id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
_003422219	nan	The art of making altar laces.	1923		.txt	text/plain	10900	677	97	3rd ROW: Ch 1; 12 d under 6 ch; turn; 12 d in 12 d; turn; 3 d in 3 d; ch 5 for picot; ad in same st; repeat this twice; 3 d in 3 d; ch 3; a d in center of 5th ch; ch 3; a tr in tr; (this is called a lacet); make 3 more lacets; 2 trs on 2 trs; ch 2; tr in 3rd of 5th ch. Ch 10; 3 tr; ch 4; join to first st of ch; 12 tr in this sp; 3 tr in first sp; ch 2; 3 tr in same sp; ch 7 and tr 3 into ch of 2; ch 3; tr 3 between third and fourth treble you made first; ch 4; sl st between 6th and 7th treble made first; ch 3 and turn; 3 tr on ch; ch 3 for picot; tr 3; ch 3 for picot; tr 3; ch 3 for picot; tr 3; tr 3 in next sp; 1 ch; 3 tr into top space; ch 1; 3 tr.	cache/_003422219.txt	txt/_003422219.txt