id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005195322 Johnson, George, 1889-1944. Catholic education : three addresses delivered in the Catholic Hour sponsored by the National Council of Catholic Men with the cooperation of the National Broadcasting Company and its associated stations, on Sundays from September 23 to October 7, 1934 1934 .txt text/plain 10758 504 66 In certain cities where the Catholic school popula- tion is large the cost of public school education is comparatively high. CATHOLIC EDUCATION 5 More than fifty years passed—years of growth and development for Catholic education—years of multiplication of Catholic schools—years which saw the ranks of devoted men and women who had con- secrated their lives to the mission of teaching con- stantly swelling—years that saw the Catholic schools in one diocese after another being organized for more effective w'ork—years that bore witness to the zeal, not only of Bishops and pastors, but of the faithful as well, for the promotion of Catholic edu- cation. cache/_005195322.txt txt/_005195322.txt