id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005195267 Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick, 1802-1865. The Anglican claim of apostolical succession 1905 .txt text/plain 21003 1084 69 But the Catholic Church occupies the whole world, taking in the very countries in which the respective 44 THE ANGLICAN CLAIM sects exist, surrounding and compene- trating them, and, therefore, by parity of argument, this is proved to be the true Church, from which all they are separa- tists and schismatics . Unde apparet quae sit arbor ramos suos per universam terram extendens, et qui sint rami fracti non habentes vitam radicis, atque in suis cuique jacentes et arescentes locis,” Ibid. 5o THE ANGLICAN CLAIM gation and fecundity is to be exercised till the end of time ; and, secondly, how the Catholic Church, then, as now, sternly excluded from its communion all sects that differed from it, instead of making the Catholic Church consist, as the tract- writers would desire, of the heterogeneous amalgamation of various Churches differ- ing in doctrine, as the Greeks, Syrians, and Anglicans, with the many har- moniously united in communion with Rome . cache/_005195267.txt txt/_005195267.txt