id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _003394039 nan Catholics reply to open letter of 150 Protestant signatories on Spain. 1937 .txt text/plain 8761 411 61 Rector of Sacred Heart Church, Pittsburgh; Daniel F. Cohalan, New York; John B. Collins, Editor, The Pittsburgh Catholic; Monsignor Joseph M. Corrigan, President of the Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C.; the Very Rev. Harry B. Crimmins, S:J., President of St. Louis University; the Rev. Edward Lodge Curran, Editor, Light, Brooklyn; John L. Darrouzet, Galveston, Tex.; John M. Dealy, Na- tional Commander, Catholic War Veterans, Long Island 16 CATHOLICS REPLY TO OPEN LETTER City, N. Y.; the Rev. Francis J. Deery, Editor, The Provi- dence Visitor, Providence, R. I.; H. E. Desmond, Editor, The Catholic Herald Citizen, Milwaukee; Richard L-G Deverall, Editor, The Christian Front, Villanova, Pa.; John Donahue, Editor, Columbia, New Haven, Conn.; the Rev. J. P. Donovan, C.M., Professor of Sociology, Kendrick Seminary, Webster Groves, Mo.; the Rev. Bernard F. Dooley, Editor, The Catholic Sun, Syracuse, N. Y.; Mon- signor Thomas S. Duggan, Editor, The Transcript, Hart- ford; the Rev. John Dunne, Editor, The Tidings, Los An- geles ; the Rev. Robert J. Dwyer, Editor, The Intermountain Catholic, Salt Lake City; Benedict Elder, Editor, The Record, Louisville; Dr. Aurelio M. Espinosa, Romance Language Department, Stanford University; Thomas H. Fahey, General Manager of the Church World, Portland, Me.; John E. Fenton, National President, Ancient Order of Hibernians; the Rev. Edward J. Ferger, Editor, Catholic Union and Times, Buffalo; the Rev. Henry P. Fisher, C.S.P., Editor, Epistle, New York; the Rev. A. M. Fitzpatrick, Editor, the Catholic Press Union, Cleveland; Vincent De P. Fitzpatrick, Editor and Manager, Catholic Review, Balti- more; Monsignor M. J. Foley, Editor of the Western Cath- olic, Quincy, 111.; the Rev. Paul J. Francis, S.A., Editor, The Lamp, Garrison, N. Y.; the Rev. Dr. Edward A., Freking, Editor, the Catholic Telegraph, Cincinnati; the Rev. Robert I. Gannon, S.J., President of Fordham Univer- sity; the Rev. Harold A. Gaudin, S.J., President of Loyola University, New Orleans; the Rev. F. J. Gilligan, S.T.D., Professor of Sociology, St. Paul's Seminary, Minnesota; the Rev. James M. Gillis, C.S.P., Editor, The Catholic World, New York; the Rev. Francis P. Goodall, Editor, the Ben- galese, Brookland, D. C.; John J. Gorrell, Editor, the Catholic Observer, Pittsburgh; the Rev. John J. Gough, Editor, the Catholic Light, Scranton, Pa.; the Rev. Dr. Peter Guilday, Editor, the Catholic Historical Review, Catholic University, Washington; Monsignor Richard J. Haberlin, D.D., Vicar General, Archdiocese of Boston; Frank A. Hall, Director, Press Department, National Cath- olic Welfare Conference, Washington; Dr. Thomas B. Hart, Editor, the Catholic Telegraph, Cincinnati; Dr. Carlton Hayes, Columbia University, New York; J. J. Haverty, Atlanta; William F. Heckenkamp, Jr., National President^ 17 CATHOLICS REPLY TO OPEN LETTER Western Catholic Union Supreme Council; David J. Hef- fernin, Civil Court of Record, Miami, Fla.; the Rev. Thomas J. Higgins, S.J., President of St. Joseph's College, Philadel- phia; Dr. Ross J. S. Hoffman, New York University; the Rev. Edward L. Hughes, O.P., Editor, The Torch, NeW York ; George K. Hunton, Editor, the Interracial Review, New York ; the Rev. George Johnson, Editor, The Catholic Educational Review, Catholic University, Washington; the Very Rev. Paschal Kavulic, National Secretary, Catholic Slovak Fed- eration of America, Cleveland; the Rev. Thomas L. Keany, Editor, The Guardian, Little Rock, Ark.; Monsignor Rob- ert F. Keegan, Director of Catholic Charities, New York; the Very Rev. Anselm M. Keefe, President St. Norbert's College, West DePere, Wis.; the Rev. D. J. Kelly, Editor, The Catholic Week, Birmingham, Ala.; Louis Kenedy, National President, National Council of Catholic Men, New York; F. P. Kenkel, Editor, Central Blatt and Social Jus- tice, St. Louis; Herman A. Kreuger, Editor, The Catholic Herald, St. Louis; the Rev. John LaFarge, S.J., Associate Editor of America, New York; Maurice Lavanoux, Secre- tary, Liturgical Arts Society, New York; Monsignor Michael J. Lavelle, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of New York; the Rev. William La Verdiere, Editor, The Sentinel of the Blessed Sacrament, New York; F. W. Lawlor, Publisher, The Catholic Tribune, St. Joseph, Mo.; the Very Rev. Optatus Loeffler, O.F.M., Provincial of the Franciscan Fathers, Chicago; the Rev. Daniel Lord, S.J., Editor, The Queen's Work, St. Louis; the Rev. Robert H. Lord, Vice Rector of St. John's Seminary, Boston; M. J. Madigan, Manager and Editor of The Catholic News, New York ; the Rev. Theophane Maguire, C.P., Editor, The Sign, Union City, N. J.; Joseph Matt, Editor, The Wanderer, St. Paul, Minn.; Dr. George McCabe, University of Newark; the Rev. Raphael McCarthy, S.J., President of Marquette Uni- versity, Milwaukee; William H. McCarthy, Postmaster of San Francisco ; Monsignor Thomas J. McCarthy, St. Ed- ward's Church, Philadelphia; Monsignor Eugene J. Mc- Guinness, Secretary, American Board of Catholic Missions, Chicago; John F. McCormick, Manager, The Commonweal, New York; the Rev. P. A. McHugh, Editor, Superior Cali- fornia Register, Sacramento; Monsignor J. Francis A. Mclntyre, Chancellor of the Archdiocese of New York; 18 CATHOLICS REPLY TO OPEN LETTER Charles A. McMahon, Editor, Catholic Action, Washington; Monsignor Joseph A. McMahon, Our Lady of Lourdes Church, New York; Thomas F. Meehan, Editor, United States Catholic Historical Society, New York; Dr. Louis J. Mercier, Harvard University; the Very Rev. S. M. Metzger, President of St. John's Seminary, Texas; the Rev. James Meyer, O.F.M., Editor, the Franciscan Herald, Chicago; John Moody, New York; the Rev. Leo C. Mooney, Editor, The Catholic Courier, Rochester, N. Y 4 Monsignor A. F. Monnot, Director of Missions, Tulsa, Okla.; William F. Montavon, Legal Department, National Catholic Welfare Council, Washington; the Rev. Patrick J . Moran, Editor, True Voice, Omaha, Nebr.; the Rev. Charles J. Mullaly, S.J., National Director, Apostleship of Prayer and Editor, the Messenger of the Sacred Heart, New York; the Very Rev. Paul Nahlen, President of Corpus Christi College, Téxas; the Rev. Raymond W. Murray, Professor of Sociology, Notre Dame University; Charles N. Nennig, Editor, The Catholic Daily Tribune, Dubuque, Iowa; John P. O'Brien, New York; the Very Rev. Michael J. O'Connell, C.M., President of DePaul University, Chicago; W. T. O'Connell, Editor, The Catholic Northwest Progress, Seattle; the Rev. John A. O'Connor, Editor, Thé Evangelist, Albany; Mon- signor John O'Grady, Editor, the Catholic Charities Re- view, Washington; the Rev. John F. O'Hara, C.S.C., Presi- dent of Notre Dame University; Gordon O'Neill, Editor, The Monitor, San Francisco; the Rev. James P. O'Shea, Editor, The Southern Cross, San Diego, Calif.; the Rev. Joseph H. Ostdiek, Diocesan Superintendent of Schools, Omaha, Nebr.; the Rev. Brother Patrick, President of Man- hattan College, New York City; George Pflaum, Publisher, The Young Catholic Messenger, Dayton, Ohio; the Very Rev. A. H. Poetker, S.J., President of the University of Detroit; Martin Quigley, Publisher and Editor, The Motion Picture Hefald, New York; Joseph J. Quinn, Editor, The Southwest Courier, Oklahoma City, Okla.; cache/_003394039.txt txt/_003394039.txt