id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005195277 Hawkins, Dexter A. (Dexter Arnoll), 1825-1886. Archbishop Purcell outdone! : The Roman Catholic Church in New York City : And public land and public money 1880 .txt text/plain 11181 367 65 It is for the taxpayers and the opponents of a State Church and a State religion , and all friends of toleration in religion, TO INSIST UPON THE STRIKING OUT OF THESE TWO JESUITICAL CLAUSES IN THE STATE CONSTITUTION, AND THE REPEAL OF THE STATUTES THEY PROTECT. 1872. 1,042 90 1,987 2S 652 60 645 45 765 71 770 00 4,270 00 7,384 00 3,861 00 21,370 00 3.000 00 3,174 00 7,372 00 7,449 00 27,591 00 8,524 00 1.000 00 8,140 00 9,744 00 700 00 2,165 00 10.000 00 3,000 00 5,600 00 202,095 00 St. Peter’s 1,042 90 1,987 28 652 60 645 45 765 71 770 00 1,500 00 7,3S4 00 3.861 00 3,798 00 3,000 09 3,174 00 “770*66 Church of the Covenant Church of the Nativity Church of the Epiphany School of Bethlehem St. Boniface Church School 770 00 1,230 00 St. Patrick’s Free School St. Francis Xavier Male School J 6,167 00 6,167 00 5,238 00 St. Francis Xavier Female School Sacred Heart Female Academy Church of the Annunciation Church of the Annunciation School 2,240 00 2,240 66 j- cache/_005195277.txt txt/_005195277.txt