id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005195433 Pius XII, Pope, 1876-1958. Divine order and harmony in the world : 1957 Christmas message of Pope Pius XII, December 22, 1957. 1958 .txt text/plain 8951 287 58 We desire to repeat to you, dear sons and daughters of the Catholic woidd, as Our fatherly greet- ing at this Christmas season which finds men with theii- gaze indeed raised on high, but with hearts heavy with anxious thought for the uncertain fate of the human family and of the earth itself on which it dwells. 3 Not thus was the gaze of the shepherds of Bethlehem nor of the wise men from the East when the news of the birth of the Son of God on earth was given—to one group by the angels’ appearance and to the other by the shining light of the mysterious star. Rather was it changed into a wave of consolation with a breath of ineffable peace and soothing harmony such as God alone knows how to infuse into the souls of men who seek Him, welcome and adore Him. cache/_005195433.txt txt/_005195433.txt