id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _003394232 Devas, Charles S. (Charles Stanton), 1848-1906. Socialism 1905 .txt text/plain 4581 222 69 I K E all others who speak of Socialism and wish to be clear, I rryist say at once whom I mean by Socialists—not the Anarchists who oppose all government, not the Communists who would have all things held in common, not the Extremists or Dynamiters who would use violence to attain their ends, not any of these whom there is no necessity to confute, but t h e scientific or moderate Socialists who would proceed by way of the ballot-box, with law and o r d e r ; and would contrive that sooner o r later all capital or means of production or sources of in- come should be t r a n s f e r r e d to the hand of the State, whether the central o r the local Government. T r u e that Socialists o f t e cache/_003394232.txt txt/_003394232.txt