safely	safely	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	21	lodged	lodge	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	22	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	23	an	an	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	24	outer	outer	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	25	dungeon	dungeon	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	26	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	27	ordering	order	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	28	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	29	bolts	bolt	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	30	to	to	PART
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	31	be	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	32	drawn	draw	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	33	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	34	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	35	key	key	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	36	turned	turn	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	37	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	38	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	39	withdrew	withdraw	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	108	40	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	1	benjamin	benjamin	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	2	held	hold	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	3	frequent	frequent	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	4	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	5	friendly	friendly	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	6	dialogues	dialogue	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	7	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	8	different	different	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	9	people	people	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	10	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	11	through	through	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	12	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	13	iron	iron	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	14	gratings	grating	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	15	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	16	during	during	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	17	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	18	afternoon	afternoon	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	19	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	20	but	but	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	21	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	22	companion	companion	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	23	paced	pace	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	24	their	their	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	25	narrow	narrow	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	26	'	'	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	27	limits	limit	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	28	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	29	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	30	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	31	moccasins	moccasin	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	32	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	33	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	34	quick	quick	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	35	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	36	impatient	impatient	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	37	treads	tread	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	38	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	39	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	40	face	face	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	41	hanging	hang	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	42	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	43	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	44	breast	breast	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	45	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	46	dejection	dejection	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	47	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	48	or	or	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	49	when	when	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	50	lifted	lift	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	51	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	52	at	at	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	53	moments	moment	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	54	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	55	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	56	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	57	idlers	idler	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	58	at	at	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	59	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	60	window	window	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	61	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	62	lighted	light	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	63	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	64	perhaps	perhaps	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	65	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	66	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	67	an	an	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	68	instant	instant	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	69	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	70	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	71	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	72	childish	childish	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	73	aspect	aspect	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	74	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	75	aged	aged	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	76	forgetfulness	forgetfulness	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	77	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	78	which	which	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	79	would	would	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	80	vanish	vanish	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	81	directly	directly	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	82	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	83	an	an	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	84	expression	expression	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	85	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	86	deep	deep	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	87	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	88	obvious	obvious	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	89	anxiety	anxiety	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	109	90	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	1	at	at	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	2	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	3	close	close	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	4	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	5	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	6	day	day	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	7	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	8	edwards	edwards	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	9	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	10	seen	see	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	11	at	at	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	12	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	13	window	window	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	14	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	15	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	16	earnest	earnest	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	17	dialogue	dialogue	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	18	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	19	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	20	friend	friend	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	21	;	;	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	22	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	23	after	after	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	24	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	25	departed	depart	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	26	it	it	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	27	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	28	thought	think	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	29	that	that	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	30	he	he	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	31	had	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	32	communicated	communicate	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	33	words	word	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	34	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	35	comfort	comfort	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	36	to	to	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	37	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	38	hunter	hunter	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	39	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	40	who	who	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	41	threw	throw	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	42	himself	himself	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	43	on	on	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	44	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	45	pallet	pallet	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	46	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	47	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	48	soon	soon	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	49	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	50	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	51	deep	deep	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	52	sleep	sleep	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	110	53	.	.	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	1	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	2	curious	curious	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	3	spectators	spectator	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	4	had	have	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	5	exhausted	exhaust	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	6	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	7	conversation	conversation	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	8	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	9	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	10	steward	steward	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	11	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	12	who	who	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	13	had	have	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	14	drunk	drunk	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	15	good	good	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	16	fellowship	fellowship	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	17	with	with	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	18	half	half	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	19	of	of	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	20	his	his	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	21	acquaintance	acquaintance	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	22	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	23	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	24	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	25	as	as	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	26	natty	natty	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	27	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	28	no	no	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	29	longer	long	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	30	in	in	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	31	motion	motion	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	32	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	33	by	by	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	34	eight	eight	NUM
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	35	o'clock	o'clock	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	36	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	37	billy	billy	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	38	kirby	kirby	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	39	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	40	who	who	PRON
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	41	was	be	AUX
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	42	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	43	last	last	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	44	lounger	lounger	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	45	at	at	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	46	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	47	window	window	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	48	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	49	retired	retire	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	50	into	into	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	51	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	52	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	53	templeton	templeton	PROPN
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	54	coffee	coffee	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	55	-	-	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	56	house	house	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	57	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	58	"	"	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	59	when	when	SCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	60	natty	natty	ADJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	61	rose	rise	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	62	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	63	hung	hang	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	64	a	a	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	65	blanket	blanket	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	66	before	before	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	67	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	68	opening	opening	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	69	,	,	PUNCT
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	70	and	and	CCONJ
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	71	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	72	prisoners	prisoner	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	73	apparently	apparently	ADV
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	74	retired	retire	VERB
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	75	for	for	ADP
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	76	the	the	DET
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	77	night	night	NOUN
04-pioneers_035-1793	111	78	.	.	PUNCT