id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt _005195460 Sheen, Fulton J. (Fulton John), 1895-1979. The eternal Galilean 1934 .txt text/plain 46014 2020 78 As such we creep to the knee of the loveliest woman in all the world, the woman who alone of all women wears the red rose of motherhood and the white rose of virginity, the mother who in begetting Our Lord, became the Mother of Men ; and we ask her to teach us how to serve God, how to love God, how to pray to God. Man can talk to man in simple language without paradoxes; but when a God comes to this earth as man, to set at naught our cheap liberal morality, to create new values, to transform hearts by making them see how foolish the ways of men are to God, then He must speak on the two levels of time and eternity which is the language of paradox. cache/_005195460.txt txt/_005195460.txt