id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005195427 Catholic Church. Secretariatus ad Christianorum Unitatem Fovendam. Directory for the application of the decisions of the Second Vatican Council concerning ecumenical matters, April 16, 1970. 1970 .txt text/plain 6402 230 42 Throughout the whole period of their general theological training, whenever there is question of Catholic students cooperating in their intellectual formation with other Christian students, the principles set out in Chapter III, n. 1, must be especially borne in mind. Among the tasks that may be assigned to them are these: to help bishop and clergy and regional authorities to prepare the faithful to acquire a truly ecumenical mentality; to assist or direct the various diocesan and regional ecumenical commissions; to establish suitable relations with other Christian communities; to give special lectures on ecumenism in seminaries and other educational establishments; to organize ecumenical activity in Catholic schools and institutions; to foster the training of missionaries for their own special kind of ecumenical work.^^ Besides their solid general theological training, it is desirable that these experts: a) should have special advanced training in some branch of study — such as theology, exegesis, history, philosophy, religious sociology; b) should be properly instructed in the principles of the present-day ecumenical movement, in the questions which occupy it, in what it has achieved and has still to achieve. cache/_005195427.txt txt/_005195427.txt